The collective flow of life

JANU: This experience is part of embracing the Larger Life. Life is not just angels singing in the sky. It is the whole gamut of possibilities, probabilities, and expressions, experiences, not just in your world but everywhere. Each domain, whether physical or not, has its flow of life, its counterpart in each of the other domains, and with collective perspective it all works. It’s all okay, and it’s all enriching life to the benefit of everyone, everything, every moment.

So be grateful for all of it, no matter the expression. It is Life realizing its potential and evolving. Evolve with it, no matter the expression. In gratitude and peace, so be it.
Sept. 8, 2022                                                 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Can a creation know its creator? 

JANU: The subject is: Can a creation know its creator? The answer is “Yes,” according to the parameters of its existence. At a minimum, it can express the nature of the creator’s intent. It depends upon what the creation is endowed with. Is it sentient to any degree? Is it self-aware? Does it function by design? All of these determine responsiveness to being.

In terms of the human consciousness and physical reality, desire and attention begin the journey of reunion. Doubt sets the pace. Revelations spur the confidence to continue. The creator is continually aware of the journey.

Life is filled with creators and creations evolving, coexisting, with mutual benefit. Journeys are similar but not the same. The diversity of these enriches Life. The potential for all of this evolves as well, the looping reality of Life. All of life is connected, even though unique expressions are the reality of being. Namaste.
Sept. 22, 2022 B                                                          Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Shifting from conscious OF to conscious AS

JANU: We exist in a universal atmosphere of “Life Essence.” We are made out of this and therefore connected with everything. Allow awareness of this and connect with whatever your attention is on. Experience the coexistence of everything including yourself.

JR:   If we are made of this “Life Essence” how can we not be connected to it and to everything else, which is made of it? Thus, you are a unique expression of this oneness. This challenges the duality mind but we are both unique and one, coexisting. I understand how difficult it is to grasp the concept of the coexistence of being unique as well as one with everything. The questions that arise from coexistence are explained through experiencing it directly.
Sept. 10, 2022                                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

Note: This journey came as a result of my efforts to understand  identity shifting and conscious union


The importance of journeying

JANU: The importance of this journeying lies in the fact that each creation, each individual is the life you inspire to be. Allow the intimacy that gently guides with each journey. In time, more and more will experience true intimacy of the one Life, even with the unlimited diversity of expression. The borders of existence will be understood as to their reality.

Consciousness has many expressions and experiences. Peace reveals them all. Love continues expression of life. Light is the integrity of being. Wisdom is the foundation of enriching creation. Allow what already is to be your experience and your identity. Diverse and universal coexisting.

Continue with these as life continues to evolve. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2022 B                                                                    Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Larger perspective on creation and choices

JANU:   Coming to terms with the nature, the true nature, of all of creation, one must assume a growing awareness of the diversity of life expression, so-called life patterns and surmise one’s own preference of the circumstances of their own existence, their relationship with life. Part of the foundation for this is experience with that diversity of which there are examples that are compatible with one’s Nature and ideals. What they would call successful living. Always open to opportunities to develop and mature with the growing wisdom, coordinated with others to mutual benefit and creating life patterns.

Being mindful, then, there are still opportunities not chosen or not aware of that can test and strengthen, enrich, ideals for living. A growing depth of understanding. A broad tolerance for diversity. A growing integrity of one’s Nature. Allowing discoveries due process for evaluation of merit and potential.  Processing without judgement, condemnation, or putting limits on the processing of others on their journeys. Timelessness plays its role in patience and wisdom. Namaste.
Aug. 1, 2022                                                        Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Why we incarnate

JANU:    Clarity is the theme here, brother in life. We are one. There is, occasionally, an urge to know certain things. Life experience triggers interest and these interests further the foundations of understanding. Incarnation is not the only thing in the journeys of life, in the Larger Life. The circumstances for life and opportunity to add to the interests in this tapestry of life called incarnate evolution and the experience has evolved our Nature. Not only to observe incarnate reality but for incarnate reality to observe the Larger Life, the True Nature, and its evolution and destiny. For they are linked and serve each other.

So value the merits of this relationship. They serve each other and Life is enriched and the benefits become clearer as understanding evolves. This is part of Life maturing, not just ours but more. Be at peace in this. Continue with the discoveries, the realizations, and relationships. Namaste.
July 26, 2022                                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The nature of life patterns 

JANU: Life patterns are creations, energetic by nature but profoundly more. They reach into the depths of the records of life, of expression and creativity, thoughts, emotions, understandings, creations. They are dimensionally active. They have crossfire patterns. Their source is known. Their dimensional relationships are varied. They exist as guides to enhance creativity, to refine creativity. You are correct. Parts of them are immutable, but parts of them are not, for the records of life continue with some variations due to interactions. But the core reality continues as reference for exploration and continued opportunity to be explored. The profusion of these seems without end.

Now, there are categories of these. Those created by conscious beings of varying degrees. The so-called inanimate life is fully energetic in existence. Another category of life patterns. This is why exploration on journeys can reveal these expressions of life. Life patterns can be seen and read, understood. In reality, they are Life itself evolving. Their profusion can, at times, seem to obscure their source but not their destiny. They contribute to revelations or progressions of any part of life, revealing potential for future expression. Being beyond time/space, they do not dissipate, but they can mirror time and space.

They are a vibrant part of life that coexist with the source of their creation. Be mindful of these. Learn about them from them. Namaste.
Aug. 12, 2022                                          Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The reality of identity

Editor’s note: This is an attempt to document insights given while contemplating the subject of a Deepak Chopra/Sadhguru discussion.

JANU: The query is identity, reality and the relationship with these. Reality evolves. The path is endless. Identity is all of it. The traveler on the path tends to identify with the interest on any part of it.

So, identification of the moment with any part of the path of reality, experience, tends to anchor one in that portion of reality. Being a challenge to let go, to explore other parts of the path of reality. So, managing identity is an opportunity in freedom of being. Shining light on the reality of being reveals being is unlimited and includes the entire path of reality to be explored, experienced, understood, and retained.

So, when observing reality, realize that any identification can be temporary but allowed to remain with the experience as one changes your interest. Allow the experience of reality to deepen this understanding. And own this, in the sense of it does not own you. Namaste.
July 19, 2022                                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing love beyond words

JANU:   We are answering your request to experience love beyond words. Let go of social consciousness as to its perception of love for what you seek is beyond this. There is a reality that transcends the incarnate but coexists with it. Its nature is to support creation on all levels. It is part of Life’s design for ongoingness and realization of potential in the life and lives of each one. It supports being. It is part of Life’s nature. No condemnation or judgement. It is in harmony with the nature of everything. Listen. Feel its presence. Hear its song. Allow it in your consciousness. It is part of everything.

Love life, whatever the form or circumstance. Love it in yourself. Allow its presence to be known to you and to be experienced.
July 20, 2022B                                                        Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Peace: the journey of many realities

JANU:    As you can see and experience, peace is a reality of many layers, many nuances, many expressions, and many revelations. Peace, the harmonious relationship of all systems of being, connects with everything in a natural harmonious way, lending understanding and coexistence into the Light, the Truth of Life. Peace rejuvenates, heals if you will, and is a journey of exploration and understanding.
Aug. 20, 2022  B                                                          Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross