Merging Larger Life with physical life

JANU: Coalition of attributes might describe the reality of conscious existence, merging the Larger Life with the incarnate life. How is the incarnate life enhanced by a larger perspective?

  • Wisdom in choices affecting health, peace of mind.
  • Insights, wisdom.
  • Understanding love beyond emotions.
  • Smaller decisions in the face of eternal life.
  • Perspective that includes many layers of reality including the physical.
  • Insight into potential, possible futures.
  • Understanding memories, even those not born of this sojourn.
  • Understanding others and yourself.
  • Freedom to use identity as a tool, to pick up or put down.
  • Being in harmony with natural Earth changes.
  • Understanding the coexistence of realities, not limited to the Earth, and
  • their influences.
  • Perceiving humanity globally.
  • Gauging the nature and purpose of change and manifesting it.

These and many other qualities exist as potential through awakening to the Larger Life. Namaste.
Apr. 11, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Transformation the key, then, in awakening. What does self-transformation appear as?

A more balanced and happier physical body, to begin with. Peace of mind. Optimism. A peaceful relationship with the flow of life. Harmonious creativity. A joy in the so-called small things in life. Rejoicing in the happiness of others. Empathy and understanding for all the creatures of the Earth. An expanding identity with life beyond the self. The realization of unlimited potential. Co-creativity. The realization that life itself is transforming continuously. Understanding everything in new ways, at greater depth, and many perspectives. Being conscious as Life that is inclusive beyond human identity. Being free to transform everything about you as you choose. Loving life more fully.

Transformation begins whenever you choose, and for as long as you choose. Journey in freedom. Namaste.
Mar. 11, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Truth can seem ambiguous & confusing

JANU: The truth resembles what some may call ambiguous and confusing. For the interpreter and observer, the truth depends upon perspective, experience or lack thereof, preferences, traditions, points of view. When investigating any so-called truth, be prepared for diversions and distractions that are difficult to reconcile.

The closer one comes to enlightened consciousness beyond the five senses, the more revealing the reality of any pursuit. Therefore, observe with patience and caution the perceptions of others, relying upon a growing power of discernment that one would be wise to continue to develop. Take everything within. Shine the Light of the Larger Life upon them with patience and openness. Much to be learned beyond what is being presented including the origins of that presented.

Listen carefully, both within and without. The layers of truth are there. The Larger Life is rich with understanding. There are no secrets. Namaste.
Feb. 12, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Quality as a theme for all endeavors

JANU: The theme chosen for this evening by your query is quality in consciousness, by way of the integrity of the total True Nature. And even ‘quality’ as a descriptor has many flavors.

So, what is quality, then, in the truth of life pursuit? It is an even-minded and balanced experience, which affords meaningful appraisal of any element of the truth of life. Quality has endurance, connectedness to larger and smaller elements of life. Quality is a revealer of substance and the endless layers of meaning to the many realities of life. Quality is in the moment and in the changes and in the evolution and creativity of a maturing consciousness. Quality is.

Choose then to apply quality as an evolving and growing understanding to decision-making, to relationships, to thought processes, to your emotions, to your utterances bringing peace to your journeys. Quality and clarity of perception, ‘til quality is a theme, not a fixed state but a living evolving reality that carries your journey into a brighter future and a brighter moment, which is now. Be ‘quality’ on your path without a fixed notion of its presentation.

Even your True Nature is evolving in this way, for life itself is in motion in this perspective. But this theme will serve you well and everyone you relate to, every circumstance you contribute to, every enrichment you contribute to life. Namaste.
Feb. 5, 2019 B                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Expanding perspective to all patterns of life

JANU: Significant, our brother, is the realm of joy. It brings peace to the harmony of life. This harmony generates significant ripple effect through life’s creations, subliminally, clearing away more and more the ripples caused from disturbances in the flow of life. All of life is in motion. Not all motions are in harmony with each other. But they are all part of the momentum of life and momentum strengthens direction.

You ask if there is such a thing as fine-tuning the flow of life? Yes, there is, our brother. All of life is self-regulating. Understanding this regulation is beyond the scope of most, yet we all reach to understand it. Peace in the midst of chaos seems a contradiction. It depends upon the scope of one’s view of life.

Self-regulation of life is committed by all of its creations, for they are imbued with primary purpose, whether conscious of it or not. Let us bring into focus then, with clarity, the reach into the background of persistent life and discover perspective from all points of view. Identifying with only one limits the perspective to that.

The vibratory patterns of life are many. These patterns are all linked to each other through the collective of life. Difficult for the human mind to concentrate on and embrace, the micro and macro of reality simultaneously. But this perspective fosters allowing life to be all of these, choosing their way. Peace and joy, our brother, are part of that perspective. Confusing at best, but still reality. Be at peace, our brother. Namaste.
Oct. 5, 2018                                                                                    Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Life’s challenges & opportunities linked

JANU: We are assembled then at this time, bringing due diligence to the peaceful nature of the sublime. True peace is the strength of enlightened consciousness in the midst of the evolution and unfoldment of life, meaning the daily occurrences.

Life interactions run the gambit and are many times discouraging, but life lives on and its nature is to accommodate and continue. Such it is with the enlightened existence. One accommodates and continues. Precision mapping of the moment regards everything in perspective. Untangles webs of confusion. Solutions are revealed, confidence restored, commitments maintained. Confidence is built upon a history of resolve and resolution. There are always solutions.

Life does not create challenges to defeat itself, to end itself, to close the door on the truth, but at times to redirect toward more profitable outcomes, paving the way for achievements in the midst of other opportunities. So, in some ways, everything is linked. Yes, it is the nature of existence. Thank you and namaste.
Aug. 22, 2018                                                                  Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.


The awakening of collective humanity

JANU: The subject being the collective awakening of humanity, the dynamics involved, motivations, and relationship with the Larger Life. Human consciousness as a collective is best described as a synergism of many elements, many consciousnesses, influencing each other as waves of change. These changes occur systemically and patterns to be read in these changes indicate the sensitivity of human consciousness to the flow of life that they all share. A pearl of wisdom here suggests that humanity is on the move and the conflicts and controversies that exist are struggling to survive the catharsis.

Now the awakening of humanity is sponsored by collective True Nature. For, even as each human is dominated by a perception of individuality, relating to this more than collective unity, oneness, humanity evolves as a collective, a body of consciousness moving through life with symmetry and purpose. Now this reality does not exist only for humanity but other life groupings as well. And all of these groupings have a bond, a synchronicity, a collective reality in the flow of life. So true and complete isolation belongs to perception only.

The motivations to evolve exist internally, reflected in experience. An awakening consciousness can perceive these patterns and understand more deeply human destiny. A journey worth taking, our brother. The larger perspective sees the elements of life more clearly. Namaste.
May 29, 2018                                         Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 15 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The larger reality of being

JANU: Portraying then the combined reality of being, growing in consciousness of who you are, links your consciousness to the reality of others, contributing to the path of compassion, mutual identification, and understanding. That question alone of ‘Who are you?’ is a doorway into the larger life. What does one base the discovery of this on but expanding one’s identity to include more, letting go of social conditioning from those who are unaware? One might say, “Look how complex the human identity is: thoughts and emotions, experiences, growing understanding.” This is true, our brother, but there is more.

These elements of identity are manifestations of a reality of being much larger. Thinking in terms of one lifetime limits the scope of your being. Identify with existence not limited by time and space or social conditioning, but includes all of that as well. What is the larger reality of your being? It can be known. Look to understand it, all the elements of life, from a deeper and larger perspective. Everything touches everything else. Every ripple in the pool touches every other. Life under the veil leaves only one perspective. Namaste.
May 11, 2018                                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Awakening and connection

JANU: See coming, so to speak, the moment of awakening that touches the hearts of humanity. Humanity has a tendency to perceive its role in life as the leader of consciousness on the planet Earth, above all creatures. Realize this, our brother: humanity has much to benefit from the consciousness of the rest of life on the Earth. There is great wisdom there, experience, understanding. And, for many, humanity is viewed as dangerous, unpredictable, not a friend, out of control, and tolerated. Awakening changes that perspective.

Some see the spoken word as a gift of language unique to humanity. Not true. There is language everywhere, among all species of life, but humanity does not hear it or understand it. Awakening changes this.

Humanity struggles to overcome stress, fears. The creatures of the Earth cope with survival concerns, but have their peace as well. They strike a balance in their existence. Humanity has much to learn from them, and much to give to these creatures through the mastership of awakening.

Awakening brings connection, conscious connection, to more of life, with reciprocal benefit. Awakening brings consciousness to the language of their own bodies, bringing understanding of what is destructive and what is helpful. So much to learn of, benefit from, and serve. Namaste.
Apr. 11, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.  Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 13 contains all prior attunements in this series.


What is a catalyst for awakening?

JANU: What is this process called ‘awakening’? Becoming conscious, or should we say more conscious. What is the catalyst for this? Yes, it runs in cycles, cycles of timing, areas of interest, circumstances of need. The catalyst, our brother, is the flow of life, with all its eddies and currents, the alignment of circumstance and opportunity, always in motion. Fluid dynamics approximates some of this.

How does one serve, then, the awakening of humanity, with all its diversity, complexity, and timing? One does so by focusing on their own, which adds their contribution to this complex tapestry (LINK). You asked earlier of ‘selective awakening,’ ‘selective awareness.’ Of course, this is true, but that develops as well, through experience, trial and error if you will, and is necessary for the sanity during the incarnate experience, for the conscious mind to adapt.

All of manifest life is on this path of awareness and these venues of life can learn from each other. The journey of awakening makes this possible. The path of some seems negative and destructive, brutal, self-serving, full of mis-emotion, but it is the path of awakening, our brother, which covers the full gambit of expression.

Awakening includes perspective, which too is evolving. Consciousness continues, whether a species survives or not, for the experience is recorded, so to speak, in the True Natures and beyond. Cycles within cycles of life come and go but life continues. There is peace to be found, in all of this. As awakening continues, perspective deepens and the love of life blossoms. Namaste.
Apr. 10, 2018                                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 13 contains all prior attunements in this series.