The blessing of challenges

JANU:    Challenges exist as opportunity to be understood, used in practice, demonstrated as inspiration to others. Every challenge coexists with the solution. The opportunity here is to experience the relationship, develop access to the solution, employ and gain wisdom from the experience of the resolution. Whether on a small personal scale or globally, humanity has that option. Life is balanced in that way. Creativity and destruction coexist. The solution in this is evolution. The byproduct is wisdom.

This is why the physical existence exists as it is. It is a bipolar opportunity for life to evolve. Yes, there are counterparts to this in the subtler realms of life with their own complexities, nuances, layers and levels of reality. But what you gain here in this area has its application in your approach to life, your engagement of life when discarnate. So see recycling of life, life’s expression, in this new way. The life path and destiny of individuals has this theme as well. Your own physical existence operates in this way.

Develop perception to understand this balance, witness its presence, and employ it. Life is more meaningful in this way, more productive, more understandable. Namaste.
July 16, 2019                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Resolving the past to gain freedom

JANU: That which is presented is a discourse reaching into the nuance of life that pertains to the so-called past. Now, remembering your understanding of the past as it exists in the moment, let us explore this, for there is need for service here.

The past lives in the memory—cell memory, etheric memory, planetary memory—and can be relived in the mind, in the heart, and in the body. For virtually everyone, there is need for healing, resolution, balancing, wisdom gaining, understanding through the memory of the so-called past. For many, it is filled with regret, frustration, a sense of lack, guilt. So understanding the path taken as the past must be revisited, experiencing not only so-called negatives, but the positives as well. For through the understanding of these comes the self-forgiveness and the understanding of all that was involved. For these memories and their passions still live within the being, and the visiting of the past must be balanced with experiencing all that was gained through giving and receiving.

And through this process will be gained the freedom, the true freedom, to embrace the future in a manner that does not resemble the past and those limitations. For the past and the future live in the present and are connected there. The future cannot be used successfully when using it is an attempt to distance oneself from their past. They are one and they live, they coexist. So embrace the past, no matter what it entails, and resolve it, bringing balance to the relationship of the two and the resulting freedom.

This evening we serve this reality. Choose to see, choose to know, choose to understand, choose to own all that you have been, and enjoy the freedom. Namaste
Nov. 13, 2012 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The journey of awakening

JANU:     We are accustomed to the procedure of the awakening of the species—in this case, humanity. Troubling, then, for those who begin to see the light, so to speak, and shine that light upon their perception of society around them, and their own limitations within themselves, meaning the one who is awakening. The tendency to perceive awakening as an abrupt miraculous opening of awareness and consciousness does not understand the nature of it in application. Now, there are many variations on this theme, but there is always a correlation between maturity, wisdom, and the availability of deeper and deeper insights.

In a sense, Life meters out power to its elements. Beyond the limitations of time/space, potentials and destinies are known. Progressions of behavior and performance reveal the wisdom of choices and their outcomes. There is nothing haphazard about life. Its movement, its unfoldment, sometimes called the flow of life, is a progression of realities, interactions, outcomes.

“What is wisdom, then,” you ask, “in the guidance of perception and decision-making?” It shapes perception, understanding, and appreciation of the Larger Life and all of its components, venues, if you will. So the quest for awakening and its realization hinges upon these elements, these factors, and the opportunities that are created. What a grand symphony of process! Constantly changing, evolving, creating, re-creating. Transformation, renewal, forgiveness, and love.

Embrace awakening and enjoy the journey. Namaste.
June 28, 2019 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Life allows all things. Choose wisely.

JANU:    We are remembering when there were among us those that serve the Light in dominant ways, that prolonged the future expression of potential. Doing this by way of the pretense that there will always be one.

Now, by ‘pretense’ we mean: performing or functioning as if your goal was already being accomplished, removing all doubt or hesitation. “Fake it ‘til you make it” is an oversimplification but carries the idea. These beings still exist, performing as they may. Their legacy is this understanding that in life all things are possible and to navigate your existence with this in mind.

There are protocols that respect the freedom of choice of each one and the freedom to change their choices as they see fit. Creatures of the Earth deserve the same respect. The evolution of human relationship to these creatures, and to nature, is by no means at an end. Now, the wisdom to pursue this comes from experience, not just human experience, but the wisdom and experience of the entire being. And not just your being, but the beingness of all the expressions of life.

All things are possible. Life allows this. Choose wisely. Namaste.

June 18, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


An identity of ‘being’

JANU:    We are surveying then your query into purpose of this incarnation and the memories. Recent events tell us that the organization of spiritual reference within the consciousness agrees with the postulate that all life is created equal, but what sense ‘equal,’ our brother? Equal in the sense of opportunity to be, to exist, to evolve in consciousness by way of the composite of life patterns, experiences.

The purpose of life is to be. Out of that comes creation, evolution, realized potential, fulfillment. Isolation due to the veil, different parameters of existence, builds content, diversity, and equilibrium throughout the system of life. Change is creation in motion. Wisdom is the foundation for choices. Life’s capacity to build upon itself seems without limit. There are cycles and orders in life, thresholds of change, parameters of existence, content and depth that go on and on. So one fulfillment is not defined by another. The reality of all of these is a much larger reality.

Now, this perception does not dull or mask each moment, each element of content, each expression. Life is vibrant and is beyond the limitations of entity identification, individualism. Can life know itself with unexpressed potential? Knowing has many forms. The answer to the question is still being fulfilled. An identity of ‘being’ transcends confusion and doubt and brings peace. Namaste, our brother.
May 29, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The True Church of Christ

JANU: We have before us this evening that which is in need of the wise counsel of the elders of the true church of Christ. Now, we use this terminology to illustrate the divine counterparts to the ideals of many of your people.

Those in need, of which we speak, are those in confusion, divided to a degree between loyalties to their physical church and teachings and leaders and traditions and doctrine, and to the welling up in the heart of that which is the purity of the truth of their True Nature and that of the circumstance of life. The true church of Christ lowers itself in a sense to touch this evening those hearts. Not to teach doctrine, not to command loyalty or commitment or service to, or even faith but to bring blessing within the heart of the experience of the reality and the presence of that which they seek from deep within. The true church of Christ requires nothing of them. It only loves, for the fullness in the genius in the beauty of life is revealed through the profound peace of this experience, not struggle, and not confusion, and certainly not doctrine or ritual.

So we take the time this evening to touch hearts with that divine presence to satisfy longings and searchings in the emptiness that is not understood. What they are filled with is a full measure of their own divinity, their own completeness and their own capacity to enjoy all of life as a loving creator, beyond years in wisdom and ongoingness. In this fullness of experience they can sense the larger purpose of life and of their chosen journey’s purpose and they will find the peace of true knowingness and the joy in the life that they are and the life they create. In the richness of this discovery, one finds the freedom to be generous without reservation to the rest of life.

Let this be a true gift of Christmas in this season and celebrate life more completely. All over your world this experience and understanding is being given. Honor the Christ in this way. And the true church of Christ do we serve this evening. Bidding you good evening and namaste.
December 8, 1998 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The nature of coexistence

JANU:    We are becoming more merged in consciousness and perception of the Larger Life, which includes the incarnate life. They are one. The incarnate life itself is not separate from the Larger Life. Conscious perception may be, through ignorance, the veil, other situations. But the life of each is one. Coexistence speaks to this. And we all coexist in this Larger Life.

So, let us begin to view everything with these eyes, and let the peace experience feel the awareness, there being more that one is for than they are against. This will grow when on this path of coexistence, understanding, and experience. We of the Brotherhood of Light coexist, even though our interests are varied greatly. Our involvements in life are extensive. The wisdom we achieve through these enrich life, and we are enriched by them.

Appreciate coexistence. Be grateful for its reality. Discover its depth. Embrace it, that it may reveal itself through understanding and experience. Part of the process of awakening, you see.

Incarnate life and the Larger Life are not separate worlds. Only in perception. And there are long standing reasons for this, which have their purpose, but they are not permanent. They are part of a process of evolving. Everything coexists, every reality. Namaste.
May 7, 2019 B                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Understanding Conscious Union

JANU:    We are handling, if you will, the enabling of expression referring to the wisdom of the Larger Life when it comes to the affairs of the human incarnate journey. Let us assume, then, that it is true that there is much to be gained through the experiences of the human journey, even as they are at this time. How can one understand what they have not experienced? And that gives rise to wisdom and to perception of what can be and what will come.

What we see here clearly are new realities created based on potential more than old patterns of consciousness. Understand this, that potential, the nature of potential, is creativity in motion, not a fixed reality, in harmony with the flow of life. The difference between horizontal and vertical thinking. Allow new and unique perceptions not limited to memories.

You seek conscious union with the Larger Life. The union with what, our brother? Union within the reality of your total being. Namaste.
Mar. 1, 2019
Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Processing regrets

JANU: We welcome this opportunity to proceed along the line of borrowed regrets. What is meant by this is: regrets are borrowed from old traditional thinking, finding fault with the process of living and learning.

When something occurs, an experience, and regret ensues, turn the coin over and learn from this. Turn it into a blessing of understanding, change, insight, and meaning. Regrets are old patterns of thinking, and resolve nothing, and continue themselves in unending circles.

Learn from everything, every experience. Deny nothing. Embrace the truth of your path in life. Move forward with the wisdom gained. Forgiveness is a wonderful substitute for regret, for oneself and for others. Be patient with the learning process. Re-create your life, moment by moment. Observe others in this same way. Learn and move on, grateful for the opportunity to grow. Namaste.
Feb. 25, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


What do you want most?

JANU:    We are encouraging then at this time the resurgence of the desire for awakening, for life expansion, for realization of potential, for true happiness and freedom, for loving oneself, and for helping each other. What we focus on at this time is the beauty of life, its richness, its capacity, its eternal nature, its diversity, its genius.

The reality of this lives within the Nature of each one. The wisdom of it is revealed to the individual through the experience of the incarnate life and the veil, chosen by each one, created by each one, overcome by each one. Realizing more of the totality of being is part of the destiny of incarnate life. But this leads to so much more, for incarnate and discarnate life is not all there is.

Expressions of being are without limit. Unlimited mind explores this. An open heart embraces this. A valid question, ask yourself: “What do you want most in this moment?” Then embrace it as a co-creator with Life itself. Namaste.
Feb. 20, 2019                                                                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross