Instant healing

JANU: You inquire this morning as to the immune system and the nature of instantaneous healing, the forces involved. We would address this in this way, our brother.

First, understand, structure in nature, the existence of the physical body, all of its systems, and the life that supports all of this maintains its integrity and patterns of existence. Every part of the body, every cell, its entire structure exists in more than one reality. The physical part of this system of life is the least causal of its condition. The True Nature of the physical is more etheric, and beyond. The link between these patterns can guide the existence of the physical, can be interfered with or strengthened by consciousness, intent, behavior. The so-called miraculous or instant healing occurs when a loving consciousness embraces these patterns of existence and coordinates them, energizes them, harmonizes them, so that the link between the physical existence and the more subtle patterns of existence become strong, uninterrupted, and balanced. Some call this “the power of love” without understanding its nature.

The love that perpetuates life creates manifestation and your existence is always present, our brother, and can be focused, holding your systems of life in embrace, intensifying their communication with each other, and pattern matching. So, when it appears that one is healing another, it is the presence of love in the nature of your being that is the power that accomplishes this. Intellectual understanding of this reality is not enough but the presence of love is the so-called magic here. Loving yourself, our brother, is not selfish. It is enhancing who you are and your service to life, of which you are a part, can realize its potential, which includes instant healing.

Now, be aware that the beginning of healing is instantaneous. The manifestation of the healing can vary. The process of healing is miraculous, worthy of gratitude and patience. Live your life as if you were well. This opens the pathway for the process of healing and change. Focus your attention upon the victory and live accordingly. Namaste.

Jan. 20, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


A perspective on security

JANU: We are focusing this evening on the security that so many are concerned with in their lives. Security speaks to people in many different ways, mostly survival, the reliability of same, personal economy, family, and well-being. The security we focus on this evening has to do with beliefs, nature, laws of life, and peace. Even these are appraised with unchanging perception.

True security, our brother, is the ongoingness of your nature, your True Nature. The physical existence is always temporary, yet if this is all you are conscious of, it is your whole world and describes your security. The current weather situation challenges this, causes many to wonder.

Balance the perceived needs of the physical existence with the reality that you cannot die. The death of the body has occurred many times, yet here you are. Not easy to own this and find peace in it, if your identity is limited to the human journey. These journeys we take together, our brother, speak of the larger life, a larger reality, a larger understanding that includes the human experience, even though temporary.

Enjoy the moment. Make the most of it you may, but with a balanced view and values that include many possibilities. Live in the Now and own who you are. Namaste.

Jan. 22, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Be a truthful representative of the life that you are

JANU: We are assembling this morning that needed for a journey into the far regions, also the near region, of the True Nature of the so-called human being. Far in the sense of seemingly long way from human awareness. Near in the sense of the intimate nature of your true reality.

The human journey has been an interesting one, full of contradictions and confusion, sprinkled with moments of truth and revelation and inspiration. Not settling on any one thing or understanding, for these truths are in motion and your anchor in life keeps moving and changing. The only stability to measure the moment on is your evolving and changing nature. Others around you, their philosophies and truths, are changing as well.

The Truth of Life that you reach for is the essence of life, which is more eternal than any creation, but it is evolving as well. How does one embrace a consciousness that is at once rooted in corporeal existence yet whose nature is finer than this? It is by accepting the existence, so to speak, of all realities, including your diverse nature. Allow each reality its validity, its nature, and its relationship with all that you are. It is not a contest of one reality being truer than another, or more vital or essential. All are needed, useful, co-existing, and mutually supportive.

Understanding the nature of life around you and the life within you opens your awareness to the oneness of it all, not preferring one part of life over another, but embracing all of life. Being at peace with all of life, and grateful for its reality. Everyone you meet represents all of this, is a walking composite of miracles called the ‘magic of life.’ Life is aware of its nature through you. As you may, be a truthful representative of the life that you are, bringing a growing clarity with less confusion. Be patient, be at peace, and engage life. Namaste.

Jan. 7, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Thresholds of Life

JANU: This subject is aptly named for that is the nature of experience for the explorer.

As you have already experienced, new understandings are like the wind coming in an open window, full of possibilities, paving the way to newer thresholds of experience, understanding and service. The energy of the wind is the love that Life has for you, embracing you through and through. Every new understanding is a threshold of life permeated with opportunity. Not discarding thresholds already achieved, but building upon them, for all of these are a foundation for moving through life, embracing it, mastering it, in the sense of reproducing it and enriching it. No one needs to convince you of a threshold’s validity, for the experience does this.

Anticipate these, pregnant with expectancy. These are some of the keys for you and they to find each other. Life is not a stagnant reality. It is dynamic, rich, and ongoing, always ready to absorb change, expansion, and deepening. The thrill of life is its evolution. And you are life, as are we. Be thrilled with the growth of another, as we are with yours.

Life is aware of everything at all times, in all places, in all realities. There are no secrets. How could life evolve if there were? It would be fragmented, divided within itself. Be alert to the next threshold. Explore its meaning, its scope, its understanding, and its opportunities. Expect these and engage them. Life is worth living and always has been, and shall always be. Namaste.

Jan. 8, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Nature of manifest and unmanifest

JANU: The physical attempt through math and other means to describe ‘nothing’ are approximations, estimates, missing elements of reality beyond their computations. But they do point in useful directions. They are like road maps on a journey, not describing everything but a practical usefulness for direction, but based upon space/time orientation. But most of life is beyond this or not limited by it. This is where direct knowing comes into play, being.

You ask, “Does the unmanifest have a source?” This is where the understanding of ‘source’ and ‘manifest’ comes into play as being one. In the finer truth, they cannot be separated. They are each other. Then the subject turns to ‘finite mind’ and ‘infinite mind’ and what is their relationship? Truth being, our brother, they are one, again. Different expressions of the same thing, suited to the tasks presented and sought. Time/space deals with exclusions, borders, where and when. That is the frame of reference. So the foundation for understanding the unmanifest is limited. Nonetheless, the unmanifest is true. So the manifest and the unmanifest are one. The unmanifest is reference in potential, the manifest is created to explore the potential, bring depth and richness to it, and expand the foundation for further exploration.

This consciousness grows into the oneness reality of superconscious and conscious mind. Added to it, becomes the ability to grasp each other. Needless to say, our brother, the dynamics and parameters of your consciousness and your life will change. Priorities expand. Life becomes more profound and meaningful. Namaste.

Jan. 2, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

See also post of Jan. 22 for preliminary discussion.


Grasping reality beyond the science

JANU: The focus this evening has to do with the numbered system of life as pertains to approximations in understanding. The scientific community fancies its portrayal of the science of life, the physics and the laws and the properties, explainable mathematically, as a rational approach to research and understanding. Verifiable evidence. Understand this: mathematics exists within the parameters of life that are non-linear, unpredictable, and cannot be contained in linear approaches to the nature of life. When attuning your consciousness to realities, let it be more organic than that. For even mathematics, our brother, have a fluidity not described by the math. How does math contain an understanding of reality beyond time/space where those properties do not exist? Moving then into probabilities.

So what do you hang your hat on while exploring life and serving it? Certainly not a rigid system of understanding. Something created from nothing. And what is the nothing, you see? So as we continue our journey of exploring life, be that open and unregimented to grasp reality beyond the science. Remember, any system you employ has a larger truth behind it. Everything comes from nothing. Namaste.

Jan. 1, 2016 B                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out tomorrow’s post “The Nature of the Manifest and Unmanifest,” as it extends this concept.


The so-called Big Bang

This has been addressed before from a different angle. Please check out Understanding the Big Bang for more.

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us assume a focus of the creation of this universe. Your scientists have said that the beginning of the universe sprang from nothing. This does not capture the reality of the moment, for the forces involved were non-physical and out of these began physicality for this universe. The culmination of the changes in these forces, which come from a reality beyond energy and forces, was a threshold of configuration initiating the spark of physicality that is still maintained in intimate relationship with these forces, even to this moment. For the physicality, you see, and its energetic nature are maintained by these subtler realities.

Even the moment of initiation was not instantaneous, for when understanding the initiation, everything is a process. Time/space being the result of a process of the true nature of life. From a human perspective, it is imagined as being instantaneous, the culmination of a sequence of processes, non-physical yet still process. Your birthing into a physical body is process, not unlike what occurs at the beginning of a universe, the moment of creation of a star and its activation. This occurs continuously in life, as it must be, for the patterns of life are one. So, in this understanding, the so-called Big Bang event never ceased.

Much in life seems instantaneous from the human perspective, but from the larger consciousness it is still process, some call ‘the flow of life’ even though much of it is beyond time/space. The continued new expressions in the universe as it unfolds and expresses are part of the process of life that begins the universe. They are all one. Many levels of reality with a common pattern of initiation and preparation for being.

Even so-called ‘death’ can be better understood from this point of view, but life continues, our brother. So the thought of beginning and end, cycles of existence, is a limited perspective. Namaste.

Dec. 3, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: The journey at this time focuses upon the variations on theme of communications with individuals here and there around the world, many of which are not based upon verbal communication.

For many, a deep sense of knowing, sensing the presence of intuition, interpretation of movements, flows in life.

For many, sensitivity to auras, both visual and physical—or should we say energetic? The five senses are not always included.

For many, it’s color and a sense of meaning for each color.

As with you, for some it is yeses and nos in the form of physical responses to inner knowing.

For a few, it’s full visual.

For some, it is numbers and their relationships.

For others, it is sensing the life of nature.

Yes, and for some, it is bi-location.

Whatever the modality, our brother, intimacy with life is conscious awakening. For those who insist upon proof of reality outside of the five senses, their time will come, for their True Nature exists in this way. Some are opened to subtler realities through music and art. And make no mistake, attuning to the rich diversity of incarnate life is no small journey. Much to be accomplished in mastering, learning from, and serving the incarnate life as well. The rest will come in time, and more. From a profound sense, all realities are one and connected. So the quest for awakening to subtler realities does not take the place of mastering the moment of the one you are traveling in.

Nov. 22, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Questions to consider on what is real

JANU: Yes, your question is valid, our brother, being “What is real?” about who you are and, yes, what you are. There is no denying your identity as a human being. But is there any more to it than that, that is real? Your feelings are real. Your thoughts are real. Repeatable, tangible. In one way or another, the physical body is real. But what lies beyond that?

Is there any non-physicality that is real for you? Is direct knowing real? Is the power to heal real? Is your knowing the thoughts of another real? Are insights real and where do they come from? Is synchronicity real? Is the flow of life real, and what is it? Are other lifetimes real and where is the evidence? Where does talent come from and is that real? What is the source of this communication and is that real? Is precognition real? When does something in your life for the first time seem real? And what evidence makes it so? Is your identity real? What have you discovered on your own to be real? Do you desire to have more reality in your life? Is there any reality to dreams? Is the apparent stability, solidity, to physicality real? Are the so-called ‘laws of life’ real and immutable?

What is real, our brother, and what is not? Is there a reality between these extremes, or is reality a spectrum of life?

Consider these carefully, and any others that occur to you, for more will come on this journey of discovery and evolution. The future is rich with possibilities and so are you. Namaste.

Nov. 8, 2015                                                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross