Facing new directions

JANU: We find strong root in the understanding that it is possible to be in harmony with altered states of consciousness bringing a larger truth and perception into the human octave, so to speak. This is not to replace the human experience, but to enhance it.

Humanity finds itself, in many cases, groping for the unknown, looking for solutions, when the understanding is part of their nature. So-called ‘experience’ has taught humanity that achieving understanding, insight, and communication is a long way off, requiring complex discipline, ritual, and altered states of consciousness achieved by so many rituals. This being true, for humanity has convinced itself that it is; therefore they require it. Figuratively speaking, it is no more complicated than turning around, facing a new direction, and allowing it to be.

Facing new directions is a wonderful way to understand change. What direction would you choose? It can be as simple as a happy day; peace of mind; clearer insights; loving someone, including yourself; better health; clearer mind; balanced emotions; understanding animals and life on other worlds. There are no limits to this, our brother, but be clear as to your desires and your motives, and allow it to be. Namaste.

Nov. 12, 2015 B                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Choosing a better day

JANU: Observing the questions, the desires, and the interests of humanity, a large portion concerned with health, relying on others to provide the answers. When in pain or overwhelmed with symptoms, it is more difficult to reach within so we say “Practice this in advance of illness and it will be more natural and effective during it.” And in many cases the insight gained will forewarn you of lifestyle that predisposes one for imbalance.

Another common interest is finances, financial wealth, including shelter and basic needs. In many cases, overindulgence, ineffective money management, and a lack of a savings plan create these conditions. It is possible to enjoy life that brings balance to perspective without requiring financial resources. A growing ability to find peace within, explore life and consciousness, revisit many pleasant experiences and memories, and enjoying nature is a good beginning.

Many are consumed with trepidation as to their future, including their families, their children, the nation, the government, so many elements of life. Living more in the Now brings you vision and a release from limiting concerns and an openness to adaptability to meet change and understand the nature of all of these. Living in the present is far more peaceful and rewarding than anticipating the change of the future and allows you to perceive what lives in the moment and be in harmony with it.

All of this takes practice, including letting go of limiting emotions and thoughts. The burden of these can be a source of depression. In some ways, the source of the future is your choices today. Programming your day and your tomorrow with the media perpetuates limitation and fear and distrust, which feeds the very situations that are undesirable. People choose wars, power over others, and whether realized or not, they choose poverty and illness.

Look at your choices every day. Determine if they support your true desires. Clear thinking, and opening a listening heart and mind, and a love of self translate into a better day. Namaste.

Nov. 12, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The soul’s journey

JANU: The existence of the incarnate souls of humanity, for the most part, is far fuller, far richer than one might think. Incarnating does not shut down, so to speak, these beings from the fuller life; the incarnate experience is an addition. Monitored constantly, the incarnate experience continuously enriches the True Nature. Humanity sees themselves as separate isolated beings, private, in some ways secretive in the safety of their own thoughts and feelings. The rest of your being is everything but. By comparison, seventy to one hundred years of incarnation, and in many cases less, is but a moment. But a rich one.

Your soul is imprinted with rich memories of many experiences, has wisdom and perspective your incarnate life can benefit greatly from. The soul or True Nature is intimately involved and connected with the human journey, guiding it but not controlling it for the choices and the processing of the human consciousness reveal much. Many ask “Why does God allow this and allow that seemingly terrible occurrence to take place?” Because you are loved, our brother. Loving is allowing and the freedom to choose.

Life exists to fulfill the choice, to gain the experience. Being unlimited, beyond time and space, patience seldom experienced in the human journey is the norm. The process of awakening expands the identity, changing your perspective and your understandings to think more eternally, more inclusively, and more lovingly about yourself and others. Life continuing on and on, for your larger identity, opens the consciousness beyond the limitation of one sojourn and nothing more. It encourages having goals larger than one lifetime and discovering goals you’ve already had that are.

Some might think that the challenges of the incarnate life are quite enough to deal with, to understand and master. This is true from a certain point of view. But to understand the mysteries of incarnate life that seem to have no answers, one must awaken to larger possibilities where the answers exist and enhance the incarnate life. Life is so much larger and complex and knowable. Whatever you choose, be grateful for the beauty of it and explore. Namaste, our brother.

Nov. 11, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The significance of life

JANU: These journeys, our brother, are for the benefit of humanity, and all who will meet them. May we grasp the fundamental significance of life, for without it where is the power to create, to understand the creation and all of its influence and interactions? How can a life not have any significance? Every person matters, whether incarnate or not, whether human or not, no matter the reality. Mattering in different ways, at times, but always mattering. All of life matters, for it is all interactive, all connected, and the purpose of each one is enhanced by the purpose of the rest.

Life differentials teach us many things. When one is in hunger and one is not, it’s an opportunity. When one is sad and one is not, another. When one is destitute and one is not, an opportunity. And through the opportunity, the gaining of wisdom, and character, and understanding. It takes all of humanity to evolve into its future and its potential. Making a better life for one has its merit. Life is that one, but it’s also everything else. They are all connected. Being connected means the existence of one influences another, whether human or animal, marine life or vegetation, or the air you breathe. Depending upon your consciousness, you may seem totally alone in life or more and more connected, learning from each other. In a way, it takes all to engage and understand and observe all of life.

Your service does not begin with birth, or end with death. It just changes. The opportunities vary, the needs vary, and your perspective changes. Life is diverse enough, and becoming more diverse, that the opportunities will always be there. Hear the call of others, of their lives, by listening, feeling the truth around you and in you.

We are part of this life as well, our brother, not immune from any of it, for it is not a disease. It is the Truth. No matter how outrageous the activity, the thoughts and feelings, they are still part of life and are invested in it. The phrase “cutting your losses” does not apply here, for the losses are miniscule compared to the potential and the destiny.

Yes, life is very significant, our brother. This understanding benefits everyone, in one way or another. There are no limits to where this understanding can be taken, and your life is richer for it, and for those you meet. Value who you are, not above others or in competition, but in cooperation and coordination and sharing. Everyone is worth a great deal. Namaste.

Nov. 5, 2015                                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The process of receiving the Truth

JANU: For this evening’s journey, let us explore an understanding of that which pertains to the embrace of a larger life. What this means is: exploring the life you have in a larger way.

The human experience in the physical existence has so much more to explore than most realize. The accepted limitations, boundaries, or conventions of physical existence need not apply as they have. How many times have you experienced conversation, behavior, circumstances, wondering their origin, deeper meaning, and your relationship with them? There is a capability within human consciousness to allow the answer to any question, any concern, to reveal itself in some way.

Asking and receiving is a delicate balance between declaration of desire and the allowing of life’s response while completely at peace. The responses to inquiries have always been there, hanging, so to speak, a breath’s distance away, lingering for an opportunity to imprint the consciousness. Listening is one thing, our brother. Receiving is quite another. Inquiring and knowing to be seen as, known as one reality, one moment. Each the truth of each other. Not two separate things at all when you’re at peace.

The rest of you, the total you, your True Nature, your complete being has access to the Truth of Life, which some call the Light. How can the truth be harmed in any way? But understanding and perception and application is an evolving reality. How well do you know your personal agendas, preferences, passions? You can see why life is a process. Truth in the eyes of the beholder varies greatly, so when communicating, and even thinking to yourself, where do you begin? A great revealer of this process is the results, the fruits of the understanding. Much is revealed, but never stop trying to see more clearly and then move on. Namaste, our brother.

Nov. 9, 2015 B                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The symbiotic relationship of life on Earth

JANU: We welcome again the opportunity to serve, humanity for humanity as a species, as a consciousness, to serve the rest of the Earth and all of its creatures. But humanity also has a capacity to be served by these, as well. There is symbiosis on the Earth and it involves everything. Individuality, our brother, is only the first stage of a developing consciousness. Symbiosis is the next. And true oneness the next.

And the power to create is a theme through all of this. How else, then, does Life regenerate its creations and create anew? Life has always been and, by virtue of its nature, will always be. The destiny of cosmic consciousness is not to be removed from or be above all creation, all realities, but to be one with all of them, co-creator with all of life. So, you see, your destiny is the destiny of life itself. How could it be otherwise?

Now, this understanding seems ‘unrelatable,’ far removed from, remote. On the contrary, our brother, it is the moment. The Now is the past, the present, and the future. Time/space a small portion of the totality of ‘isness.’ So-called dimensional separations are an illusion for the convenience of human understanding. When understood in this larger and deeper way, you will understand and experience that wherever you are going, you are already there. Namaste.

Nov. 7, 2015                                                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

The role of kindness

JANU: We are celebrating, if you will, the establishment of another focus for spreading the Light. Make no mistake, our brother, that kindnesses rendered to individuals or groups are a focus for the elevation of Light in the consciousness of each one. And Light, by its nature, has a tendency to spread. It is contagious. It has the resource, the power of Life itself, as its creator and sustainer. The Light exists in everyone, but somewhat dormant by comparison, when compared to someone embracing it.

Kindnesses that stimulate the expansion of Light need not be extravagant, can last but a moment of initiation but can grow for an entire lifetime. All of these bring the True Nature closer to the consciousness of people. In the ways of the animal world, this is also true. Make no mistake, the human body is part of the animal world. Understand your service to these creatures by what you enjoy and avoid while in the body.

Kindness is always effective. Even when others observe it but not directed at them, they are touched and their True Natures are aware. The power of kindness is immeasurable. Opportunities for kindness come and go, are brief or long-standing. And, yes, being kind to yourself has the same effect, the same result. Kindness is unmistakable, instantly recognizable, brings a moment of hope for the future of humanity. Being kind to another heals loneliness in yourself and them, as well. Kindnesses encourage the sharing of the same and are passed on.

Kindness can be part of the way of life on the path to freedom. Patience with another, listening without interruption are forms of kindness. Generosity is another. Words of encouragement yet another. A smile that is genuine is another. Complimenting performance to one’s employer is another. Kindness as an element of your being has great worth. Be kind to yourself, and each other. Namaste, our brother.

Nov. 10, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Create something new in your life

JANU: As you hear from time to time a bemoaning of life, its circumstances and manifestations, be mindful of the fact that life is far grander than that and it is what is made of it. Some look upon inequity in financial wealth disparagingly, yet do little to create a new circumstance for themselves, partially through ignorance and lack of confidence. What we recommend here is for each one to create one new thing in their day, in their life, something they desire and, when realized, they will see themselves differently and choose to create more. Commitment, research, resources, a plan, a design. And realize that your power to create is supported by unlimited life.

Life is designed to create, to manifest, to make available experiences to gain understanding and wisdom to enrich itself. As a co-creator, you were created to accomplish this. Whatever you see around you in life that you are drawn to, create it according to your vision that unfolds as you begin. Expand your identity to include ‘a creator.’ The resources of life are waiting to be molded, activated, and fulfill your vision. The wisdom you were born with will guide you and what you create adds to the richness of life. You can do this. You need only begin. Namaste.

Nov. 10, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Allowing your identity to expand

JANU: Concerns have arisen as to the nature of prolonged and progressed whole body communication, meaning all of the levels of our existence. It is, indeed, a reality, our brother, to be conscious as one, but it’s not the same as only conscious as human. Identity expansion is a major component of the experience, and an identity no longer seemingly separate from others.

To be conscious on more than one level simultaneously is a balancing of the finest order. The pace of this awakening is in part based upon the ability to maintain a healthy balance, an equilibrium, and a deepening sanity. Humans hang on to their human identity as if it were a matter of life or death, being or not being, control or no control, the loss of integrity. It is none of these, our brother. The larger, more universal consciousness is part of the natural flow of life.

At present, being conscious as only part of who you are, yet there is much more. The human experience is only part of who you are. Slowly allow the elements of your being to merge into one, but with many capabilities, faculties, and the wisdom that comes with them. Many have, and are walking this path, our brother. As we have said before, it may not be common, but it is natural. The love that you are is more easily expressed and understood as this progresses. And peace is fundamental. Namaste.
Nov. 6, 2015 B                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


More on who you truly are

JANU: Embroiled as some may be in the minutia of the day, the basic needs for humanity remain. Not petty power and one-up-manship, self-defense from each other, and not the despair from feeling of loss of control of their lives. But the resources from within that each one is born with, most unaware of and ignorant as to access and application. Many look around themselves and confirm that they are alone, without resource, as is their neighbor. The power to prey on others is not what we suggest here, but the power to create, from the smallest to the largest most significant parts of your life, such as a clear mind, good health, and a loving heart.

When you base your life conditions upon the lifestyles of others, your life will look a lot like theirs. The changes we speak of, under your control, when attuned to those resources begin immediately. The process begins and unfolds reasonably, allowing for your insight to manifest and to understand. Discussing these changes with others can lead to interference before the changes have taken hold, bringing confusion and doubt. No need to wear your consciousness, your values, and your principles on your sleeve. Teach by how you live. Answer questions with guidance, for you are all complex beings on many levels. Verbalization is not always the best response to inquiries, but patience and understanding always are.

What you need to begin this, and to manifest it, is a growing awareness and involvement with who you truly are. You are not this body or the circumstances. You are larger than that and have survived many lifetimes. Desire to remember all that you are, and understand what that means. You are a co-creator. As you explore the inner life and your True Nature, you will see others, in the circumstance of living this life, with new eyes. You will see behind the outer, the Truth behind. Be patient but hold your focus, pursue the goal, and co-create a happier and more peaceful life. Namaste.

Nov. 3, 2015 B                                                                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross