The Soul, Spirit, and unconditional love

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only

  1. My understanding is that the soul sometimes stays outside the body after trauma. Then how does one rejoin with their soul?
  2. How does Soul and Spirit communicate?
  3. What do you or your dimension know of unconditional love?

JANU: These are heartfelt and loving questions deep within this one, deep within the soul she speaks of. We might begin in this way.

The coming together of the soul and spirit, the soul and the being is accomplished in this way of understanding. Let there be seen between you a bond, a holy bond comprised of the ingredients of love, the thrust of life and the urge to create being in the image and likeness of the creator as you are. This bond is never broken. It is the cohesiveness, the cohesive force that holds life together. As long as you are, this bond is. Not possible to be separated from, for this maintains the existence, you see. The leaving the body you speak of are shifts in consciousness. The body does not own the soul. The soul infuses it with the thrust of life, maintained by the bond we speak of.

Communication, soul and spirit as you put it, is through oneness that we speak of often, connectedness. Communication in oneness is direct knowing, not so much this reality communicating with that reality, you see. The realities are one. The soul is spirit. Truly, our dear friend, what is not? Your communication then with this soul you speak of is the thrust of life returning understanding of experience to its creator, to its source through its continuous connection with that you are.

Unconditional love then allows all of this to be. To study, to know, to embrace any portion of life and its creation is to embrace unconditional love, for this is the field in which all is created. In the fuller understanding of life, there is no such thing as not love, un-love, however you put it. Unconditional love sustains you and allows you to create your adventures without judgment, without condemnation, but allowing in a fullness that transcends the understanding of many, the many who take advantage of it anyway by being, by existing. Unconditional love is understood and known as one embraces that understanding, that position of knowing, that perspective about themselves.

Unconditionally love who you are. And who are you indeed but the cradle of the expression of the first thought of the divine, the source of all life? Think you are not known, cherished, embraced, understood, looked over and cared for? Truly you are the spark in the eye of the creator, the light and the promise. Would that you knew the magnitude and the magnificence of the light and the life that you are. This understanding would cast away all fear, all doubt, all confusion, all limited thinking, limited reality in the experience. You would own your life and everything you survey. You would own every creation and experience and wisdom to be yielded therefrom.

The beauty of this path, the wonder and the magic and the reward is that through this realization, this embracing of the whole of the being, one sees and knows the true beauty of another, unconditionally loves them, supports them in their journey, observes them with care and fondness and compassion for their struggle and their seeming confusion, knowing, even as observed, this is only illusion. There is no power in any creation, save that allowed it, bestowed upon it through the unconditional love of the divine soul and spirit that you are. What is creation made of and what is creation born of? Answer this for yourself in the knowingness of your true being.

Examine your questions then, gently, carefully, deeply from your current perspective, your current identity and ego-personality centering and then gently shift to a new view, a new perspective as an all inclusive, aware, conscious, integrated being of unlimited knowingness and perception. Unconditional love without limit. And see how the questions come together in one simple, beautiful transcendent answer. And the answer is the unconditional love that is the nature of life.

There is no greater joy than realization of wholeness and the observation of the realization in another. It is life’s victory through and over its creations. It is returning home from the journey owning it all.

Your thoughts, your concerns, and your questions are precious indeed. And provide a wonderful opportunity to express this understanding and to convey on this understanding our unconditional love for you. These are simple joys, dear one. Profound beyond measure and go to the heart of your soul. They answer the call to oneness. As you gain this reality, share it with others, inspire it in them. Help them lift their hearts, their spirit and their soul into this wonderful joy.

You are so very near to this understanding, but a breath away. Your questions stand as testimony to this truth. In this state of consciousness, state of being aware, state of ownership of life, everything you perceive in what you do, your surroundings and others will never be seen the same again, for you see with larger understanding, compassion and insight.

We and others await your connection, your awakening into this larger understanding and we will greet you there, dear sister. You will be welcomed into the Brotherhood of Life in such a way that you will know this is real indeed and no illusion. For you will begin to perceive all of life and all of creations for the first time for what they are and you will understand their beauty and their potential for enriching experience. We congratulate you on your journey in this direction of understanding and be aware no one is ever alone in the quest for the truth.
April 13, 1996                                                                                           Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

More Personal Attunements


Harmonious relationship of many realities

JANU: Calendars, our brother, are part of our reckoning when serving the human consciousness. Being sensitive to scheduling enhances appropriate timing of involvement. In time, your consciousness extends beyond time and space and what has been scheduling of events in the life gives way to timeless spontaneity with the flow of life which becomes a master key. As we foretell of coming events and opportunities, the versatility of the flow of life inspires outcomes.

Living in the Now is in harmony with the flow of life, but not a reality that most are conscious of. But the limitless freedom of being is only a concept to many. What we are getting at here, our brother, is the reality of co-existence of structured life, of time and space, and the larger life of pure being, which has its layered reality as well. This perspective is an element of that which is coming in our journeys. So you see, it is not the ending of one reality to embrace another, but being open to the co-existence of many and a harmonious relationship in the midst of the larger life.
Mar. 28, 2016 B                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Frustration with life mission

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

  1.   I am experiencing much frustration. I do not feel that I am successfully fulfilling my mission in the physical realm. I’m feeling disconnected.
  2.   I am requesting information regarding my connection/mission with Hale-Bopp, due to my experiences with the comet last year, as well as the Jupiter/asteroids event before that.

JANU: Your connection, dear one, with what many call their mission or purpose in life is at hand, in the sense of its reality has always been with you, for when established early on in the agreement process for embodiment it remains firmly imprinted and immediately accessible. Many who ask “What then is my mission?” are counseled in this way. Let us examine, then, your record and see what we can see.

We see one who comes with a shining light as example for those embodied in the muck and the mire, so to speak, of living of which you’ve had a taste, dear one. Your challenge, as is with so many, is that the taste can overwhelm the awareness of the purpose or mission, if you will. The information is in the form of encouragement, that the taste of Earth experience in this area for you is not your identity or your mission or required of you. It is of your choosing as a spirit being to better prepare you for understanding the plight of others and the difficulty in perceiving your own light in the midst of these experiences.

How, then, does one make this transition of awareness from the experience to the source of your being, regaining true perspective and, at the same time, fulfilling your desire for this embodiment? This is accomplished by touching the love in your heart for life itself. This is the reality and the power and the capacity to touch another, uplifting and inspiring them to make the same transition. Find any element of life that you observe in any pattern of endeavor or experience, that touches that place of joy and love for life, that allows you to perceive hope and beauty and peace. And kindle that flame within the heart of your being and in time finding it possible to perceive that beauty in areas of life previously not perceive.

Know for certain that the power of the truth of life and your connection with it is established in this path of awakening. To the technically minded this would seem obvious and an oversimplification of what is needed. This couldn’t be further from the truth, dear one. Cherish, nurture, every moment of inspired love and joy resulting from your experiences in your world. See them as the gifts of life, that all have endless opportunities to remember who they are and the source of their being and the true purpose of life. This is where the real power is, dear one, the eternal presence, the wisdom.

As to these cosmic or astronomical events, dear one, their connection for you, at this time, is one of displaying the magnitude of life beyond the daily routines of living. They are catalysts of consciousness expansion into embracing the reality of larger possibilities. The answers for you lie in the path of expanded awareness.

You are connected as the daughter of an entourage that has sprung forth from a star cluster (name and location given). What this means for you, dear one, is that your involvement here has its connection with other purposes in other galaxies. The Earth being a field for many such adventures. This would be a good time to pursue your awakening as we have described. This star cluster has some prominence in its area of influence.

We leave you at this time with this hope and this promise holding for you, dear one, all the Light you desire and the richness and the joy of life that is yours.
February 26, 1997                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For similar questions and additional responses, see Frustration with physical life and Overcoming frustration with life

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

More Personal Attunements


The inclusive nature of awakening

JANU: Welcome, our brother, to the journey of a lifetime: the awakening to your True Nature and all that that includes. Some would call it an altered state of consciousness. More inclusive than altered, for even the human consciousness, the human journey, is included.

As one awakens, one includes more and more of the Truth of Life in their awareness. And not only their awareness, but their engagement. This truth has two faces, if you will: the inclusive nature of your own consciousness and the inclusion of you in the larger life. For there is a collective consciousness of everything some call ‘oneness.’ Speaking with one voice, living with one consciousness, being one with everything and every no-thing, brings a perspective to your relationship with life and life’s relationship with you that has no secrets but the wonder of realization of potential. What some would call the ugly side of life, of human behavior, is measured by and exists within the beauty and wonder of it all. This is the perspective of the awakening consciousness and the nature of the life that continues on.

Challenges are part of the mix. Open your heart and your mind to the rewards of these. Be confident always in the substance and nature of the flow of life. Engage and embrace everything in this way. Namaste.
Mar. 21, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Being at peace with your lifetime

JANU: The focus this morning is finding peace with your sojourn. Taking the larger view of the most intimate details brings perspective and value to everything you’ve experienced, the performance of a lifetime. Identifying with the larger you allows this to happen. The merit in this, our brother, is the ownership of a life’s experience but not being owned by any part of it, in the sense of restricted to that moment of identity. Leaving you free, even while incarnate, to learn the truth of your existence, your being, bringing sensitivity and depth of perception of the lives of others as well. Formalities of the body, the emotions, and the mentality are enhanced, allowing for a better connection with who you are in the midst of the layers of living.

Find peace with all you’ve been and done. Owning your life instead of being owned by it is the difference, our brother. See it as heritage with meaning, experience with wisdom, contribution with love. Fullness mixed with patience, time mixed with timelessness, existence with the truth of beingness. Finding peace and acceptance with your life is the Light you seek. Namaste.
Mar. 17, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Career possibilities

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        What is the very next “money making” or career move in my life?

JANU: Career moves, dear one, serve on many levels. The level, of course, is best suited to your particular level of interest for your life and for your range of desired experiences. The money making aspect, as you describe it, is certainly one level, but not the only one possible, should you allow your desires and your vision for your future and your growth to expand somewhat.

Financial reward has its challenges and its lessons. Envision, for a moment, what benefit you gain by this pursuit, this singular focus. Is your goal merely the possession of money or is there a level of happiness anticipated? Is there a level of service through this prosperity envisioned? Is there true sense of well-being achieved through this single desire? Does your love for yourself and others and life become fulfilled or improved, dear one? Does the money service these broader relationships with life? If your eyes and your heart are set on the financial reward primarily, these other opportunities for engagement in life must tag along behind at a distance commensurate with your appreciation of them, you see. No guarantees, then, that this single focus for reward will bring any of this. Many have chosen this path and amassed great amounts of what you describe, with little or no connection to these other rewards for living, and found themselves wanting for something else, discovering a hollow victory for their efforts.

This does not suggest the pursuit for financial prosperity is right or wrong, but it can contain or not those things of lasting worth as you choose. Look past this statement of desire in terms of “then what?” now that you have this money making career. Money making careers are not that difficult to achieve. They require little of you, in terms of character and depth. The richer and deeper rewards we speak of require everything that you are. You are capable of all of these. The patterns and opportunities for success in your request as stated are all around you. Take your pick. The forms of career matter little for the gaining of financial reward, if that is the only goal. This source would never suggest one form over another. It is your right and your opportunity to choose your course and gain the benefits of the wisdom of the path you choose.

An interesting perspective might be one that suggests that all financial or paper money reward can gain is what others are willing to give you for it and do they have all that you desire for this paper money, you see? For if your only desire is money and financial gain, your benefits are limited to its purchasing power. Some envision personal freedom through great wealth. One might well examine what is true freedom and can another truly give that to you. Are you free, then, if your freedom depends on another’s willingness to give you freedom for your money? Do not they, then, possess or control your realization of freedom?

This is an excellent question, dear one, for examination and exploration of possibilities and results of choices. Career as you describe might be examined on more than one level. The level suggested being one of careers as described or understood in the world of business. One might well examine the understanding of career in terms of the worth of your life journey in this world, its opportunities for growth, fulfillment and service, for consciousness raising. What is a career, then, dear one? Where do you set your sights for victory? Worthy considerations for wise investment of time and energy and consciousness. Is your career the world of illusion or transcendent reality or a merging of all realities? The fullest satisfaction and fulfillment is through the embrace of the career, if you will, agreed upon by you in the larger life in anticipation of this sojourn. One might do well then to listen to this understanding or design for living in this lifetime and look for opportunities for it to manifest and express and yield the reward that fulfills you beyond what others may have to offer.

We suggest these possibilities and perspectives, dear one, to inspire you to your wisest decisions and greatest success. The choices always are yours and this source would never suggest one choice over another. Know with a certainty and own this, dear one, that you do have a larger understanding and design for your life and it is available. It is your truest desire. And choices made in harmony with this understanding will bring you lasting reward. The natural frustrations felt when seeking understanding that seems illusive keeps the understanding at a distance. Decide to be in peace and confidence that the answers you seek lie within you and are available. But they reside not in frustration but in the peaceful union of the totality of your being. Love who you are and the opportunities of life, that this understanding be revealed to you.
August 15, 1996                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

More Personal Attunements


The Entourage of Peace

JANU: We have before us an entourage, if you will, destined to be part of the journey of humanity. Destined in the sense that their contribution is in harmony with that needed, soon to come in the affairs of human consciousness. This entourage comes from another reality in this galaxy, not limited to a world, you see.

What they bring is an understanding of a greater peace in the affairs of humans, in their relations, in their dealings with not only physical life but non-physical life. This entourage commands well its service. Their influence at this time best described as a faint hint of such things. The degree of their contribution will be controlled by the readiness of human consciousness to move forward. Any transition from one perspective to another is sustained by a delicate balance between the two, for confidence and uncertainty are at issue. Let us see, then, our contribution and that of others honor this balance as we enrich human understanding.

The entourage needs no name to be of service, but it is the Entourage of Peace. Some influences, our brother, in the movements of life are the most profound and therefore need to be the most thoughtful and well-balanced. Let us honor their contribution by serving it. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 22, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Difference between individuality & uniqueness

JANU: Exploring and engaging the larger life is a significant threshold in the evolution of consciousness. Becoming aware of this means becoming aware as this, no longer identified just as an incarnate human but not eliminating it, either. When one is conscious as a provincial community member and then begins to travel the world, their perspective changes. Their former identity takes its place in the larger reality. And the larger reality is a larger identity, our brother.

So, as we move these journeys into the larger life, allow the natural transition of identity, sense of being, your role in life to evolve. You touch life and life touches you in new ways. Much of this you have done before. So much is memory re-awakening, but not limited to this. You will become aware of many you have known, and know you. There is both a personal and a universal reality here, co-existing. The need for privacy to survive the incarnate life, the human experience, becomes irrelevant.

There is a difference between individuality and uniqueness. Uniqueness does not mean ‘separate from’ but ‘one with, uniquely.’ Your hand is unique to the body but one with it. Living the incarnate life uniquely can be seen in the same way, for the truth of who you are is one with all of life. So, your place in life is unique and that uniqueness is part of the richness of life, as is everyone else’s. This understanding translates well into successful incarnate life, or any life, our brother.

So, you see, the larger life is far more than a phrase. It is a fuller and richer experience than individuality. Allow this into your thinking and your experience. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 25, 2016                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Description of your complete being

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only. However, it is so pertinent to each of us and my own current journeys that it bears presenting for all. Note that this was given 20 years ago. Time means nothing to Spirit and they will continue to repeat themselves until we get it!

Q:        When I am talking to my body, when I am talking to my guides, when I am talking to my soul, who am “I”?

JANU: This inquiry, heartfelt by this one, rings in the heart. Her knowingness of the self is not removed from, or separate from, the talking to these aspects of reality. Who are you indeed, dear one, who asks the profound question? You are grand being. You are one born of the light of knowingness. You are one created of pure thought and pure love. The character, the qualities, the substance, the consciousness diversity is the fruit of your choices in the interplay of life’s many journeys. You are pure being with added experiences that shape your next journeys. To say, then, you are not your journeys is true to a limited degree. But in the larger reality, you are everything. You are the journeyer and the journey. You are the record of the journey in your being. You are the wisdom and the experience of it. These journeys are part of your knowingness. At times when asking such a question, you are the reason for the journey asking the question, you see.

You are life, dear one. You are the one experience. The creations and the potentials of the one. When you talk to your body, you are the co-creator of that body. You are its master, its lover, and its reason for being. When you speak to your guides, you are companion, brother and sister, co-worker, fellow journeyer, cherished friend, and one loved. When you speak to your soul, you are home, dear one. You are master of your life and your wisdom and your being. You are complete and you are the love that gave birth to the creation of the Creator, the source of it all.

Know who you are, dear one. Claim your birthright from the beginning. You are life’s lover in the purest sense. You are all your journeys, all your experiences and yes, all your friends and loved ones in spirit and in your outer world. You are divine being that ranges the breadth of creation. Know this with a certainty, a profound, deep acceptance. You are one with the power, the wisdom, and the love of all life. From this understanding and perspective, perceive everything you choose in your experience. See with these eyes, feel with this heart, hear the understandings and life experience of another from this perspective. For doing this in this way reveals the divinity of another to themselves.

This is a simple reality not embraced through clever analysis and critical examination. It is embraced through simple acceptance and love for life. The only limits in your experience, in your awareness, are those you impose yourself. There are no others. Believe in the grandness of your being without limit. The proof comes in the experience, our sister and our friend. The proof does not come without it. The only proof that matters is in the being of that desired.

Your question is born of the latent but growing memory of who you are. It is almost as if your soul in its beauty touches your heart and asks the question “Who are we?” to include you in your separated experience in the full reality of the soul, its being and its connection with the outer life. What is redemption, then, but the return to oneness? And the question “Who am I?” heralds this return.

Soul union is not the end of the journey, dear one, but a threshold of unimagined beauty and aliveness, vitality and consciousness, conscious union with life. There are countless wonders to be realized even beyond this miracle. For the path of redemption of the spirit is the path of miracles, you see. The path of beauty and wonder that cannot be embraced fully. It must be grown into. Ask your question, dear one, and in the asking, embrace the answer. It lives within you and always has, for the answer is how you came to be.

This is a most beautiful and loving inquiry. We thank you for your question. For its answer is the answer to so many others, you see. Diverse confusion, diverse inquiry is usually resolved in the simplest but most powerful understanding. We salute you and welcome the joining and your miracle of union, truly born again. Namaste.

May 10, 1996                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

More Personal Attunements

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


The larger Family of Life

JANU: We understand the motivation to awaken, to evolve, to contribute, to serve. These are, shall we say, desires of the spirit within the incarnate experience. But not limited to that. Difficult for many to understand that Life itself has these desires by way of its progeny. Individual movement towards achievement is not just individual, you see, but the threads of Life woven continuously.

Many humans tend to perceive life in terms of the timetable of sojourn, but in time, through awakening, see life in a larger way, more intimately, enriching the perspective by way of appreciating the endless motion of life. Achieving this perspective softens the perceived pressure of the limitations of time and incarnate energy. The pressure of living gives way to the effortless flow of ongoingness. Effortless in the sense of being alone in one’s desire to experience life. Being part of the system of life, enriching it, being enriched by it, brings balance to one’s worth or perception of it.

Fundamental principles of living are the foundation for endless journeying, discovery, and fulfillment. We have taken, and will take many more, wondrous adventures. With a maturing perspective, capable of much more. The Family of Life is vast and includes far more than physicality, but in wondrous ways it is all connected and communicates. You’ll awaken to an identity that includes the human experience but by no means limited to it. Welcome to the Family of Life, which you have always been a part of. We are one. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 17, 2016 B                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross