New Journeys

Is destruction a necessary part of change?

JANU: You ask if destruction is a necessary part of change. In the physical world, it is, although not always as it might seem. What is destroyed in those cases is relationship and that includes all forms of destruction. So, you see, the nature of change is the change in relationships. Best to be seen in this way, for even though relationship is changed, the record of the previous relationship is still there for reference and reconstruction. For when relationships change, elements of those relationships can be utilized, recreated, so do not limit perception of change to destruction resulting in loss.

Life is the association of all things. And, in the larger understanding, nothing is lost. That is a superficial perception, based on limited understanding. The focus is Life and its evolution, its enrichment. And the changes and the movement of relationships is part of this and enriches life.

So, you see, even in the process of change, which may include what you see as a destruction, is the beauty of the evolution of relationships. Part of the miracle of Life. So be at peace with this. Anticipate it. Live in the moment and embrace change. Namaste.
Feb. 11, 2023                                                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

For more on the concept of change itself, the reader may wish to read Change: The Breath of Life and Change is everywhere



JANU: Rapture is misunderstood in the human vernacular. Rapture is peaceful, liberating, illuminating. It is freedom to be without limitation. Returning to pre-incarnate consciousness is a kind of rapture. It belongs to a series of experiences as one evolves. Life is that vast and that diverse. Rapture has a glow to it that is unmistakable. Not understood always, but amazing. Most people do not realize their heritage, their legacy in life, or remember the raptures they have experienced.

The protocol of the veil treats these as distractions to the limitations of the incarnate life consciousness. Typically, rapture experiences are not noisy. They do not shine negatively upon incarnate life, but bring understanding, revelation, and a joy in knowing the Truth. Yes, ‘freedom through understanding’ is an apt phrase.

You ask, “What leads to rapture?” The answer is: the desire to know, to understand, to awaken, to remember. Also, patience and timelessness in this. A faith in, and love of, Life. Rapture is natural and contagious. Namaste.
Jan. 29, 2023                                                                  Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The nature of coexistence

JANU:    Coexistence,  then, the theme of your inquiry, is a subject that is transcended beyond the perceptions of individuality or borders or limitations, yet includes all of these in a symphony of life which, in its way, coexists with realities beyond framework. To be conscious in this way is possible in short glimpses as to the nature of existence. The infinite diversity of life expression is one in the sense of the source of existence, which is not contained in any framework of perception. Coexistence is understood by the reality of consciousness that can exhibit and contain, in a sense, collective reality as a unity of the diversity of life.

So let us proceed with a glimpse of this. Your True Nature has explored this understanding and experience and shares this. In the direction of pure being, to be at-one-with the diversity of Life and its eternal nature in the sense of without beginning or end. It is Pure Being, beyond any limitation or perception of not being. Time is an expression of limited perception, with the purpose of enriching life with a frame of reference for the unfoldment of evolution.

An expression worthy of exploration is: What is essential nature that is not separate from any expression, any reality? One can almost sense the vibrational reality as a tone. It has a ring to it of being life in motion, beyond perception. The source of manifestation in every dimensional reality, beyond any judgement, beyond merit.

This is but a glimpse to remember. Namaste.
Jan. 19, 2023                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 Another series on the realities of coexistence can be found, more recently, at ” Coexistence and the veil and preceding three journeys.


Understanding the Larger Life

JANU:    Living in the moment  is a prerequisite for manifesting the determination to awaken to the Larger Life, for that is the central reality to the journey of life. Past and future are the radiations of the moment. The reality of time tends to encourage past and future and present as unique realities. They are, within their domain, but there is more to this. These are elements of a larger oneness where reality is a more profound understanding.

Cycles of life relate to these. ‘Life’ is a limited expression.*  The word contains perceptions of beginnings and ends. It describes the cycles. Identifying with any of these is limitation, which is useful for exploration of these, but a limitation with a purpose. To be conscious in this larger way removes what might be called borders that describe ‘this and not that.’ Identifying with these is a limitation. But the perception of the elements of these brings wisdom through experience and enriches Life and fulfills it. Wisdom brings peace through balance and harmony to diversity. Let us enrich each other through this process, and this unites us in our perceptions. Patience is a powerful tool to explore all of this. Namaste.
Jan. 18, 2023                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 *This concept was introduced in “Understanding the True Nature and the Incarnate Life.”


Peace, choices, and wisdom

JANU:   We are once more intertwined in harmonious progression into the Light. The ‘richness of life’ has many interpretations, not the least of which is freedom to be, to evolve in harmony with life, mutually beneficial progression, rich in number and diversity and potential. At peace, yet commitment is sustained by discovery. Allow the experience of timelessness, of ongoingness, the discovery and realization of potential—a mystery that unfolds within you. We are one in this.

Life under the veil seems tangled, intertwined with cross purposes, mis-emotions, yet a longing for meaning, the truth, and love. Making choices has the potential for opportunities rich with discovery and the power to create everything that enriches life. Choosing wisely comes through experience, without condemnation or guilt or frustration. Being at peace is powerful and has equilibrium, balance, unencumbered with limited life patterns. Choose wisdom. Namaste.
Jan. 16, 2023                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 This is yet one more expression of the opportunities available. If you have not, you may wish to go back to “Allow opportunities to unfold in a natural way” to read it and the next two journeys.


The ongoing foundation of existence

JANU:   We are assembling, then, that needed to enrich the incarnate experience as to the order of life that brings understanding to the consciousness for the harmonious manipulation of the creative currents of life. These currents exist for the express purpose of creation of the continuation of the flow of life for evolvement and enrichment. Creativity brings creations, which bring more creations, the deployment of which, through the realities of life, create the energy to support manifestation.

This understanding is part of our memories and are archived, for these experiences and expressions are part of the structure of life, the ongoing foundation of existence no matter the reality. Part of awakening is experiencing the truth that consciousness is timeless. A sojourn is a moment in that reality. The path of enrichment transcends such limitations and brings about freedom to be in a much larger way. We are one in this. Be at peace. Namaste.
Dec. 29, 2022                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Being the Light

JANU:    Being present with all people is an opportunity for their openness to the Light of life. Be truthful, inspired by this Light, for all that you do, all that you see, all that you speak. To speak truth, be conscious of it. Listen to it. Understand it. Allow transformation of your life pattern. See things ever more clearly about your own life, your own desires, your own understandings. See others, no matter where they are on their path, as being in their journey, no matter what it is. We are all journeyers. See and be the truth of this. Be patient with yourself. Be timeless in your perceptions, in your desires, in your service. Namaste.
Jan. 6, 2023                                                                    Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 For more discussion of this concept of opportunity, check out these attunements


Life owns you and you own life

JANU:    Life is a jewel with many facets, each of which is unique yet together they are one, rich in their contribution to life and each other. Live life as a jewel, a facet that enriches life and inspires where it may. Each facet is an evolving jewel, constantly changing and in motion, drawing essence and vitality from the richness of life. Not in competition for anything, but filled with evolving opportunities from the same source.

There is Larger Life that includes this larger life. Open the mind to consider reality larger than time and physicality. All that you are evolving, in motion, yet peaceful. In this stillness, find understanding, experience, and wisdom. Life owns you and you own life. Find freedom in the oneness. Namaste.
Dec. 20, 2022                                              Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Welcome to the Larger Life

JANU:    Enormous opportunities, then, in sense of the common experience, prevail when the door of acceptance is opened. Reaching into a realm of opportunities is a dynamic in life that transcends the mundane, which serves its purpose in life’s richness as well. Opening to the current opportunity that has been mentioned recently explores this well of opportunities, which is vibrant, alive, diverse in its complexity, and life in full motion. So let us move with the flow.

Welcome to the flow of life. We are many and ‘we’ includes you. Opportunities are created and presented and simultaneously engaged. First, be conscious of their presence, their tradition of creativity, of change, of evolution, of interaction, of omnipresence. Each of these are associated with countless consciousnesses, beings, of all kinds. The human consciousness is but one of countless.

Open your consciousness to this diversity of the life presences, each with their own parameters of existence, experiences, and perceptions. Honoring each with integrity is part of the harmonious approach to conscious engagement. Experience the dynamics, the potentials, the richness of life. Be conscious without borders, without limitation, with timelessness. Exchange greetings, familiarities, with peace that is vibrant, dynamic, and universal. Welcome and namaste.
Jan. 5, 2023                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Allow opportunities to unfold naturally

JANU:    A summary of coming opportunities begins with the announcement that there are currents existing in the flow of life for humanity and the Earth that are the progeny of other currents of life. This progression of the evolution of life is not unlike those of the individual and other elements of life. One seedling leads to another, and another, as do your own.

What we alluded to in the last journey is rich with opportunity, as life always is. Perception of the absence of movement are opportunities themselves, to reflect, re-evaluate, open consciousness and consider possibilities. As this mentioned opportunity unfolds, see this in the same way. No need to take charge, so to speak, which interferes with the natural outcome of opportunity. Being ‘open to’ these does not require micromanagement, only the peace that is part of awakening.

So let us continue with this, gently, with patience and understanding. Namaste.
Jan. 4, 2023                                                    Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 Check back for the next two journeys for further exploration of this journey as it relates to my life, and hopefully, to your own.

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