We are here and now

JANU:   Preliminary approaches to synthesizing larger amounts of understandings, one must attempt to be solid in the sense of integrity, openness, and freedom to be more conscious. To this end, we assume a measure of this with a respect for what has been gained. Let us proceed.

Self consciousness is key to appreciating and allowing its expansion. It is necessary for self-identity to be as liberated. So then, what are we, to explore the Larger Life and reveal its truth? We are that Life, exploring its own reality and manifesting and enriching its potential. What that means is: we are intrinsically becoming more conscious of our identity as our Nature being that Life. Any sense of separation fades in the presence of self-realization. Being in the Now of such reality is a natural relationship.

Move beyond words to direct and intimate understanding. Be what you already are. No need to create that reality. Thinking the need to do so is separation. Allow being more conscious of what already is. We are here and now. Namaste.
July 10, 2023                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Exploring self-awareness

JANU:    Enumerating the discourses of the past, your challenge for the new vista of peace-mongering, the stronger struggle for evolution in the consciousness and affairs of the world, reaches thresholds and reversals. The peace you seek is the peace you have known. Reaching into the barrel of topics for exploration, let us assume that there is, in the beginning, a source for these, but they evolve as well and the flow of opportunities, new points of light, continues.

Life itself is the great communicator. It communicates with itself, through all of its expressions, creations, through the development and processing of understanding and the structure within and because of no structure. To understand the nature of life, one must become more conscious as it. The perception of distance or separation among the realities of life is a limitation.

Let us continue to explore not just realities of life but the nature of it all. To know one’s self, live and be as one’s self. The consciousness grows in inclusiveness. A never ending journey of absorption, of observation, of change, of expansion, of identity. Does Life identify with its own Nature? Once more, a limited point of view. What is self-awareness? Explore this. Namaste.
July 4, 2023                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The Larger Life

JANU:    There are conditions in life that call for a perspective on a scale that seems absurd to most. These conditions prevail and become rewarding challenges, not only for those who accept them but for the expressions of life, all life. Serving the Earth for many would seem to be presumptuous, but the Earth is part of the larger opportunity for supporting the evolution of Life, not only for other worlds but much larger realities as well. Physical existence of the universe is one of many universes, and there are realities of life that are more subtle and diverse. Being conscious and more in touch with the Larger Life brings about changes in one’s perspective and relationship with everything.

This seemingly minute existence has potential beyond the imagination of most. Reflections of time, space, size, distance, and expansion have their reality but also limited. Identity becomes a challenge as well. The appreciation and embracing of an evolving identity, from the personal to the impersonal, is in the same order of the Larger Life which includes everything. So what makes one reality more important than another? It depends upon where you stand in your perception of life. Judging realities by importance is a limitation in perspective.

So, as we explore Life, and are inspired to serve it, we do so not as a separate observer but as one with Life itself and all of its realities. Once again, this would seem presumptuous to most but their perspectives and realities of consciousness have value and importance for all of these are part of Life. Understanding oneness, experiencing it, collective realities, relationships, their origins, their potential and their manifestation is an identity in consciousness and experience. The phrase “Larger Life” is ever present, as is what it represents. Namaste.
July 2, 2023                                                    Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Non-physical platforms of life

JANU:     Other worlds are known as platforms of life but there are platforms that are not planets, so to speak. These platforms exist inter-dimensionally. By that we mean: positioned near worlds, planets, but not of them.

These worlds or platforms of life are focused as pinpoints of light, from your perspective. They exist energetically but not materialistically. Better understood as foci of consciousness, but with vitality in their reality. Their consciousness resembles that of a flame. They are expressions of life that have their own flow. They do not perceive physicality, but their reality is as real to them as is yours. A point of light, in this sense, when embraced reveals patterns of life that relate to each other in different ways.

They are a collective of awarenesses that embrace and employ the energetic life flow that is their nature. Their cycle of life is totally in their control, not based on time but based on memories of life pattern and interest. They are drawn to their kind of experience through their need to be. Their motivations are their nature. Their awareness includes what to them is a larger reality of being without limit. Your perceptions of time and space have no meaning to them. The peace they enjoy is not observed or understood as peace, as opposed to any distractions. Their journey of life is unlike your current existence and serves another purpose in the flow of life.

One purpose of this journey is to be aware that incarnate existence and its structures—the laws of nature—are its own, but the range of life is much more. An evolving perspective in consciousness is worthy. Namaste.
June 19, 2023                                                                  Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


World conscious of & living its potential

JANU:    As we focus upon the beauty inherent in the potential of life, we notice this manifesting on other worlds, one in particular. No one lives in fear or anger, but has gratitude for the promise of challenges and opportunities. For they are keenly attuned to a life lived in the promise of potential. Their peace is in the form of enthusiasm to discover, evolve, create, connect, and experience and understand love of life. That means each other, for they see each other as life manifest, life in motion. Their existence is joyful, with well-being, filled with vitality. To them, life is a presence, a partnership, responsive, intimate, and revelatory.

Humanity has this potential, with moments of experience, but the plight of many, recounted so often, is discouraging. Therefore the need to discover one’s own True Nature and see beyond the din of anger and frustration. Those consumed with the need for power do not understand True Power. Their power model takes from others, rather than enriching them, for they are isolated in their identity and do not realize the rest of life is their identity. Growing into this understanding is restorative in so many ways.

The Larger Life understands this and assists where and when possible without violating the order of life: its symmetry, its diversity, its potential. Individual realization leads to group realization and the journey into the Larger Life. Be in peace and namaste.
June 25, 2023
Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The meek shall inherit the Earth

JANU:    Worlds go through cycles of existence. They decline as others rise. The Earth is in decline in some ways. The peace we speak of is undeniable. For it to dominate a world, it must have opportunity to blossom. No longer just a dream but roots in the culture. The creatures of Earth are ready to respond to the energy creations of civilization. “The meek shall inherit the Earth” refers to this. The levels of anger and frustration are born of decline in confidence of the power of peace. Interpretation of power is limited.

Humanity’s journey does not consciously include the Larger Life, or peace, creativity, oneness, mutual love and support, true freedom to be. These are the norm, but not common. The destruction of worlds is part of nature through the evolution of resources. The re-creation and expression of life in motion seem to contradict this, but life in motion is nature, whose nature is change.  

Express it in this way. A larger, more intimate appreciation of life changes perspective. With intuition and insight guiding the way, no longer the need to blindly stumble into the future, but to realize potential as a consciously larger system of life. Humanity’s potential, as with other species on other worlds, has its beauty. As each one sees this, their commitment to the beauty of life becomes a way of living.

So let us not become angry or frustrated at the destructive elements of civilization, but choose to see clearly and find the beauty of potential. Life is larger than destructive emotions and perspectives. Choose the Larger Life and all it can be. Namaste.
June 21, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Probing the reality of the Larger Life

JANU:   Probing the reality of the Larger Life is returning from the depths of ignorance, not by fault but by the nature of the journey. The freedom of experiencing the presence of the Larger Life brings gratitude, confidence, and fulfillment of discovery of your Nature, the nature of everything. The quest to explore other worlds is part of the quest to remember to become more conscious, to recover that which seemed lost. Revealing the True Nature and owning it is like exploring another world, for as you explore the Larger Life we are exploring our nature. No longer the separate identity of ego-personality and local experience.

There is an intimacy with the realities of life that has been softened due to the protocols of incarnating. Awakening is like being truly alive once more. Not only being conscious of, but being conscious as. (LINK to More on C of, C as)  There is joy in this, peace, freedom, fulfillment that continues to evolve. These qualities, experiences are always available whether incarnate or not. They are part of the true heart’s desire to experience and understand.

Without these things, the challenges of living seem to overcome and the frustrations and anger in so many clouds the view. A grand service to yourself and others is these revelations. Yes, even anger and the like are opportunities to find and employ solutions.

Understanding these parts of the human psyche can be liberating and empowering. Love these qualities, which are your Nature, into your life, into your day, into the moment. Allow these, for they are yours. Namaste.
June 14, 2023                                                 Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross



JANU: At last, rising above challenges to our journeys. A lesson in solutions simpler than the challenges. So many in the world anticipate the opposite with a mindset a bit inflexible. Life is always present, as is wisdom, understanding, resource, inspiration, enlightenment, the Truth of Life. All omnipresent. All one with your Nature. A world emerging of all that you are. Your identity becoming all that you are. Challenges reveal your strength. Conscious union and strength are one, for Life flows through you. How can it be any other way for Life and you are one?

Exploring other worlds is the same allowing, you see. Merging with another person and merging with ‘all that you are’ are natural when in harmony with your own Nature. When exploring the Larger Life, whether physical or beyond, distance and time are not the concern, but presence is. Allow all that you seek to be present through the harmony of your Nature.

Linger a moment and savor the richness of presence. Namaste.

June 13, 2023                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Living in freedom

JANU:    Mustering the strength, you see, to master challenges, to find opportunities, to penetrate limitations, to experience achievement. Our conscious union is one. Like so many others, has been beset with challenges and the opportunities they bring. As we have just experienced, all of them can be overcome. And they transition, transform into successful life patterns of our intent, desire, and design. We are freedom to be.

The nuances of life range far and wide. Each challenge, in some ways, is created by one’s own life patterns, for the opportunities they present vary according to their creator. Visiting other worlds and their cultures reveals this diversity, yet are customizable life journeys. Failure is not inevitable. Limitations are not final. Opportunities are without limit.

Love brings peace to all of this. Love into being your choices, your desires, your achievements, with the patience of Life itself.  Live in freedom. Namaste.
June 6, 2023                                                   Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Being ambulatory in consciousness

JANU: ‘Ambulatory’ comes to mind. Not just in the physical sense, but in consciousness as well. There are correlations in life patterns. All of life is connected. What does ‘ambulatory’ look like in consciousness? It is the freedom to move in any direction, to explore and discover life everywhere. Time and space not an obstacle but an opportunity. Exercising this freedom strengthens it.

Explore your interests with wisdom that the True Nature possesses. Be at peace with the results, and understand them. Explore life’s connections and their contributions. Be sensitive to the ripples and currents of life. What seems like chaos and randomness has purpose, outcomes, consequences, and opportunities. Reach into the fishbowl of life and experience it. Be open to identity that is larger and larger, more inclusive, more ambulatory, more free. Understand challenges and perceived limitations as opportunities.

All of these come into play, and more, when exploring other worlds, other realities, and your own nature. Remember, each one you meet is life in motion. Cherish everyone. Namaste.
June 5, 2023                                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross