The true power of a serene and peaceful life

JANU:    Words such as serenity and peace seem strangely out of place in the current climate of world conditions. But make no mistake, our brother. These are the words that speak of true power, endurance, longevity, accommodation, and ongoingness. The healthy person—mind, body and spirit—is the one that is in harmony with these true powers, for they are in harmony with the flow of life and all the resource that brings.

Struggle, pushing, impatience, frustration have their influence but their influence does not speak of longevity and harmonious results with the other realities of life. Is the hollow achievement of the moment worth the disconnect from the richness of life, the resource of true power, clarity of understanding, insight, and connection?

The serene and peaceful life is an awakening life, the life that perceives the subtle encouragements and insights no longer obscured by doubt and worry, fear, anger, and aggressiveness. Serenity and peace, in their true meaning, does not mean an uninvolved life, avoiding the realities that exist, but a life as a ship navigating beautifully the seas of life, whether stormy or not. Achieving goals, inspiring others, serving life without demanding from it selfish fulfillment

So many opportunities, challenges, and gifts of life are unheard when one lives a brash and noisy life, without listening. Witness the confusion in the lives of those described in the media, the violence, the mayhem, even suicide. Serenity and peace are modalities of True Power and rich relationship with the flow of life. Choose wisely, our brother. Namaste.
Dec. 9, 2016                         Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


A peaceful and casual life

JANU:    Casual is the theme this morning. And what do we mean by this? Casual speaks to an ease in the midst of moving through your day, your challenges, your opportunities, your relationships, and your searching for the truth. Being at peace is not quite the same. Being at peace is more powerful in the sense of being at one with, attuning to. Being at ease softens the intensity which can be a distraction to flow. Being at ease in your quests minimizes any sense of urgency. Natural flow of the movement of life has an ease to it. Being casual allows for natural assimilation. The elements of consciousness and the body find balance with each other, for new understandings and experiences define balance with what is already established and the outcomes in your life define their natural fit.

Casualness does not mean indifference or lack of interest, but a more lighthearted approach to what is and what will be. Resisting change and the intensity of pushing for change with impatience is a disturbance in the flow. Balance becomes elusive. The flow of understanding and the natural fit become overshadowed. Being casual and at peace allows for harmonious relationships to endure the many changes. Urgency is noisier than the subtle realities that describe life more fully and the simple truths that are so powerful. Longevity is enhanced, embracing these qualities. Consider these carefully. Namaste.

Nov. 22, 2016                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Liberating the human spirit

JANU: We are entertaining again the invisible servers called upon by the activity of those consciousnesses that serve in the tradition of awakening. These beings are so at-one with the flow of the evolving life as to be transparent, so to speak, with their presence. Think not of these as a group of beings in a location but consciousnesses of like purpose throughout life. Their reality is not described by time/space, only their tradition of service and their oneness with those who serve. In this reality there is no such thing as small or large significance in service. Those who provide selfless service, even wars, do not ennoble the war, only that that lives in the consciousness of those who serve.

Lifting the consciousness of another, serving the liberation of their spirit lifts all of humanity, our brother, and does not end with one occasion. Child or elderly, rich or poor, this is the true power of life. As you consider every endeavor, every station in life, lifting consciousness brings a measure of freedom to everyone in one way or another. Be involved with the liberation of the human spirit. Nurture the reality of peace and life responds. Namaste, our brother.
Nov. 2, 2016 B                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 9 contains all prior attunements in this series.


You, the True Nature, and peace

JANU: The relationship of the True Nature to the human identity is one of peace, profound peace. The nature of this peace has to do with a profound love that is deeper and larger than most human understanding. This is why peace is mentioned so often in preparation for these journeys, and the resolution of challenges to incarnate experience. Becoming more conscious of the larger life is served by letting go of the mire of human emotion and motivations that tend to trap the consciousness into endless cycles and circles of self-defeating anger and frustrations and deprivations. Yet there are still moments of joy, beauty, and wonder that bring fulfillment to your capacity to balance the life amidst the pull of focuses of limitation that repeat and repeat.

The freedom of being that you enjoy when sharing the joy of another, grateful for their freedom, being one with their upliftment for their sake is part of the peace we refer to. Those moments touch deeply and open portals of connection to the beauty and depth of the True Nature, which is who you are. In these moments of freedom identify with your True Nature and retain some of that, returning to the realities of the incarnate life. People helping each other find moments of freedom enriches life and promotes awakening. Namaste.
Nov. 1, 2016 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 9 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Being at peace facing challenges

JANU: With the upheavals and turmoil of the day, politics notwithstanding, we encourage humanity to take the larger view. The upheavals are the smallest part of the larger picture. Perspective is what’s called for here, and that comes from seeing the bigger picture and placing upheavals in their temporary and smaller roles. Being at peace comes from being at one with that which is at peace. In the collective of life, the larger truth lives in peace and sees everything. So, as you view an upheaval in the life, in the microcosm of life, see it with a larger view. Draw on the power of that truth, not only to see solutions but to make the changes needed to cope with everything.

The term ‘peace’ does not whitewash anything, but is at the root of everything. It is true power and places uncertainties in clear perspective. Be at peace by being one with what peace is, the power of the Light which is the Truth of Life. Attune to its presence throughout your being, revealing who you are. Namaste, our brother. Be at peace.
Nov. 11, 2016             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Peace of mind

JANU: We are working on what you might call ‘peace of mind.’ We visit this subject from time to time for it is a valid foundation for exploring the larger life. You ask, “What is a mind at peace?” Using words to describe this is a limitation for common usage of ‘peace’ is based upon being an alternative to a mind in conflict, troubled, disturbed, frustrated, questing, angry. So the model for peace is ‘opposed to’ not ‘what it can become.’

A mind at peace is alive in the sense of being open, observing reality without prejudice, condemnation, judgement. A mind at peace is pregnant with the potential of discovery, miracles of understanding, natural joy, happiness and beyond, essential nature and the wonder of potential. A mind at peace is not consumed with finding fault or compelled to fix parts of life.

A mind at peace is not obsessed with time constraints or even the measure of it, you see. It is timeless. Urgency does not disturb it. Acceptance of life and its creations, a strong sense of ‘isness,’ observing and engaging cycles of life and its creations is from the perspective of timelessness. This too shall pass and more will come to be is a theme.

More than the absence of violence, a mind at peace is at one with life. It understands the true power of being and sees the beauty in everything. So many in your world are not at peace, but they could be. But they feel justified in their anger and frustrations, lack of justice, not being heard or listened to. Those who talk over each other do not listen, yet they want to be heard. Yet they do not hear themselves or understand their current frame of mind. They are expressers of patterns they do not own nor are masters of. They are like recordings, playing over and over, and being activated by the patterns of others.

Peace of mind understands this but is not possessed by it. True Power, our brother, is freedom. Freedom to be in harmony with life and the life that you are. Choose freedom from the prison, the confinement of these recordings in your consciousness, in your memories, that replay endlessly. Recognize them when they occur and make choices.

Awakening, our brother, is remembering, rediscovering who you truly are and its inherent freedom to be. Being at peace while exploring all of life is balance, equilibrium, a reference from which to explore everything. Be not identified by these old patterns, or new ones that look the same or have the same effect. Your true identity is free of this but understands it all. “Who am I?” is a worthy question. Listen for the truth of the answer. Namaste.
Sept. 27, 2016                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The temperament of awakening

JANU: We are holding then the temperament of awakening. Now, we have said that it is based on peace and willingness of an open mind. Many find impatience, anger, and frustration in their seemingly unanswered questions as to the nature of many concerns. The temperament we speak of is one of harmony with the True Nature, an identity that grows into the larger life.

You naturally ask, “What is peace, then?” As we have said before, it is more than the absence of violence. Peace opens the consciousness to embrace, without modification or restriction, the Truth of Life, the truth of your own nature. For where is the wisdom, our brother, to employ the nature of reality into the affairs of carnal living? Awakening is not a departure from the incarnate life, but the path to fulfilling it.

When one observes a Master of their consciousness, the peace is unmistakable. There is a presence of mind, a radiance of being, and the seeming miracles of understanding, of patience, and a love beyond description. When one touches the hem of that garment, miracles happen. One does not achieve this to be demonstrative or draw attention. It is a path of service that raises the consciousness of humanity and requires nothing.

Being at peace brings balance to the systems of the body, the energetic realities, the consciousness and the whole being, allowing communication between all of the systems, the reality of who you are. This is what ‘attuning’ means, our brother, all that you are, being as one. New thresholds are revealed, realities of life, possibilities of being and becoming, and a loving insight into the reality of humanity. Your thoughts and understandings are in perspective and you realize that everything is all right and can change. Namaste.
Sept. 20, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Peace, freedom and love

JANU: We are forecasting, if you will, and forming a deliberate attempt to inspire peace and freedom in the minds and hearts of people struggling to find truth in their lives, their True Nature, their purpose of being, their gifts of service, and their loving nature. These elements of achievement in the pursuit of these things are more powerful, more liberating, more illuminating than struggling, you see. Pursue, yes, but peacefully, with clarity, focus, openness, allow for the truth and a growing confidence in the abilities of your own True Nature, which is who you are. Pushing to achieve seems to have its rewards, but it limits you. Allow understanding, revelation, communication with life.

Your True Nature is talented, in harmony with the flow of life, contains the wisdom of so many journeys. Be the ambassador, the pioneer, the blessing for others by way of the peace and freedom of being. The answers and solutions to inquiries already exist. Frustration and struggle convinces you they do not.

Life is not designed to thwart you or keep you ignorant and in the dark, so to speak. It is designed to evolve, expand, create, grow, reveal. Its nature is harmonious, peaceful. Yes, the violence that appears in the formation of worlds, the destruction and the creating seem to fly in the face of this, but the purpose of these is understood peacefully, the peace that allows the flow of life to be at one with you. This is a flow of relationships, the currents of life.

There is a symmetry that includes far more than physical life. Every creation, every reality has purpose and conditions or parameters of its existence. One’s life can seem outside of this. That is a limited view, our brother. Simplicity at the root of complexity has endurance and reveals the complexity for what they are. Be not owned by these complexities of life, but understand them and the root of their existence.

Peace and freedom go hand in hand, and love does exist, our brother, for it holds all life together, all purpose, all destiny, all creation. The realities of love are a worthy journey of discovery. The love of human relationships is but part of the larger reality. Consider then the profound reality of simplicity, peace, and freedom on your journeys. Namaste.
Sept. 19, 2016 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Being at peace

JANU: We are moving forward again with this series on awakening. We are not suggesting in any way, our brother, that awakening is a requirement for a productive and happy life, but awakening affords many opportunities otherwise. There is a human tendency to create a framework for living that is defined by timetables, markers of achievement or lack thereof, goals that must be met, and comparing one life to another which includes judging. The larger life, our brother, has no such requirements. Find peace in yourself and your life no matter what.

Being conscious through awakening to a greater degree provides opportunities for engagement and satisfies a natural urge to evolve, to grow and expand, to enrich understanding, and to serve each other, inspire each other into richer lives. In a sense, these journeys are journeys of your True Nature, the source of these desires to evolve, to learn, to serve. But the human journey is temporary. The wisdom gained is permanent. It adds to who you truly are.

The unawakened human mind tends to fragment its life in the limits of one sojourn, seldom planning or considering a larger perspective to include many on the path of evolving; therefore, the perception of time limits for achievement. This does not bring peace in the sense that everything is all right. Your life is acceptable to the Source of Life, no matter what. Your True Nature never condemns you. By ‘you’ we mean the human identity, the human personality ego. It is a temporary journey with opportunities. The part of ‘being at peace’ as recommended is the acceptance of this and allowing others their own freedom to be.

Happier times are coming, our brother, as more and more awaken to the Truth of Life. The choice has always resided with each one. The societies, the cultures, the national order, the military, all of these things are human choices. None are required, but all are allowed to fulfill their destiny of experience and learning. Wisdom is gained through living life and the choices that are made. And all choices, our brother, can be changed. Life adjusts itself, moment by moment, based on outcomes, desires, and choices, and opportunities presented through engagement. Leaders and followers in your society have chosen these courses and they can change from one to the other in a moment. None of this is permanent.

Be the captain of your life, of your course, your path, guided and inspired by your True Nature, the Divine within you. Be at peace. Namaste.
Aug. 24, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Listening to life

JANU:    We are Janu speaking, peace being the theme for this journey. The unrest in the lives of so many is self-perpetuating and loud in the experience, drowning out the miracle of peace. The real power in life is peace, not frustration and anger. See, then, awakening as a journey into peace and, on that journey, discover its true meaning. Even in the presence of violence, troubling emotions, peace is a resource to re-establish harmony, cooperation, and collaboration. Remove yourself from concern about deprivation, unfulfilled dreams, longings founded in a sense of lack, and focus more upon life’s abundance. And life is abundant, our brother. Every breath, every heartbeat, progression of thought and understanding, miracles of opportunity, the courage and endurance to engage them, the unending gaining of wisdom, compassion and service. These are the hallmarks of peace, our brother.

The awakening journey is not something separate from incarnate life; it is part of it. The frustrated mind tends to see life as becoming full of challenges and obstacles, unfulfilled ambitions, growing almost daily. This misplaced attention does not see miracles around them, the opportunities within them, and the inherent richness of the resource of life to engage them. Realize, our brother, that each one is an agent of life, a specimen of life, and, yes, a jewel in that tapestry. Awakening brings this to the consciousness to see the truth of this and the magic that comes with it. Be not a magician lacking in anything. Anticipate and relish the next demonstration of the magic within you.

The life that you are is capable of so much more. In the sense of this reality, you already are all you can be. Unmanifest potential is potential nonetheless. Without awareness or consciousness of this, where do your dreams and goals and ambitions come from? What is their source? Achievements begin with a vision, an idea, an impression, a spark of awareness of a possibility and what it affords. You are already these. Become aware of them. Remember: what your attention is on, you are connected to. Put your attention upon who you truly are and all that that means.

One of the markers, the expression of this reality is happiness, at peace, no longer identified as being alone in life but as part of it, at one with it, integrated into the larger family of life, mutually beneficial. These words of encouragement may fall on deaf ears but there are those beginning to listen, for their own True Natures are part of this message. So, listen, our brother, with your mind, your heart, your true being, for life is speaking in so many ways. One need only listen. Life has always been speaking to everyone. Learning to listen and understand is part of awakening. Allow yourself the richness that it brings. And namaste, all.
Aug. 8, 2016                                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.