JANU: ‘Once and for all’ speaks of determination and unbending commitment. But potential and Life are broader than this. They blend so-called absolute commitment with flexibility, change, variation, reality with many faces, with such diversity there seems to be no direction. Yet, in the larger Truth of Life, all of these elements of embrace build experience, wisdom, reappraisal. A complexity of life with many themes. Diversity in commitment and engagement keeps life from becoming routine and boring. Your True Nature knows this, and allows this. This flexibility and diversity of interest, constantly changing, brings a richness that one-pointedness misses. Understanding the life path of others comes from diversity of interest, brings tolerance and patience through understanding that relates. This flexibility of life engagement, from time to time, allows for change that is needed to bring wisdom to life through varied experience. Your True Nature is rich in this way. Namaste.
Aug. 19, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Author: jross
Choosing leaders
JANU: Realizing, through benevolent interaction with another, we are all brothers, partners in life with more common interests, capability, desires, insights than many realize. Some close knit families reflect on life in this way. It is part of human legacy, heritage, and nature. Benevolent wise leadership, of nations and groups of people, understand this and base their decisions in this way. The ones that do, understand the correlation within families, and then among families, with coordination, balance, incredible diversity, but a synergism of life that reflect these qualities. And through these decisions, help individuals understand this as well and pattern their lives accordingly.
Families nurture each other, stand by each other, understand each other, and sacrifice for each other. Should nations do any less? Look for these qualities in the leaders to be chosen. The decision gets easier. Namaste.
Aug. 18, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Decide with desire to be more awakened
JANU: Reaching into, then, the fullness of understanding, let us present the richness of that which seems to be an inordinate response to the quest for awakening. Life itself is the attracting force of the return to consciousness. So, allow your perspective to embrace this perspective, no longer just a part of life, a part of your being, but the nature of Life itself. Awakening is a strong force and it couldn’t be more natural or omnipresent. Decide to awaken more fully. It is your birthright, your heritage, the legacy of your Nature. Allow yourself to embrace and be the larger life you have always been. The veil sponsors limited identity and limitation.
This realization is not technique driven, only desire. Namaste.
Aug. 12, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Potential, awakening, and the future
JANU: Elements of reality bespeak of destiny that describes peaceful creativity, harmonious relationships, immeasurable diversity, realization of potential. And not just of humanity, you see, but Earth itself and all of its creatures. It is a package, and the True Nature is a part of this. And understand this, for destiny is not a mystery just to wonder of. It is the fabric of life on so many levels.
What we speak of here is awakening and all that that means. Becoming conscious of and then conscious as. Looking not just for miracles but becoming them, being them. For the potential of life is no less than this. The future and the potential are one. The potential is the future. So, the question is not just “What is the future?” but “What is the full reach of potential and how does that evolve?”
The source of your life is within and from there all is realized, for the within is the Larger Life. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Better days to come
JANU: Profound days are on the horizon. The pandemic is just the beginning. A bit of a ‘reset,’ if you will, of human society, philosophy, behavior. A leveling of economic opportunity is in store. Religions will be blended with the best of each. Governmental leadership much reformed. Dictatorship a thing of the past. Populations taking charge of their own destinies, coupled with awakening which reveals the wisdom to do so. Health and well-being become so commonplace as to no longer dominate the attention of so many.
These days to come speak to survival of the fittest, so to speak. Becoming fit on so many levels becomes second nature. Confidence in a bright future, with specific points of interest. Eliminate self-destruction through drugs and other devices as being suicidal and foolish. Creatures of the Earth will benefit from human energy patterns, thought processes, consciousness, that are conducive to a healthy and supportive atmosphere. Energetically, as well.
Breakthroughs in understanding and evolutionary elevations change everything. This in preparation for contact and communication with others on other worlds, in other realms. The future, filled with fulfillment, wonder, achievement, imagination. Good days to look forward to. Let the changes begin now. Namaste.
Aug. 5, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
The process of awakening
JANU: We speak of long lasting traditions of not just awakening but of life, enriched by and larger than the veil. Yes, humanity is awakening. All of life is evolving, but the nature of each expression is different. “But what ties all this together?” you ask. It is the nature of Life itself. Usually when considering, contemplating the elements of Life, they are the manifestations not the true nature. But they are all expressions of that Life and describe it to a degree. The question remains “What is the true nature of Life?”
When contemplating the true nature of others, including oneself, it is not a thing separate from creations. It is one with all of these creations, so one must ponder collectives, composites, aggregate understanding, coexistent realities yet diverse beyond imagination. Observation of true nature tugs at peace, acceptance, and faith. Direct knowing is a challenge to the incarnate structure, mind, causing awakening to see the elusive as a reality. The realization of the reality of true nature is a natural experience, not so much from analysis but acceptance. Confidence, willingness, and love are harmonious balance of the merging of consciousness from finite to the infinite. It is a process of life. It has its own parameters and destiny.
Allow this to be. Express it as you may. Be guided by wisdom from within. Namaste.
July 31, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Describing the True Nature
JANU: We return to that presence that proclaims the freedom to be and the freedom not to be. Creative choice, fluid identity, unlimited identity.
What is True Nature? It is unlimited being, freedom of choice or inclusion, timelessness, multi-reality, harmonious with the True Nature of Life. The True Nature sings the song of love. Patience that cannot be measured. Understanding that evolves with the flow of life. Righteous always, timeless endurance, omnipresence. Explorer of all of life. Beyond the meaning of ‘young’ and ‘old.’ A co-creator guided with the collective wisdom of so much of life. When asked who you are, this is where you begin. Namaste.
July 23, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Why do we exist?
JANU: A valid question. Why be incarnate at all? Purpose, potential, service, evolution, consciousness, kindness, inspiration. All of these, and more, are part of incarnate life. Each with their roots in the Larger Life, as are everyone. The challenge of the veil is to encourage the building of a foundation for the quest of a larger experience and understanding. Without being aware of it, the gains in these areas, through living the incarnate life, benefit the Larger Life as well. Fundamental qualities of existence coexist and inspire each other through the revelation of mutual benefit.
Valid questions for everyone: “Why am I here? Where did I come from? And how does it all interact?” The mix is not the same for everyone, but everyone enriches life. The interactions with each other while incarnate are co-creative experiences, creating life patterns that coexist as well, that interact as well.
Other inquiries are: Who is doing all of this? What is true identity? How do individuality and coexistence relate? Is all of this possible peacefully? What is the source of the incentive to continue? Are we ever truly alone? Is there really a Family of Life?
Everyone has access to these understandings if they desire them. Let it be so. Namaste.
July 21, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Inclusive identity
JANU: Salient points to be made regarding awakening. To be fully conscious while incarnate, balanced perspective, some might call sanity, is maintained by a deep sense that the two sides of life—incarnate and spirit—are an illusion as sides. They are one. Each with their parameters of existence, their potential, as with other realities that coexist in life.
Achieving this consciousness is gradual process, for living behind the veil creates life patterns of limitation and separation in identities that define experiences as separate things. When one looks back upon the history of experiences, one realizes that all of these have influenced current sense of identity, traits, character, preferences, perceptions, perspectives, identities. They all become one in the collective experience.
So the challenge and opportunity here, our brother, is to embrace the realities of life coexisting, including the elements of your own Nature. Teamwork, systems, coexistences, correlations, coordinations, organization of change, flow, realization of potential, all of these coexist as one. Your identity, if you call it that, includes all of these, and more. So, how can you be part of the ocean of Life and no longer be ocean? It is not possible, only by illusion, misperception, limitations of the veil. Let go of any sense of parameters of existence as a limitation or an identity. Be inclusive. Namaste.
July 13, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
The eternal quest
JANU: Rich indeed are these moments we share, bringing about that which belongs to the timeless tradition of conscious life. The consciousness we seek is a reality called life by those who know of it more than living as it. Any creation with consciousness is a product of life as a source and these terms are limited to incarnate perspective of identity with manifestations. But the life we speak of is far greater, yet includes these.
What is consciousness, then? Some would say being aware of reality. What is it that is aware? Can a creation know its creator? In varying degrees, depending upon the consciousness present, it can. The incarnate consciousness seeking after the truth of the Larger Life is not unlike the super-consciousness exploring greater things, realizing potential, and identifying with all of life.
So you ask, “What is enough? What is the purpose? What does it lead to? Where does minutia play a role in this scheme of life? And what is more significant?” These questions arise on the path of awakening, and awakening is not completed with the penetration of the veil. These questions will continue to arise through different levels of understanding and experience.
Living the Larger Life is endlessly rewarding. On the one hand, satisfying. And on the other, perplexing with more unanswered wonderings. Being at peace on this quest is more significant than one might imagine. Welcome to the journey we are all a part of. Namaste.
July 9, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross