The nature of the True Nature

JANU: Exploring the True Nature from the perspective of the human consciousness is an uplifting journey into the larger reality of being. The True Nature is not described by incarnate parameters of existence. It is described by the richness and diversity of life itself and words do not contain this. So, exploring the True Nature is a journey of consciousness experience, of letting go of the limitations of incarnate ego identity and embracing an unlimited presence in the flow of life. In due course, the experience deepens to an expanding identity and a realization that everything you embrace, you touch with consciousness. It is part of you from a much larger inclusive sense of being.

The limited perceptions of dichotomy, duality, are perceived as minor realities that only exist in incarnate life. These are not judged or condemned in any way. They just are, as an interim experience on the incarnate journey.  An experience of pure being, not needing identity, realizing that any identity is that of Life itself and even beyond. Identity uncontained, yet to be realized more and more fully. And this includes the reality, the presence of other True Natures, beyond any species identity.

The growing freedom of being, the incarnate life a path of exploration and experience to gain wisdom and understanding of part of a larger Life. The True Nature being the source of the incarnate consciousness but so much more. Namaste.
Oct. 22, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Wise decision making when confronted with conflicts

JANU:    Yes, difficult decisions demand insight. Delegating one’s responsibility, when inflicted upon others, where does wisdom lie? Conflicts occur on the path of awakening. But what decisions are wise and what is the source of the wisdom?

There is a tendency, when faced with these challenges, to make decisions based upon personal and independent perspective. Not wise, when it involves the destinies of others. Making conflicts known, within the structure of society to those who have agreed upon authority, when possible, maintains integrity of the situations that don’t allow for this process. Preventing suffering and loss of life becomes paramount, but even this is subject to interpretation.

Call upon, attune to the wisdom within and follow your intuition. Each conflict has its unique aspects and insight can focus the Light, the Truth of Life very quickly. Practice this for the small things to where insight serves well. The True Nature has access to vast resources, not constrained by time. Decide to know. Namaste.
Oct. 8, 2019 B                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Larger understanding of the Rapture

JANU: Rapture is a term used by many while describing being risen into what some call heaven. Some forms of this exist but mainly due to preconception and limited understanding. As we journey during these attunements, they are journeys of experiencing the beauty and the peace and the wisdom and the power, the liberation. A completely natural experience, a tradition of varying nuances and experiences best guided by the larger reality of who you are, the Divine Self, so to speak, which includes the consciousness experiencing incarnate life.

This is not a one time event. It is a process of unfoldment into the Larger Life that is always changing, evolving, realizing potential, gaining wisdom and capability to help enrich life. This experience occurs whether incarnate or not, for even in the discarnate existence life is evolving, a reality in motion. While incarnate, these journeys in consciousness bring perspective and wisdom to awareness, dispelling ignorance and limitation. This you have called ‘awakening’ and it is.

All we have spoken of coexists. All one need do is put their attention upon their True Nature and the Larger Life and the connection grows. Love this into being. It is your heritage. It is your destiny. It is who you are. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2019 B                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Love is the great teacher within

JANU: Laudable, then, is the understanding and embrace of the universal nature of love.  It is common ground, common virtue, for everything, for all of life. It’s the peace regulator; it supports peaceful harmony with the essence of all of life. It knows no bounds or time limit or limits of space. Space exists within its purview. Even the so-called ‘Big Bang’ was loved into being. The energies of existence, creation, destruction, the power of all of these is loved into existence. So, in that sense, love is the source of all of these powers.

Loving each other, placed in this perspective, brings integrity and balance and, through these, realignments, rejuvenation. This is indeed a larger view of life that brings clarity of perspective, reveals the truth of everything, transcends limitation, and is the great teacher within. Namaste.
Sept. 26, 2019                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Honor the genius in each one

JANU:    Enormous are the responsibilities in the Larger Life, but they are a natural part of that life and one evolves into them. And they evolve as well. You query about helping others and the balance of energies, life patterns to be considered. Be mindful that each one’s True Nature is privy to whatever is needed, being at one with the Larger Life. Encouraging others to accept the reality of those natures, in whatever way they are capable of, still requires guidance and timing, content, patience, and a loving nature.

Compare not your own quest with that of another. Each path is different. Questions are less threatening and intrusive than declarations. Questions are invitations to consider. Remember, there is genius in everyone, whether aware of it or not. Honor that; respect it. Find no fault with the opinion of another. It is their truth at the moment.

Remember, the gem of life has countless facets, each one a perspective of the Truth of Life. Each one a piece of the puzzle of a larger picture made up of the lives of many. Share what you own. Listen to the ownership of others. Much to learn there. Namaste.
July 15, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Observing with no frame of reference

JANU:    This evening’s journey represents the best tradition of service as it pertains to the scale of life. When examining or considering this scale, from the smallest particle to the largest venue, from the human perspective, there exist elements of life not limited to this point of view. These elements of life coexist with your dimensional reality and they are life elements that perceive life in a completely different manner, but they are life nonetheless, and we serve them as well. For there is a common thread to all of life, but life possesses aspects of itself that do not know of each other’s existence.

What we serve this evening is an awareness in this area of understanding. There is wisdom in these isolations of life, and there is wisdom in bridging this isolation at times. This evening’s encounter becomes the bridge. And in this case, service includes mutual enlightenment, expansion of consciousness, and life touching life, even as we speak.   (Extended pause)

These elements of life do not think as you do or have any of the senses of perception that you do. The awareness of their existence is more in the direction of a sense of each other as part of a greater more inclusive being aligned with a peace that knows no fear. These elements of life are not consumed with power, possessions, construction, technology, craft for exploration. Their existence is better understood as pure being without form.

This evening’s journey is an exercise in opening to life that outwardly seems to have no familiarity, but can be known. So what frame of reference does one use to explore a reality that seems to have none, yet is reality in its own being, and part of life? Much to consider here, and namaste.
Sept. 25, 2012 B                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years. 


The nature of the third dimension

JANU: Service this evening begins with an announcement that there is a clarification to be had of your density of life, sometimes called ‘the third dimension’ although a limited, unenlightened term.

Your density–which in reality is variable, with many layers of vibration or frequency, and many energies, some gross and some very subtle–your density belongs to a group of densities that are by no means isolated but co-exist. The fabric of life allows there to be connection and communication between all densities; therefore, your perception of the so-called third dimension can be on the small side, you see. Third dimensional understanding would best be re-named ‘a moment of physicality in a crystalline reality.’

Service, then this evening, is to bring enlightenment in this area of understanding. For the consciousness to be engaged in multi-dimensional understanding, there must be a multi-dimensional perspective of co-existence, of integration, of synergism, and of common purpose. A oneness with all of life in your perceptions allows this to be. We would have you see it in this way, for there are opportunities throughout reality to be engaged and witnessing life from a physicality perspective will not get you there.

We know you understand this. It is our endeavor this evening to bring clarity to this, for you and other observers. We trust there is clarity here, in this introduction. Namaste.
Aug. 28, 2012 B                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

Ed. note: This is one of the earlier presentations of the concept of coexistence, which has been much explored in recent years. Search the term ‘coexistence’ to see the many journeys concerning this idea.

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The fragility of human existence

JANU: Fragility is your inquiry. We of the Brotherhood speak to this issue of the fragility of existence. Why not look at it this way: Is a thought permanent? Its state of existence is not. Its essential nature is. So it moves with the flows and ebbs of life in motion.

Such it is with the physical existence. Its Nature is ongoing. Its manifestations are cyclic, inter-reacting, mutually influencing, modifying, re-creating. The fragility you speak of has to do with the flow of life, change, not its essential nature. Yes, even worlds collide, destroy each other, but the essential nature of existence still remains. Once again, the limited view and the larger view seem to contradict, but only from the smaller point of view.

So, when one tends to identify with physical existence, there enters into the consciousness the fear of the loss of consciousness, the loss of life. Life is not lost. Physical existence changes. Manifestations are not permanent, the ability to manifest is. So choose your identification with care, for the sense of identity becomes the so-called world of experience that you have chosen, with its parameters of existence.

Awakening to a larger identity, embracing the Larger Life, changes perspective about everything. You are not fragile. Your existence physically is. Namaste.
June 6, 2019                                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The nature of existence

JANU: The nature of existence is a worthy focus. There is the minutia and the overview, and they coexist as one. The nature of existence is ‘being.’ The significance of life is even beyond its manifestations, not usually grasped by individual human consciousness. But how does one relate the evidence of existence from incarnate perception to that which is more encompassing? For the microscopic, you see, is by comparison part of the whole and there is purpose in everything, whether manifested or not.

“What is the nature of existence?” is a key question in awakening. The union of coexistence does not blend purpose to the point of eliminating individuality, for even the atom has purpose, each one as part of the Larger Life. All components, all elements of existence are connected. The nature of existence and all of its components coexist and are part of each other. Realizing this, between people and their human egos, is challenging. For that which is not physical, you see, exists; that which is beyond energy exists.

“What is the reality,” you ask, “of non-existence?” “Is there beginning of life or has it always been?” These types of questions open the consciousness to larger understanding without prejudice or preconception. Use every challenge as an opportunity to ask a larger question, putting all of life in perspective. Having a question of this nature does not mean one is identified as ignorant of life. All consciousnesses, you see, ask questions, are awakening. Part of the nature of the Family of Life. You’re among good company.

Many fear for their physical existence, unaware of their larger nature that continues on, long before and long after incarnation, and it coexists as well with the human journey. Identify with life, which you are. Namaste.
May 27, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Equality speaks of diversity with balance, proportionate, a prosperous relationship with life. Observing others and oneself from the perspective of equality is a great revealer, not only as to potential but the beauty of the moment as each one walks through their life. Equality includes what might be called ‘strange bedfellows’ for their life can be widely diverse. Yet here they are, existing, relating in one way or in one level or another.

What is an equality perspective when looking at everything? It is a reality of its existence. How can part of Life be at odds with itself? It coexists, for each existence draws upon the fundamental principles of Life and its potential. The fact of existence gives credibility to being. Equality includes all of the elements of any path that exists, whether incarnate or not, whether understood or not. A balanced view or perception or engagement or understanding is an equal relationship with existence. Is your understanding and appreciation of another based on equality? Namaste.
Apr.16, 2019 B                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross