True Power

JANU: The next in this series on Associations and Collaborations has to do with the diminishing power of circumstance, external influences, over the growing power of consciousness, of being. This would seem a trade-off, undesirable by many who bask themselves in the illusions of their power, the power of their influences over others. It begs the question, “What is the nature of power? Is there more than one concept of power?”

When dealing with others in circumstances and relationships human, there is a tendency, a component, of the thoughts and attitudes of having advantage as the result of a relationship, of gaining some kind of power. In the larger life, one has little need of this, in fact, no need, for the reality of power exists within the being, in harmony with the power of the flow of life, its expansive reality, all pervasive presence, and the reality of being one with everything. What physical or human perception of power is of more value? It depends upon the scope and nature of your world, what you have chosen.

When engaging, exploring the larger life, these are not your concerns. Your desire is to understand, be part of in a positive way the vitality and expansion of life, the continuation, the evolution, the enrichment. This power, our brother, is the epitome of peace. No fear of laws as with the human perception. No fear of disadvantage. In fact, concern is for the well-being and enrichment of the rest of life, other beings, other consciousnesses. For you live a life where all of these are part of you.

The purpose of this morning’s journey is the development of a consciousness that intertwines beautifully with this larger reality, and realities of life yet to be imagined. Many speak of love and its many interpretations. The love we speak of includes all and allows all life to be. It finds value in everything, for it is part of everything and, through this, you are as well.

Learn of, understand, embrace, and be True Power. The human misinterpretation or illusion of power is part of this larger life as well, but it is limited. You are moving beyond these limitations, rejecting nothing, embracing everything with your own true integrity and True Nature. Stand in your truth and love all of life, allowing that peace to grow within you. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

July 11, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


The seven: Patterning a world with peace

JANU: The title you have chosen for this series is appropriate: Associations and Collaborations. That is exactly what we embrace. To begin with this morning, let us return to that which has been established, the seven who are one. They have a message and it is this, our brother.

JR: Greetings, Seven. You may proceed.

SEVEN: Yes, and gratefully so, for we are establishing here a pathway to grander things. The associations and collaborations you speak of are not all new, but are ongoing. They dovetail nicely into an expansion of these.

One such association and collaboration includes the establishment of peace and its true reality on other worlds, in other communities. What we visit here at this time is an established effort progressing on a world teeming with life but more primitive than your own. Giving peace a foothold in the development of burgeoning civilization will help bring the wisdom needed to achieve greater things than wars have ever achieved. This world lies within a Barminian cluster of stars and worlds thirteen parsecs from your own.

As you can see, our brother, your associations are not limited to your vicinity. As a matter of fact, your current location of incarnation is more remote than your history.

This world of which we speak has been in existence a very short time, a thousand millennia, but it is developing rapidly. The contribution of peace in this world assists in the organization of basic structure, meaning molecularly and atomically, as well as relationships between the elements of nature. This contribution of peace has a strong bearing upon the rate of development and its outcome for a world.

Contributions in consciousness of this nature are a grand service to life and are creative, for the patterns of existence are patterned by these. We shall continue with this, our brother, as you understand. Namaste.

June 29, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. 


Awakening 17: Getting to know the True Nature

JANU: We are aware of the interest in getting to know the reality of your True Nature. This begins with being open to the core of your consciousness, opening to the deepest within you, to the presence of your identity, the true nature of your concerns and desires, hopes and dreams, and ‘wonderments’ about life.

There is a beginning sense that there is within you: understanding; profound peace; a love difficult to put into words; permanence as to origin and destiny; and limitlessness; a truth within you that cannot be contained; a genius for being; the home you once knew and explored life as; the richness that keeps growing and deepening; patience that transcends all urgency; freedom to experience everything; a sense of being not limited to any concept; eternity, a concept with no meaning for time and space are shadows.

Whatever interests you, life reveals it. And every being that you become aware of is as a universe of discovery. Dwell in this and find peace in the sanity of it all. Namaste.
May 3, 2016                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


The miracles of life

JANU: We are reaching, symbolically, into ‘our bag of tricks,’ seeming magical and illusive to most. But they are not, our brother.

Opening the bag and reaching in, one finds a peaceful consciousness that seems unlimited. A growing understanding of the nature and elements of many planes of existence. The power of the understanding of truth that is in motion. The power of perfect understanding, the perfect moment or juncture in someone’s life. A so-called ‘sweet spot’ in consciousness that triggers the revelation of so much. The magic of inspiration, illumination, and a balance in the presence of everything. And open-mindedness, with discernment and growing depth of perception. And vitality.

The goal here is not to bypass life and its challenges or opportunities, but to own them, the master of the journey. So you see, our brother, not tricks at all but the miracles of life. Namaste.
Mar. 15, 2016 B                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Pure Being and True Peace

JANU:    What we discuss and observe here this morning has to do with the bending of the so-called rules we have allowed for journeying. We are moving beyond this, our brother, into a region or realm of life more universal, more inclusive, more cosmic in scale. The so-called protocols you refer to for engagement are left behind. There is no protocol to be, for the beingness we engage is not limited by these. Life is, our brother. The so-called protocols exist to structure creation, manifestation, wisdom-gaining, and continuation. ‘Being’ is not described by these, or defined. This is true freedom, that was always the core reality of all of the journeys of life and, yes, the understandings.

The peace we speak of is not a protocol, but a constant reality and the nature of being. A life of any creation, our brother, is the essential reality of beingness. Being at peace is ‘being.’ Being at peace is one with everything. Your human consciousness is part of this. Your True Nature is this. Thank you and namaste.
Mar. 15, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Refer to Pure Beingness  for background.


A new group coming in the Fall

JANU: We are pleased to announce that, coming this Fall, there will be an organization that requires persistence in a demarcation to ascend from darkness into the Light. No longer the affairs of humanity left to the wind.

Now, this organization is made up of humans who have come to realize that there are opportunities coming to humanity that will call upon human potential to take a stand. These thresholds on the human journey arrive from time to time and play a role in making choices. Wisdom indicates that humanity has a destiny and peace is the theme. Not defined by the absence of wars and conflict but by cooperation, mutual support, realization of ideals, and benefit of one kind or another for everyone. It is going to take the combined consciousness of a more enlightened humanity to embrace these opportunities that will enrich their lives.

This does not mean the loss of free will to choose, but a greater clarity of the choices. Be alert to movement in this direction. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 23, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Living at peace in the flow of life

JANU: We are assuming the responsibility for prolonging and fulfilling the opportunity for that which comes most naturally: living consciously and at peace. We explore this reality with you, not as something new but a return to the fuller experience, the fuller life, taking nothing away from common experience but adding everything to. Being at peace always, and conscious, and engaged, insightful, and alive more fully is living with presence of being. Much is said of this way of living but it is still unfamiliar to the many who speak of it.

Let us engage this then ever more fully. The physical body will thrive and serve well for as long as needed. Deadlines are artificial living. Urgency is an illusion. Replace these with evenmindedness, a sense of timelessness yet filled with profound engagement, service, and a growing wisdom. These are the hallmarks of successful living, giving yourself the freedom to love life.

Large corporations and governments provide services but consume much and convince societies that the consumptions are in their interest. Well, the planet is not convinced of this, and neither are we. Balance, measured involvement, and consumption that is renewable are worthy goals. Insatiable appetites, consumption with waste, demanding replacement rather than renewal, squeezing the last drop of goodness from everything brings peril to the shortsighted.

Even these journeys, our brother, on a strict and demanding time scale is mismanagement. They are inexhaustible when allowed to flow as they will. Be at peace in every pursuit and life’s bounty will flourish, even more grand than you imagine. We linger with you always. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 17, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The beauty of oneness

JANU: Welcome on a journey of exploration into the seeming vastness of life beyond imagination. At what point is this revelation meaningless in terms of the finite perceptions of life? The primary principles of life might seem to have less awe-inspiring reality than life’s creations, for in the human journey the interaction of creations is focused upon as the magic of life, interactions that can be described, emulated, repeated, and have meaning. How does one see, then, beyond this magic to appreciate the beauty of Pure Being? The human journey is an opportunity to realize the scope of this and find meaning in potential.

So let us continue our explorations with this in mind, that meaning and being are one. See not the incarnate life as a departure from the beauty of the rest of life. In oneness, beauty translates throughout all creation, all realities, and Pure Being is another perspective of the one Life. The one Life infinitely varied and countless shades of meaning and purpose and beauty. Find this in everything. All of it is wonderful. All of it tells stories of Life.

There is magic and beauty in one form or another everywhere. Whether time/space or not, it matters not. There is a unity in all of life, in the midst of unlimited diversity. See your existence in this way as well, your thoughts, your feelings, your desires, your ambitions. And in people’s struggles as well. When you are at peace, you are one. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 19, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Loving all of life

JANU:    We welcome again the opportunity to journey as one into the Truth of Life. As you can see, our brother, being of a loving, forgiving, and agreeable nature brings peace and freedom to be. Experiencing the application of this without limitation or qualification is the path of expansion and pleasant return to that which you have known. Living as a human can be challenging to this point of view, but only if this point of view is unexplored.

Witnessing the experiences you had without regret, as you head into the future and embrace these opportunities, is liberating. Confrontation need no longer be a battle, so to speak, but the fulfillment of opportunity to embrace life in freedom and with peace, with insight and wisdom. You have been told that everyone is already perfect. Embracing life in this way reveals the truth of this. No longer blinded by the perception of deficiencies and mistakes, but seeing the potential of success in everything and everyone. Walking this path in life, you will find good company. Namaste.

Jan. 29, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Living your truth

JANU: The reality of the presence, so to speak, the co-existence of the elements of your True Nature, including the human journey, the human consciousness, is a natural experience in awakening. Your human consciousness, infused with the larger wisdom and experience of your total being, is part of the journey of oneness consciousness. More than a phrase or a principle or a concept, but a working reality in your perceptions, communications, inspirations, and decisions, and your goals in life. A natural reality to become aware of and to become a viable experience, tangible on so many levels.

Many experiences and motivations draw on this reality, even though unaware of what is transpiring, or able now to survey incarnate life and see that it has been interspersed with true insights from the subtler realms of being. Everywhere in the life this presence exists. You realize that you are no longer just human, becoming more conscious as a complete being. No matter the perception, emotional involvement, you are aware of peace as part of your foundation for engaging everything. And with that peace comes the inflow of a more illumined you. When embracing any challenge, physical or otherwise, this inflow of energy, peacefulness, understanding, and resolve sheds light on everything. Remember, light is the Truth of Life. Suddenly, your identity as only a human being gives way to something grander, vital, present, and permanent. And even this is evolving, our brother.

Identity reveals itself with a growing knowledge, understanding, and connection with what that identity refers to. Much more than a word, you see, but an expanded way of living. Choose to be open to and allow all that you are to become known to you. This is the ‘you’ that has always existed. Time to return home. This home includes being human as well. Living this way does not require leaving the human experience. The opportunity here is to be one with all that you are. Namaste.

Dec. 15, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross