Instant healing

JANU: You inquire this morning as to the immune system and the nature of instantaneous healing, the forces involved. We would address this in this way, our brother.

First, understand, structure in nature, the existence of the physical body, all of its systems, and the life that supports all of this maintains its integrity and patterns of existence. Every part of the body, every cell, its entire structure exists in more than one reality. The physical part of this system of life is the least causal of its condition. The True Nature of the physical is more etheric, and beyond. The link between these patterns can guide the existence of the physical, can be interfered with or strengthened by consciousness, intent, behavior. The so-called miraculous or instant healing occurs when a loving consciousness embraces these patterns of existence and coordinates them, energizes them, harmonizes them, so that the link between the physical existence and the more subtle patterns of existence become strong, uninterrupted, and balanced. Some call this “the power of love” without understanding its nature.

The love that perpetuates life creates manifestation and your existence is always present, our brother, and can be focused, holding your systems of life in embrace, intensifying their communication with each other, and pattern matching. So, when it appears that one is healing another, it is the presence of love in the nature of your being that is the power that accomplishes this. Intellectual understanding of this reality is not enough but the presence of love is the so-called magic here. Loving yourself, our brother, is not selfish. It is enhancing who you are and your service to life, of which you are a part, can realize its potential, which includes instant healing.

Now, be aware that the beginning of healing is instantaneous. The manifestation of the healing can vary. The process of healing is miraculous, worthy of gratitude and patience. Live your life as if you were well. This opens the pathway for the process of healing and change. Focus your attention upon the victory and live accordingly. Namaste.

Jan. 20, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


A perspective on security

JANU: We are focusing this evening on the security that so many are concerned with in their lives. Security speaks to people in many different ways, mostly survival, the reliability of same, personal economy, family, and well-being. The security we focus on this evening has to do with beliefs, nature, laws of life, and peace. Even these are appraised with unchanging perception.

True security, our brother, is the ongoingness of your nature, your True Nature. The physical existence is always temporary, yet if this is all you are conscious of, it is your whole world and describes your security. The current weather situation challenges this, causes many to wonder.

Balance the perceived needs of the physical existence with the reality that you cannot die. The death of the body has occurred many times, yet here you are. Not easy to own this and find peace in it, if your identity is limited to the human journey. These journeys we take together, our brother, speak of the larger life, a larger reality, a larger understanding that includes the human experience, even though temporary.

Enjoy the moment. Make the most of it you may, but with a balanced view and values that include many possibilities. Live in the Now and own who you are. Namaste.

Jan. 22, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Symbols and enlightenment

JANU: We are ambling, if you will, along the path of life, for the journey at times can be laid back, if you will, to take in more detail of the elements of the journey. This evening’s ‘amble’ is in the direction of converting symbols to direct experience. Many are so used to the symbols, they see them as the experience, having to constantly renew the symbol, hoping for meaning and enlightenment.

What say you, then, to the symbol of love, meaning the Christian cross? For many, a symbol of sacrifice for the sake of humanity. But having survived this symbolism, Christ continued to love humanity, his mate, and his progeny. Enlightenment does not mean isolation but the opportunity to be a blessing for another, demonstrating the strength and reliability of True Love.

Whatever symbols of life you hold dear, be at one with what they represent. Be one with the truth of these. Be that much more complete, in your consciousness, in your being, in your service. Namaste.

Jan. 19, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This was erroneously published too soon. Would make more sense if read in conjunction with Religion & Churches.


Religion and churches

JANU: The focus of ‘Religion and Churches’ is a revealing one. You ask, “What do they represent and what do they accomplish for society?” For they are a construct of society, symbolizing its deep desire for something profound and truthful in their lives.

What we look for here is movement beyond the symbolism into what the symbolism represents. Performing symbolic ritual does not get you there, on its own. Owning within you what it represents brings you the peace of victory within the search. The true teacher within each one is symbolically represented by the preacher or minister, the appointed head of the church, the student of the religion memorizing and attempting to understand the scripture, attempting to resolve issues in the lives of the parishioners. All of this is useful, but crossing the threshold of ownership, bringing understanding to your questions, your issues, from within brings a confidence in life by the inner strength through experience that everything can be understood and mastered. Scripture alludes to this here and there, but it can’t step through the doorway for you.

Get to know your teacher within and you will discover that the teacher is who you truly are, and have always been. Speak your truth from ownership, and your oneness with others is revealed and felt and accepted. Move beyond the symbol, experience and own what it represents. The symbol is a shell for a larger truth. It is the beginning of the journey, not the destination. And the destination, our brother, is vast and always evolving. Namaste.

Jan. 19, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Check out Symbols and Enlightenment for extension of this idea.


Warmth in communication

JANU: Let there be known that your interest in enlightened communication carries with it a sensitivity to a balanced completeness. And, as you have noticed, one element of this in the presence of wisdom and intelligence is a warmth beyond the words. Underlying the words, a presence of love beyond words.

When exploring life, be aware of this quality intertwined with the wisdom, the information if you will. This speaks clearly of a pure consciousness at one with the truth and at one with you. Intellectuality without this has a coldness to it and only reaches your intellect, but you are far more than that and so is life. This quality is of value to be part of your relationship with others. This is the quality that truly connects one with another, beyond the words. It opens receptivity and trust.

This is the genius of life behind the wisdom and the power. It is the nature of life and of peace. Namaste.

Jan. 18, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Owning memories

JANU: We exploring the memories that occur to you, and, for this exploration, those that you would change. But change them not, our brother. They are your journey through life, pearls of experience containing wisdom and understanding. Be grateful to have had them, for they speak of the human condition and the life that ensues from the evolution of consciousness. Be grateful and move on, knowing that there is no right or wrong to these, good or bad. They are experience and, in their way, reveal your future. They inspire new vision, commitment, purpose, different steps on your path of exploring life. Be aware of the fruits of these moments. You are divine being, spirit being.

Would you have a lifetime with nothing to learn from? Nothing to reveal choices? Own your memories. They enrich your life, your consciousness, no matter the memory. Through these you can love others as they are, with compassion, patience. Love yourself the same way. All of these, whether violent or not, enrich you. Do not reject them, or put your stamp of approved or disapproved on them. You have grown greatly from them. This is true for everyone, our brother.

Find peace in your integrity, no matter what. Bring joy where you may, forgiveness where you may, understanding where you may. Reflect what you’ve learned for others to see themselves in the mirror of life. And life is a mirror to see truly what is. Everything is all right in the presence of your honesty and truthfulness and love. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 18, 2016                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Exploring life: Values

JANU: We would have you understand this, our brother: that values are a measure of character, depth of commitment, essential service, and windows into the spirit, the soul if you will, of anyone. Values evolve, change as experience ensues, and reveal much into the heart and the mind and the life of the individual. A vital question to be asked: What are your values? Do you understand them?

When relating with another, are you sensitive to understanding their values? Values beyond survival take understanding to a higher level. Do your values include other people and theirs? The creatures of the world have values beyond survival, including intimate association, care for the young, loving a mate. Those who give their lives for another understand this. Those who devote their lives to serve humanity grow in their understanding of this. Those who better themselves to enrich life, those who teach children and adults to have a better life, greater opportunities, and fulfill their dreams, all have values.

Values are woven into the thread of society, tapestry of life. Your True Nature has values, when agreeing to incarnate and enrich life. Exploring your own values and how they evolve through experience is a worthy exploration. All of humanity all over the world has so much in common in this area of their lives that can foster genuine communication and concern for each other.

What is more personal, our brother, than your values? Far more revealing. They shape behavior which influences your well-being. Getting real in your life calls for honesty and courage in simplicity and peace. A worthy subject in exploring life and serving it. Namaste.

Jan. 14, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Navigating life: Choices

JANU: We are encouraging at this time the focus upon navigating life, a fundamental and important subject of exploration. The models employed have everything to do with outcomes, achievement. Study your goals in life. What is important? What do you wish to carry with you from one journey to the next? Challenges and opportunities can be two masks of the same thing. Learn from each model you employ.

Using boxing as an analogy, when life throws you a punch, do you accept it? Do you fight back? Or do you choose to let it pass by? Explore the outcomes of these three and what they produce. Humans as a civilization deal with these: wars of conflict, negotiation, diplomacy, and redirection.

Incarnate life is but a portion of the larger life. What does mastering it look like? For some, it is as a moment. For some, it is an eternity of suffering and struggle. For some, a moment of freedom and peace and personal achievement. And for many more, other venues of life are chosen. We of the Brotherhood of Light choose freedom in the midst of challenges and opportunity. Incarnate life is not the only venue for this.

So weigh the merits of every challenge or opportunity. Choose wisdom, sanity, integrity, and insight to guide you. There is no right or wrong in your choice, only outcome. Always free to choose with the strength to do so. Find peace in your choice and journey on. Namaste.

Jan. 14, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross



JANU: There is a fascinating element of life that perpetuates evolution, not to be analyzed in detail but to be understood as a compelling factor in the distribution and evolution of life. To evolve means to unfold, and life is unfolding. Everyone’s life is. Everything’s life is. What this unfolding includes remains to be seen, but it is the potential of life that is evolving. And the evolution builds the potential, unfolds it further, as does your own existence. No matter your perception of achievement or lack thereof, evolution continues the process. And that path continues to unfold. Even the seeming lack of achievement is an unfoldment. It is the learning. It is the wisdom gaining. It is the so-called trial and error. It is miraculous.

Evolution brings into view potential, and potential is another miracle of life. Pre-ordination attempts to describe the existence of potential, but it is too simple an understanding, too vague. Potential and manifestation co-exist. Evolution is as primary, as fundamental as potential. Evolution is Life in love with life. You evolve as Life loves itself, and you are Life. Oneness is spoken of so often, but how deeply understood, how intimately? We of the Brotherhood of Light are enriched every moment by this reality. The nature of this reality is that it be shared, inspired, supported, embraced throughout manifest life.

You ask what role brutality, violence, mis-emotions, destruction play in evolution. It brings balance, our brother, to those who prefer peace and love. It tempers the journey, requiring patience, understanding, and a view of life with a capacity to allow while maintaining integrity, even as Life itself does. The ‘middle road,’ our brother, is defined by the range of life. The ‘middle road’ understands both sides of the coin, centered in equilibrium, seeing the Truth in everything, not taking sides.

Jan. 12, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Happiness: allowed not created

JANU: We are once again delving into the so-called mysteries of life. For this evening’s journey, let us absorb as much as we may, distilling the elements of life into a resolve of understanding.

You asked earlier of the nature of happiness, free of a reason to be. Happiness, our brother, is its own reason. It is a configuration of consciousness and being that is a quiet harmony of awareness. In its simplicity, its purity, it is a relationship with the fundamental love that is Life. It is purity of being. It is ‘isness.’ It is freedom. It is an experience of presence that requires nothing. It is an easy peacefulness beyond circumstance. It is a freedom seldom turned to, free of demands. It is timeless. It is a living peace. It is not achieved through technique and has always been. It is who you are.

Allow happiness, our brother. Namaste.

Jan. 11, 2016 B                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

See also Happiness and Pursuit of Happiness