More on a network of service

JANU: Networking with other so-called Light workers, those involved in serving life and raising the consciousness of humanity, is an old tradition, our brother. Becoming aware of this, you have chosen to experience this, and we extend our journeys to include this network. It is vaster than you know and includes deep commitment and joy and serving. There is an understanding that everyone benefits, even those who have no awareness of such things. Becoming part of this, consciously, broadens perspective and the foundation for understanding and an evolving consciousness. There is all manner of service to life, our brother. Each one is significant, for life is so diverse as are the opportunities for growth. Let us attune to this, then, and begin the journey.

Yes, and this includes other worlds as well, and realities. There have been those in the past who have incarnated without the veil. They are part of the network as well, our brother. There are those who serve life not conscious of this network, but their innate nature tends in this direction. There is much to be aware of to understand this part of life.

To understand this network, incarnate grouping of social consciousness is a limited model. ‘Grouping’ suggests those who belong and those who do not. This network is far more diverse than that. This network is a spectrum of life and, therefore, is one with all service to life, no matter the degree or the form. What we are exploring here is conscious awareness and connection with this reality. It is not a matter of ‘belonging’ and ‘not belonging.’ Service to life is not a membership reality; it is a way of life. Life serving life is what continues life and evolves it, rejuvenates its creations, and brings balance. There is nothing haphazard in the truth of this and its nature is in harmony with Life itself.

These explanations provide a path of understanding to relate to what already is. Networking is a subtle reality. You ask what can you compare this to, for the purpose of understanding its reality? It is a system of life, not unlike your own being, conscious of the life it serves, benefiting from the service, intimately aware of individuals, the collective, and the complex reality of each being. And this is only a beginning. Namaste.

Oct. 26, 2015                                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also Network of Service


Awakening to the reality of the larger life

How many have asked the question, “There must be more to life than this endless repetition?” The realities involved are available for everyone’s perusal, if they truly desire to know more and allow the changes the understanding brings. The purpose of these journeys is to inspire the search for enlightenment, to describe in part the rewards for awakening and serving life.These two journeys address this idea from slightly different angles and are presented together for ease of understanding.

The larger life

JANU: We are serving the collective consciousness of humanity as it becomes liberated through its own awakening. How many humans have asked the question, “There must be more to life than this endless repetition?” While there is, progress in this direction need not always be miraculous, breathtaking, or turn your life upside down. Steady progress is more desirable, for the deeper understanding arrives through experience and the time to assimilate and change your understanding of life and who you are in a more permanent way.

The desire to move forward, awaken to more of life, is tempered by patience and deep consideration to changing your life experience. Such patience, steadfastness, and depth of understanding conditions your consciousness with patience and understanding for others, with no judgment or limiting perceptions and, on the contrary, providing gentle support in many ways. Patience seems more natural when your perception of your existence is larger than one sojourn.

The deity that humanity has created has these qualities. Consider the qualities of the collective of all of life, as it includes all of the wisdom gained for all worlds, all species, all realities, all deities, and all people. It is miraculous that one individual consciousness of one person has the capability to touch any part of this. Your True Nature is miraculous indeed. Get to understand it and be in harmony with who you truly are. Namaste.

Oct. 21, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Humanity is a miraculous path to a larger life

JANU: How often, our brother, do we speak of understanding your incarnate and the larger life? The realities involved here are available for everyone’s perusal, if they desire it, if they attune to it, if they truly desire to know more and allow the changes the understanding brings. The current vision of individuals is limited. Seeing with new eyes is the opportunity. Understanding with an open mind is the vehicle. Loving and respecting the Truth of Life is the key. All we have spoken of is but a moment in the larger truth of Life. The perspective to understand your current condition is found in this way. Ask yourselves, what is it you desire truly? Are you content and at peace with your current condition and understandings? Or do you sense there is more that would benefit you in the life that you are? The choice has always been yours.

But at times you will be inspired and called by the divine within, your spirit, your True Nature, the larger you. For inherent in your being is the desire to evolve, create anew, and enrich life. The purpose of these journeys is to inspire the search for enlightenment, to describe in part the rewards for awakening and serving life. Humanity is a miraculous path of exploration and becoming. For life is a miracle, our brother. What can you imagine to replace it?

And we speak from some experience, our brother, knowing there is far more to come and desiring to share that with you that all of life benefits. Namaste.

Oct. 23, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Exploring the larger life

JANU: Sublimating curiosity to a more profound connection with life, let us command perspective on the human adventure as it pertains to its role in the scheme of things.

In some ways, humanity is just beginning its adventure, becoming more and more aware of life beyond the Earth. There are many schools of thought and experience as to the non-physical nature of human consciousness. A true adventure awaits when meeting another from another world and learning of each other’s psyche, understanding the capabilities. This can be what some would call ‘a tricky time,’ a delicate beginning of relationships, learning how strong and fragile your perceptions can be.

A question arises, again: What is real and what is not? Has something been imagined or observed?

Procreation has many faces. Humanity will explore the lives of other worlds looking for common ground and finding it difficult to find. What of life spans that vary greatly? Diversity is a strength of life. Many species will have evolved differently. Humans talk about the ‘last great frontier.’ There are frontiers they have not yet imagined.

Oct. 22, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Time and timelessness

JANU: We are celebrating, if you will, each step, each achievement in understanding the natural path of awakening. These subtle movements are more profound than you know. Very subtle but powerful. The finite human measuring stick of a sojourn produces a sense of racing against time to achieve dreams and goals. A larger perspective of life and existence tempers this, realizing that the journey is not limited to one sojourn. It goes on and on.

Time and timelessness coexist in their domains of realization. Allow timelessness to bring a sense of peace as one walks through life. Many of our achievements together are not new to your experience but are being enhanced by reliving them. Balance and clarity, focus, peace, willingness, ‘allowing’ allows a flow of life through you without turbulence, the restrictions of frustration, impatience, forcing and willfulness. Some have a sense that these elements of impatience bring a sense of purpose, control, ‘aliveness,’ when, in fact, their purpose is limiting and self-defeating.

We speak of the power to create. To create what, in what manner, and with what result? Your life is more powerful and productive, meaningful, when all that you are is in harmony, cooperation, synergism. Timelessness, unlimited mind, open heart, joy in living, love of self and others, understanding, united within your consciousness, within your being, is a wonderful journey. Be in peace, our brother. Namaste.

Sept. 22, 2015                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


More on the Family of Life revealed

JANU: We are assembling at this time that which is needed and belongs to human destiny. What we speak of here is the assemblage of those who guide the destiny of humanity according to the principles of life of divine guidance. Human destiny as such belongs to humanity, of course, but something even larger as well. The purpose of this assemblage at this time is not so much to control human destiny but to review the result of the guidance. This is accomplished peacefully, serving the flow of life and its evolution. The service of this assemblage is not limited to the Earth, but reassembles in different configurations. These are determined by the destinies of other worlds and groups of sentient life.

When we speak of the Family of Life, it is vast indeed. Always in flux, adapting to changing needs. This assemblage is composed of patterns of life, more than individual beings. The difference is profound but these patterns of life are more causal than manifestations. Now, humanity does not pander to the authority of these, but is blessed by them. The purpose of this visit and our speaking of it is to expand awareness of the Family of Life, putting your own existence in perspective.

So, you see, the term ‘humanity’ includes more than the physical body, but the consciousness as well and the patterns of life that are part of this consciousness. You are connected in so many ways, serving life and being served by it, at the same time. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 28, 2015 B                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Two benefits of connection with your True Nature

Sanity, stability, peace in a changing world

JANU: We are enumerating once more the beginning of the design for a foundation of sanity in a life pulled in so many directions: interests that come and go, the desires of others, a changing world, patterns of behavior of nations and peoples and nature. Where does personal stability find its foundation? Is there anything sane amidst the seeming chaos of life? Sanity comes from a perspective that allows a life to be whatever it chooses, but observing with eyes that can see a much larger life, bringing the diversity of life into a perspective that understands the reason for it, the roots of consciousness, the range of possibilities to be explored. So embracing change does not mean embracing life without the wisdom of your True Nature.

Understand that the so-called ‘Laws of Life’ are not fixed. So review at times and explore what you hang your hat on, so to speak, as a sane perspective. Refresh your point of view as you observe life and your own path and what guides it. Open to the wisdom of your True Nature and its vast experience and intimate knowledge and relationship with the flow of life. And, yes, even sanity is an emotion, for it is based upon a changing life. Adapting to change with wisdom and a love of life can provide stability that brings peace that is changing as well.

Achieving this understanding in the life is the result of a growing relationship in intimacy with who you truly are. Life has been at this a long time, our brother, and is doing well. Namaste.

Sept. 29, 2015 B

Choosing wealth and power

JANU: Many people salivate, so to speak, over the notion of newfound wealth financially. More so than being conscious, in harmony with their own True Nature. One is for power and comfort, the other a nebulous notion of unknown benefit. How is one to find meaning and desire in the latter? The miracle that life is even goes unnoticed.

We are not suggesting that life is one or the other. Life is everything, all experiences, all achievements. Why not genius, service, love of life, a more open and growing consciousness, and a peaceful and comfortable incarnate life that includes serving life? A relationship with others that benefits everyone, in one way or another.

When one begins to understand and experience their connection with a larger life, the truth behind everything, their values change. Their understanding of True Power emerges. When the quest and achievement of wealth consume the life, your time and energy, it is missing balance with the larger life. When one sees these physical achievements as but instruments to achieve larger goals that include the betterment of yourself and others, inner satisfaction takes on new meaning, and your thoughts on the eternal as is your role in life. To quote Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, “Life is worth living.” What is wealth, then, that quickens the heart, brings comfort and peace? Choose wisely. Namaste.

Sept. 30, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Merging the inner and outer life

JANU:    What distinguishes this morning’s service from others is the propensity for tolerance of the lives of people trying to make sense of their lives. They rely on churches, religions, professional counselors, therapists, the external influences more than their own inner reality and are confused about how to begin. A beginning is to desire deeply to understand life, your own life, to discover your faculties for embracing a deeper and larger understanding. Many are not even grateful for being alive. Society has accomplished much to support living, but not a lot to support a clear sense of being and ownership of existence larger than their sojourn.

The peace we speak of is a wonderful pathway to understanding. They think that the resources outside of them are the substance and security of their lives. It is temporary, and flawed, unreliable. But seeing these with insight, depth, and the inner wisdom changes this. One need not embrace everything in society to meet their needs, so it is wise to choose with some care what you embrace.

Realize that there is wisdom within, insight beyond the external life. Balance the two with patience and insight into the Truth and to the existence and purpose of opportunities. Even the largest ambitions in the material world benefit from a core reality of harmony with the truth of your being and the larger life. Entertain the timeless reality of existence to have a maturing perspective on reality. Merge the inner and outer life in a balanced way. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 2, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A changing and evolving perspective

JANU: Establishing relations belongs to a category of human service. The relations we speak of have to do with conscious links with the True Nature, that includes all of your being. It is an interesting quality to be individualized in the incarnate life and then begin to experience the presence and the wisdom of your own True Nature. The designation of ‘yours’ is a limited perception, for ‘you’ are the True Nature as well. But a larger reality exists and that is: being one in consciousness and in deed.

In the beginning, a small amount of identity shifting begins to take place, slowly at first, to where you begin to perceive life, your thoughts and your feelings, no longer alone but more and more as one complete being. This takes getting used to, for social consciousness is focused on individuality as a human being. Growing experiences, being one with your True Nature, and your True Nature with you, changes your perspective by way of evidence, communication, and a growing history of experience as one. The advantage of this is engaging life as a human being but with the resource of all that you truly are. Knowledge and understanding bring a condition of peacefulness and a solid foundation for exploring more of life and the richness that brings.

How you see yourself and what you mean by that term, and how you see others, is changing. Being patient yet persistent is helpful. Take a view larger than one sojourn and it will put your experiences in a larger perspective. More timeless, more inclusive, and more gratitude for what is unfolding. Be at peace. Namaste.

Aug. 12, 2015 B                                                                              Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Owning more of life and who you are

JANU: Welcome to life beyond physicality. We encourage this for everyone, in a way and time that is right for them. This is the ‘larger life’ of infinite possibilities and eternal nature and helps the real elements of life to be put into perspective.

The physical trip to other worlds adds to the experience. But be aware, our brother, that many have been to these worlds before. Not physically, but intimately as well. But the human consciousness, when attuned to the larger life, in harmony with its True Nature, can experience and know many things. So much of society in the physical allow elements of their lives to dominate their experience from a limited perspective. One does not need to travel the universe physically to know it.

The pulses and rhythms of life are everywhere. Cataclysmic changes can be sensed long before they occur. One learns that consciousness exists in countless forms and realities, even though the common human perspective sees objects as little more than solid matter, for they are limited by the concept of time. Creation evolves in physical reality slower than perception can detect and faster than perception can detect. So to perceive life with a timeless consciousness makes for a larger life.

This does not negate the need for and the benefits of the physical experience. That can be added as well to the larger consciousness. But there comes a time when the view of life senses there is much more and begins to realize that your True Nature, at one with your incarnate consciousness, is not so limited. Life becomes more inclusive in understanding, contribution, and the flow of life that you are.

These words can only point a direction of exploration. They own nothing, but your consciousness can own everything. There are miracles of reality in the Earth experience. Communicate intimately and successfully with any creature of the Earth and experience a miracle that expands you in a moment and touches the life of that creature, bringing wonder to its consciousness. These opportunities are everywhere. Include more of life in what you own. A journey without end. And reward without end. Feel life around you. Choose to connect with it to understand and to serve as well. Namaste.

Aug. 22, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We of the Brotherhood of Light have presumed for a long time, time being a relative term, you see, that humanity would engage in pursuits of happiness that transcend current social relationships that are more a part of the past than the future. A worthy question on this pursuit is: What is happiness, and where does it come from, and what does it afford?

Happiness is a condition of consciousness. It comes from deep within and radiates from an individual that is unmistakable to others. Being at peace with life and who you are allows this.

Happiness extends itself into the lives of others. Even those who, in their ignorance, reject it are touched anyway. Their choices in life are enriched and their True Nature comes closer to the surface.

Happiness is a great liberator. And happiness creates after its own kind, without effort.

Happiness is a natural healer, bringing balance to the systems of life.

Happiness anticipates, with fondness, every moment and every day. Impossible dreams and adventures become as achievable, with the confidence that happiness brings.

Happiness brightens your aura and every part of your being.

There is a lighter side to life than the stifling effect of seriousness that sees no humor in living. Take a moment and choose happiness. Allow it to come from within you and enjoy the experience of it and how it changes your perspective, bringing an energetic freedom to enjoy life. Wishing everyone this experience, namaste.

Aug. 14, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross