New Journeys

Procreation in society

JANU:    Supplemental understanding into the wisdom of participating in the procreation of the species. One would do well to understand the nature of birth and rebirth, physically and spiritually. It has to do with agreements, choices, experience, and wisdom gaining. One rule to cover all circumstance has no depth or breadth of wisdom.  It is arbitrary, judgemental, and lacks compassion or adaptability to the flow of life.

One gains wisdom through experience and women have unique experience in society. Intuitional challenges on this subject are best left to that part of society. The male population serves best when attempting to understand what is not their intimate experience and facilitate well-being without judgement, condemnation, or imposition. The male role in this circumstance is ‘care-giver,’ not to the unborn fetus but to the mother-to-be. Life continues with challenges and opportunities. Male dominated society is unbalanced. Much evidence to support this. Namaste.
Sept. 8, 2021                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The power of love when in crisis

JANU: Simply put, those who suffer, whether from weather or plague, the most fundamental service is that they feel and experience basic love, caring, encouragement, and peace, that they have some opportunity to accept, experience, their own nature, their own True Nature. Love from within benefits everyone. What better blessing? It is the source of hope, commitment, insight, understanding. Namaste.
Sept. 14, 2021 B                                                                                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Understanding listening

JANU: Listening takes focus, as does pursuing one for exploration. So let us explore focused listening. A nebulous focus is like opening a door without meaningful desire. Choose a desire to explore and then listen. It gives direction, purpose, and meaning. Such is interdimensional reality, our recent choice. Choose the well-being of someone in the midst of challenge and listen. Listening is like a tool, providing a path for exploration. Namaste.
Sept. 8, 2021 B                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Purpose and process

JANU:    Life systems have a collective consciousness of their own, with identities such as the elements, the collective elements. Interdimensionality is a system of life, and each one is part of that system. Interdimensional consciousness is a vast reality. Being conscious incarnate in such a reality is a goal for the True Nature. The incarnate consciousness can grasp and realize portions of this. Being conscious as this system of interdimensional reality is the cart before the horse, you see. Growing into measures of this or that reality can describe an incarnate sojourn.

There is wisdom in due process, therefore one must maintain balance to incarnate successfully. Listen always, open to natural realities. Allow due process to proceed. Employ wisdom, timing. Reach and allow. A model for exploration and achievement. Namaste.
Sept. 20, 2021 B                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   What you have been seeking is oneness, consciously, with the True Nature that we are. You already have this because the True Nature is one with the human journey. Being conscious as the True Nature is not the design for incarnate journey. The design is to understand, serve, and evolve through the experience. Not yours alone as an incarnate consciousness, but by all that we are. Conscious union serves this, but the elements of being each have their integrity, their function. So human consciousness is part of our integrity, has its potential with awakening.

There are many realities to awakening. Ours is understanding, direct experience, service, enrichment. Process this. Namaste.
Sept. 22, 2021 B                                                                       Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Fulfillment is purpose of each moment

JANU:    Fulfillment is the purpose of the moment. Fulfillment of the promise of being, of incarnating, of engaging, of evolving, of fulfilling potential in the moment. Each building one stone at a time. You search for purpose in the building when the purpose is in the stone, for the stone reveals the building. Each moment, and ultimately, the stone of the moment is rapture, becoming more conscious, the process of awakening, embracing more of life, the joy and peace it brings no matter the circumstance. Inspire each moment, for yourself and others, with an experience of peace and joy, not complexity of understanding but simplicity of just being. Namaste.
Sept. 22, 2021                      Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Refining balance

JANU:      The balance often spoken of is a balancing perception in attitude as well. Life survives and evolves and is in motion and continues. Having a conscious relationship with this reality supports equilibrium when understanding perceptions, building relationships, understanding the nature of life and how it functions.

Being at peace is being in harmony with the nature of life. Awakening to the reality of the moment in one’s own existence allows for adjustments, not only in perception but in behavior, goals, desire, to better maintain equilibrium and balance so that one evolves successfully into each coming circumstance, opportunity and challenge. Timing and process are essential for refinement.

Engage life, but with growing wisdom. That comes from within. We truly are Life, not confined or contained by one sojourn or any sojourn. Take your time. Experience the richness of opportunities and challenges. We are one. Namaste.
Sept. 6, 2021                                                     Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Listening and understanding

JANU: Is there a role for anger in a life of peace? It depends on the level of consciousness while incarnate. Preserving life is service. Taking life calls for a decision of questionable wisdom. Incarnate expression brings challenges to every possibility. Each challenge calls for the clearest wisdom. Taking a life involves negative emotion.

Your interest here is the virtue, if any, of wars.  Understanding them does not mean condoning them, but understanding them brings insight, wisdom, lesson-learning. A change in the human condition and the human consciousness causes a change in the perceived need for wars. So, the challenge here is for those involved in supporting wars, conflicts, to make a different choice, to choose understanding and self-examination. Judge conduct by its results, without prejudice or preference, with the discernment and wisdom of your True Nature. Each one is challenged to find their own truth, their own integrity. Namaste.
Aug. 31, 2021 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Life Patterns

JANU:    Incarnating in this world at this time is an opportunity, actually a series of them. These opportunities evolve along with the consciousness and the life patterns  generated. When one life pattern touches another, there’s communication, the kind that inspires, brings peace, clarity of understanding, and new direction. The results of these generate new patterns. Life multiplies these and evolves.

Direct understanding of Life’s nature touches on your own. This is part of the flow of life. One life pattern touching another. This is not limited to people or to one location. Sensing life patterns, no matter their source, being conscious of their nature, their character is exploration and awakening.

Our being has life patterns, very many. Knowing what and who you are helps to understand innate wisdom, potential. A worthy journey for this current series of Interdimensional Reality. Namaste.
Aug. 30, 2021 B                                                                             Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Memories are a treasure

JANU: Synergism describes coexistence of memories  and consciousness. For what are memories without it? They are creations, life patterns recorded and available as resource for wisdom-gaining, for application to processing and creating. They have the ability to reactivate the past as if they were present and can be relived and processed again. Memories stabilize perceptions of reality. They are guides for reliving choices. One can observe similar events and compare perceptions. They are a platform for evolution in consciousness. They can refocus decision-making. They can touch others in similar ways. They are part of who you will become. They are a repository of experience. Treasure them. Each one is unique. Namaste.
Aug. 25, 2021                                             Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross