Coexisting realities & emerging life patterns

JANU:    Humbly, then, but with strong commitment, we embrace the Truth of Life. Identity is yet to be fully understood. “Coexisting realities” reveals much of life. Listening with understanding, application of realization brings wisdom and more understanding. We listen together as we explore, but we don’t listen alone. All of Life is listening and exploring and realizing. Thoughts crystallize and bring about change. All of creation influences all of creation. Identity separate from this is rich but limited. If everyone’s individual identity coexisted consciously as well as individually, understanding could not be contained but evolve a different world of existence. Life patterns beyond imagination constantly emerging, life changing and in motion. Namaste.
Jan. 8, 2021 B                                                      Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Memories and awakening

JANU:   Reminiscing means freshening memories to restore principles once lived. These principles refresh the noble ideals that can lift humanity from the doldrums. The dark times when the Light seems to dwindle are a reminder of old patterns of pain and suffering and loss of life. Profiting from the experiences so as not to repeat them is awakening to the Truth of Life some call ‘the Light.’ This lives within each one. As each one sees the glimmer of Light, allow the glow to be perceived by another. More and more are hungry for this. Namaste.
Jan. 12, 2021 B                                      Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to explore prior recent journeys regarding this subject.


Love yourself that you may love others

JANU:    We are presenting, as it were, understanding into the nature of life for many purposes, to include awakening, self-mastery, evolutionary creativity, harmonious relationships, peace, and well-being. Light is the Truth of Life, and truth does bring freedom—freedom of expression that is constructive, productive, and mutually beneficial. Life to be understood, no matter its form, its expression. Every moment of consciousness is life in motion. Not to compare one life with another for judgement of any kind, but to serve Life, understand it, and magnify it.

Be an opportunity for someone else, with integrity. Be patient and thoughtful, with clarity of reason and a growing wisdom. Respect the elements of existence, of life expression and, at the same time, embrace the systems of life, the collectiveness, the harmony of coordination and collaboration. Love yourself, that you may love another. Namaste.
Sept. 16, 2020                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

Commitment and flexibility

JANU:  ‘Once and for all’ speaks of determination and unbending commitment. But potential and Life are broader than this. They blend so-called absolute commitment with flexibility, change, variation, reality with many faces, with such diversity there seems to be no direction. Yet, in the larger Truth of Life, all of these elements of embrace build experience, wisdom, reappraisal. A complexity of life with many themes. Diversity in commitment and engagement keeps life from becoming routine and boring. Your True Nature knows this, and allows this. This flexibility and diversity of interest, constantly changing, brings a richness that one-pointedness misses. Understanding the life path of others comes from diversity of interest, brings tolerance and patience through understanding that relates. This flexibility of life engagement, from time to time, allows for change that is needed to bring wisdom to life through varied experience. Your True Nature is rich in this way. Namaste.
Aug. 19, 2020 B                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross



JANU:     Exploring is the theme for today, though the subject is reality. When everything that is only exists within the parameters of its existence, are the parameters real? What does reality mean? How can it be described or defined? Can words accomplish this? Are words real? Not in every reality. Even in physical life, their meaning can be ambiguous, and only have meaning that’s ascribed to them. So, what is real and what is not? Is a thought real, and in what sense? Thoughts come and go, and change on a dime, so to speak. Is life for real? And what does that mean? If life records itself, and nothing is lost, then what is retrieved or saved?

Reality exists in the moment and expresses from moment to moment, but even that moment passes into memory and life’s own recording, called ‘life patterns.’ So, how does one become conscious in the moment, so that past and future exist as one? Let us take the chime of a bell. In time it sustains its tone, briefly, but its pattern is recorded in its substance, in that which vibrates with it. But whether rung or not, is it still a bell? Whether an individual is conscious or not, what is still real?  Does ‘eternity’ have any meaning, any reality of the moment in the so-called Now?

Taking all of this into consideration, where is the merit, the nature, the essence? Even the question suggests presence, position, location, time. Parameters of the limited existence, the limitation of words. Is ‘pure being’ part of this or does it somehow find itself a part of unlimited reality? What then is without limit, parameters of existence, boundaries, unique description? What then has value, meaning, and purpose?

The Truth of Life, the so-called Light. What is true and what is not? Or does reality include them both? Deciding to know is the challenge and opportunity for revelation. Namaste.
May 13, 2020                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Living in beauty

JANU: Yes, a worthy attribute of consciousness: finding the beauty, the potential, and expression of each one’s life. In your experience, the magic of music, the symphony, the orchestra, the musicians, and the music, the impact on the listeners, the shared joy of many, and the residual in the life patterns of each. These experiences unite, inspire, encourage, bring hope, and promote self-determination to participate in some way. For some, it is art. Anything of the harmonious creative nature, with unique expression, that enriches life. For some, it is romance. For others, it is philosophy, for others, the healing arts, and for others, inspired spiritual understanding.

Exploring the human drama brings reason and understanding and even empathy, for no matter how unusual, there is connection and memory for there are stored life patterns and shared life patterns and much memory. These are external joyous relationships that can be found within through awakening to the True Nature. The life patterns and memories there transcend time and circumstance and are not limited to the Earth experience.

What is beauty, then? A worthy question. It is harmony, enrichment, purity, symmetry, and uniqueness. It is relationships throughout life with meaning and depth, that shine light, the Truth of Life, on everything, many times unnoticed in the brash cacophony of discordant confusion. Why not take a moment each day to discover beauty, to experience it, and even participate? Decide to be, living in beauty. Namaste.
May 11, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Awakening and the Family of Life

JANU:   Thoughtfulness, then, lends itself to achievement. Achievement lends itself to, or encourages, continuation. Continuation is in harmony with the nature of Life. Let each one have introspection in this time of challenge, deprivation, isolation, fear and uncertainty; have the blessing of insight, the true power of life itself; the freedom to choose and care for each other. The Truth of Life will always win, so to speak, for every life pattern is birthed from this.

You ask, “What sustains hope and confidence?” The True Nature does. The quest for the awakening of humanity has this as its goal, no matter the form or the timing. This is the time for inner strength, insight, and experiencing directly the love of Life. The human condition does not define one but is an opportunity to express and apply what one is. Finding richness, purpose and meaning, and strength in each other unites humanity with a bond that overcomes challenge.

Consciousness, awareness, understanding supports mastership of wise choice and co-creation. Choose to know and experience who and what you are and your potential. These things are greater than any creation. Any creation can be mastered. The Family of Life has accomplished this many times, and will continue to do so. Rejoin this family consciously through awakening. Namaste.
May 4, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


More on the concept of deity

JANU:    Deity, then, what is the scope and depth of this reality, longed for by so many? Self-created examples, what is it in the nature of each one that is so longed for? Desire is for the revelation of truth, the experiencing of truth, no matter the inquiry or reality. Even the sense of returning home, that safe place where all is well and safe and secure from distortion and misrepresentation. Attempts at this behind the veil include conflicting motivations, cross purposes, learned distortions, social consciousness.

The struggle for enlightenment is not easy without a role model. And where does one find this? Desperately searching through observation of others, looking for a hint at this, when the reality of this is one’s own True Nature. No one can bring you to this point, to this role model for your existence but your own desire and attention, your own integrity.

Love the truth into your life, the truth that, in reality, is still evolving, expanding, refining. Allow the Truth of Life, some call ‘the Light,’ to bring you peace and well-being. A life filled with satisfying discovery and experience and intimacy with who you are. Others sense and respond to this kind of integrity, these qualities of being, for they long for these as well. Be at peace, and namaste.
Feb. 7, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

This concept has been discussed previously. See also What is a Deity, Understanding Deity, and Co-Creation and Deity.


Moving from denial to the Light

JANU: Belligerence on the part of so many is the denial of ignorance to the True Nature, for even ignorance has a sense of identity and presence. But the True Nature ultimately wins, because it is the source of the consciousness in the incarnate life that chooses denial. Denial is based in fear, fear of loss of existence, of power and control. Moving from finite consciousness and denial to the limitlessness of the larger truth of being draws upon innate qualities and character, but once begun builds on its larger potential, power, and presence. And the darkness sees the Light.

This basic theme of understanding is a beginning to awakening. Awakening into the Light, which is the truth of life, the truth of being, and the truth of your nature. No longer a divided consciousness, each division seeking its own authority separate from each other. Together, as one, we are strong. Namaste.
Oct. 25, 2019                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

This has developed into a series, begun before we realized it had. The reader may wish to look at the category Together we are strong for previous attunements that build the foundation for this. 


Honor the genius in each one

JANU:    Enormous are the responsibilities in the Larger Life, but they are a natural part of that life and one evolves into them. And they evolve as well. You query about helping others and the balance of energies, life patterns to be considered. Be mindful that each one’s True Nature is privy to whatever is needed, being at one with the Larger Life. Encouraging others to accept the reality of those natures, in whatever way they are capable of, still requires guidance and timing, content, patience, and a loving nature.

Compare not your own quest with that of another. Each path is different. Questions are less threatening and intrusive than declarations. Questions are invitations to consider. Remember, there is genius in everyone, whether aware of it or not. Honor that; respect it. Find no fault with the opinion of another. It is their truth at the moment.

Remember, the gem of life has countless facets, each one a perspective of the Truth of Life. Each one a piece of the puzzle of a larger picture made up of the lives of many. Share what you own. Listen to the ownership of others. Much to learn there. Namaste.
July 15, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross