
JANU:   Consciousness and self-government. There seems to be trepidation to admitting to the reality of conscience. What do you do with it? How do you apply it? How do you recognize it? How do you understand it? What do you compare it to, if anything? What is its source? Is it reliable? The answers to these, and others, is that it is a journey of exploration, experimentation, application, and focusing attention.

There lives within each one memory and True Nature. Not just of this lifetime, but many. And life not incarnate. Associations with countless others. The experience that challenges time. Discovery of the results of many situations, opportunities, shortcomings and those of others. Much to be learned and used wisely to move along the path of life and example.

There is merit in deciding to know the truth, cause and results, potentials, capabilities. All are in motion. Focusing one’s attention upon the Truth of Life is a great revealer. Decisions based upon these realities have outcomes that are rewarding, as all are when understood. The journey, the walk of life, has unlimited potential. Taking chances based upon best knowledge, best experience, is life in motion. Your True Nature performs well with a living partner, a conscious partner, a continuous partner.

Wonder about opportunities. Contemplate them. Make best decisions and walk those paths to see what happens. Be inspired. Learn from everything. Pause when wise to do so, move with the same wisdom.

These journeys benefit all of life, in one way or another, because all of life is connected. Allow these benefits to blossom where they may, as they may, for as long as they may but do not require them to do so. Be what you can be. Listen more than you speak. Choose your moments as they are offered. Be at peace. Namaste.
Mar. 1, 2024                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Living peacefully, with love and light

JANU:    The basic nature of life includes all forms of love and light. Love such as kindness, generosity, forgiveness, peace, patience, tolerance. Light such as understanding, insight, Truth of Life. Harmonious existence, beingness, and expression to inspire self-redemption for everyone. Clarity of perception, discernment, being true to one’s self and each other, integrity, mutual benefit, nurturing. One does not create these qualities. One allows being these. With generosity, these all exist in a form of potential manifestation, through desire.

 Love and understanding derive their power from the True Nature of Life. They give but not take from. They receive from their own kind in the True Nature of Life. The archetype of peace: a harmonious relationship between all the systems of life. A foundation to embrace life’s opportunities, the results of which meet all challenges to evolution. Living peacefully brings enrichment and new opportunities for their involvement. Being at peace. Namaste.
Jan. 8, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Conscious union and the Larger Life

JANU:    Exploring conscious union is not so much the fact of but the results of the door it opens to possibilities of universal consciousness , of the peace that guides and is guided by the Truth of Life. Let us focus upon not so much the path to conscious union but the path from conscious union, which is not so much vocalizing, publishing, lecturing, but contribution by way of fundamental principles of evolution and enrichment, that which liberates the seeker of the Light and their own union.

Understanding and evolution provide enrichment. “And what is that?” you ask. Enrichment is the fuller at-one-ment with the potential of Life and its creation. Complication diminishes, for the Truth is natural and ever present. Awakening experience is like becoming more alive. With each achievement, perspective is enhanced. Consciousness is more complete. Life in motion is full of fulfillment and love is lived more fully.

Observing the path of others is a good teacher of perspective and diversity on the path of evolving. So this is our focus and so be it.
Jan. 2, 2024                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Assembled once more an entourage of committed delegates of the Truth of Life we refer to as the Light. These delegates of Light have a collective experience and wisdom of many sojourns, and, yes, from other worlds as well. They have fundamental themes of existence, common in their love of life. They sing a song, so to speak, of the forgiveness of frailty among the steppingstones and stumbling stones on the path of the evolution of consciousness.

Evolution is the theme here. What does it mean to be evolving? Which is the path of reality that always continues. Evolution is the path of life that continues to explore and manifest potential, which is evolving as well. “What is Life’s potential?” you ask. Words cannot contain this, but sense can taste it. It is the freedom to be in motion, discovering, revealing, absorbing complex relationships in the diversity of life.

This delegation is evolving as well and has a relationship by being present, by observing, and by being compatible. Service is a mutual relationship of which they are an example. Service is an exchange, giving and receiving simultaneously in both directions. So, as you touch life, accept life’s touching as well. You speak of conscious union. Its nature is, in part, this form of relationship. Touch and be touched. Love and allow love. Breathe in and breathe out, simultaneously.

The details of existence, of expression, are part of life but not all of it. Allow the sensation of ‘being.’ Life is. Love is. We are. Namaste.
Dec. 8, 2023                                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



The path of awakening

JANU: ‘The awakening of humanity.’ What is this, then, but the process of life realizing its potential: consciousness in a sublime sense; realization of the Truth of Life on all levels; the systems of life, the reality, the relationships, the potential; exploring opportunities with abandon; the model of life expressions that evolve.

Evolution and de-evolution are references that are the checks and balances of creation. Freedom to choose either and experience the results, the wisdom of the timing of these, and their counterbalancing maturities. When so-called destruction occurs, what is destroyed but the forms of expression? When creativity occurs, life expands. The expansion and contraction of life are its breathing, the transformations of vitality.

Awakening reveals the differences and their function. Both are life, you see, and the elements of its unfoldment and their relationship. We are here not to condemn either but to understand and employ the freedom to choose. One honors life by allowing its beingness.

This is the nature of an explorer. Awakening reveals everything without judgement, but with love and understanding and a lot of allowing. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2023                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

There are any number of journeys about this same topic. A conscious path of awakening and  Understanding the path of awakening offer earlier understandings of the concept.



JANU:  Illumination is the theme here: illuminated consciousness, understanding, knowing. “Illuminated by what?” you ask. By the Light of Life, its truth, its nature, its creativeness, illuminating your own beingness, sense of identity, and conscience. The illumination is not limited but touches everything. That is the nature of the Truth of Life. Pure Being is without borders, identity, in the sense of one identity as opposed to another. Understanding and Pure Being evolve, period.

Now, evolution is a process, for even the foundations of understanding achieved and of being are in motion. The beauty of life is its continuation and change and newness and wonder. Seeking illumination continually renews its potential. Identities that limit have borders. Change brings a sense of insecurity to those who live in borders of identity. Embracing evolution as a natural occurrence liberates creativity, understanding, and discovery.

Seeing identity as temporary to explore a part of life has merit. But temporary it must be. Always seek wisdom guiding change and evolution and reception. Realize that a new understanding evolves. Value what has been. Embrace what is. Open to potential and a path of discovery. Find peace in this and balance and confidence and love of life. Namaste.
Dec. 1, 2023                                                          Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


What is journeying?

JANU: Summing up, if you will, a peaceful negotiation to the protocols of harmony, prolonged communication, and our best performance on the quest for the Truth of Life and a destiny of evolving. Let us explore the conditions of life, the flow of life, the nature of everything, and by this we mean the relationships of all things to each other. Life is symmetry and an evolving diversity. Together, it brings about change, the expression of creativity, freedom, organization, limitlessness with patterns, purpose with wonder and amazement.

Being conscious is life in motion. Asking the questions, inquiries, is evidence of this. Insights are the responses. Be open to discovery and understanding. Let us continue in this direction. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2023                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

The topic of Journeying has come up before. The reader may also wish to read those on page Benefits of Journeying for earlier perspectives.


Some benefits of awakening

JANU:   The benefits of awakening to the Larger Life, and the Light we call the Truth of Life, can be overwhelming, for it forecasts expansion of consciousness, depth of understanding, transcendent experience, and intimacy on a scale without end. The benefits keep giving as your perceived needs evolve, your understanding expands, and your faculty to embrace the larger truth deepens. Asking any question within and a wise response in many forms ensues, strengthened by wisdom, commitment, love, and intimate embrace that proves itself again and again. To understand and sense the needs of another, their confusions, their victories, their compassion for life, their integrity, and their nature is rewarding, to say the least, to both of you. It enriches the integrity of life expressions, creations, and their potentials.

Life is in motion constantly, often without understanding the path, the direction, and even the outcomes, endless repetition of life patterns without seeming resolution. Confusion opens the door to suffering, misinterpretation, denial of reality, and even hate and greed. Awakening brings clarity that grows in penetration and scope.

Awakening brings peace and symmetry and beauty to one’s evolution. The Light shines in every corner, revealing shadows for what they are. Light brings healing from confusion and unwise choices. The system of being is healthiest when all of that system lives harmoniously. It is the strongest then and continues to evolve. Awakening reveals the endless beauty of life itself, and its patterns of expression. Awakening inspires the realization of dreams, potential, passions, creativity, and generosity. Awakening stimulates confidence that there is a guiding force in life that embodies the virtues of being, of one’s value to life.

These are some of the benefits of awakening. There are many more. Namaste.

Nov. 14, 2023                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

There may be some interest in the related topic of Benefits of Journeying.


Enriching life

JANU:   Enriching life has possibilities within and beyond imagination. True Peace is one. What does that mean? How is that expressed? Touching life in meaningful ways.

A lot of resentment exists in society at this time, for many reasons. Fame, fortune, power, wisdom, opportunities, influence, economics and health, achievements or the lack thereof. True Peace contains gratitude for what has been achieved and what can be achieved. Wandering through the corridors of one’s existence, one’s life path, being grateful for any achievement, no matter to what degree, opens the door of opportunities to add to and magnify these, not based upon the path of others. Being an inspiration for the achievements of others is being grateful for their achievements. For the path of peace is connected to all paths of peace. So gratitude is a unifier and enriches life by way of past achievements through opportunities that are mutually beneficial.

So, how does one enrich life? By being inspired and inspiring. By discovering realization and understanding. Revealing others has opportunity to enrich life in some way. Bringing light where there is darkness. Revealing the Truth of Life. Expressing conscious union by being it. Union with your True Nature is a path to union with more and more of life, a growing confidence in the beauty, the magic, the potential, the nature of life.

True power is in harmony with the flow of life, which is part of everything, being in wonder of it all and loving it. Namaste.

Nov. 13, 2023                                                                    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The joy of awakening

JANU:   Established as one, we begin again this dialogue of light. Establishing, then, once more the momentum of being. Reaching, then, into the vastness of the Truth of Life, some call the Light, we choose to see and understand what is.

Let us begin, then, by announcing the forthcoming of a degree of enlightenment, a threshold to be achieved by humanity through self-determination and their own True Nature. The future is not doom and gloom. It is awakening to the full potential of life, individual being, and an enriched and awakening society. Preparing, then, for productive and meaningful connection and exchange with the Larger Life that already exists.

Let us proceed, then, through the discourses to come with an open mind and open heart and a desire to awaken. There is so much more to be experienced and service to be rendered through direct knowing and co-creating. We see at this time momentum building in this direction. There is no culmination or end to this awakening, this movement of life, for all of life is in motion, changing and evolving and creating.

We anticipate and look forward to the joy of becoming, for everyone. Solutions to challenges, the meaning of everything, realization of potential, and the joy of being coexist with your current level of awareness. Ideals and heart’s desire. We begin again, bidding namaste.
Sept. 25, 2023                                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross