Research and exploration

JANU:    Research, then, is the theme, exploration. And what is the catalyst for research and exploring? It is a curiosity of wondering: What about? What if? How does this work? What is the connection? Where is life heading? What are the venues of understanding that flourish? What correlations exist between discoveries and realities? How do different parts of life influence each other? What controls are in place that the flows of life are not interfered with but play out? What levels of reality coexist with the physical body with results that communicate relationships, health and well-being, disturbances, and the flow of life force?

Research usually has a theme or focus. What do you wonder about, with commitment? And how open-minded are you, that allows something new into your consciousness, into your experience? What preferences and prejudices are behind the question or interest? What are your motivations? What is the character and nature of your current identity likely to do with new information, new capabilities, new faculties? Do you respect the life flows of others’ inquiries, existence, life journeys, and needs to understand, explore and evolve? How well do you understand and accept the oneness of everything and everyone, that everything is connected, influencing and being influenced?

Many issues arise in the field of research and exploration. One is never truly alone. Many beings hear your requests and monitor your explorations. Life is aware of everything. There are no secrets. So, ask your questions. Do your research. Awaken with concern and a sense of responsibility for the role you play in the flow of life. Namaste.
July 31, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Service: Fulfilling purpose

JANU:    Enormous, then, are the responsibilities of service. Enormous are the forms that service takes. Purpose, then, belongs to the theme of life, rich in tradition, that focuses intent and need into one truth. And, of course, every truth inspires another. Being of service is predestined to expand consciousness, quicken understanding, and inspire. Rich indeed are the consequences.

All of life serves life. Service is not isolated in any way; it is universal. Giving and receiving is life in motion, constantly evolving and creating. What grander purpose for being than to serve life? The opportunities for evolving are as varied as the opportunities for service. Growing in harmony with life and its flow is successful living. It is the nature of these journeys and each one, the fulfilling of purpose. Namaste.
Jan. 10, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


What is freedom?

JANU:    What is freedom? To what degree is this understood? What is peace and its true power? What is choice? What is wisdom? What is sanity? What is life? What is love? What is consciousness? What is sovereignty? The answers to these questions, and more questions which are beyond number, are present and coexist in the Larger Life. The human existence and consciousness are a portion of this.

The veil brings the sense and experience of individuality, disconnectedness, isolation, aloneness, leaving the rest of life a vague and faint memory of wonderings. There is nothing wrong with this but it has its limitations. The answers to a growing number of questions about life and existence are not contained in the veil experience, but they coexist with the incarnate life, seemingly out of reach. Questions without answers is an illusion, for inherent in every question is the answer, is the solution, or, should we say, many answers and solutions.

What does it take to begin the journey of awakening consciously to this larger reality of life? It takes desire, patience, commitment, focus, and confidence that all can be known. Your heritage as a being is the rest of life. What is unlimited mind? What are limitations? Do you recognize them and understand them and own them? Or do they own you, temporarily? The larger your consciousness, the freer you become to explore, to create, to redirect, to experience, to gain wisdom, to choose.

Your power to master all of this, and more, is through accepting responsibility for all of your circumstance and experience, blaming nothing else, which opens the window or the doorway to understanding responsibility. To owning it, and through the ownership, the power to move on to shape and create your life, to enrich it, and to magnify everything. Sharing your life with others is an art and beautiful experience. Not just for you but for them as well. Mastering this is a growth experience for everyone. And through this, the reality of oneness reveals itself.

Be patient with yourself and with others. Respect the choices. Understand the results and create anew. Namaste.
Dec. 24, 2018                                                                                     Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Symbols and meaning

JANU: The reality of symbolic representation as to the nature of life is little understood, for symbolism–including words, which are symbols of meaning—is an alternative to direct knowing, direct experience. They bring comfort to those who seek meaning and understanding in their lives.

Symbols represent desire to be connected, to be conversant while experiencing the veil that acts as a boundary to the consciousness of incarnate identity. Temporary icons of elusive meaning, subject to interpretation individually and collectively, which is as varied as there are individuals. ‘Deity’ is such, providing comfort and hope to be led into understanding, to fulfill the desire for a better life in every way.

This inner calling, if you will, to reach for something greater is a result of the veil of forgetfulness. The choice awaits the consciousness from the divine True Nature. But these times are changing. The veil is lifting, here and there. The consciousness is maturing and the veil is thinning. Many are reclaiming their power by accepting responsibility for their circumstance. The insights are coming. The understanding is emerging. The joy of discovery and realization of potential illumines the journey.

No longer the sense of aloneness, that prevents remembering and embracing the Family of Life. This takes courage, honesty, faith, and commitment to grow, to awaken, to return to the Larger Life, of which incarnate life is a part. Be patient with each other, encourage where you may, have compassion with yourself and others. Your True Nature is you. Namaste.
Dec. 18, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Sharing unlimited exploration

JANU: Life is real. Every reality of it, all coexisting, all interacting, all present, and all now. Separation consciousness under the veil of individuality, individual identity, sees boundaries and layers, this or that, has difficulty embracing the perception of this and that and that and that, without limit.

Peacefulness is when one is in harmony with the natural coexistence of life, the flow of its relationships, the larger synergism of everything. Time and space no longer the definition of its ‘isness.’ The concept of secrets is a limitation, a product of individualization, the veil interpreted as isolation and secrecy, privacy. It has its purpose as an experiment of consciousness to focus exploration within a portion of life, reducing distractions, but need not remain. Awakening is the path of restoration of consciousness, awareness, reclaiming the larger identity of being in the Family of Life.

Respecting each other’s illusions in their perceptions of life is important. But when one begins to reach for a larger sense of being, a return to all that they are, help each other on this path. Learn from each other. Claim all of your powers and the responsibility that goes with them. Privacy no longer needed, for you are within your integrity of being.

Share your peace with others, encouraging them to find their own. Be encouraged by others who are sharing theirs. Be the larger family that includes each other. Everyone experiences so-called reversals on their path of awakening. This is natural and provides opportunities to gain clarity and wisdom. Time is not a measurement of this. Be free to explore, unlimited by limited perceptions. Life is diverse but there is order. Honor the integrity of life, including your own. Namaste.
Dec. 18, 2018                                                                                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Compromise & cooperation in gov’t.

Editor’s note: These attunements occurred 6 years ago, but certainly are pertinent to the political scene today. It might be helpful if more of us held this ideal for our national government.

JANU:    Service this evening shall regard the coming months of politics in your country as an opportunity for those in power to demonstrate and remember the nature of cooperation and the primary reason for their existence at all, meaning the people and the nation and its service to the world. What we serve this evening is the learning and remembering and demonstrating of cooperation and reasonable compromise. Not the constant attack and diminishing each other through the quest for influence and power to keep their jobs. It has been done before, that the public, the masses, eliminated the jobs, the positions and the influence when dissatisfied enough. And it can happen again. Now, handled with wisdom, this need not occur again, for the recovery from this takes too long.

We will inspire the few who are open to this to become the beacons of compromise and cooperation, leaving behind the obsession of party politics. Compromise, cooperation, leadership, inspiration, example, and their respect and love for their nation and its people. These beings, when taken with this point of view, will be energized, inspired, and committed, and they will possess more than they can imagine of assistance. This we serve this evening. Let it be so.      Jan. 23, 2013 B

JANU:    This evening’s journey will include a dispatch of needed flexibility in the affairs of your government, meaning the U.S. government at this time. Rigidity has set in by the leaders of both parties and compromise has suffered. At this time, the nation of peoples and their individual authorities for their own lives is a stronger model for the continuation of your nation and your leaders have forgotten this. For many things, your nation has little need for the antics of your leadership, but in other ways their responsibilities, bestowed on them by the people, need to be met in a responsible way.

So, what we serve tonight is the idea and the creative genius inherent within flexible compromise. Without this, they will remain stalemated until the government and the people will force them. So that is our service this evening: flexibility and compromise, available to the consciousness of those leaders even as we speak. For the true power of leadership is based upon this, and they have demonstrated that without it, they are almost powerless.

Flexibility and compromise, for the good of the people and the nation. So be it. It is done.
March 6, 2013 B                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


A universal calling

JANU:    Peak interest in the expression of information amounting to established principles in the direction of maximizing potential results in a growing mass effort to realize that potential. What we show here is the determination of Life itself to evolve. We are part of this, which includes your life journey as well.

So the issue or focus here is not just the awakening of others and the self, but the larger effort or imperative, compelling of the True Nature of Life. It has always been there but, as awakening ensues, the ground becomes more fertile for expression. We of the Brotherhood of Light do not lay this responsibility on you alone. It is distributed throughout life, engaged by those who welcome it for it lives within them and walks through their lives with them.

This is not your imperative alone. It exists in others. Help each other discover the truth of their own life, their own Nature. Encourage them to do so. Encouragement in time takes the form of one other expressing the calling from within and sharing what they have learned about it. Namaste.
Aug. 17, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 19 contains prior attunements in this series.


Normalizing conscious co-existence

JANU: We are normalizing then that which connects up the elements of being. What is so-called ‘channeling’ then, our brother, but the coordination of and cooperation of the elements of consciousness throughout the being? Benefit takes place, not just to the being, but to life itself. The more this occurs, being at peace is conscious union with the coordination, the co-existence consciously, with all that you are. For through this reality, conscious union with the larger life is enhanced. Let there be, then, this normalization, which is a state of being, you see, more harmonious than without it.

Wisdom is not limited to a portion of life, but is owned, so to speak, by all of it. All that is gained in the evolution of life belongs to life, for it is made of it, continued by it, enriched by it. The Family of Life is more vast and diverse than most are aware of. It is a blending of individual responsibility and collective reality, coexisting, flowing together. Namaste.
June 29, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.


Basic elements of human relationships

JANU:    Elemental basics in the affairs of humanity deal with continuity of experience, relationships, integrity, motivations, and one experience building on another. These have been violated in the current treatment of families on the southern border. Let it be known that there are always consequences in life. Basic elements of the human condition have suffered here. Humanity has the task and the consequence of remedy. Responsibility is far and wide. Collective humanity is involved. We of the Brotherhood hear the call of so many. We encourage reinforcement of, encouragement of, the basic elements of human consciousness and collective society. So be it.
June 22, 2018                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Wise counsel

JANU: Wise counsel, our brother, stems from a measure of compassion, caring about the plight of another. Not agreeing with, but a sensitivity to, suffering which has many forms. Helping another own, through understanding, their responsibility and their role in the suffering or in the circumstance inspires the courage and the strength to own their responsibility and reclaim their power.

These ups and downs, ins and outs, of human experience are part of growing. Nothing wrong with these. They are opportunities to master their lives. Helping each other reach into the depths of their consciousness, of their life patterns whether from this life or another, helps bring about the inner peace that enriches their sovereignty.

Let us begin, then, by understanding this as we move forward. Compassion, our brother, is not sympathy, which is ‘agreeing with’ another’s circumstance, including your own. Compassion is the willingness to help each other find peace and understanding and the power to re-create their life path. Thank you, and namaste.
June 29, 2017                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening set 26 contains all prior attunements in this series.