Awakening includes all realities

JANU: The overwhelming desire by most to develop their lives into something satisfying and fulfilling has always been there, on the human journey. This calling within, this motivator is born of the True Nature. For the True Nature, our brother, that who you truly are, desired this human journey and it is reflected in this inner compulsion to fulfill a destiny. Returning to a conscious association with the larger you is a theme on this journey of awakening that is compelling. These discourses into understanding the larger truths, the truths within, are not arbitrarily imposed or inspired but come from your own True Nature.

Avoiding this by hiding within the smaller demands of living, the societal encumbrances, is a temporary distraction and is not the fulfillment of motivations to realize destiny. Yes, there are achievements in this course of living and have become companions on the journey. These societal encumbrances are temporary in the larger picture of the truth of who you are.   Enjoy them as you may, but be aware that the deeper satisfactions, the deeper fulfillments that not only are more lasting and more enriching, remain with you.

These journeys into awakening are not meant to be a distraction from the human journey but a larger perspective for the human journey to be part of. Allowing physicality and the larger life to be consciously one in your understanding and your experience is a worthy desire. In time, you see, you perceive the natural essence of everything in the so-called ordinary endeavors. It is all Life, our brother. There is truth to be revealed in the nature of everything and is a key element on the journey of awakening, especially while incarnate.

But this is true for other realities of existence as well. Everything is connected, oneness a fundamental reality. Consciousness transcends and includes all of these. Taking the larger view of life includes the lesser views. Namaste, our brother.
July 27, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Reality check

JANU: We are establishing then a course and a discourse to promulgate what has been happening in these sessions.

What is happening, our brother, is the fomenting of established protocols in the order of life that you inhabit for the re-emergence of your consciousness, your identity into the larger life. These seeming asides to the basic premise of this series are the formation of these, not only in the consciousness but in the record of Life, including yours as well. We turn to these to bring about triggers or catalysts for journeying in the larger life while incarnate. No small task, our brother. So pay attention to these journeys in the light of this understanding and we shall continue with this as we may.

These protocols are not arbitrary rules for engagement. They are part of the tapestry, the fabric of manifest life, the resources and the themes of creation. Kindness, love, patience, peace are still threads in this fabric, this tapestry. But wisdom, responsibility, and respect for the orders of life and life’s evolution are paramount. There is joy in this. And, yes, even light-heartedness. But a balance, a refinement of balance in all of these elements of experience.

Your persistence, our brother, is noted. It honors and respects ours. May we continue together these journeys in the Light. Namaste.

July 22, 2016 B                                                                                             ht © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Preparing for collaboration with the rest of life

JANU: We are summarizing then the preliminaries of entering this next adventure. Awakening or becoming aware of the larger life also calls for awakening to the nature of that life and balancing that with incarnate consciousness. The theme being cooperation here, a mixture of the two that is mutually beneficial, harmonious. Challenging, yes, but successful.

Even though a limited consciousness, the human experience is part of the larger. The opportunity and challenge, our brother, is to perceive it in a more enlightened way, for the collaborations we speak of, the associations, have to do with cooperation among discarnate and incarnate consciousnesses. For aren’t we all beings in the Light, the Truth of Life, endeavoring to refine opportunities, possibilities, and destinies? No longer with the attitude of physical or non-physical life, but just life, you see, facets of the same thing, all precious elements of the wonder of Life. So allow, in your sensitivities, to experience the presence not just of other incarnate beings but the rest of life as well. So, as you walk or move through your incarnate life, there is so much more.

There is much understanding and wisdom about Earth life, the human experience. It is not limited to those who are incarnate. Being part of a larger team, larger association, is an awakening on the doorstep of so many. Even as a human, there are times when you are aware of the presence of another human without seeing them. The same is true for discarnate beings, as well. These awarenesses and associations need not be overwhelming or a distraction from incarnate life, but a collaboration into a larger family.

These comments are preparation for a larger experience, changes in identity, purpose, and goals. Embrace what already is. Walk thorough life in a larger way, without rejecting anything. Grow in peace, loving life. Namaste, our brother.

July 14, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Seven consciousnesses in harmony as one

JANU: We are Janu speaking, encouraging then at this time a proceeding into the next wave, if you will, of journeys into awakening. These have to do with becoming more aware of opportunities in your life—yes, in the lives of others—choosing the ones that appeal to you and fulfilling them. This is a journey, our brother, into the larger family of life.

This phase of journeys deals with the larger issues and more fundamental in the management of life. So even though life has larger opportunities, subtler ones you are yet aware of, your choices are under your management. The more you function and are conscious as your True Nature, you become more emblematic of the future of humanity and life beyond that. There are many in your family of associations, experience, who await your return, bringing your experience to these associations. They have theirs to share as well, our brother.

Your perspective, your point of view is changing. What is important to you is growing. Honoring your integrity is more important than ever. Who you are is far richer than your human identity and experience. Let us begin this adventure, if you will, by becoming aware of this larger family.

There are seven consciousnesses in your vicinity at this time, holding the Light so to speak, showing the way, inspiring. These associations will remain with you until it’s time for change. This is a beginning. These come from diverse backgrounds with a loving nature, whom you have known before. And they know you very well. They know who you are and what you are becoming. And await your invitation to proceed.

JR:       Thank you, seven brothers in the Light, for this opportunity. May we fulfill it together, beginning now.

SEVEN: Yes, our brother. We speak with one voice, seven consciousnesses in harmony as one, not unlike you and your True Nature and your beloved Janu. We accept your invitation and are proceeding even as we speak. We are your anchor point on your journey into the larger life, honoring your integrity as you honor ours.

You are correct. We correspond to the seven chakras, the seven levels of consciousness, the seven miracles of existence, and the seven initial paths of awakening to a larger life.

JR: Thank you, Seven. We are one. Namaste. Thank you, my brother Janu and the Brotherhood of Light. Namaste.
June 28, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Awakening 55: Be all you can be

JANU: The purpose of this series is to alert and inspire awakening for humanity. Now, understand this, our brother: awakening occurs whether focused upon it or not, aware of it or not, but it is a process that can be accelerated to varying degrees.

Understand this: the human consciousness journey is not a linear one. Life is not linear. It is greatly varied, simultaneously, and movement through it and with it is as well. One can be left to the seemingly random or sporadic occurrences of moments of awakening, triggered by events or insights, observations. Or, as with any focused endeavor, move more fully into awakening. There is no point of demarcation from ‘unaware’ to ‘aware.’ It is a process to be determined solely by the True Nature or in combination with the human identity and consciousness in a more deliberate relationship.

There are those individuals who seem to move way beyond normal conditions, so-called ‘great ones’ who serve humanity in pivotal ways.

Choice is always part of the mix, you see. What is your desire? Your choices are part of life and its flow and are known. At times, enthusiasm can overtake wisdom and patience, but these bear their own fruit and are teachable. Special moments of beauty in the life experience, whether in your own or another’s, are revelations of what can be. They touch the soul, if you will, enriching the connection with the True Nature.

Be all you can be and open to what that means for you. Allow insight to reveal the truth of your potential. This is part of awakening, our brother. Learn the meaning and the language of your insights. Put them into practice. More will come, for there are many perspectives, you see, to any truth. No need to compare your insights and desires with others’. They have their truths as well.

Gain wisdom through your insights. Learn of your True Nature. Be all you can be. Awaken as you may. Life is miraculous, from the smallest to the largest, from the most obscure to the obvious. Welcome and namaste.
June 24, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 51: The laws of life

JANU: We are presenting at this time that which belongs to the service of the anomalies of life, the so-called apparent realities, as they begin their trek through the life of an individual. Now, by ‘anomalies’ we mean those features of life experience that pertain to so-called nature, laws of physics, and other sciences. These are referred to as ‘surface realities’ for they seldom reach the truth behind them. They are as masks to the purity of being. And this is why miracles are called miracles, for on the surface nature of things miracles are unexplainable.

This is why analysis of these so-called surface structures of life, attempting to explain and understand what lies behind them as primary source cannot be explained. They are structured ways of understanding to maintain their integrity for the human journey of experience into relationships, the more mechanical nature of the human journey in the physical life. They serve a purpose, our brother. They are revelatory on the one hand, and conceal much more on the other, until the consciousness has evolved to the point where it is no longer owned by these perceptions, these fixed realities so to speak, and the True Nature reality can finally emerge even while incarnate.

What takes place here is a change in perception, an understanding that transcends limited points of view, the so-called surface structures of physicality and its laws, its order, its inflexibility. Time and space, our brother, are misunderstood. They are more fluid than you realize. The fixed appearance of their nature is a surface reality, superficial. Wise is the consciousness that opens to the so-called laws of life and nature as mutable, with layers of reality, serving a temporary purpose for limited points of view but in truth they are free to be expressed in so many different ways.

This is part of the path of awakening, our brother, the many different realities of the so-called laws of life, of natural law, structure and form, a time/space perspective, seemingly rock solid, from a limited point of view. Life is so much more than this, adaptable, changing.

You ask, “Where is the sanity in all of this?” The sanity, our brother, is who you are and life itself, the life that can be anything. Manifesting, creating, is not the source of life but the journey of it. We speak of ‘freedom of being,’ not pigeon-holing life so to speak into one reality or another. The journey of awakening is not easy for one who requires structure, ironclad order, but is for one who is willing to explore and experience their True Nature. The ultimate journeyer in harmony with life. Namaste, our brother.
June 20, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 32: Freedom

JANU: We are encouraging then at this time the reason to be free. This speaks to awakening and the true lawlessness of life.

The purpose of natural and man-made laws is to organize experiences, expressions, manifestations that unfoldments and developments are understood. Make sense, if you will. But where do these come from, and why do they exist, and why do humans perceive life as only made of these? Maturity of consciousness through awakening can see beyond these, through these, into larger view of life that includes these, understanding their merit, the wisdom of their existence, the nature of their presence. Awakening is not a path to escape them but to own them, not be owned by them. For relationships to work between people, each must understand their relationships, making sense to them, with outcomes that are logical and sensible. Awakening reveals a deeper understanding of these, the layers of reality, the interactions, the currents of life.

Life is as a symphony, our brother, melodies within melodies. Each one is an instrument, orchestration, timing, interplay, with a growing common understanding of the melody of life. Not just for themselves, but others can enjoy as well, adding to their symphony.

And what of life beyond laws and rules and so-called order? Beingness without form or borders. What potential exists or can exist beyond these? Some think it is pure thought, but what’s the nature of the thought? Awakening to the truth of this allows one to be free to observe all creation, all rules and order from any perspective, with unobstructed understanding, and free to engage creation in any way. Not just one point but many simultaneously, in any progression or order desired. Great wisdom comes from this, and peace not found when limited to one truth to the exclusion of others. Find peace when in harmony with all of life. Namaste.
May 30, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 23: Awakening to the incarnate life

JANU: We are establishing then a point of view to explain the demarcation of humanity from its True Nature, within its perception.

The peace, the presence, and the experience of the True Nature prior to incarnation anticipates an experience that enriches its relationship with life and a deeper understanding of its own potential. So, from the human perspective within the veil, the letting go of True Nature consciousness for the sake of incarnation seems unwelcome. This is because the human consciousness has a finite perspective as to identity, existence, and survival. The True Nature does not exist this way, but does have perspective and wisdom for choosing to incarnate.

Temporary responsibilities and engagements of the moment are not devastating but something to be engaged, to reveal a richness of experience and understanding to be gained. Allow your consciousness to perceive incarnating life from the perspective of the larger you. There is much to be gained here, not just for your own True Nature but others that exist in the larger life as well. And you benefit from their journeys as well.

Awakening reveals these things and allows for wiser choices and engagement of the challenges and opportunities of life. The mysteries of life come out of the shadows, and you discover that they are blessings, the more you engage them. Avoid not these opportunities, but master them. Manage, to a degree, your relationship with these. Discover the pearls to be understood and shared. Incarnate life can be as rich as you will allow. Namaste.
May 16, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see category: Awakening: a series.


Awakening 21: Progressing the path of awakening

JANU: For this evening’s journey of awakening, let us proceed with a discourse on progressions. Now, progressing a postulate, in this case the reality of awakening, allows for considerations to be creative in their design. The postulate includes a change in perspective toward incarnate existence and the human journey. Priorities expand to include the basic tenets of relationships. These tenets arguably persist in the face of customary preferences. One does not become obsessed with the minutia of life to the exclusion of the larger purpose, realizing that caring for others does not replace them taking care of themselves. The goal here is their freedom, their integrity, their ownership of their experiences, their sovereignty. These things contribute to the ensuring of their survival, their well-being, their happiness. The goal here, our brother, is to inspire, as you awaken, others to find their truth.

So as your awakening progresses, serve the progression of the integrity of others into their true freedom, and into the purpose of your own progressed awakening. Remember, one does not awaken alone, but with a sense of the larger family of life, whether they are incarnate or not. A progressed life sees potential outcomes and connection between all opportunities and achievements. Our progressions embrace the future from the clarity of the Now, for potential exists in this moment. Consider a progressed scenario on your journey of awakening that includes others, giving meaning to your own. Namaste.
May 6, 2016 B                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.

For more on the concept of “progression” refer to A Bright Future. These are ideas “progressed” into the future to see likely outcome.


Awakening 11: Others are going to assist in this series

JANU:    Wonderful news is in the offing, that being collaborations on this journey of awakening. The series is catching the attention of masters of this process and they offer their service, for this series has the promise of inspiring many.

To begin with, let us exam briefly this tradition of collaboration on this subject. The movement of the forces of Light and the evolving consciousness of humanity is far more than a private, individual journey. For awakening, when accomplished with a larger perspective of service, becomes more important, more significant as part of larger realities. There are many movements in consciousness that incorporate the awakening abilities of many, not just of Earth. The connections we referred to earlier are part of this. Those attending this evening have much to offer. Awakening exposes the individual to realities near and far beyond physicality, but physical existence is part of the larger experience, you see.

Your understanding of life will take on many new dimensions, perspectives, and areas of interest. Your immediate concern is the awakening of humanity, but these journeys will bring service to other beings as well. There are a growing number of awakened and awakening members of humanity around the Earth already a part of these larger concerns. One does not live alone, you see, only in their perceptions which awakening changes.

So let us proceed from this moment on with an openness to collaboration and the richness that brings. Namaste.

April 20, 2016 B                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.