New Journeys

Building a network with other worlds  

JANU:   Let us, this afternoon, examine the realm of possibilities for your world. These possibilities come on the heels of recent changes in the structure or design for the parameters of existence. These possibilities include or range from, communication between worlds bringing direct exchange of philosophies, technologies, science, traditions, and history to transplantation of species.

Consider the possibilities, living in a world that operates on a interplanetary, intersystemic, and intergalactic basis. Networks of cooperation and transfer of energies and understanding, even commerce, will change the base perceptions and consciousness of your entire world. You marvel at global markets. Consider these implications. The need for philosophical and technological and sociological development evolving exclusive with one world for its ongoingness no longer will be the case. The community of the network will grow in orders of magnitude, drawing upon the talents of many worlds.

This scenario already exists in other systems of life but this scenario is in the offing for your future. The discussions to date prepare you for this. Yes, even in your researches through these attunements, consider this perspective of networking for your research and your preparation. Become known on other worlds, and they of you. Establish rapports and bases of understanding. Each world has much to offer and much to gain. The understanding exchange alone would revolutionize your world. And this is possible even at this time, through this attunement process.

Begin constructing, diagrammatically, a grid network of your neighbors. Identify, by location, contact and nature. Let this be another of your current pursuits for investigation and development. The multi-dimensional hierarchy or networking is still valid to pursue. But do not overlook the networking of worlds and, of course, each with their hierarchies and multi-dimensional attributes. Much to consider here on this scale of expansion in understanding and relationships. Let this be part of your consideration at this time of embarking upon these many opportunities. Namaste.
February 12, 1998  B                                            Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A balanced approach to exploring other cultures

JANU:   This does open up the possibilities somewhat for exploration, for your world has experienced the cultures of those with understanding and demonstration in those areas yet realized by your current society, you see. There have been pockets of culture or civilization not large enough to be recognized as a nation or a country that have exhibited profound or transcendent relationship and understanding. These pockets are scattered around the world. Some exist today. many have long since disappeared, you see. And, yes, there have been those who have come and gone to your world, moving on to other adventures, multi-dimensionally speaking. There have been those called world shapers or world planners that introduce new possibilities of understanding or redirect or shape the direction of understanding in existing cultures, you see. There are many of those in your society today that if they possessed this ability to  move about and influence would spin, so to speak, and overwhelm the culture, to where it would lose its bearing, its identity, and ultimately its will to stand as co-creator with life. Much to be learned from this enlightened approach to assisting others when dealing with other cultures in your world at this time, one to another.

Let us examine, then, this range of possibilities, for the benefits of awareness of the realities of other cultures of other worlds have already been visited upon you, some in ways you may never realize their origins. Others, suspicions grow that this is so, among your researchers.

How, then, do you offer a new possibility to another? Examine this carefully. Do you do it honoring and understanding their nature and their path to their current experience? Or do you do it only from the conviction of your own? Do you monitor carefully that your method and your suggestion bears fruit in harmony with the soul desires and patterns of those you would assist, according to their timetable and not yours? Do you encourage in such a way that they will grow to eventually understand and embrace you and others with understanding, self-assuredness, and ownership of their being in truth as free beings? Examine your motivation to assist another and grow in sensitivity and awareness to the motivations you would welcome in those other cultures that might assist you.

One advantage of this other world/other culture examination is to assist in the long or larger view of possibilities and outcomes. For we speak here of the lifetime of worlds and many cultures and not the advantage of one over another, you see. The flow of life, has many tributaries and many directions and is in constant change. And these tributaries are all connected in some way. One stream leads to another and another and another. When you connect with the life of another world’s culture, do you not connect with their connections, as well? And, of course, they connect with you, too, and your understandings. As you would gain from another culture’s path and experience, with the same joy and enthusiasm, are you equally as eager to be a blessing for them as well? And as our dear brother Ramtha has said, “Each are givers and blessed in the giving.”

This approach this morning is for the purpose of laying the foundation for the exploration and embrace of these realities for successful outcome. When you reach for the life understanding of another, do you reach to receive only or to give? Let that be your conviction and your declaration at the onset, you see. And do this with your neighbor as well. To take only, spirals downward and withdraws in on itself. When mutual assistance takes place, it expands and grows, with endless possibilities. So connect with life in this way, dear one, when you reach for the stars, when you reach for the truth of your being, and when you connect with your neighbor.

Let us proceed in this manner in these future journeys and we will expand into limitless possibilities. This is a good beginning and foundation. Namaste.
January 28, 1997                                                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Reach and grasp

JANU:   Enumerating the disciplines involved in the pursuit of evolution and service, we must insist upon the recognition that willing commitment, not as drudgery, must be present for the doors to open, the doors of opportunity, courage, quality, understanding, insight, and evolution. Now, personal revelation and achievement fuels commitment and enthusiasm. When reach seems beyond your grasp, let not reach blind you from what is grasped. Reach is the pull; achievement is the fuel. Enjoy what you have achieved, anticipating more. Give each their due. And the thread of Life elongates, becomes richer. Remember this. Namaste.
Apr. 20, 2023                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   To employ reason in the midst of disorder begins with perception of one’s own thoughts and processes. The question is “What works for you? What is practical? What stimulates insight, breakthrough understandings?” It is a relationship, whether conscious of or not, between the personality, the ego, the incarnate mind, emotions, and other qualities and the True Nature and its perception and relationship with the Larger Life. Any unreasonable reality seems not in harmony with this. In other words, it doesn’t work for you…yet.

You will find that as you mature in wisdom and experience, the line between reasonable and unreasonable shifts. One’s consciousness matures as awakening becomes more inclusive. One can perceive the relationship of everything to everything. For as one forms distinctions between the two, one must grow in openness to be more inclusive in the range of perception as life as it is and is becoming. Final conclusions of observation must be in motion as well, to evolve in wisdom. Namaste.
Feb. 28, 2023                                                             Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   The reality of encouragement takes many forms, with many needs for it. Encouragement’s source isn’t just one person to another or life circumstance or angelic force. It can be self-inflicted or processed from within someone. The observance of the success of another, their understanding and application through their basic ego-personality, life and lifestyle, through an insight from within from Life itself. There are blessings to be experienced everywhere and many go unnoticed.

Encouragement does not have to wait for the support of another. One can choose to be motivated and encouraged to try again, to understand more deeply, to benefit from insights into success or the stages thereof. Even from observing the creatures of the Earth and how they survive. Even the playfulness of animals and their beauty.

The message and music of a song that touches you, inspires you, brings a memory that you or another finds in a moment of living and of loving. The majesty of a symphony, of a flock of birds in formation, the rising and setting of the sun every day. Every chance to bring a smile to another, finding peace, encourages continuation.

The forms, the sources, the opportunities are endless. Reach into your vast resources and encourage someone, including yourself. Namaste.
Mar. 29, 2023                                                    Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Conscious union & identity expansion

JANU: The transition to conscious union  is a major expansion in identity. And even that identity, though extensive, is not the end of the journey of evolution, for even the True Nature, you see, is evolving. So the early footsteps of this journey is expansion of identity. This is a guided journey, not just by the True Nature, but by the rest of life, for everything—every level, every reality—is connected through the Source of Life. Being alone in your singular identity is a limited illusion, serving a purpose in the early steps of evolution.

This does not mean that the focus of identity is the only focus for this journey, but a basic one. It opens the door to many others. So we start here. The phrase “I Am” is a beginning key. Who or what is “I am”? “I am” refers to the expansion of being. We are one in this. Namaste.
Apr. 11, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross
There are many previous attunements on the theme of conscious union. Several are included within Human Potential and the Larger Life. 


The journey

JANU: Striving to ordinary social structure, order, is only part of the journey of experience in this world. Awakening through to the truth behind it all, its many nuances, layers, meanings, realities, evolutions, is the journey. And the journey includes service, enrichment, the elevation of peace, intelligence, maturity, and even love. There is much it fulfills and rounds out. The opportunities, even they are evolving.

Life is in motion everywhere. So be in motion, as your guidance, your insight suggests. Look for opportunities appearing on your doorstep, such as these journeys together. Every day, a journey of some kind, to varying degrees. Continue with this. Discover its path. Be attentive, committed, and open. Namaste.
Apr. 9, 2023                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A vision for human civilization

JANU: Recovering principles once established takes a willingness to change, to let go of the distractions called ‘power,’ personal aggrandizement, conflicting ideologies that separate rather than unite. Fundamental principles and philosophies, whether in government, commerce, religion, the arts, divide rather than coordinate capabilities, wisdom, intelligence, and caring.

There are geniuses and wisdoms, experiences, motivations for excellence scattered throughout humanity. Supporting and encouraging each other, let each skill support each other bringing about opportunities not anticipated or envisioned.  Competition to exceed, to excel, must be perceived in a different light, with a fundamental motivation to advance individual and collective civilization. Each one’s dreams can contribute to opportunity.

Let this be a driving force and watch hunger, deprivation, disease, hopelessness, frustration, self-condemnation fall by the wayside. Hope and opportunity must be real and understood more and more by those in all walks of life, in all degrees of achievement, in countless dreams and visions. This direction of thinking and being and expressing is a new path and adventure for many but it is within them to achieve. All of life supports this. All of life benefits. Begin today. Namaste.
Mar. 11, 2023                                             Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross



Exploring memory 

JANU:    We are prepared, if you will, for today’s journey, as you have stated or requested, the creation of and access to memory. This begins with embracing the faculty as something to be valued, desired, embraced, assimilated, and nurtured. Become one with this. Reach into it. It is Life attracting to itself.

Explore the value of recall. What value understanding with no memory of it? What value relationships with no record? What value communication without memory?

Equally important is the integrity of its creation. What value misrepresentation of the Truth of Life? Accurate memory is a sign of wisdom, service, integrity.

Practice the creation and recall of specific memory.  Exercise this faculty. Allow it to become integrated consciously with your incarnate life. Explore memory not limited to this sojourn or any other and, when mature enough, the memory of others and beyond.  But begin with your own, even today’s. Practice, understand, be there in value. Allow it to be practical and enrich the life. Namaste.
Feb. 26, 2023                                              Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Individuality and oneness  

JANU: The sense of individuality seems to give purpose to existence. The sense of individuality is part of the incarnate experience due to the veil. The reason for this is focus and the evolution of life itself. The individual, so to speak, is motivated as the driving force for evolving. The True Nature and the monad are the evolving life principle throughout the creations occurring in the realms. The sense of individuality is a healthy vehicle to experience evolution.

The isolation of the veil allows for the assignment of failure and frustration as to the nature and actuality of these outcomes. But this is a limited perception. Allowing reality to unfold in a peaceful but committed manner allows for continuation.

See identity, then, as not so much a separation from the rest of life but as an expression of the Larger Life, the source of being. Namaste.
Mar. 5, 2023                                                          Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

Based on reading of A Textbook of Theosophy by C. W. Leadbeater.