JANU: Open-minded, then, yes, you see, that which pertains to freedom. Freedom to be. Freedom to create. Freedom to absorb. Freedom to understand. Freedom to relate. Freedom to connect. Freedom to love and serve. Freedom to exist in peace and harmony through the flow of life. Freedom to explore, even as life explores its potential, for are we not life exploring its potential? Freedom from ignorance. Freedom to choose. No longer limited to time and space but free to explore. Freedom to coexist. Freedom to communicate beyond words. Freedom to discover the endless layers of truth behind everything. Freedom to remember everything you know and have experienced. Freedom to be conscious as all that you are. Namaste.
Feb. 11, 2019 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
New Journeys
Experience coexistence of larger life
JANU: Enormous, then, the opportunity that exists for the burgeoning human consciousness into the larger life. No longer restricted by perceptions of unreachable distances, limited existence physically. Understanding out of reach, physical science insisting upon complexity, for they attempt to understand and analyze with limited tools, if you will, mathematics and such.
There are no secrets in the larger life and the awakening consciousness incarnate returns to its natural state of unlimited awareness, of freedom to explore life that is constantly changing, evolving, creating, and so many cultures, beings, worlds with so much to reveal. The Earth experience is one of many worlds, cultures, species. That is only physical life; many other realities coexist. The perception of distance across this galaxy is only real for the restricted perception of reality. Time/space does not describe everything. It is a small portion of reality. Real in its way, but its way is limited.
The more you are aware of, the more you understand, the wiser your choices, the greater your freedom. These journeys are there to encourage this, to suggest countless possibilities to ponder, explore, and experience. Everything to gain, nothing to lose, except fear and confusion and ignorance and all that they bring. You are more than you know. Keep journeying. You never have been alone and never will be, for all of life coexists. Namaste.
Feb. 8, 2019 B Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
Quality as a theme for all endeavors
JANU: The theme chosen for this evening by your query is quality in consciousness, by way of the integrity of the total True Nature. And even ‘quality’ as a descriptor has many flavors.
So, what is quality, then, in the truth of life pursuit? It is an even-minded and balanced experience, which affords meaningful appraisal of any element of the truth of life. Quality has endurance, connectedness to larger and smaller elements of life. Quality is a revealer of substance and the endless layers of meaning to the many realities of life. Quality is in the moment and in the changes and in the evolution and creativity of a maturing consciousness. Quality is.
Choose then to apply quality as an evolving and growing understanding to decision-making, to relationships, to thought processes, to your emotions, to your utterances bringing peace to your journeys. Quality and clarity of perception, ‘til quality is a theme, not a fixed state but a living evolving reality that carries your journey into a brighter future and a brighter moment, which is now. Be ‘quality’ on your path without a fixed notion of its presentation.
Even your True Nature is evolving in this way, for life itself is in motion in this perspective. But this theme will serve you well and everyone you relate to, every circumstance you contribute to, every enrichment you contribute to life. Namaste.
Feb. 5, 2019 B Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
The larger view tempers the smaller
JANU: Life is larger than most realize. It behooves one, when ready, to incorporate a larger appreciation and conscious union with more of life. There are many confusing areas of incarnate living, many mysteries of existence, causes and effects, circumstances, opportunities, and seeming closed doors, so-called stumbling stones on the path. There are answers, so to speak, to every question, every concern, but not all of these answers exist in the limitations of incarnate perception. And these questions arise because life is larger and coexists with incarnate life. Your own Nature is multi-dimensional. The incarnate consciousness is unaware of these larger realities, so the understandings seem unattainable.
A valid question is why the confusion exists at all, if there are not secrets in the larger life? It is because of the agreement made with the True Nature to the structures of life to incarnate, called the veil. The veil’s purpose is to focus the consciousness on the incarnate life, for a time, to focus on individuality, which leads to a limited identity and persona. Instead of a consciousness coexisting with everything, one seems isolated, singular, and to a degree distant. Even when observed by the five senses, the distance sense is there, isolation, privacy, secrecy, and survival that is challenged.
There comes a time when this is no longer satisfying. The True Nature knows this and seeks to explore incarnate consciousness, at one with the larger life, for this venue is full of unlimited possibilities for exploration, experience, and wisdom. More universal consciousness leads to a more universal contribution to the enrichment of life and each other.
Time frames are based on a single lifetime of incarnate life. Your Larger Life perspective is far more patient and less limited. Engaging life with a larger perspective frees one from impatience. The larger view always tempers the smaller view, and the normal flow of life is understood. Namaste, our brother.
Feb. 5, 2019 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
Service at night
JANU: Late night service incorporates consideration for the changes in the venue as night befalls the Earth. People are more prone to accepting the delivery of assistance, blessings if you will, during this time. The energetic environment changes. The creatures of the wild settle down. The plants and trees rest their ceaseless journey to grow. The lunar influence is enhanced. The Earth’s facing away from the Sun is calmer. Many changes in the evening are considered when lending assistance to everything that is the Earth.
So, let us assist the nurturing of everything that is the Earth while it rests, contributing to the efficacy of prolonged exposure to the nighttime energies, serving humanity’s rest time, recuperation, rejuvenation, and periods of insightfulness, when minds are more quiet and impressionable. When the Earth sleeps, in a manner of speaking, rejuvenation, peacefulness, and, yes, the dream states, even in the animal kingdom, are an opportunity to restore balance in the systems. Compared to the daytime, the evening casts a hush around the world.
As night moves across the Earth, the gathering of those who serve humanity changes. Let us acknowledge these and honor their standards of service as we join them in service.
Dec. 6, 2012 B & Nov. 15, 2012 B Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.
Spontaneous awakening
JANU: We are organized to communicate and channel the larger life reality into the human experience. This portends the future of humanity, and other cultures as well. There will be observed more spontaneous openings amongst people. These capabilities, not always accompanied with profound understanding, that are examples of the bubbling up, if you will, of innate capabilities with understanding yet to come. Mysticism being revealed, occultism to follow. Ability first, to a degree, understanding compelled by experience. It is the natural order of things.
Humanity is awakening not just by desire but the flow of life and its larger timing, so to speak. Phenomenon is not the goal here, but it triggers interest in how life works, purpose of being, and the wisdom and maturity to make awakening practical. What we see here is the emerging of spontaneous awakening, much as a seed is planted and the first shoot breaks ground and everyone wonders, “What is this miracle? What does it mean and what will come of it? And if there is this miracle, is there one in my future?” Nothing unnatural about it, but the True Nature understands.
The incarnate life is evolving to outpicture more and more of the Larger Life, for they coexist and are one. The future is bright. Namaste.
Feb. 4, 2019 B Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
The progression of consciousness
JANU: We are welcoming again this opportunity to speak as one in the midst of the progression of the elements of the human journey. Let us make no mistake, then, that these progressions are in no way in concrete, so to speak. They are malleable, but they show tendencies, propensities, specific possibilities that are achievable. Of course, all progressions are subject to modifications as desires, interests, and passions inspire change.
So let us begin with the progression of consciousness or awakening. What we see here in no way implies predetermination but does point to a more expansive, joy-filled, and peaceful journey into the Larger Life. Struggles have their day, but must eventually give way to achievement. And achievements give way to opportunities and to greater possibilities. Synergism of the journeys of so many yields a life movement that on reflection appears to have a destiny of its own, so individual destinies coalesce into a larger collective destiny, and the opportunities correspond in significance.
Life is evolving, changing, creating, becoming, realizing its potential through the destinies of so many. And not just of the Earth, you see. Life is everywhere, in so many forms, humanity being just one. The Larger Life includes all of these. Allow your consciousness to grow in acceptance of so much more. Be true to your estate, but allow it to mature through exposure to other estates as well, you see. Be at peace. Be in motion. Be evolving. Be true to your destiny and serve life. Namaste.
Feb. 4, 2019 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
The bell tolls for you
JANU: The nature and experience of conscious union progresses in the direction of active neutrality in the presence of the destiny of others. Service supports that opportunity, which is the birthright of everyone who incarnates. From the larger view of life, any moment on the path of destiny for humanity is held in life’s presence for its own beauty, its own fulfillment of potential, for life always senses what can be and is enriched by what is involved in getting there and becoming what can be. So, how can one not be loved? The bell tolls for you; everyone is included. Experience being loved and find true peace as the mystery of life reveals itself. Namaste.
Jan. 29, 2019 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
For a concise explanation of the source of the title see John Donne’s Meditation XVII.
Heritage, tradition, & life in motion
JANU: Heritage and tradition are the earmarks of a foundation for exploring the human journey. Heritage and traditions have molded human consciousness, advancing it and limiting it at the same time, for heritage and traditions seem immutable but the layers of understanding and meaning are evolving. “How can this be?” you ask. Because life is in motion and the layers of meaning when these two principles were created and advanced were unknown even at that time, and they have evolved as well.
Traditions and heritage for the most part are superficial perceptions perpetuated into a comfort zone of acceptance. Keeping pace with the flow of life, one must probe, explore, walk in the footsteps of life in motion. As life evolves, the structure of meaning, of reality, changes to allow for additional layers of reality. So, as one studies the documents of history that seem stable, unchanging, and validated by this, the point of these traditions is missed, for life is a living thing. Nothing stands still. Everything changes. And, to advance your consciousness, it must change as well.
Consider the power in this, the freedom. To be ever growing, to be in ownership of more of life, for your identity to be more intimate with larger realities and therefore become an identity re-creating itself. In other words, become consciously life in motion. So the question is, “Is your life in motion, and how conscious of it are you?” Namaste.
Jan. 31, 2019 B Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
Collective Service
JANU: Shifting identity includes moving from a sense of ego that is in some way superior to another to an ego that is at one with the larger collective of life, committed to service. Now, the service we speak of is the promotion of life, the promotion of opportunity for the expression of potential. This service congeals in the form of creation, bringing about spearheads, if you will, of unique pursuits that spawn many more. A collective in service to life brings about the transformation of mayhem into constructive purpose.
Now, collectives occur in groups of a few to groups that include everyone, for all of potential is synergistic, so the few and the many exist under the umbrella of Life and coexist in this way. Aspire to serving life in this way. You and your Nature are partners in this. And, yes, you are loved, as you love in return. Namaste.
Jan. 31, 2019 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross