The collective human consciousness

JANU: We are assembling then at this time the notions of many as pertain to the distribution of the wealth of consciousness that is building and emanating from collective humanity. These thoughts of many have concerns with what can be accomplished with such wealth and they look to share these concerns with those of humanity that would listen to and consider them.

First and foremost is the reshaping of human societies: social consciousness, humanitarianism, generosity, loving consciousness, and mutual support. In due course, reaching out to other worlds, not to mention the nature of their own. In these formative times, it is wise to consider directions taken, possibilities for creativity and, yes, relationships with the larger life, remembering that the True Nature of humanity already is the larger life. Humanity’s isolation by way of the veil has fostered traditions of isolated consciousness, individuality, and the lack of awareness of universal connection. Like the crew of a sailing ship, they’ve learned cooperation but this is the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. Human families can exhibit more of these concerns and their possibilities. The ingredients are there, scattered throughout civilization, for a richer future.

You speak of associations and collaborations on the path of awakening, as does this journey, our brother. It is wise to think more of these associations in a larger way. They are real and they are immediate and are beneficial, not just to humanity but to those of the larger experience. Humanity is on the verge of a number of doorsteps, so to speak, thresholds of achievement. The cusp of changes reveals much and is a grand opportunity to gain insight and wise decision-making. This is why these who have gathered share their concerns.

We speak of collective human consciousness, but forget not, this is made up of individuals. But there is a coalescing within humanity of awakening becoming more a body, a conscious body of life, moving into a synergism of thought, insight, inspiration, and ideals. Attuning to this reality of change broadens perspective, revealing opportunity to participate. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 14, 2016                                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


JANU: We are attending to the mass of information available to so many. How does one sort through, sift, or winnow that which is needed in the moment for each one? Understand this, then, our brother, that the selection process or opportunity carries with it the burden of proof to the individual. So, portraying in the life the understanding which is gained or received is the proving process, is the winnowing, if you will, that the selections are based upon. What draws your interest from deep within? We do not mean entertainment here, but the information, the understanding has a life that connects with you.

Now, each understanding gained and applied to the life is not necessarily empirically linked to the next one, at least not immediately obvious. So, a certain openness and faith in the wisdom of your True Nature and the universal intelligence of life itself is of value. It is not necessary to expose yourself to all there is to understand, but to grow into it as needed, based on where you are in your life and what lies before you. Appetites are of value, however must be applied wisely. This we endeavor in choosing the subject of each journey and its content, visiting the subject more than once to help answer questions that new understandings inevitably bring. When responding to the questions of another, trusting in this wisdom is part of the service, you see.

Any quest to gain knowledge, experience, and abilities must be tempered with the patience that allows for pioneering pursuit yet insight into the potential ramifications. A balance between the appetite of discovery and the seeming delay of process, for once knowledge is attained it is coupled with responsibility for what you do with it. And employment of that responsibility has results. So, in the pursuit of awakening, these principles serve well.

Awaken according to your capacities, with guidance and wisdom from within and the opportunities of the moment. One can sense there is always more to know, experience, and be. Reckless abandon is immature. Commitment to grow, serve life, gain wisdom, and a degree of patience are ingredients in the evolution of consciousness and the avoidance of unnecessary reversals, which can affect others as well. Be at peace, be patient, and keep on moving forward into the Light. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 13, 2016 B                                                                                                          Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Profound simplicity

JANU: We are encouraging at this time simplicity in the face of many diverse challenges commanding attention. “What do we mean by ‘simplicity’?” you ask. Simplicity means the essence, the essential nature of any challenge, any circumstance or situation. The question is: ”What is the essential nature of what I’m dealing with?” That’s where the power is, the solutions that are larger than the challenge.

So, what is the core nature of any concern? It is a quickening of opportunity to employ your consciousness, your inner resource to reveal its character, its depth, its commitment, its sustainability. The experience of this is where wisdom comes into the picture, you see. Anticipate this approach of simplicity as being a very powerful one, more powerful than the apparent complexity of challenges. With this understanding, one can perceive each challenge as opportunities to develop the powerful simplicity of your nature.

This is not to say that simplicity is superficial. Quite the opposite. Simplicity is a channel or a doorway, if you will, for vast resources of the nature of Life to outpicture, to involve in the scenarios of life and bring wholeness to any opportunity. As you are applying simplicity to these journeys, they have the opportunity for greater depth, deeper insightfulness, and layers of meaning.

The phrase ‘profoundly simple’ reveals its meaning as reality. The exchange of understanding framed in this way becomes far easier and more complete. In a world or society that seems to thrive on force and so-called power, this understanding seems easy to reject. But these old patterns turn in on themselves. They are not sustainable without great effort. Profound peace is inherently sustainable, for it is in the flow of life. Instead of struggling and fighting for solutions, profound simplicity allows them. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
Sept. 12, 2016                                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Choosing to be more conscious

JANU: Welcome to our world, so to speak, that door being always open. The central theme of our journeys is the awakening of humanity, supporting the process, inspiring change, the regaining of freedom. So much of what humanity reaches for is conditioned by past and present incarnate experience. Many would say the only evidence to go on. This is true when unaware of more of the larger life.

“So how does one gain that evidence?” you ask. By opening to it by way of the gifts, the capabilities of the larger you. Being unaware, consciously, of that reality does not mean it doesn’t exist, you see. You’re just unaware. But the connection is there. Where do you think the decision to incarnate originates? And where do you return to, when leaving the body? Some would say, “That is the end of everything.” This is living in darkness, our brother, and misses the point of the journey through incarnate life. Nothing in life is wasted or forgotten or dissipates into nothingness.

The evidence resides in your True Nature, our brother, through memory and record and wisdom gained. But it resides in the incarnate reality as well, the patterns of existence of physical life are imbued with these mysteries of life. When observing another, or any living thing, or any part of nature, there is an energy, a kind of consciousness, a presence of life, including your own. Some speak of wars, one type of energy emanation. There are others as well. There are organs in your body that respond to these, that participate in generating these. The evidence of the larger life is in every cell of your body, every energy structure, every intuition, every sense of presence, every idea, the insight that seems to appear from nowhere, every miracle large or small you are hard pressed to explain. It is so close, so near, yet so far away for many. But that is only perception, dear one.

What we are reaching for here is a sense of reality about how intertwined your existence, your consciousness, and your being is with the rest of life. Let not ignorance be the master of your consciousness. Choose awareness. Choose to live more fully. Choose to know and to understand whatever interests you. You are a Light Being experiencing physical life, but even that has its roots in so much more. Allow oneness to be your foundation for awakening more fully. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 9, 2016 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


We are one

JANU: Let there be, then, an understanding that we as discarnate beings are not separate from you in any significant way. Life has many rooms but all of it is life, and there are doors, so to speak, connecting all of them. The doors are located, discovered in consciousness in the nature of your being.

As we journey together and communicate each of us passes through these doors, symbolizing attuned communication. When life connects with itself in this way, the connection is both ways, and once these doorways are activated so that the consciousness attunes more easily, preparation for communication is minimal. And, in fact, our brother, as familiarity builds, these attunement portals are always present, accessed in an instant by way of your interests and desire. So, your anticipations in the past of focused preparation give way to a normalcy of conditions of consciousness that embraces this reality and these journeys, our brother, are only the beginning.

Your health and well-being, your understandings, your intelligence, your wisdom no longer limited to the seeming isolation of the veil. There are doorways everywhere. Life is vast and growing. Building this relationship with the larger life is sane indeed when built, step by step, upon your true integrity, your True Nature, the truth of your being. These journeys help reveal any preferences, biases, pre-judgements, traditions of limitation you may have, and the root of these, and the mastering of them. The turmoil that exists in the lives of most people can be mastered, transmuted, if you will, into a peaceful sure-footedness, the foundation to move forward into a much richer life.

Being at peace is part of this path of awakening, as the demands of ordinary living, traditional society, influence your patterns of living. Frequently return to a moment of inner peace, bringing sanity to the life once more, returning to your outer life with a greater clarity. This is your birthright, so to speak, a quality of your True Nature, a gift you inherit from who you truly are. Be at peace. Namaste.
Sept. 9, 2016                                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.Awakening II Set 5contains all prior attunements in this series.


Building bridges

JANU: We are surveying with you your topics of interest in the human condition and its potential relationship with other worlds, its own unification for mutual benefit, and its emergence in consciousness as a collaborative body of life. What we see here, our brother, is what you anticipate: the discovery of the Truth of Life behind pettiness, conflict, violence, confusion. From one point of view, it seems as a waste of resources. And from another, an investment in the swing of the pendulum from one extreme to another, and the dichotomies in between.

The choice has always been with humanity to breach differences with cooperation. The bridge does not eliminate the opposite shores but combines them into a larger reality. Using resources to annihilate one another, not just physically but philosophically, spiritually, is a self-defeating expression of life. There are moments of genius, vision, insight, brilliance to understand and build so many bridges between differences that go by the wayside in the midst of mutual destruction. Now, beings are not destroyed, our brother, but opportunities and consciousness go unused.

What a worthy pursuit for investigation and discovery is the building of a bridge between differences and people and circumstances. The purpose of the bridge, you see, is to share resources, build confidence, allow each other’s truth to be and flourish and become stronger through the wisdom on each end of the bridge, you see. These bridges build the future based on the potential of consciousness. The ingredients, the elements of the bridge building are revealed in an understanding of what the bridge connects. That is the impetus, the catalyst. An awakening creative consciousness utilizes these for the potential of benefit is seen and anticipated.

It takes the circumstances and experiences of so many with differences to build the bridges into the future. A future that no longer looks like the repetition of the past, but a bright light to grow into. This is the purpose of awakening, you see, our brother. The bridges even include a connection between old understandings and new. Even within the individual, change is from something to something else and occurs with these bridges of flexibility, cooperation.

We encourage and inspire bridge building in each one’s life and the lives between people. There are many worlds waiting for and building bridges to other worlds, other realities, the fullness of life. Be a bridge builder. Begin with your own existence, your own understandings. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 7, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. (Add Media set 5) contains all prior attunements in this series.



JANU: We are beginning today’s journey into the known, for all that is, our brother, is known, even the unknown by way of its potential. Even your destiny is known by the conscious you; however, your destiny is more of a direction than its components. The wonder of it all is what you choose to include in it and life’s response to your creative intent. Certainly, your proven capabilities are a foundation for this, but your potential developments are as well. Why not explore these, through the path of awakening? Employing these in your desire to grow and awaken more fully enriches you.

You ask, “What is destiny, then?” It is a composite of life experience that grows with you. Destiny can be misunderstood as written in stone, so to speak. It is not. And neither is life. But it is built on fundamental principles, realized through the flow of life. As a stream has many eddies and currents, turbulences and mixtures, so has the flow of life. So you see, our brother, your destiny is created by you, the total you. It is a reality to be cherished and anticipated and developed and experienced, gaining wisdom.

You see how each flow of life, each so-called individual’s destiny is part of everyone else’s by way of the interacting eddies, flows, and currents of the life flow we are all part of. Rational binary mind does not embrace this easily, yet the reality is there. Even observing the so-called destiny of another to be described in a certain way does not define them. It is too fluid for that. Choosing to engage a destiny for this sojourn does not mean it is the same for all sojourns, our brother, or the only destiny in one lifetime.

Consider the depth of your desires. Your destiny is the path you choose. The key here is to listen within. The inner and outer life are all one, for they are all life and inspire each other. See destiny with new eyes. Be true to your inspirations. You are the Life that guides you. You are the dog and the tail, metaphorically. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 6, 2016                                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Perspectives on awakening

JANU: Awakening, then, to be considered from more than one point of view. A tendency by some to think of this as ‘awakened’ or ‘not awakened.’ Limited point of view for the reality of this is a continuous process. Even from birth, you see, becoming more and more aware of the incarnate life, your surroundings, requirements for survival, relationships, what there is to enjoy and avoid. It’s all awakening, our brother. Awakening beyond the realities of the physical life is part of this as well. Awakening to identity not limited to the human experience is another adventure that’s continuous.

Some would ask, “What is reality beyond incarnate life?” As one awakens, these realities become part of the incarnate life, integrated if you will and utilized. Just as there are realities in the incarnate life that exceed each other, so it is with the subtler realities of life. Now, the cycles of life are just that, beginning and end, so to speak, with cycles of repetition and modification. What we are getting at here, our brother, is awakening includes everything, every reality, every cycle of life, and the opportunities presented by these. The perception that leaving the incarnate life is the key to awakening is a misperception. Consciousness is, whether incarnate or not. Many examples in your history, in the human history, demonstrate this. The so-called ‘great’ beings, some you label as ‘Saints,’ savants, geniuses, ‘saviors,’ even while incarnate. Other worlds have these experiences as well, even though their conditions may vary from that of the Earth. But in due course, awakening brings more and more of this into view, so a perception that the incarnate life and its current seeming abilities or capabilities somehow describe reality, the descriptions are incomplete.

Life is fluid, our brother, ever changing, growing, creating, changing from, changing to. Awakening is a growing flexibility in consciousness, in perception, in engagement, in experience. But the wisdom builds and is transferable across realities. How, then, does one pigeonhole, if you will, the reality of awakening? Rebirthing, physically, is just another opportunity for a new take on the opportunities of the past. For most, it takes many of these to find resolve to build a foundation of wisdom.

There are miracles, so-called, all around you. Many you have never heard of in this lifetime. They are not announced to the world; they just occur, when the conditions are right. Be not envious of them. Be grateful for them, for in subtler ways they are part of your life as well, you see, and are testimony to the wonders and realities of awakening to the larger life. Put your attention on what is at hand, with an open mind and heart. The destiny is the journey, our brother. Namaste.
Sept. 5, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

 This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Refining your life

JANU: We are encouraging at this time, at this opportunity, reaffirming the purpose of these journeys, which is to support one of many paths of awakening for the human experience. Rich indeed is the legacy of living, the record of which all can read. Games that are played to impress are seen through and even this provides understanding to the complexities of motives used by people. Some see themselves as teachers, in one form or another, and enjoy the podium and the pedestal. We do not choose to design a legacy here but legacies occur, described by those who take advantage of them, who benefit from them.

So what makes your life of value? Not your design, our brother, but the service it happens to bring. The legacy of those who truly served humanity was not their motivation. It was honing and giving what they had, as the natural order of life. So, how does one refine one’s life? It is by caring for others, whether directly or not. Not for fame or fortune, but you are enriched in the same moment.

Awakening, our brother, is a path to refine one’s life, one’s consciousness, one’s understanding, and commitments. The love inherent in all of this, our brother, does not have a name and has always been. Allow understanding beyond the rational mind. Truth and freedom are one. Refine your life in this way. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 2, 2016 B                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


You are a composite being

JANU: We spoke earlier of a model for living as an integrated awakening conscious being. What we see here is the merging of the so-called human identity and the identity of the True Nature with the capability to change emphasis by choice, in the moment. So, you see, we’re not saying one identity or the other, yet they are one. More of a cooperation, a collaboration of faculties, of perspectives in consciousness, of relationships, their nature and parameters. A composite being. Just as the human can change perspectives, attitudes, emotions, and beliefs, so too can the composite being of all that you are.

Awakening, our brother, is not a destination. As we have said before, it is a process, as is incarnate life and its relationship with the True Nature. Now, a composite being can include a variety of realities, not just incarnate life and the True Nature, for there are countless models of living, each rich in opportunities, understanding, and expansion of consciousness. Life is far more complex in its expressions than just one identity or another, you see. That is part of the beauty of it. Think of the possibilities of understanding in this direction alone.

So many hang on to incarnate existence and identity to the exclusion of everything else, for they are unconscious of their larger being. But there are many more, our brother, who are aware of this, as composite beings moving through life and with it. And, yes, there are those in your world who are aware and move in this way. It can seem a lonely path at times, to discover something new and take your life in a new direction to discover freedom through the power of life itself, but that will change.

We of the Brotherhood live this way yet still discover new realities and opportunities, and welcome all who reach for this as we enrich each other and Life itself. You are a composite being and are a miracle of Life through self-realization and service. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 2, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.