New Journeys

Oneness and diversity

JANU: Oneness, then, a subject little understood by many. It belongs to the category of being best described as coexistence in the presence of the one Life. Life itself, you see, is an example of this, for all the realities of existence, even beyond the physical life, coexist as one Life but many.

What is oneness, then, but a unified reality of diversity? Diversity of expression, destinies, moment to moment change. Even consciousness is in motion and coexists with all others. Love and compassion cannot exist only in one individual without being part of the potential of life expression in all others.

Many perceive only differences, but not their root cause or being. The awakening process reveals this more and more. The question has been raised before: Awakening to what? The rest of life, to oneness, connection with all of it. One’s purpose or meaning in life is not isolated from another’s.

They’re all part of the puzzle of life, the picture to be seen and understood, contributed to, participated in, and the scene is in motion, always changing, always renewing, always evolving. For all of life has potential, our brother, to be realized. And this is a process, even beyond time/space.

There is no end to the depths to be plumbed in exploring this reality. And isn’t it wonderful that this is so? Be at peace. Be in motion. Be awakening. Be realizing your potential and connecting consciously with whatever interests you. Experience more and more of life and absorb the wisdom that that offers. Namaste.
Sept. 2, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the Earth experience

JANU: The human experience includes linkage to the consciousness and reality of the Earth, for is not the body, the physical body, made of the Earth and other energetic coordinations as well? Many abuse the planet, consume its resources without thoughtfulness or consideration, disturb its peace with wars and weapons, and find confusion in its violence of nature, weather, physical movements. Is it not wiser to understand, relate to, have empathy for what the Earth needs, of which your body is a part, for balance, survival, continuation, well-being?

These qualities are relatable to mental and emotional health, function, evolution, as well as the subtler bodies involved in the human experience. And your own True Nature, your own spirit, is connected to, at one with these realities, for everything coexists. What can you point to that is completely separate from the rest of life? The collective of life is extremely wise, rich with patterns of experience, memories, creative expressions, relationships. Awakening to these with direct experience enriches your existence and your contribution to everything you touch.

Life is in motion, always. Live in harmony with this natural flow of life. Find peace through this, awakening into genius, the full measure of the reality of love and all of its qualities. Love who and what you are as Life loves itself. Namaste.
Aug. 30, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing unconditional love

JANU:    Love is being employed in a much larger and profound way than most understand. Entire being open to accepting the true nature of love that binds everything into the symmetry of existence. Compatibility of coexistence. The expression of all potential. Allows for instant communication, conscious union, co-creativity, and embrace of the Larger Life throughout the being.

Love is the source of forgiveness of personal regrets, self-condemnation, perception of wrong-doing. Love is the healer, for it is in harmony with Life itself. Love is a living presence, a liberating experience bringing peace to the consciousness, and allows for profound peace and the true power of that peace. A worthy reality to experience ever more fully. Namaste.
Aug. 29, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Access to resources

JANU: The theme is accessing resources. This principle applies in all realities, but the effectiveness, the subtlety, the nuance of access varies greatly. In the Larger Life, the consciousness beyond time/space, the process is more instantaneous, multi-leveled, more subtle in nuance, and is applicable to more levels of reality, including the physical life. No longer perceiving life as one reality separate from another, as does the incarnate perspective, but more a perspective of complex coexistence without barriers or limitation, without secrets.

Protocols, yes, but all achievable. For all that life is infinitely diverse, it is just as equally ordered, protocols of existence and relationships. This is why we stress the power of peace over frustration, anger, any sense of deprivation or lack. More a sense of abundance, accessibility, confidence. This applies in all levels of reality. The deeper truths are revealed in this way, as one becomes compatible with, in their consciousness, their natures of existence. The truths we refer to here are as they exist.

Let us be clear then. The enormity of this perception of reality need not dissuade approach and acquisition. All that is needed is available, but in a manner not to overwhelm. Just as all of life is processing reality, so is growth and understanding and relationship a process. Patience and peace are a strong foundation for evolution in consciousness, expansion of identity, and effective co-creating. True power versus apparent power. Namaste.
Aug. 29, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Fundamentals of awakening

JANU:    Each so-called individual True Nature is an immense repository of experience and wisdom, but these repositories coexist as do the Natures of each being. We are speaking of more than human being here, many species, many worlds, many realities. All of life coexists. Life is rich with diversity beyond imagination. Its destiny a collective of destinies beyond number. Each so-called individual is the Family of Life. In the larger consciousness, species or types of manifestations do not limit the size, complexity and collective nature of the Family of Life.

The Earth human experience is but one of countless others. The distance or seeming isolation between worlds is not unlike the veil protocol while incarnating. It allows for individual creativity, experience, evolution, growth, without conscious impingement. But individuals eventually evolve beyond this limitation as they mature and their own veil dissipates, no longer needed, you see.

In elevated larger consciousness, there is no distance between cultures and worlds, for consciousness is not limited to time/space. Awakening, then, you see, reveals life beyond imagination, beyond limitation, diverse and miraculous, rich beyond words. Yes, even these concepts are fundamental to awakening. They are only the beginning. Namaste.
Aug. 26, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


More on the power of peace

JANU:    Welcome, again, to an understanding as to the true power of peace, the path to understanding the resolution of every challenge, every confusion, every disturbance in the flow of life. Peace reconciles, brings balance to conflicts. The life patterns that are generated when not at peace perpetuate the challenge, for they are reactions to this and they return to the challenge, perpetuating conflict, disturbance. Peace restores symmetry so that understanding is part of the foundation for resolution.

Peace is a life pattern that creates a scenario of cooperation, eliminating the need for frustration, anger, and the damaging blame game that brings joy to no one. Allow others to feel at peace about cooperation, where all parties find agreement and move on without regret.

Being a peacemaker is described in this way. True power, not the apparent power of conflict and anger which brings no joy or harmonious resolution. Experience the true power of peace and observe its benefits. See everything in this way and far more will be achieved on the journey of life. Namaste.
Aug. 20, 2019 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Freedom to choose

JANU:   Choice, then, aptly stated is a driving force in the fulfillment of destiny for anyone’s journey through life. The power of choice is insurmountable, but the questions arise: Where is the wisdom in making a choice? What are the motivators? What are the possibilities of outcome? And what other choices are triggered by any choice?

Decision-making is based upon available information and understanding but shaped by emotions, preferences, life patterns, foundation building on perception, perspective. How does one move through these, beyond this, to enhance choice making? Desires play a role here, but preferring the truth to self-deception and denial, choosing integrity or the honesty to see more clearly, the freedom of perception unbiased, open-mindedness and a love for freedom to fulfill potential. Many reasons direct choice unconsciously.

Sanity enters the picture. How sane are your choices? Are they in harmony with anything? Does experience enhance discernment? And, does one listen for the truth within from a consciousness of their True Nature? Yes, one considers the lives, the experiences of those around them, but they are not the final choice-maker.

No matter the choice made, learn from the experience. See it for what it is. Grow wiser. Understand the process. Have confidence that life continues, no matter the choices. Always another opportunity to choose again, on some level. Always having freedom to choose. Namaste.
Aug. 13, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Choose to see the good works of people

JANU:   A cautionary tale. Condemn no one, for that throttles the spirit. Not only of the one that is condemned, but of the condemner as well. Hold the light for those who contribute to the raising of human consciousness. They are legion, but only a few find notoriety. Many serve in silence.

As opportunity presents itself, choose wisely what your attention is upon. Support the spirit in each one. Yes, even in Atlanta and the like. Even without the larger view of life, many continue to serve and care for each other. The focus of their attention on living and relating is the window of opportunity for insight of the higher nature. There is magic everywhere. Choose to see it.

When you benefit from the sacrifice of another, a great lesson is learned, not soon forgotten. And the beneficiary tends to continue the blessing. Kindness is more difficult to see, for it is seldom boasted about. But it is not lost on the recipient. The good works of humanity are more silent than boisterous. Be not fooled by the news broadcasters. They sell sensationalism and fear.

Yes, the incarnate life is challenging, the seeming hodgepodge of conflicts, confusion, fear, and avarice, but it is part of Life. And Life supports its evolution with incredible patience, understanding, and love.

Ponder these things. Plumb their depths. Be encouraged. Namaste.
Aug. 9, 2019 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Each one is precious as they are

JANU: People are precious as they are. They are an expression of life. They hold a potential and are on their journey, their path in life. Coping as they may, desiring more, groping for meaning and a glimmer of purpose, experimenting with possibilities. Wondering about Spirit, about Deity, about their own nature and reason for being. They represent life in motion. Not limited to a timetable, they are precious as they are.

See each one this way. Help them believe they are such. They are worthy of everything life has to offer. They are evolving, whether perceived or not. They are life in motion and deserve respect, love, and patience. This applies to the self, as well, and all who are incarnate and who are not.

Explore this perception and see how it changes you and opens the doors of understanding, insight into each one and yourself. Namaste.
Aug. 2, 2019 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Loving yourself and being loved by larger You

JANU:    An interesting theme at this time is: Do you love yourself and are you loved by who you are?

What this means is: the sense of aloneness in the veiled incarnate existence is overcome by loving yourself enough to experience being loved by who you are. Conscious reunion is a liberating experience from an identity of isolation and limitation. Time/space thinking is limited thinking. Useful for exploring time/space life, but limiting discernment, the scope of understanding and experience, and the love of your consciousness, of your awareness to those limitations.

Now, the deity created by the consciousness of individuals and collectives is to replace what has been lost by the veil experience, and that is: the conscious reunion with your own divine nature and attempt to return to experience before incarnation. Now, the veil is neither bad nor good. It serves a purpose, but that purpose is experienced through the limitations of that scenario of life.

So loving yourself is the journey of expansion beyond the veil, realizing that this expansion is into the totality of your being, which contains the wisdom of lifetimes and journeying between them, the love that is at one with the Larger Life, Life itself and beyond. Even this universe, physically, is one of countless other universes that exist within the reality we call ‘the body of Life’ and that is not the end of it. There is more.

The physically oriented, identified mind is unaware of these things. But the total You, the complete You, is at one with this and can explore any of it and bring it to the experience of the opening, awakening incarnate consciousness. How many experience, and own the experience, of loving who they are and being loved by all that they are? A worthy journey on the path of awakening. Namaste.
Aug. 1, 2019                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross