The application of awakening

JANU: Much groundwork has been laid, as preparation for an understanding of awakening. As we have said, awakening is a continuing process. The purpose of these journeys is refinement, enhancement, focusing, and understanding. Awakening is to become more aware, not just to understand but to apply the Truth of Life to your perceptions, your decisions, your choices, your changes.

Becoming a conscious expression of the True Nature of life, whether physical or not, is the path of mastership. Not to be set apart but to serve. What is service, then, but enriching life? Expanding it, deepening it, fulfilling it. Not just the lives of others but Life itself, no matter the expression. The tendency is to consider serving others, for this is what the human consciousness is most familiar with and identifies with. But life is vaster than that, even in the Earth, with the creatures and the Earth itself. Consider then carefully every part of life that serves you, makes your journey possible, supports your vehicles of consciousness. Meaning your body and all of its systems, the energetic realities. They are the nature of physical reality.

It is one thing to learn and appreciate the mechanics of life, the structures, creations. It is another to be one with the natures of all of this without preference. A wholistic approach to your awakening process broadens your conscious involvement. Witnessing life-processing work in your own life helps you recognize the reality of this in others, all creations. There is a dynamism everywhere. All of life is in motion. How can there be evolution otherwise? Explore, become aware of the nature of your own existence. Even at peace, in the so-called quiet times, be conscious. Namaste, our brother.
Oct. 12, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.



JANU: These recent journeys, our brother, are essential in laying a foundation for journeying. The more interesting encounters are available through this foundation building. Occasionally speaking of these maintains the interest in larger pursuits. We understand this, but return the attention to that which is needed for many to begin these journeys. Reference to ‘lost sheep’ pertains to this. Not really lost, but finding their way with inspiration from their True Natures.

Having confidence and faith in oneself is a goal here. Opening to the larger life and its richness brings awareness of the many gifts of life. Finding value, merit in one’s own being builds a foundation of understanding to see that in others, thus uniting humanity with common yet varied purpose and integrity.

Many are drawn to the larger life through memory of past experience. These memories can help you focus on the moment, what is at hand, what you are dealing with. By placing the finite into a larger perspective brings wisdom to the moment and brings resolution to confusion and uncertainty, moving forward through life with a confidence that understanding and resolution are part of you and are fundamentals in the larger journeys as well.

Another purpose of incarnate life is the exploration and application of these principles in the so-called micro- and macrocosms of life. So, you see, principles applied in the incarnate life continue in the larger life, building character and depth, stability, adaptability, and openness to larger understandings and deeper insights. Awakening to see the Truths of Life in each moment of each day unites the human experience and the discarnate experience, for your consciousness, our brother, is common to both.

Choose with wisdom and profound inspiration how you live your life, relate to others, and return what you may. Mastership is not limited to mastering everything at once, but a moment here and a moment there, an opportunity here and there, an understanding, an emotion, even your well-being, helping another, a growing love of life. All of this is mastership, our brother. Part of the path of awakening. Move forward with confidence and faith in who you are. Be at peace and namaste.
Sept. 22, 2016                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The temperament of awakening

JANU: We are holding then the temperament of awakening. Now, we have said that it is based on peace and willingness of an open mind. Many find impatience, anger, and frustration in their seemingly unanswered questions as to the nature of many concerns. The temperament we speak of is one of harmony with the True Nature, an identity that grows into the larger life.

You naturally ask, “What is peace, then?” As we have said before, it is more than the absence of violence. Peace opens the consciousness to embrace, without modification or restriction, the Truth of Life, the truth of your own nature. For where is the wisdom, our brother, to employ the nature of reality into the affairs of carnal living? Awakening is not a departure from the incarnate life, but the path to fulfilling it.

When one observes a Master of their consciousness, the peace is unmistakable. There is a presence of mind, a radiance of being, and the seeming miracles of understanding, of patience, and a love beyond description. When one touches the hem of that garment, miracles happen. One does not achieve this to be demonstrative or draw attention. It is a path of service that raises the consciousness of humanity and requires nothing.

Being at peace brings balance to the systems of the body, the energetic realities, the consciousness and the whole being, allowing communication between all of the systems, the reality of who you are. This is what ‘attuning’ means, our brother, all that you are, being as one. New thresholds are revealed, realities of life, possibilities of being and becoming, and a loving insight into the reality of humanity. Your thoughts and understandings are in perspective and you realize that everything is all right and can change. Namaste.
Sept. 20, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Building bridges

JANU: We are surveying with you your topics of interest in the human condition and its potential relationship with other worlds, its own unification for mutual benefit, and its emergence in consciousness as a collaborative body of life. What we see here, our brother, is what you anticipate: the discovery of the Truth of Life behind pettiness, conflict, violence, confusion. From one point of view, it seems as a waste of resources. And from another, an investment in the swing of the pendulum from one extreme to another, and the dichotomies in between.

The choice has always been with humanity to breach differences with cooperation. The bridge does not eliminate the opposite shores but combines them into a larger reality. Using resources to annihilate one another, not just physically but philosophically, spiritually, is a self-defeating expression of life. There are moments of genius, vision, insight, brilliance to understand and build so many bridges between differences that go by the wayside in the midst of mutual destruction. Now, beings are not destroyed, our brother, but opportunities and consciousness go unused.

What a worthy pursuit for investigation and discovery is the building of a bridge between differences and people and circumstances. The purpose of the bridge, you see, is to share resources, build confidence, allow each other’s truth to be and flourish and become stronger through the wisdom on each end of the bridge, you see. These bridges build the future based on the potential of consciousness. The ingredients, the elements of the bridge building are revealed in an understanding of what the bridge connects. That is the impetus, the catalyst. An awakening creative consciousness utilizes these for the potential of benefit is seen and anticipated.

It takes the circumstances and experiences of so many with differences to build the bridges into the future. A future that no longer looks like the repetition of the past, but a bright light to grow into. This is the purpose of awakening, you see, our brother. The bridges even include a connection between old understandings and new. Even within the individual, change is from something to something else and occurs with these bridges of flexibility, cooperation.

We encourage and inspire bridge building in each one’s life and the lives between people. There are many worlds waiting for and building bridges to other worlds, other realities, the fullness of life. Be a bridge builder. Begin with your own existence, your own understandings. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 7, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. (Add Media set 5) contains all prior attunements in this series.


Refining your life

JANU: We are encouraging at this time, at this opportunity, reaffirming the purpose of these journeys, which is to support one of many paths of awakening for the human experience. Rich indeed is the legacy of living, the record of which all can read. Games that are played to impress are seen through and even this provides understanding to the complexities of motives used by people. Some see themselves as teachers, in one form or another, and enjoy the podium and the pedestal. We do not choose to design a legacy here but legacies occur, described by those who take advantage of them, who benefit from them.

So what makes your life of value? Not your design, our brother, but the service it happens to bring. The legacy of those who truly served humanity was not their motivation. It was honing and giving what they had, as the natural order of life. So, how does one refine one’s life? It is by caring for others, whether directly or not. Not for fame or fortune, but you are enriched in the same moment.

Awakening, our brother, is a path to refine one’s life, one’s consciousness, one’s understanding, and commitments. The love inherent in all of this, our brother, does not have a name and has always been. Allow understanding beyond the rational mind. Truth and freedom are one. Refine your life in this way. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 2, 2016 B                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


What is real?

JANU: We are encouraging then the discovery of the Truth of Life. Your recent ponderings are part of this. The answer to your question is: All of life is real. All that is exists, ever changing, ever expanding. The awakening we speak of, our brother, and refer to often is the realization of this. Discovering what is. Understanding it. Appreciating life, and to appreciate something is to increase its value, its worth, its reality. So you are life appreciating itself, expanding its existence, enriching itself. You’re a part of this as well, and it’s a wondrous thing. And, yes, there is beauty in all of it, the miracle of life.

With this growing understanding, one sees everything with new eyes, every time they gaze upon it. Even appreciating and seeing who you are is to see the beauty in your being, the miracle of it, the miracle of its potential. Life is the answer to your query, our brother, the answer to everything. How can you doubt life, when you are an example of it, the proof of it, the result of it, and, yes, the creator of it? Opening your consciousness to the truth of this reveals unseen mysteries.

And, yes, one answer, so to speak, always leads to another question. This is discovery. This is engaging life. So, ask your questions. Listen for answers. Ponder them. And allow their gift of further inquiry and discovery. Find peace in this. Everything is all right. How can it be otherwise, for it exists? Life does not value one expression of it over another, for the beauty of the presence of life and its gift is eternal. We rejoice in this truth with you and may it always enrich your life, as you enrich life. Namaste.
Aug. 30, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Being at peace

JANU: We are moving forward again with this series on awakening. We are not suggesting in any way, our brother, that awakening is a requirement for a productive and happy life, but awakening affords many opportunities otherwise. There is a human tendency to create a framework for living that is defined by timetables, markers of achievement or lack thereof, goals that must be met, and comparing one life to another which includes judging. The larger life, our brother, has no such requirements. Find peace in yourself and your life no matter what.

Being conscious through awakening to a greater degree provides opportunities for engagement and satisfies a natural urge to evolve, to grow and expand, to enrich understanding, and to serve each other, inspire each other into richer lives. In a sense, these journeys are journeys of your True Nature, the source of these desires to evolve, to learn, to serve. But the human journey is temporary. The wisdom gained is permanent. It adds to who you truly are.

The unawakened human mind tends to fragment its life in the limits of one sojourn, seldom planning or considering a larger perspective to include many on the path of evolving; therefore, the perception of time limits for achievement. This does not bring peace in the sense that everything is all right. Your life is acceptable to the Source of Life, no matter what. Your True Nature never condemns you. By ‘you’ we mean the human identity, the human personality ego. It is a temporary journey with opportunities. The part of ‘being at peace’ as recommended is the acceptance of this and allowing others their own freedom to be.

Happier times are coming, our brother, as more and more awaken to the Truth of Life. The choice has always resided with each one. The societies, the cultures, the national order, the military, all of these things are human choices. None are required, but all are allowed to fulfill their destiny of experience and learning. Wisdom is gained through living life and the choices that are made. And all choices, our brother, can be changed. Life adjusts itself, moment by moment, based on outcomes, desires, and choices, and opportunities presented through engagement. Leaders and followers in your society have chosen these courses and they can change from one to the other in a moment. None of this is permanent.

Be the captain of your life, of your course, your path, guided and inspired by your True Nature, the Divine within you. Be at peace. Namaste.
Aug. 24, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The larger life includes the Earth experience

JANU: Could it be that the term ‘larger life,’ through awakening, can be focused upon that that exists in the incarnate Earth experience? Awakening to larger life, aware of where and when you are, can be explored much more fully. Yes, there are other worlds and universes and realities but make no mistake, our brother: The Earth is a vast complex of life on many levels and many realities. What you can learn and master where you are can be applied reliably on other worlds and in other realities. The Earth is a treasure of these possibilities.

So, leaving incarnate life or the Earth to expand your consciousness can be a limited point of view, ignoring what’s in front of you. How much are people aware, and to what degree, with: species communication; the energy fields and patterns, movements, sounds, that exist and are utilized; the magnetic global reckoning of birds who migrate, sea creatures who migrate, the animals who migrate? The dance of life exists everywhere. How sensitive are you to Earth’s energy patterns? Interaction of weather, Earth’s atmosphere, temperatures. Interactions of the Earth to solar radiation. The communication between worlds in your own system, and with the Sun. The changes the flower moves through from seedling to blossom to its own regeneration through its seeds. And the collaborations between all creatures, all life forms that promote continuation, mutual benefit, that develop the atmosphere. The footprints of everything, our brother, are intertwined. Living systems, all of the Earth.

The Earth is a rich example of the diversity and continuation, purpose of life. Even the people with their spiritual natures are part of this. You study systems of government and social order. How thoroughly do you understand those that exist throughout nature? Ancient traditions, successful for millions of years. With humanity’s wars and conflicts, does it not suggest there is much to learn in their own borders, attitudes, philosophies, and behaviors? Solutions to imbalances in life abound everywhere, to be benefited from with those who are awakened to this. The Earth is a vast untapped resource of life. Look not elsewhere only, to understand. Life is ever present and connected with all of its richness.

Awakening, our brother, includes the larger life that you are already part of. How could you exist at all without it? As you discover the Truth of Life on the Earth become more comfortable in the knowledge that the Earth, and all that it is, is a vital part of all that is. And so are you. Awakening, our brother, is the realization of the Truth of Life including your own. Namaste.
Aug. 23, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4contains all prior attunements in this series.


Who are you?

JANU: We are surveying then the opportunities to serve the awakening of humanity as requested. The agenda speaks for itself, meaning the opportunities available for humanity to awaken. Why not begin then with simple truths such as evidence of a larger life by way of unanswered questions that spring forth from within the consciousness having to do with: purpose? What lies beyond transition? Where does one come from? What is oneness, connection, eternal life? Where are the answers and how can I know what they are?

Consider then, each one, that you are more than you currently are aware of and the true you, the complete you, survives transition. And this survival includes pre-birth. This being true, how do you come to know who you are? The most powerful motivator and revealer at your disposal is loving who you are. That attunes you to, matches your consciousness to, the rest of you. Be as patient as the rest of you is, but endeavor consistently to become aware. Loving any reality of life attunes you to it, you see. Not to control it and manipulate it from a human perspective, but to know it, understand it, honor its integrity, its life, its destiny, its nature. The same applies to who you are, to what you are.

Awakening to this, our brother, is not through technique but through natural ability to become aware. The nature of life is profoundly simple. Your rational thinking mind anticipates complexity. Your spirit, your heart-mind, already knows and lives within you. That is where you own truth, our brother. Spend time in this way and listen, and you will hear and understand and be illuminated and come alive more fully. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
Aug. 19, 2016 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This was also addressed in the first series on Awakening: Awakening 31

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Integrating incarnate life with larger life

JANU: We are forming then conclusions at the onset of this series of journeys that bring into view the destiny of humanity at long last.

When reviewing the human journey, it is filled with, as you say, twists and turns. And, in due course, the nature of the individual says “Enough!” and something new and original is inspired. Something new to the human journey, that is. What we are exploring here is the merging of the entire being into one multi-faceted truth, consciously. The experimentations of the human journey to present give way to something grander: an integration of the larger life and the human experience while incarnate. An interesting opportunity and challenge.

Some would say life is complicated enough, but the complications are born of ignorance, isolated consciousness, and confusion. The truth, our brother, is not confusing. It is revelatory. It brings unexplained thoughts and perceptions into focus, into resolution, opening the opportunity for grander understanding and interests rather than the repetition of perceptions. We continue to explore motivations for awakening and change.

Take a moment, our brother, and ponder and open to a new understanding of anything of interest.

You have chosen sentient life on another world. The beginning of this journey is another world with human consciousness, genetically similar but not a duplicate, if you will. These beings have always had an inkling into the larger life, common knowledge and experience. In ways you’ve yet to understand, their path encourages, stimulates, and beckons Earth humanity’s journey. They are growing in awareness of Earth-like worlds, worlds like theirs, diverse but genetically human, with different stages of awakening.

They have their questions as well. Still confused as to why their progression seems to have plateaued. They have bi-location ability, levitation, and telepathy, stable health patterns, relative peace, but a hunger for more, you see, for their senses detect this and their common desire is to move on, to evolve, to embrace a larger reality. And because life is one, these urges, these desires in their world touch Earth humanity subtly and draw this out of Earth humanity, here and there.

When you attune to the larger life, and open to experiencing its reality, be aware that you will be touched as you touch, and new perceptions and understandings become yours as well. We who are not incarnate have this same experience with many. Life is drawing together, our brother, marshalling, if you will, its resources for new thresholds to be explored and created. The awakening of humanity is but one.

Earth, an island, so to speak, in a sea of life, whose shores are absorbing more of life. What appears as an island is at one with the rest of the world behind appearances while the ocean of uncertainty that seems to hide the truth that lies beneath. Allow depth of your consciousness, your interests and desires, your True Nature to journey, as do we. Namaste, our brother.

July 15, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.