Why do beings incarnate?

JANU: Many are motivated simply to explore more of life, the wisdom of understanding, the power to engage, the discovery of potential. And, yes, many pursue specific goals. But do not encourage others to do so, for there are many challenges and not all journeys are straightforward, and can run in circles. The lowering of the veil can be problematic; the lifting of said veil requires much for some. The contract made with the self holds fast, but many in what you call the Larger Family of Life assist with the recovery of consciousness. All involved grow from the experience and this is understood before incarnating.

Your particular reason for this journey, our brother, has to do with a so-called ‘fight for life’ in a distant reality, for incarnating can be a far journey. Living is a larger issue than just existing in the physical. The incarnate journey is far larger than physical survival. It is the survival and expansion of consciousness, bringing larger life, more of life, to the realities of the existence. What you struggle for and achieve here and there, seeming to stumble from time to time, is to enrich life incarnate. And make no mistake, our brother. What is gained will serve well on other journeys into life’s potential.

Probe the depths of the mysteries of life. Seek their revelations. And embrace your own nature as you do. The current incarnate experience does not define you, for its full potential is far from realized. And your potential is larger still, whether incarnate or not. Your question is valid, but what answer can contain it all? For it is still being realized. Probe the mysteries of life, whether apparent or not. Ask the questions and listen to life’s answer. Enjoy the journey. Share it as you may. Namaste.
Apr. 6, 2016 B                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Life beyond the veil

JANU:    What we see first here is a more spontaneous response to living situations, not only in your understanding, your awareness, but your relationship with others and their needs. Humanity in general is constantly seeking enlightenment. Life is very confusing in many situations. Many play a game of society, posturing image for impression with others to fit in and for advantage, yet secretly longing for pure understanding to the nature of life, their own existence, and wisdom. Very confused as to what love is and simple happiness seems illusive. Representing a more natural way of existence through constant attunement or awareness as to the nature of life can be an inspiration for those looking for understanding or answers to their questions. Not from you, but from within their own True Natures, Life itself. And that is what this is about, in part, our brother. A natural existence of understanding and awareness, a knowingness within your being untapped so to speak, always. No sense of aloneness and being lost in the sea of life.

This connection we speak of that you inquire about is not abnormal. It is uncommon. But more people tap into this from time to time in their lives than they realize. You can inspire them to be better at it, so to speak, for it to be more reliable and available. Every insight need not be recorded but taken within to your foundation of understanding.

We see developments here, not only in understanding but utilization of faculties in the application of energies and consciousness, promoting healing, peace of mind, a strong sense of inner strength and confidence, a natural happiness and sense of humor, recognizing absurdities and enjoying play. Much to explore and accomplish and, yes, master.

The veil, our brother, was never intended to be permanent or eternal. Only a tool to help one focus on the incarnate life, only for as long as needed. More and more are nearing the end of that journey, to find guidance within to carry them further. All of these and more: faculties, facilities, and gifts of life to be explored. Understanding and experiencing a direct connection with the rest of life is a grand journey, for life is rich and has much to offer itself in the coming together. Many systems in your physical bodies have a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship. All the parts of life have this as well.

Becoming one in your consciousness, in your experience, is enriching. Developing this way of life while incarnate as well is full of wonder and so-called miracles. Life is magical, our brother. The scope and depth of the journeys cannot be fully foretold. But the promise is real and so is the fulfillment. Namaste.
Mar. 7, 2016                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out Pure Beingness as well as the previous three postings to get continuity of this process.


Incarnation and the veil

JANU:    There is, for humanity, this experience of rising above the circumstances of incarnate life to manage them more wisely, to understand their truth, to be the master you are destined to be by nature of who you are. Identity shifting is still a challenge. Personality-ego, physical body, pain and suffering, limited understanding and command of life are not who you are. They are self-imposed limitations on freedom of expression while incarnate. We would have you see this. Once again, the common experience but not the normal one.

You ask, “Why, if the larger reality is who I am, don’t I seem to possess it?” You choose, our brother, to walk this journey with the veil, heightening your sensitivity to, appreciation of, and intimate understanding of the wisdom of life itself. It is one thing to be, yet another to realize the potential of the beingness. Walking the incarnate life with the journey of remembering and repossessing, so to speak, your potential brings great wisdom and a tempered relationship with the innate power of the life that you are.

Relationships, service, struggle, victory hint at the range of the experience and the wisdom that it gains. Why not embrace it? It is the game of life you have chosen, with many victories to come and many victories already gained. Life becomes richer for it, for everyone can draw upon the wisdom everyone gains. Your experiences are not yours alone, and neither are your challenges. The same is true for your victories, your wisdom, your love of life.

Journeys in consciousness touch everyone, bringing confidence that their journeys they have not recognized as such are wonderful and develop them as they may. We all journey together, no matter how brief they are or how profound they seem. Grow in your understanding and experience of the meaning of oneness, not just you one with life but life one with you. Be aware and find peace. Namaste.

Feb. 19, 2016                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the path of awakening

JANU: Today’s journey in memories reveals the struggles of humanity to survive, to grow and prosper while incarnate. The questions that have arisen due to this review of memories are the reason for the veil, the wisdom of it, and the growth in consciousness beyond the need for it, the role of religion, and the laws of the land. All of this was brought about to help ensure the maintenance of the inherent integrity and dignity of consciousness, of the True Nature, of the spiritual being. A life without these models of understanding and integrity clearly leads to chaos and self-destruction. But the temporary measures of social order and religion, philosophy, theosophy are meant to be grown beyond, as building blocks.

The veil reveals, through experience while influenced by it, of the need for integrity and order, and the freedom to be and explore life’s potential. Not in chaos and destructive patterns, for life in the physical is a duality of this, re-creation through destruction, the tearing down and the building up, the confusion and the clarity that comes from experience, direct observation. How many would continue with this experience, our brother, without the veil? The veil is an opportunity to mature through experience, with a desire to see more clearly, to understand, to realize potential. Little by little, the veil is needed less and less, as the understanding comes and the mastery of life. Religions are part of this as well, although misunderstood, misinterpreted, and misapplied. Original design and intent is lost through time, so they too decay, making room for a freshness and greater clarity. Part of the path of awakening, our brother.

All of this serves the true purpose of life. Part of the awakening of humanity, proclaiming its true state and growing spiritual maturity. For the adventures are endless. The gifts of the journey are unfathomable all at once. So as you survey and explore life, keep this in mind to maintain perspective and appreciate the magic of it all, the gift of it all, the achievements yet to come, especially as humanity begins to discover and connect with other life forms, other worlds, other consciousnesses. The larger Family of Life is on its doorstep. Be at peace, our brother. All is well. Namaste.

Feb. 8, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Ongoing life: a mix of stumbles and victories

JANU: While many have a main focus of survival physically and the care of their families, for many, spiritual survival, presence, involvement is theirs.

What does this mean then, ‘spiritual survival?’ It means the manifestation of their true integrity in their lives. An infallible guide to how they live and think, make decisions, and relate to each other. Being true to their core being. This can seem illusive, hit and miss if you will, and at times futile. But they are always drawn back to the ideal.

The lessons and strengths gained on this journey give testimony to the wisdom of incarnating and the veil and the spirit within. Life is discovery and incarnate life is rich with this. Stumbles, so-called mistakes, reversals, confusion, misunderstandings are part of the journey. They are testimony to the forgiving nature of life itself. And the promise remains, and the fulfillment, and the new journeys and opportunities still come.

Some perceive that some mistakes, so to speak, are too big to forgive. Life is bigger than any mistake you can make. They are all allowed. But the victories over and through them are always present and available.

As you are blessed by these, be understanding of others as they struggle. Be glad for their victories and their service. Namaste.

Dec. 30, 2015                                    Coyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Merging the conscious and the superconscious

JANU: This blending of the conscious and superconscious mind exists to a degree but not recognized by many. As the conscious mind matures through the experience of living incarnate, the need for the veil diminishes and the conscious mind becomes more aware of the presence of superconscious mind. Responds to it, takes advantage of its wisdom, and serves life back through it or, we should say, in cooperation with it. You are a system of life, a team, developing the ability to act as one.

The conscious mind incarnate is compartmentalized by the veil by choice. But the True Nature, you see, inspires awakening as interest develops in the larger life, the reason behind realities. More insights occur into the elements of living, stimulating wiser choices, a more peaceful life, a stronger and diverse frame of mind, and understanding. Part of the reason for the desire to pursue more of life is subtle memory of more than you are aware of.

So the thrust is to complete oneself, to become whole again in consciousness. And the physical body can outpicture this and, in many ways, serves the life of the Earth, or whatever world you are on and in. The body is a creation on many levels. Coordination of these, balance, symmetry, sustenance, are supported to some degree automatically by each other, but to a more long lasting degree by the awakening consciousness.

So along with the study, so to speak, of the subtler realities of life, it is important to embrace the realities of the physical as well and not rely solely upon automatic systems, for these systems are subject to interference, imbalance, compromise, stress. Peace, joy, love, service, gratitude play a role, you see. The merging of the conscious and the superconscious is part of the system of life and plays its role. Desiring this is normal and evolutionary and opens doors of opportunity. Namaste, our brother.

Dec. 23, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The journey of oneness consciousness

JANU: The choice for incarnation, our brother, was a conscious one, including the veil. The journey back to conscious oneness builds wisdom, character, serves life, enriches it. The physical universe or part of life one becomes part of is developed by these journeys of incarnation. The forms, the cycles of life generate so much needed by the flow of life, which is needed in turn by the journeyer.

The return to oneness consciousness does not mean that oneness discontinued for a time. It is always a part of reality. The return to oneness consciousness aids in applying all you have gained to wherever you are. Choices guided by a oneness consciousness, awakening to the larger life once more, are more in harmony with the evolution of life. One ‘listens for’ with more of their being, senses more fully the consciousness of others and the principles of life at the heart of everything. Returning to oneness awareness is more something you allow than create. It is the more natural reality of a more complete being.

A oneness consciousness can be sensed by others for the peace it brings in intimacy with life, a loving intimacy. The many colors and hues in the tapestry of life are revealed, rich beyond imagination. And there is life in all of creation. And one respects and understands the life in everything. No longer the unresolved conflicts in thoughts and feelings and emotions and experiences. Patience with yourself brings peace.

All life is connected. Becoming aware of this is a journey. Be patient with yourself and find peace and awareness. Namaste.

Dec. 7, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


More on a network of service

JANU: Networking with other so-called Light workers, those involved in serving life and raising the consciousness of humanity, is an old tradition, our brother. Becoming aware of this, you have chosen to experience this, and we extend our journeys to include this network. It is vaster than you know and includes deep commitment and joy and serving. There is an understanding that everyone benefits, even those who have no awareness of such things. Becoming part of this, consciously, broadens perspective and the foundation for understanding and an evolving consciousness. There is all manner of service to life, our brother. Each one is significant, for life is so diverse as are the opportunities for growth. Let us attune to this, then, and begin the journey.

Yes, and this includes other worlds as well, and realities. There have been those in the past who have incarnated without the veil. They are part of the network as well, our brother. There are those who serve life not conscious of this network, but their innate nature tends in this direction. There is much to be aware of to understand this part of life.

To understand this network, incarnate grouping of social consciousness is a limited model. ‘Grouping’ suggests those who belong and those who do not. This network is far more diverse than that. This network is a spectrum of life and, therefore, is one with all service to life, no matter the degree or the form. What we are exploring here is conscious awareness and connection with this reality. It is not a matter of ‘belonging’ and ‘not belonging.’ Service to life is not a membership reality; it is a way of life. Life serving life is what continues life and evolves it, rejuvenates its creations, and brings balance. There is nothing haphazard in the truth of this and its nature is in harmony with Life itself.

These explanations provide a path of understanding to relate to what already is. Networking is a subtle reality. You ask what can you compare this to, for the purpose of understanding its reality? It is a system of life, not unlike your own being, conscious of the life it serves, benefiting from the service, intimately aware of individuals, the collective, and the complex reality of each being. And this is only a beginning. Namaste.

Oct. 26, 2015                                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also Network of Service


The path to true freedom

JANU: We represent, if you will, a path to peace for this one, the nature of which is a construct of the divine within. Everyone’s True Nature has this capability when the desire is there to awaken. Observing human social consciousness, the desire for a better life, fuller understanding, and peace occurs. In time, a small window appears in the consciousness with a glimpse that there is more to life than bumping into challenges without understanding them, as a pinball out of control. In this way, one discovers there is not only more to life, but an unlimited journey of experience, wisdom, service, and joy in living, whether in the body or not.

Allowing, in your consciousness, your larger nature into your awareness begins the process of allowing the rest of your being to awaken your core values of appreciating and being one with the nature of Life itself. Instead of only seeing what you think is wrong with life, you see more and more of how beautifully it works. The veil keeps you from seeing this, but remember, the veil is your creation by choice. The awakening begins to show you why you created it and the path to life beyond it. Desire your freedom and the responsibility that goes with it. Grow in your understanding when the wisdom comes. Your life once again in control, but not just by your human consciousness, but by the rest of who you are and the divine within, your True Nature. Peace, strength, commitment, inspiration, and service, all of this and much, much more, are yours for the allowing and always have been. Recover the freedom to be. Namaste.

Oct. 9, 2015                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The larger life is real

JANU: It is real, our brother, this thing called ‘direct knowing.’ The larger life is real. The possibilities are unlimited for understanding and manifestation. The lowering of the veil reduces the set of possibilities for the purpose of simplifying exploring life. Fewer distractions from the combination, the co-existence of so many realities. So, the presence of the veil, you see, is determined by the desire to be more than you know.

From the larger point of view, even ignorance is real, within the parameters of its existence. The reality of life itself is real. Anything you can think of can exist under the right conditions. This is the purview of co-creators. And why are you called such? Because you are one with all of life. There is connection, intimacy of reality, a consciousness that can attune to anything, with harmonious wisdom to do so. Being unaware of such things at the moment does not negate their existence.

We have examined many elements of human consciousness and their possibilities. Many more to come. What we are building is a broad foundation for maturity and the evolution of consciousness. The larger life is very sane, our brother, and moving from limited to unlimited consciousness brings greater sanity. Everything improves.

Many have gone on before, demonstrating these principles, these changes, these awakenings, and have shared them, in one way or another. Dedicated, committed, and tireless beings, who devote their sojourns to lift humanity. So continue our commitment together to bring understanding and inspiration that each one learn to achieve the genius within them and find greater freedom and ownership of who they are. Namaste.

Oct. 2, 2015 B                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross