“Go forth and sin no more”

JANU: We are concerned with many of life’s situations, including peaceful co-existence. Life allows what you call outrageous behavior by humanity. Temporary moments in time within the larger picture of life. Wars and battles and conflicts seem never ending, unless you can see through them and beyond them. They continue within the parameters of existence, within the limits of free will. And there are limits, our brother. Humanity is allowed to police itself, to discover the truth of its choices, to re-organize, rebuild, rejuvenate, process choices and behaviors, to learn what it may. Humanity is still exploring, testing its limits, understanding its view of life, its vision. Even if humanity destroyed itself on the Earth, life continues. The spiritual reality of human beings continues. So all is not lost, our brother, with outrageous behavior, except opportunities to realize the Truth of Life and serve it.

So, even with the existence of suffering, life is ongoing and precious. The moments of joy, loving relationships, endearing children shine a light upon the so-called darker side of humanity, revealing it for what it is so that others may see and understand the alternative, free to choose the life they desire with opportunities to see the difference. Two sides of the coin, so to speak. When one chooses to own their choices and the results of these, life is enriched.

“Go forth and sin no more” is a great revelation, speaks of forgiveness and the freedom to rebuild, restore, and start anew. This is a blessing of life. Be at peace and begin again. What a grand answer to life’s challenges. Namaste.

Dec. 9, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: ‘Tis the season of gratitude. Gratitude is like a magic wand. It blesses everything it touches, brings light and life to loneliness, indifference. It rejuvenates. What better thing to do on Christmas!

Being grateful for your own life, for each day, enriches that life. Being grateful magnifies the gift of another and enriches it. There is cause for gratitude always, not just because it’s a good thing to do but because you want to and lifts another. It is part of your nature. Namaste.

Dec.23, 2015 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


A larger perspective of oneness with life

JANU: We are remembering when the Earth was young, and that life is ageless. Species came and went and life went on. And the life stream of souls came into view, manifested to match conditions, circumstances, environments. First existing spiritually as worlds were forming physically. The plan has always been to populate life with life’s own creations and countless realities. These changes in creation are still continuing.

These brief moments of sojourns are puzzle pieces in a larger picture that is still developing. What is evolving here is the management of sojourns’ elements merging with a consciousness embracing the larger life. The patterns and plans of life are not finished but still being created. You wonder of timetables for creations, completions of cycles. Your perspective should always be tempered with timelessness. Allowing your life, your sojourn, to unfold free of the pressures of timeframes, for the patterns and plans of life are not limited by these yet always changing.

So, as you move through your life dealing with all that offers, focusing on goals and your own plans, hang not onto them so tightly you miss the natural flow of life and the flow of changes, new perspectives, changing goals that accommodate, are at one with, life’s movements. Your life being part of it. A larger perspective of oneness with everything.

You are correct. As you seek to be at peace, realize that pure love of being and of life brings a grand peace that already exists. Be at peace with yourself and life. Be patient with everything. Be alert and notice what there is to understand without fear of engagement. Namaste.

Dec. 11, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The journey of oneness consciousness

JANU: The choice for incarnation, our brother, was a conscious one, including the veil. The journey back to conscious oneness builds wisdom, character, serves life, enriches it. The physical universe or part of life one becomes part of is developed by these journeys of incarnation. The forms, the cycles of life generate so much needed by the flow of life, which is needed in turn by the journeyer.

The return to oneness consciousness does not mean that oneness discontinued for a time. It is always a part of reality. The return to oneness consciousness aids in applying all you have gained to wherever you are. Choices guided by a oneness consciousness, awakening to the larger life once more, are more in harmony with the evolution of life. One ‘listens for’ with more of their being, senses more fully the consciousness of others and the principles of life at the heart of everything. Returning to oneness awareness is more something you allow than create. It is the more natural reality of a more complete being.

A oneness consciousness can be sensed by others for the peace it brings in intimacy with life, a loving intimacy. The many colors and hues in the tapestry of life are revealed, rich beyond imagination. And there is life in all of creation. And one respects and understands the life in everything. No longer the unresolved conflicts in thoughts and feelings and emotions and experiences. Patience with yourself brings peace.

All life is connected. Becoming aware of this is a journey. Be patient with yourself and find peace and awareness. Namaste.

Dec. 7, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing who you truly are

JANU: Let us explore that path to enlightenment that each one has available to remember their journey into incarnation and their return to that which they already are. The passion to know, to remember, to experience, to restore the presence in the consciousness. Your True Nature, a miraculous development to be loved into being, into remembering. One does not have to leave the mortal coil, so to speak, but can embrace the larger truth, enriching the incarnate life beyond human imagination.

These journeys are meant to assist those who are ready. So much of life is ready to assist in this. Becoming aware of the larger truth of who you are changes how you perceive everything. It is one thing to be conscious of your oneness with life. It is another to realize why you chose to incarnate and who are ‘you’ that made the choice. Use the power of love to love who you truly are into your consciousness, into the life that you are leading. Find peace and fulfillment in this. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Dec. 11, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Remembering who you are continued

Be sure to check out yesterday’s post.

JANU: We are organizing the steps to be taken entering into a peaceful solution to the pull to awaken. Each one has this tug from within for conscious union. Years of struggle are not required, yet patience is. The conscious human mind imagines so many obstacles, trying to dominate the experience thereby prolonging it, trying to be the source of your identity yet being only part of it. Your true identity being only a hair’s breadth away. Allow the memory to return naturally as the truth of who you are, peacefully, lovingly, sanely. Your wonderful journey of joy and happiness. Namaste.

Dec. 7, 2015 B                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Remembering who you are 

JANU: We are welcoming you this morning to the entourage of life always present. Life is a busy reality, comings and goings, initiations, fulfillments, commitments, and service. Everyone exists in the midst of this entourage. Experiences vary, due to changing interests and abilities. Many look into space and see nothing, yet their life is surrounded and filled by this entourage. Many see vast distances in the universe as unattainable, impossibly distant or remote, unknowable, but this is the illusion of time/space, our brother. The Family of Life is everywhere and every when. You are one with this, remembering that this is so.

You ask, “What does it take to be conscious of this Family of Life?” Choose to remember. Choose to experience. Choose to understand. Choose to embrace.

You ask, “How can you trust this to be a positive and enriching experience?” Choose the judgement and confirmation of your own divine True Nature to guide you, reveal the truth to you. It is who you are and knows. Listen within, peacefully, quietly, lovingly. Your True Nature is with you always and is part of this Family of Life. You have a history with this Family of Life. Choose to remember it.

Your brief sojourn here as a human is an opportunity to enrich life, honoring experience and wisdom, bringing what you have gained into the human experience, further linking all realities. Remember the oneness of your entire nature. Make decisions as a conscious being, leaving forgetfulness and ignorance behind. Find peace in remembering all of this. Be the Light that you are, where you are, when you are. This is true whether incarnate or not, makes no difference. Be conscious once more as a member of the Family of Life, diverse and rich beyond description. Listen to the truth that has always lived within you and stand in it, inspiring others that they can do the same.

Dec. 4, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Listening is a useful focus. Life is constantly expressing its being, its presence, but in such a way that it is sensitive to, listening to all of its elements. The human being can do the same, being attuned to that presence. When doing so, you have conscious access to its resources. So you see, when you ask a question to understand, to grow and evolve, life hears you and responds, its beingness to yours.

The physical structures of life are interesting to be aware of and understand. How they came to be is another structure and miracle of life. Also applies to your own existence. But the purpose of living can be local as well as universal. Oneness makes this possible.

When one listens to life, no matter the degree or level, you are life listening to itself. You’re part of a system, a family if you will, of living presence in a way not fully understood. When listening to another, you are listening to yourself. Much to learn, experience, and wisdom to be gained.

These principles do not just apply to humanity. We employ them as well. This is how, when you are concerned about anything, we know it. And this works both ways, our brother, when you listen.

Expressing yourself has little to do with words, has everything to do with consciousness, thoughts and feelings, your aura and the patterns of energy that you radiate. There are no secrets, our brother. Life records everything. You’re always welcome in the Family of Life. Your True Nature understands this. Your reason for being is for life to continue and evolve. Spend time in your day being a good listener. Namaste.

Dec. 2, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The power of peace

JANU: On this Christmas holiday, many in your world pray for peace, more than those who do not. But understand this, no matter which, the nature of all is peace.

The path to the True Nature has included some strange challenges, curious to many who understand some of the merit of the path to the True Nature to the peaceful life that is full and rich. It is an opportunity for those who cherish peace to radiate it, encourage it in others, to be emissaries of peace. Those who challenge this will not continue in this way forever, for those who live a life of peace will become so strong in their foundation, so successful in their lives, so happy in their existence, the others will see diminishing merit in their choices.

Remember, peace is not a lack of violence, but an evolution of harmony, mutual support, and freedom, and, above all, a loving life. Life loves everyone, or you wouldn’t be. Is it asking too much to love each other?

Peace supports creativity, inspiration, new ideas, solutions, and the embrace of new challenges and opportunities. Peace is a powerful reality and rewards the purveyors. Allow your True Nature and all it has gained to blossom in your life through the power of peace and the doors opened by it.

The people of violence are noisy and sound powerful. The people of peace listen, speak wisdom, are powerful by the blessing of their being. So, pray for peace and live in peace and love each other. Namaste.

Dec. 25, 2015                                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A Christmas Message

JANU: You ask if this celebration of Christ has any counterpart on other worlds. It does, our brother. Not the date, of course. And not so much the individual, but the principle of celebration of True Nature. That is an ideal for incarnate beings.

There is a celebration of life itself in many forms, depending upon the awareness, the consciousness of the beings. Human Christ-consciousness is not the standard but one form, for humanity has yet to evolve into a deeper and larger truth. Some worlds, humanity could barely understand the principles involved, the philosophy. Christ celebration is useful. It keeps the door open to a deeper understanding, when humanity and individuals are ready.

Commercialism seems to be, for many, the reason for Christmas. At least, the practical one. Remember, Christmas’s symbolism, the merit in Christmas, is what the symbolism is a symbol of. A challenge. As the consciousness awakens, the symbols become less necessary for the consciousness has direct connection with the truth behind them.

This is part of awakening, of evolution, of the process of exploration of the incarnate life. Be patient with it. Allow its time to unfold. The love that is real behind all of this never wavers. Be about your life and do the best you can. Reach for the truth. Love each other and yourselves. Be at peace. Find joy where you may, and enrich life. Namaste.

Dec. 24, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross