JANU: Preliminary approaches to synthesizing larger amounts of understandings, one must attempt to be solid in the sense of integrity, openness, and freedom to be more conscious. To this end, we assume a measure of this with a respect for what has been gained. Let us proceed.
Self consciousness is key to appreciating and allowing its expansion. It is necessary for self-identity to be as liberated. So then, what are we, to explore the Larger Life and reveal its truth? We are that Life, exploring its own reality and manifesting and enriching its potential. What that means is: we are intrinsically becoming more conscious of our identity as our Nature being that Life. Any sense of separation fades in the presence of self-realization. Being in the Now of such reality is a natural relationship.
Move beyond words to direct and intimate understanding. Be what you already are. No need to create that reality. Thinking the need to do so is separation. Allow being more conscious of what already is. We are here and now. Namaste.
July 10, 2023 Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross