New Journeys

Choosing leaders

JANU: The struggle for power has two faces. One is greed. The other is service. The physical faces are clear around the world. The ones of service look for opportunity that has the potential for success. The ones of greed see success in confusion, manipulation of truth, the weakness of others. Observing each pattern for its truth is the discernment needed.

Greed or service—two sides of the same coin of human consciousness. The choice is clear when looking for leadership and the choice has always been with the individual. They both require commitment. The results are opposite. The leaders of the world are not the only ones facing the choice. The challenge is universal. The details can be complicated and have many faces, many representations, and sometimes the motivations are mixed.

An increasing sensitivity in consciousness of the difference in every situation is useful. The inner wisdom of the True Nature, of experience, is a resource to draw upon. Do not underestimate insight and your True Nature. Anger and frustration cloud the mind, the judgement, block wisdom. Be at peace always and the clarity will come. Namaste.
Mar. 4, 2024                                                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Choosing selfishness or giving can enlighten

JANU:    The model for living that you seek to understand does exist and not as rare as you might think. The Earth society is in its early stages. It is the choice of rapid evolution by comparison. It is by choice but the model society lives in, self-created, can obscure its alternative.

What does it take, then, to see through this fog of misunderstood survival motivations? Loving insight is a key. It is choice that needs confidence and transforming current challenges. Pain and suffering seem louder than true peace, joy and beauty. Different forms of power through choice. One seems easier than the other, but each other’s existence is challenged by each other.

Clear understanding of choice bears close examination. The simple exercise  at break of day: Choose either choice for that day. It takes focus, commitment, and dedication. Be attentive to every nuance and what it creates. Be attached to neither and learn through experience.

Choose. Be honest with the results. Life reveals itself. Little steps. Evolve through process. Namaste.
Jan. 6, 2024                                                                                             Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This journey follows closely on the ideas presented in Happiness, posted April 19th.



JANU:   Consciousness and self-government. There seems to be trepidation to admitting to the reality of conscience. What do you do with it? How do you apply it? How do you recognize it? How do you understand it? What do you compare it to, if anything? What is its source? Is it reliable? The answers to these, and others, is that it is a journey of exploration, experimentation, application, and focusing attention.

There lives within each one memory and True Nature. Not just of this lifetime, but many. And life not incarnate. Associations with countless others. The experience that challenges time. Discovery of the results of many situations, opportunities, shortcomings and those of others. Much to be learned and used wisely to move along the path of life and example.

There is merit in deciding to know the truth, cause and results, potentials, capabilities. All are in motion. Focusing one’s attention upon the Truth of Life is a great revealer. Decisions based upon these realities have outcomes that are rewarding, as all are when understood. The journey, the walk of life, has unlimited potential. Taking chances based upon best knowledge, best experience, is life in motion. Your True Nature performs well with a living partner, a conscious partner, a continuous partner.

Wonder about opportunities. Contemplate them. Make best decisions and walk those paths to see what happens. Be inspired. Learn from everything. Pause when wise to do so, move with the same wisdom.

These journeys benefit all of life, in one way or another, because all of life is connected. Allow these benefits to blossom where they may, as they may, for as long as they may but do not require them to do so. Be what you can be. Listen more than you speak. Choose your moments as they are offered. Be at peace. Namaste.
Mar. 1, 2024                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   The fundamentals of life achieved recently in understanding—the realization of potential, wisdom, conscious union—can contribute to happiness because of the harmony with the flow of life. Finding peace and happiness in the moment is achievable without struggle or effort by letting go of the structures in life that interfere: greed, lust, violence, avarice, sense of depravation or unworthiness. Harmony and happiness, peace, are natural gifts of being. Feeling worthy with a birthright brings confidence, peace of mind, and openness to the flow of life filled with gifts and opportunities. The systems of physical life, thoughts and emotions, thoughts of giving and uplifting have always been there and others have always been ready and willing to exchange them. Each day is filled with opportunity to be kind, even to those who don’t seem to respond similarly. “Humankind”* a powerful sentiment to live by. Namaste.

Feb. 24, 2024                                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

*This refers to the bumper sticker “Humankind—Please be both.”


Evolution of consciousness

JANU: Potential, manifestation, destiny, the union of these in the Now, a reality of miracles coexisting. Time and space a small portion of the larger reality, a limited perception with its own truth. ‘Isness’ that transcends individuality, individual being, yet all of these coexist with their parameters of existence. Perceiving ‘this’ as opposed to ‘that’ defines life with borders. A consciousness no longer just personal but impersonal as well has fewer borders yet embraces them all. Identifying, acknowledging, understanding, being the multiplicity of reality is what is open to and embraces the singularity  of reality for the consciousness that is fluid.

What is language, then? Not limited to words, an action of direct knowing.
Feb. 22, 2024                                                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Loving the moment

JANU: We are holding sway once more for the benefit of life itself, all of life. We embark once more on this endless journey, discovering the nature of life and all that it brings, appreciating what is, what has been, and what will be. Every understanding can be extended, enriched, and become a blessing. Life is loved, appreciated, enjoyed, valued no matter the degree or focus or contribution. Living in the moment is the richest of all. Everything else is supportive, but the moment is the proof, is what continues, is what expands, what feeds everything. The realization of potential is the mystery, the source of wonder, the magic. Wisdom from experience brings peace and foundation, the substance of being, conscious union, fulfillment, the preparation for the next adventure beyond imagination.

Cycles of life that transcend each other inform a meaning in nature, the vehicles of expression that relate to new realities. Time and distance take on new meaning. Even joy evolves, even the meaning of life. Frailties are transitory and are replaced by new strengths with new purpose.  Namaste.
Feb. 19, 2024                                                                      Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 This is an encapsulation of the concept of the The NOW.  


Being conscious as Life 

JANU: ‘Realizing’ is the key word here. When does one realize something they didn’t before, or that they had forgotten and misplaced? What is the key to awareness and understanding? It is to embrace reality, to own it. That it lives within your experience, that it has byproducts in your life, and that it enriches another. And what leads to these? Life realizing potential.

Creativity has a spark, an initiator or an initiating. A magic of life is creativity. So what is the source of this with a quest to explore? Imagination, wonderment. A thirst for one person could be a memory for another, but it is no less a wonderment, no less magical, and no less a blessing.

We all need each other. It takes all of us to explore life. To see each other in this way: What do you know that I don’t, yet? What has your life included that you are moving on from? What have I forgotten over many sojourns, and between them?

Life is a teacher. It is how it expands, enriches itself. It takes all of life—every nuance, every motion—to embrace, retain, and expand upon its journey. Every moment has value. Recognize enrichment for what it is. Be grateful for the opportunity to discover and improve your life and someone else’s, whatever that looks like.

Being at peace is a life in harmony and in motion. Be conscious of its presence, its vitality, its motion, and its love. Namaste.
Feb. 17, 2024                                                 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

For earlier information on this idea see “More on conscious of and conscious as.”


Listen while in motion

JANU: Wrestling with the challenges of the day brings about the spirit of introspection, openness, and listening for revelation. We shall begin by summarizing the events recently that pertain to consciousness raising, wisdom as you request, and success. In the interest of clarity, let us begin by saying that life is an unlimited mixture of simultaneous opportunities and challenges, intertwined in such a way as to influence the collective reality of Life itself. So, where each challenge seems unique, that is a narrow view where everything is connected one way or another. Reaching into the closet, so to speak, to pull out a suit of clothing that best fits a circumstance is left to the consciousness that understands that closet.

Listening is the key, commitment is the solution, caring is the fuel, love is the continuation. Listening is one thing. Initiating is another. As we speak at this time, be mindful of how we started. Taking the first step reveals much. Life is not just palm trees in a gentle sun and a warm breeze. Life is motion, challenges and outcomes, revelations, so-called failures and successes, the foundations of learning skill development and wisdom. Listen and be in motion at the same time.
Feb. 8, 2024                                                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Worthy of the love Life has for you

JANU: At the moment unencumbered by the protocols of incarnation, let us embrace our freedom to be all that we are, all that we can be. Such is the atmosphere potential for others as well. Humans have accomplished much in their current state of consciousness. In this testimony, definitions of success in each one’s consciousness are the similarities and differences.

What is success, then, in the life but the continuation, the rich opportunities being engaged, new ideas forming, new experimentation and its successes and failures, embrace of challenges that enhance the platform of life to take on new ones, to evolve. The evolution of life, the universal standard, involves a failure, so to speak, that is understood, a portion of success. It is feedback in the adventure of living on the journey of success. That’s what understanding accomplishes. A challenge that repeats has its positivity as well in the form of unfinished business or its messages find another path or doorway to new understanding.

That experimentation is a worthy freedom. Life fundamentally survives, one way or another. Moments of joy, peace of mind, enrichment are elements of success. Refinements physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually sweeten life. Defeatism contradicts and will eventually close doors of opportunity but does not end them. The more life self-perpetuates, be a partner with life. Choose to grow, endure, understand, gain wisdom, apply opportunities, and share in harmony with the natures of others.

Patience, endurance, and a loving perspective are powerful. Know that, fundamentally, you are worthy of these things, capable of them, and supported in them. Be true to your own nature and the love that life has for you. Live this life to help pave the way for others. Namaste.
Jan. 26, 2024                                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Living peacefully, with love and light

JANU:    The basic nature of life includes all forms of love and light. Love such as kindness, generosity, forgiveness, peace, patience, tolerance. Light such as understanding, insight, Truth of Life. Harmonious existence, beingness, and expression to inspire self-redemption for everyone. Clarity of perception, discernment, being true to one’s self and each other, integrity, mutual benefit, nurturing. One does not create these qualities. One allows being these. With generosity, these all exist in a form of potential manifestation, through desire.

 Love and understanding derive their power from the True Nature of Life. They give but not take from. They receive from their own kind in the True Nature of Life. The archetype of peace: a harmonious relationship between all the systems of life. A foundation to embrace life’s opportunities, the results of which meet all challenges to evolution. Living peacefully brings enrichment and new opportunities for their involvement. Being at peace. Namaste.
Jan. 8, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross