Getting on with living

JANU: We recognize the accumulation of spirit in the sense of the general state of consciousness of humanity on the Earth. The consciousness we speak of transcends time and space, imprinted forever. As we observe collective human consciousness, we see its color changing, becoming brighter, more synergistic, and a growing appetite for freedom from the constraints of limited consciousness. For some, science is a divergence from this restriction of ignorance, but the science of exploration and consciousness has yet to become mainstream.

You question the use of the word ‘color.’ By this we mean tone, essence, nature. Now, be aware of this, our brother, that this tone, this essence does not occur unnoticed. All of life is connected and the desire or request for freedom is responded to. Human consciousness is evolving, but in the larger reality calling it ‘human consciousness’ is only part of the story. Most will say, “What else is there? It is all we are aware of.” As your consciousness evolves, it becomes more aware of that not seen.

Individual consciousness is very familiar with its own world. Marriage includes that of another and all of the interaction. Moving toward global concerns elevates the consciousness and lays the foundation for other worlds and then other realities. Awakening, our brother, modifies decision-making, values, behavior, goals, and your sense of being. Growing in sensitivity, understanding, and appreciation of other expressions of life than not just human changes your perspective. Collective human consciousness is a mix of many perspectives but there is an overall theme, and that is an acceptance of life as it is, including your own. Which includes change and experimentation.

Predictability of life is that it will continue. The creations, the manifestations are the proof of it. Exploring these realities, these expressions of life, begs the question, “Who or what is doing the exploring and what is gained?” These journeys, our brother, are encouragements to awaken to this. Find peace in the discovering and get on with living. Namaste.
Sept. 30, 2016 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The duration of humanity

JANU: We are focusing, then, upon the duration of the human journey and its stages of evolution and thresholds of service. The duration of the human journey begs the question: What is human? A certain species, yes. An evolutionary path of consciousness, yes. A pattern of certain qualities in the larger reality of service to life, yes. A species unique but changing, but not only of the Earth.

Physical stature to become thinner and taller due to lifestyle changes, evolution of DNA, activation of DNA elements, changes in consciousness, and changes in environment. Humanity has already changed a great deal physically. The reasons for these continue. Colonies on other worlds present environmental changes. The humanity changes will find their way to the rest of the population, to varying degrees. So these explorations, you see, are not isolated in their influence.

Inner journeying changes perspective, understanding, and awareness of the self and its potential. This will continue on, our brother, for many millennia. The larger the experience and perspective, the less need for brutal conflict, selfishness, and personal empire building. The strength and well-being of the collective will be understood as individually and mutually beneficial. Enriching the whole serves the individual as well.

The accumulation of True Power and its expression will endure. Individuality and a sense of the wholeness of the collective continue harmoniously. In many ways, the reality of the collective finds expression and meaning individually. Humanity is adaptable to the varying experiences of other worlds, other beings, other life realities energetically and beyond. Humanity’s existence is already a product of these. The perspective of ‘this or that’ gives way to ‘this and that,’ becoming more. The joy of fulfillment no longer limited to personal gains or the illusion of wealth and ownership of possessions. Life becomes more fluid with opportunities and realities moving in and out and through the life. This serves the flow of life and the converse is true.

So, you see, our brother, humanity is more than the physical body and its current configuration. Life endures, evolves, serves itself.   Experiences beyond number line the path of the future of humanity. So the endurance, you see, is not defined by outcome but by the journey. Full of change, full of traditions that come and go, and full of beauty and love yet to be understood. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 28, 2016                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Why or why not awaken?  

JANU: Yes, some may say, “Why not awaken?” and others, “Why?” We should say this, at this time, “The choice is yours.”

Now, awakening is a natural evolutionary process. Marches on whether focused upon or not. The awakening process we speak of is the removal of impediments to awakening, a natural occurrence, the way an awakening life improves. The desire, so to speak, of your True Nature, of your consciousness becomes more realized. This is not an imposition on you, but a freeing of what lives within you, and by that we mean your quest to live, be, create, explore, and find meaning.

Life is a co-creative experience. The fields of creation exist everywhere, every reality, and your nature is as co-creator, and you are Life itself creating after its own kind. Being asleep to this is a freedom as well. A time to reconsider, start over if you will, explore life from a different perspective, or rest so to speak.

This incarnate reality is but a moment in the larger life, but a valid one. Instinctual revelations are guides patterned in your journey, sustained by the larger you. Elements of your True Nature exist throughout your incarnate life but are not recognized for what they are, taken for granted in most cases, attributed to the ‘mysterious unknown,’ considered unknowable. Everything is known, our brother, including you.

Many struggle for achievements based on the smaller life they’re aware of. Insights appear and are called ‘miracles’ and left at that, especially in unguarded moments. Longing to understand, many consider awakening and wonder how to begin. The truth is they’ve already begun by placing their attention on that reality.

The True Nature is not some far off thing but is at the core of your being. Every moment of your life is known and recorded. The True Nature misses nothing, but contains the wisdom and knowledge of all you have ever been.

We are attempting to paint a picture here of a portion of the life that you are. Getting to know yourself and to expand your identity to this larger reality is a good beginning. Many have gone on before you. As a matter of fact, you have walked this path before and may walk it again, should you choose to. When reviewing your memories, at times you say to yourself, “If I had but known, I would have walked a different path.” At times, the path you choose is to experience the experience of others, to understand them, or to understand more deeply the paths you have walked before, gaining all the wisdom you can from each opportunity.

Life has many layers of simultaneous existence, of reality. Incarnate life is only one. The questions of “Why or why not awaken?” have very large answers. Take the journey and discover them. Namaste.
Sept. 21, 2016                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

You may wish to read the initial attunement addressing this issue, “Why awaken?

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Perspectives on awakening

JANU: Awakening, then, to be considered from more than one point of view. A tendency by some to think of this as ‘awakened’ or ‘not awakened.’ Limited point of view for the reality of this is a continuous process. Even from birth, you see, becoming more and more aware of the incarnate life, your surroundings, requirements for survival, relationships, what there is to enjoy and avoid. It’s all awakening, our brother. Awakening beyond the realities of the physical life is part of this as well. Awakening to identity not limited to the human experience is another adventure that’s continuous.

Some would ask, “What is reality beyond incarnate life?” As one awakens, these realities become part of the incarnate life, integrated if you will and utilized. Just as there are realities in the incarnate life that exceed each other, so it is with the subtler realities of life. Now, the cycles of life are just that, beginning and end, so to speak, with cycles of repetition and modification. What we are getting at here, our brother, is awakening includes everything, every reality, every cycle of life, and the opportunities presented by these. The perception that leaving the incarnate life is the key to awakening is a misperception. Consciousness is, whether incarnate or not. Many examples in your history, in the human history, demonstrate this. The so-called ‘great’ beings, some you label as ‘Saints,’ savants, geniuses, ‘saviors,’ even while incarnate. Other worlds have these experiences as well, even though their conditions may vary from that of the Earth. But in due course, awakening brings more and more of this into view, so a perception that the incarnate life and its current seeming abilities or capabilities somehow describe reality, the descriptions are incomplete.

Life is fluid, our brother, ever changing, growing, creating, changing from, changing to. Awakening is a growing flexibility in consciousness, in perception, in engagement, in experience. But the wisdom builds and is transferable across realities. How, then, does one pigeonhole, if you will, the reality of awakening? Rebirthing, physically, is just another opportunity for a new take on the opportunities of the past. For most, it takes many of these to find resolve to build a foundation of wisdom.

There are miracles, so-called, all around you. Many you have never heard of in this lifetime. They are not announced to the world; they just occur, when the conditions are right. Be not envious of them. Be grateful for them, for in subtler ways they are part of your life as well, you see, and are testimony to the wonders and realities of awakening to the larger life. Put your attention on what is at hand, with an open mind and heart. The destiny is the journey, our brother. Namaste.
Sept. 5, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

 This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


You are a composite being

JANU: We spoke earlier of a model for living as an integrated awakening conscious being. What we see here is the merging of the so-called human identity and the identity of the True Nature with the capability to change emphasis by choice, in the moment. So, you see, we’re not saying one identity or the other, yet they are one. More of a cooperation, a collaboration of faculties, of perspectives in consciousness, of relationships, their nature and parameters. A composite being. Just as the human can change perspectives, attitudes, emotions, and beliefs, so too can the composite being of all that you are.

Awakening, our brother, is not a destination. As we have said before, it is a process, as is incarnate life and its relationship with the True Nature. Now, a composite being can include a variety of realities, not just incarnate life and the True Nature, for there are countless models of living, each rich in opportunities, understanding, and expansion of consciousness. Life is far more complex in its expressions than just one identity or another, you see. That is part of the beauty of it. Think of the possibilities of understanding in this direction alone.

So many hang on to incarnate existence and identity to the exclusion of everything else, for they are unconscious of their larger being. But there are many more, our brother, who are aware of this, as composite beings moving through life and with it. And, yes, there are those in your world who are aware and move in this way. It can seem a lonely path at times, to discover something new and take your life in a new direction to discover freedom through the power of life itself, but that will change.

We of the Brotherhood live this way yet still discover new realities and opportunities, and welcome all who reach for this as we enrich each other and Life itself. You are a composite being and are a miracle of Life through self-realization and service. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 2, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Being the pendulum

JANU:    The theme at this time is “looking on the bright side of things.” While observing life’s challenges and the competitions that exist among people, the future can look bleak, because that’s all you see. As you awaken, your vision clears and includes more of life in balance, allowing perception to include the merit in everything. You ask, “How can there be merit in evil?” Evil, like bad weather, so to speak, helps define the range of the possibilities in life expression. Not that one prefers evil but why not learn from it, influencing your choices and observable outcomes. The more you understand through observation and experience, the more balanced your view of life and any circumstance.

Countless beings throughout the universe have these experiences and memories, conclusions, and wisdom gained. These are all a resource, our brother, for those who care to know and understand. Even among humans, primarily of Earth experience, collectively are a resource of vast experience and appraisals. So when looking on the bright side of things, so to speak, choose to see all of it.

The pendulum swings both ways. Be the pendulum, that touches everything yet results in a precision of consciousness that meters out wisdom and resolves the swings into a balanced point of view and appreciation of the moments of life. So, the ‘bright side,’ you see, isn’t so much opposed to the ‘dark side’ but the balanced understanding of both into one consciousness, one unifying perspective that reveals the destiny of things and their potential. The Nature of Life itself.

Many are concerned with the seeming dichotomy of the Earth and aging, deterioration of faculties. You ask, “Where is the bright side in this scenario?” It is that life processes continue on in cycles that repeat themselves, to move ever forward and further into what can be. So, your view at the moment is: understand from a larger perspective that includes that moment, you see. Cycles of life have a strength to them, an ongoingness as life reinvents itself, begins again, a bit more exalted from what has been gained.

When taking the short view, take the long view as well. Be the pendulum that finds purpose through these cycles of life. This is the fruit of awakening, our brother, among many others. Be the pendulum. Be true in your movements, in your conclusions, in your choices, in your understanding, Namaste.
Aug. 26, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.



JANU: This morning in your time, in a sense which is ours as well, we begin with a portrayal of human destiny that speaks to the surmounting interest in freedom. For many, freedom means to exist at all. For others, freedom means the acquisition of wealth. And for a growing number, freedom means to be conscious beyond the norm, no longer limited to social consciousness, dogma, religion, convention, traditions. Free to understand and explore life, unlimited. And for everyone, the freedom to realize their best destiny, to include all of their potential.

So freedom is the theme here, our brother. Freedom to associate and, yes, collaborate with all of life, to experience what lies beyond the Earth and beyond physicality, to engage the consciousness of another being from another world, realizing the enormity of the potential of evolving in this larger reality of life. Conventional thinking in human society tends to be limiting and of slow pace that freedom would rise above.

But where is the model in society for this kind of freedom? How does one begin to explore in this way? The model, our brother, lives within each one and, as we have said before, is their own True Nature. Once again, the reason for awakening, becoming conscious as a True Nature that includes, in part, the human experience. What is this True Nature we speak of so often? It is who you are, a free being, part of a larger life, free to explore, free to consider everything, free to choose and create, free to love without condition, free to evolve without end. So, consider this when choosing to awaken: awaken into a freedom that already exists within you. Touch the consciousness of others and their freedom. Move together in the flow of life, free to perceive each moment of your day with a new perspective.

This does not deny the value of social order within traditions. They are part of life as well. But they are not all of life, and they evolve more fully with a consciousness that is free. Their mysteries understood. Their patterns of repetition, seeming without end, are enriched into something larger.

Ask yourself what it means to be free whenever you choose. Free to be healthy, to be resilient, to care about another, to love who you are. See the Earth and its human population as a caring part of life, radiating, touching the life and lives of other worlds and realities, becoming an evolving blessing. Globally concerned with the human population but no longer limited to just the Earth. Species, population, throughout the universe is vast indeed and this is one of countless universes. Cherish freedom. Then share it as you may. Namaste, our brother.
Aug. 15, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Love—fundamental to awakening

JANU: We are portraying, then, a model of excellence in human awakening. The first order of business, if you will, in this model is truly loving yourself and even one other person. This is a monumental achievement for many. The love exists within their being, although not conscious of it, for love is based upon many externals in their lives, reasons for loving. Love needs no reason, our brother, not the love that we speak of. Then, one might say, “But look what I have done in my life: selfishness, cruelty, self-centeredness, untruthfulness.” These are not valid reasons for not loving who you are, for these behaviors are not who you are.

Awakening is coming to terms with this and moving your identity to your True Nature. The human journey is only a small part of this and does not define you. It is an experiment in experiences, causalities, and choices. Being a loving being as your True Nature, walking through life in this way, puts a different perspective on every situation, every relationship, everything you say and do, whether you agree with it later or not.

Your news media focuses upon sensationalism and mayhem and cruelty. What does this tell you about the current human social condition? They give energy to these things by focusing upon them. What gets more notoriety? The mayhem or the beauty of life, the good works of people, generosity, sacrifice, and loving gestures? You ask, “What would it take to change this?” It takes what we have spoken of this morning, our brother.

What does it mean, then, to love oneself? Can this be described? It is a sense of acceptance, of ‘okay-ness,’ of forgiveness, of confidence in your next adventure or decision or relationship or service. It is a faith and a trust in basic beauty of life, the miracle of it. Loving yourself is experiencing a basic connection with life, a life that loves you as well.

Moving in this way of consciousness opens you to an awareness of the larger life of loving reality, the strength that brings, the core values, and the realization that all of this is available to you and always will be. You see life then with new eyes, new perceptions, new depth, new understanding. No longer viewing challenges superficially, but the reason for them and the strength they bring. You begin to see deeper and deeper into life, your own as well, and nothing lies beyond what you can achieve. For you are life itself achieving its potential, not just as a separate individual but as part of a larger reality.

No matter your condition, your circumstance, your memories, or your history, or your patterns, love yourself. Be at peace and happy with who you are. And the true power of life is yours as well. This is a grand step on this journey, our brother, of awakening. Namaste.
Aug. 4, 2016                                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The power of choice

JANU: We are detailing, if you will, the mounting evidence of the larger reality that can be found within the incarnate life. Establishing, if you will, anchoring points in your consciousness and experience to climb that ladder into awareness is what these journeys serve. You ask, “What is an anchoring point?” It is an experience, a memory, a confidence that seems real, making it a foundation to build upon to expand your awareness of life.

Yes, we are here. And so are you. We are one with the incarnate life as well, our brother. Separation is an illusion, born of the veil and the loss of memory to be found again. This is not deprivation for deprivation’s sake, but a change in perspective to explore life more deeply and to discover the depth of your own being.

These understandings, these anchoring points, are like rungs in the ladder that you may lift yourself, by your choice, into something greater. For the choosing, our brother, is what builds the momentum to continue, the memory to return, and the appreciation of the life and the nature of everything. The magic you used to assign to the discarnate life only, you are discovering includes the incarnate life as well. Realization, our brother, reveals the true reality of everything, including your own being. Recognizing this truth connects you with, consciously, so much more of life. Choose and allow these fundamental changes in perception and understanding beyond the veil. Namaste, our brother.
July 29, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. (Add appropriate set) contains all prior attunements in this series.


The nature of everything

JANU: The light is beginning to dawn on a new perspective of life while incarnate. In the search for the larger realities of life, the more insightful, the more liberating, the more eternal are being found or discovered through the realities of the human experience. This perspective, our brother, exists on other worlds as well, where the experiences are not human but something else.

The path here is becoming conscious of the nature of life, the nature of creation, the nature of manifestation, the nature of experience, of thought, of emotion. What is reality, then, but the co-existence of all of this? The so-called veil on the human journey has its nature as well. Ignorance of these things has its nature, as well. Reality is shaped by opportunity. And the opportunities, not only of discovery but of becoming, are unlimited.

Reaching for opportunities beyond and outside of current circumstance is an illusion, dear one. They only exist in the moment and are ever-present, no matter where and when you are, for the nature of your own being and of all these is eternal, present, ongoing, yet changing. For all of life is in motion, including opportunities, relationships, perspectives. Life cannot be defined by one creation or another, one limit or another, even one opportunity or another. Life is all of these, and the nature of all of these.

So, then, what is a realistic perspective when considering incarnate life in the presence of all of this? The challenge and the opportunity is to experience all opportunities and the nature of everything. To perceive creation only as the creation is to miss the larger truth. So what is the nature, our brother, of a sunrise? The reality is vast. Simultaneously, so many realities are in play, interacting, combining to support that sunrise. Even the perception of it, you see, by your own consciousness and incarnate experience reflect, for a moment, on all that is involved. That is the magic of life, our brother. It is an example of the nature of everything, the object of every inquiry, including the one inquiring, you see.

Life is so much more than a word. The nature of existence is so much more than a word. Being human, incarnate, and all the potential, cannot be encompassed in these words. So, when we speak of the larger life, our brother, it isn’t in a reality separate from incarnate life, or the Earth, or being human. It is the nature of everything. That is the larger life.

Engaging life in this way, no matter your circumstance, ultimately reveals the natures of everything, whether on this world or another, whether in this dimension or another. For even though these natures have different parameters, they all lead to one Life that is ever changing and expanding. No matter what world, what universe. That is the magic of it all. So let each moment of wonder, inquiry, and discovery open to the nature of the wonder, our brother. Consciousness and experience is not limited to any one reality, but can roam life gaining and giving what it may. Living in the Now embraces this. Namaste, our brother.
July 28, 2016                                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.