New Journeys

Remembering who I am & my relationships

JANU:    Surveillance ensues when changes occur in the flow of life. For these changes are catalysts for migration into creativity, into evolution, into new norms. The changes that are occurring are in different places in what you call time, but they are simultaneous in the Larger Life. The life of time is not linear or limited to sequential behavior, but has a simultaneous reality.

There are changes in your being that occur in this way. Your consciousness is opening to this larger reality, for your life is so much more than the incarnate journey. As one awakens to the larger truth of their nature, they begin to see and understand relationships in a larger way. The isolation of the veil hides these larger relationships for the consciousness.

Be open to associations that have been ongoing. Remember them. Be more conscious of them. Your journey is taking another step through the veil. Many relationships are emerging. Be open to them. Remember who you are. We are one in this. Namaste.
Jan. 3, 2023                                                                                                   Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Embracing the Larger Life

JANU:    Embracing the Larger Life is embracing who you are, your potential and all you have become. Awakening to this reveals this. The incarnate experience and the veil makes this seem far away, distant and almost unreachable. This is an illusion, which is a property of current human existence.

You ask, “What does it take to remember what seems so elusive?” It takes loving it as your own, identity shifting, letting go of limitation, the so-called common experience of so many. Embrace the vision of the larger you, experience it and the memories return. Identify with it and it becomes your countenance, which enriches life and serves so many. Love it into your life, into your being, into your experience, moment by moment.

Embrace the wisdom behind this and the patience to realize it. Find fulfillment in ongoing evolutionary experience. All of this in good time. Namaste.
Dec. 26, 2022                                                  Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Finding joy in living

JANU: When one experiences the diversity of life, what is there to enjoy, to find joy in, considering the seeming dichotomies? The joy is that life exists and allows the freedom to experience its diversity. The choices to be made are fueled by the desires to discover meaning, solutions: to understand, discover; to gain wisdom; to endure an enriched life; to find peace in the midst of challenge; to awaken to more of life; to find symmetry coexisting with diversity; to live in the moment, the source of everything; to find peace in the Now; to awaken to your Nature; to inspire others by example; to love all of life, including yourself.

Do not identify with challenges, or so-called failures. Let them come and go, and learn from them. Do not get stuck with one footstep on the path. Anticipate the next with wisdom that has been gained. Be the richness of life. Exist to inspire the lifting of consciousness, an opportunity for everyone.  Namaste.
Dec.19, 2022                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

More information on the concept of dichotomies is available, albeit from early in my explorations.


Elements of the flow of life

JANU:    The richness of life includes every dynamic, every life pattern, every perspective, all of diversity, all creativity, all destruction and re-creativity. All of these creations, re-creations, re-cyclings, are the flow of life. In this way, life evolves, expands, enriches.

Peace is the harmonious playing out of all of this. So-called free will, individual and collective creativity are the instruments of life, among others. Nothing is lost. Everything is a gain in the all-inclusive Truth of Life.

A perspective that grows in this direction of understanding becomes a more conscious co-creator and wise participant. So engage life. Grow in understanding. Choose wisely. Open the mind. Expand the heart and love it all, for life is inevitable as is its movement. Namaste.
Dec.16, 2022                                                  Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Understanding True Nature & incarnation

JANU:   Exploration, as you have requested, evolves to the journey of the incarnate existence of the True Nature. This companionship, if you will, is the synergism of life expressions, the ripples and currents of which foster evolution, creativity, and consciousness. The sense of being is expanding. Its nature timeless. Its capacity to become “our,” in the sense of the elements of consciousness and being, is a relationship of life in motion. By this is meant: conduction of the vitalities of existence through the conduit of incarnate journey. Performs as the expression of life.

Part of being is expression, which is the Breath of Life in the sense of realization of potential, product of desire to understand. As understanding evolves, the flow of life is patterned with these understandings, which is enrichment. As this progresses, it evolves more than the word ‘Life’ can embrace. The language of understanding is increased, allowing the formation of new life patterns of being.

Patience, collective order and symmetry are sorely tested from the incarnate perspective, which identifies with time and the extent of a sojourn. Experiencing and understanding the concept of the veil is in its infancy. The veiled signpost as a separate thing is continuously created and maintained by the being. The veil is the being ensuring forward progress of awakening, in harmony with the maturity of the incarnate life.

As desire matures, so does patience and wisdom. The wisdom to appreciate and experience more of life for one’s Nature. Patience does not suggest being inert, but being in harmony with the natural flow of the evolving consciousness and its relationship with serving life and being served. Continue to listen, inquire, and understand. Namaste.
Dec. 13, 2022                          Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The diversity of life

JANU:    Trying on, for a change, our trajectory of inquiry to include other species of  life incarnate, in a sense, extraterrestrial. There are those that exist with human characteristics and those you would not recognize. And yet these are sentient beings with prolonged life spans. As a result, their evolution in consciousness and incarnate experience have a real wisdom pattern evolved in different directions by way of continuous opportunity.

Some telepathic with a lifestyle to match. Some see in a different light spectrum, relating to life in different ways. There are those very sensitive to energy and direct knowing. There are those in a state of peace, without wars and violence. There are those who self-levitate and the perspective that comes with that. And, yes, there are those who are aquatic and see life differently, using their fluid environment as a medium for communication and interaction. The point of all of this being the diversity of life is rich and extends beyond this universe. And there are those energetic beings where one universe is not a limitation.

What these all have in common is the nature of Life itself.  Beingness beyond identity is a reality. Identity is a rich field of opportunity to explore elements of life, at one under the umbrella of Life itself. Identity has the illusion of uniqueness, separation, isolation, and, with humanity, the competition for power and resources and control.

Life is so much larger than this, but includes this as well. Worthy of exploration is the question “What really matters and what is your relationship with it?” Namaste.
Nov. 28, 2022

Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


What is the Richness of Life?

JANU:   What is, then, the ‘richness of life?” How does one perceive it and relate to it as being part of it? The pulse of life is a composite of countless elements of life in motion expressing potential, engaging each other. One reality of many. As in a cave of darkness, one can feel its presence.

What is richness, then, but the diversity of being. Coordinations, competitions, challenges, service, cooperation, discovery, new understanding, beginnings, cycles, endings, vitality, peace, embrace, uncertainties, convictions, and love. Life is all of these and much more. Words can describe a few. Wordless experience and knowing invites the rest into consciousness. Namaste.

Dec. 10, 2022                                          Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Understanding & experiencing beingness

JANU:    We are shedding more light on the diversity of life as pertains to awakening into the Light of one’s own truth of being, individual and collective light. Let us begin in this way.

What is being? Being is an isness, a reality amongst realities. Its nature is to develop and enrich life through the engagement. Life’s potential of diversity provides opportunity for countless possibilities of development. The natural path of these speaks to what to some might be enormous richness but, as one awakens, one realizes that the micro and the macro are one. Each coexists in the Now. The illusion of separateness, borders, if you will, of expressions of life are a matter of limited perception for the purpose of understanding and exploration. Consciousness and the Truth of Life are partners on the journey of being.

Life itself has potential through expression, engagement, interplay, and evolution. Life in motion is evolving, all of life. No two paths are the same. Diversity is its richness. Every expression makes contribution.

Isness is the key to understanding essential nature of being. So allow your beingness to be, which means to express, to engage, to become one with, to become more conscious. Consciousness of leads to consciousness as, which is a springboard to more. Be life in motion, ever changing. Namaste.
Dec. 7, 2022                                                                 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The nature of the True Nature

JANU:   Human consciousness, psyche, is dominated by the veiled reality. The True Nature does not have this limitation. It is conscious of, and as, many realities. Its life includes journeys into other worlds, other realities beyond physicality. It is a creator, to a growing degree, into the nature of life in harmony with many other so-called dimensions. It is ancient in terms of time, but timeless in larger realities, or subtle realities. Its reality is beyond individual beingness. Difficult for the human ego to grasp but the memories are there.

Remembering who and what you truly are has always been. Attuning consciousness is evolving in that direction. We are as close as a shift in consciousness and identity. Human reality is a small element of True Nature reality. Concerns of existence physically can seem overwhelming and, at times, insurmountable. But from the more complete perspective of the True Nature, it is very temporary. But wisdom is still to be gained there, along with contribution to the evolution of life.

To the human consciousness, physical survival seems like as important as existence itself. What we have encouraged here is the peace and confidence that comes from the reality of the True Nature and the Larger Life. This contributes to balanced perspective, reasonableness, wisdom, harmonious relationships, inspired discovery and creativity. Allow the consciousness of larger reality of being. Become a conscious partner in ongoingness. The range of one sojourn is not the concern, but the content for the experience is significant.

As one becomes conscious in this way, one becomes conscious of the larger life in others, which creates a strong foundation for tolerance, compassion, understanding, and service. Namaste.
Dec. 3, 2022                                                                                   Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Identity and universal consciousness

JANU: The subject is the range of knowing and not knowing. Not knowing with doubt, confusion, frustration, unfulfilled desire. Knowing with fulfillment, imagination, creation, possibilities, understanding, desire to explore and grow, to fulfill existence. Both exist in a single point called transition. Choosing transition is to move from one to the other. Consciousness makes the transition. First conscious of and then, through connection and engagement, conscious as. Knowing of moves to knowing as. One is observation. The other is intimacy.

Intellectuality is knowing of. Intimate embrace is knowing as. The challenge is identity shifting. Most identify with the transition into knowing of. It is with a perception of separation, something outside yourself, a thing, a fact of existence. The other a transition into universal consciousness, embracing more and more of life, becoming one with.

How does one transition from identity to universal consciousness? The question is “Can they coexist?” The answer is “They can.” For universal consciousness embraces everything, but not owned by any one of them. So in a sense, identifying with everything through coexistence. Otherwise, it’s an identity of ‘this and not that,’ instead of ‘this and that.’ Choose wisely what you hang onto in the direction of separation. Evidence of this is the reality that we are one. Namaste.
Nov. 21, 2022                                    Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 A beginning discussion of this can be read at “Shifting from conscious of to conscious as.”