New Journeys

Change and evolution of everything

JANU:   We are experiencing evolution and change. All perceptions, all values, all relationships, all understandings, and all truths are changing, which is the process of evolution. Open perception to include everything about your life and your self-awareness, your identity. It is changing, evolving, expanding, growing. It is gaining wisdom, understanding, compassion, balance, and newness. Limited by none of it, enriched by all of it.

We are life realizing its potential through the process of experience and wisdom gaining. Feel the freedom. Own change, expansion, and expanding identity. Experience the freedom of it to be a growing, enriching life. Oneness and connection and uniqueness coexisting as one. Namaste.
Nov. 8, 2022                                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The evolution of cherished ideals

JANU: Evolving life patterns represent the best of life for they evolve with life. And life is evolving. Those ideals held dear will not stagnate, become fixed and therefore lose their advantages. With an open mind, an open heart, and open spirit, cherish them as they serve but do not limit them in their own beingness to a fixed point of understanding. Through application they evolve because they reveal their potential through their manifestation.

Life is in motion, as is everything about you. Awakening is in motion. Manifestations are in motion. Allow your ideals, your principles to grow and more fulfilling ones will appear. Nothing stands still. Allow the richness of the potential of life to be yours, as is ours. Namaste.
Nov. 7, 2022                                                Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Gratitude and forgiveness are partners

JANU: Gratitude, the chosen focus for this journey, is one that announces to Life constructive positive feedback to its manifestation of potential, establishing a co-creative relationship with its progeny. Peaceful harmonious journeying through the challenges of being brings enormous response from life to continue to understand, be that expression.

Gratitude can dominate, permeate consciousness in so many forms of expression. Gratitude is like a fountain, bringing freshness, renewal, and balance to the patterns of life. Gratitude and forgiveness are partners in evolution, so choose to evolve each day. Namaste.
Nov. 6, 2022                                                                    Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   Formulating a pattern for the evolution of consciousness, the overcoming of limitation incurred experiencing incarnate life, let us begin again by identifying self-imposed challenges to bring clarity to perception.

Reaching again into the psyche of human experience, let us explore enlightened forgiveness. What is there to understand more deeply about the application of forgiveness?  It is in direct relationship to a loving consciousness. The pattern of loving life is part of the True Nature. Forgiveness within the self without regret or condemnation comes from love of life and its process of realization of potential.

Evolution is not linear. It has its reversals, its seemingly contradictory expressions, its patterns of futility, frustration, and transference of life patterns. But love is larger than these. It owns these. It forgives these to clear the way for enlightenment, understanding, and the power of true peace. It is the creative reality in the sense of freedom to be, to explore, to bump into the elements of life, discover their nature, and your own. Love is the healer and the bringer of peace. It is powerful. It is fundamental. It is the nature of Life. A worthy path to experience, explore, understand, and be. Namaste.
Nov. 4, 2022                                                        Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing conscious union

JANU: Taking the plunge, so to speak, is not unlike incarnating into the unknown you experienced, unlimited potentials and uncertainties. Awakening to the Larger Life has similar properties. Embracing them takes courage, commitment, imagination, desire, the willingness to explore and deal with what comes and allow for discovery and understanding. Service comes as a natural response to the gift of receiving these benefits, these experiences.

So let us continue our explorations and proceed to the bounty of Life itself. And what is bounty without freedom to embrace it? Freedom has always been a part of opportunity, always available in the presence of so much perception of limitation. The power of choice is the theme here. Choosing not just in attitude, thoughts and philosophy, but choosing experience, becoming one with and one as that power. As we unite in our being in consciousness as one, freedom presents itself to be experienced. So be united. Experience union of all that you are, all that we are. Namaste.
Nov. 13, 2022                                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


An evolving open mindedness

JANU: Being encumbered by the life patterns of experience while incarnate is a perception of limitation. The True Nature is free from this in the sense of being owned by it. The journey into freedom from this ownership is the process of wisdom gaining and the manifestation of the potentials of life. This adds to its richness as a resource for the rest of life. For, yes, all are connected and can mutually benefit on these journeys. It doesn’t seem so to those unawakened. The veil causes this, although temporary.

You ask, “What is meant by ‘richness of life’?” The diversity of evolving life expressions provides opportunities for the revelations of life’s potential. The progression of this builds a foundation for realities, expressions yet to be imagined or embraced. Even life evolves, with thresholds yet to be described much less experienced.

The range of conscious awakening is not to be measured. For what consciousness could measure it? What we look for here is resonance, the growing relationship between life and its creations. Even the openness of mind to possibilities evolves.

A worthy focus for awakening. Namaste.
Nov. 3, 2022                                                               Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Aggression and peace 

JANU: We are exploring the richness of life. Aggression seems to dominate the serenity of life for so many. It becomes the death knell of peaceful existence. Life expressions, manifestations, civilizations, people, if you will, challenge each other from a limited perception of life and their own True Nature. They begin this from fear for survival, for their model of success of survival seems elusive and achievable only through individual pursuit at the expense of others.

Awakening to life within reveals a confidence in the richness of being and that of the universal pervasiveness of the richness of life. It is a challenge to inspire others to discover this richness inherent in each one’s beingness. For those who are discovering this, it is an opportunity to inspire others that this richness is their heritage of existence. The theme here is ownership of the richness within that has always been their nature.

The elements of this exploration are to discover, realize, and incorporate these into the consciousness and into the life expression, further enriching, through existence and individual expression of potential, the further enrichment of life. This benefits everyone and helps in the realization of the power of peace. The price for this is to accept the opportunity and choose a change from limited to unlimited perceptions. These experiences bring understanding. Namaste.
Nov. 2, 2022                                                            Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


A change in social perception

JANU:   Importance of this progression of awakenings is the transformation of limited to unlimited consciousness. Limitations are learned by experience and the examples of others. They begin from the first consciousness. Moments of awakening into the unlimited truth of life are a challenge not always easy to embrace. Let us begin to restore confidence in the process by example through experience and understanding, making decisions and commitments to the results.

There stands the element of familiarity to what has been engrained; therefore, becoming more accustomed to the need to replace commitments to limited perceptions with alternatives. An alternative to dissatisfaction with social conditions is commitment to less limited alternatives. Even the transition from one perception to another is a process of application and experienced results. So dwell then, for a time, on a different perception of the merits of the social opportunity and its potential. Namaste.
Nov. 1, 2022                                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Introduction: Exploring the Richness of Life

JANU: Equating one element or aspect of life to another requires a probing consciousness that transcends the obvious to the core reality of existence, energetic and beyond. We must proclaim at this time that this journey is beset with the challenges of limited consciousness, of binding perceptions and belief systems. It takes extraordinary freedom to awaken to the unlimited presence of Life.

So let us continue with these, and they are without number. But they are the richness of Life and illustrate its unlimited potential. So our journey is experiencing the manifestations of the potential of Life through expression, revealing the source of the relationships. Namaste.
Oct. 31, 2022                                              Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Perspective on larger journey of life

JANU:    Unencumbered by distractions, the focus turns to navigation through the currents of life. These navigation points are in motion but still influencing each other in their journeys. These points of life are people, life forms, entities, souls, self-conscious creatures, for they are the generators, co-creators of life patterns both large and small. We must attend to opportunities of understanding, coordination and collaboration, and evolution. Co-creators with Life itself, which cause you to wonder about the destiny and potential of all of this.

There are thresholds of evolution, maturing of life’s potential. Generally speaking, and individually, we have explored this before and the journey to the Earth is part of this. Each sojourn can seem interminable with the minutia but your foundation of perspective can be much larger than this and the perception of time varies greatly. Putting life in perspective is a challenge but it is liberating and helps make the countless journeys endurable.

Being at peace is a vast reality and understanding, especially for the incarnate mind with its limited perceptions and perspectives. Be patient with this and we will enrich ourselves and each other and Life itself. Namaste.
Oct. 22, 2022                                                                                                Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross