New Journeys

Humanity is a variation on a theme

JANU: We are adapting then to a new lease on life, so to speak, belonging to the tradition of returning home and moving beyond. Let us see at this time that this transition in consciousness fulfills its potential with many explorations and discoveries along the way.

Human identity is a shadow of this larger reality, valid in its own right, but see it as a pattern with relationship to the Larger Life. For many, these journeys would seem nebulous and a bit vague, not realizing that through direct experience these realities have the integrity of the Earth human existence identity. Variations on a theme of life, our brother, are these identities.

Humanity is a variation on a theme of life, with many variations and expressions, but by no means explains everything that is real. Remember, all of life co-exists, meaning there is relationship, crossover patterns, and are knowable. The larger your consciousness of the Larger Life, the more you will encounter these co-existences and understand their relationship and mutual benefits.

The time of isolation, of individuality only, is passing. Life is one and diverse, simultaneously. Namaste.
Nov. 23, 2018 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Mother Earth, the healer

JANU:   We are peaceful, then, this evening, resting in the presence of alignments throughout the Nature.

Healing energies of the Earth, bring balance, peace, and comfort. The challenges of daily living weigh heavy upon many. Creating life patterns in consciousness, they perpetuate imbalance and a lack of ease or peace within the systems of the body. And, of course, these experiences cause emotional and psychological patterns that reinforce or perpetuate imbalances. Mother Earth is a healer, for the bodies are made of the Earth, you see. They are part of the Earth, its nature, energetically and physically. Serve well, our brother. There is need. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2018 B                                                             Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


The journey of journeys

JANU:    We are celebrating, if you will, a common term echoing the larger meaning, rejoicing, if you will: ‘Peace on Earth.’ Goodwill, the so-called Second Coming, the awakening of Christ Consciousness, commitment to each other, an opening of the consciousness to the larger reality of Life, including human existence, in the life of the planet. These things occur and spawn a journey into the Larger Life of which the Earth is a part, not only a physical reality, you see, but with consciousness, energy, and its own brand, if you will, of creativity. Everything you are aware of has a larger reality.

We have spoken of integrity. Now we speak of fraternity. A brotherhood of humanity is not the only brotherhood in the universe, our brother. Andromeda has one as well, in fact many. There even exist fraternities of worlds of longstanding. And there are those who are conscious of worlds beginning to emerge consciously into the Larger Life, of which the Earth is one.

How does one describe realities beyond the words of one reality? It is by employing the larger reality of one’s own being to discover and connect with what coexists. Not limited to journeys of so-called machines of space or physical limitations of the body, you see, but using the faculties one was born with and will have after passing, so to speak.

Discovering and connecting with the rest of your Nature, whether incarnate or not, is the journey of journeys. Namaste.
Nov. 28, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Transcendence and transition

JANU:    Transcendence and transition are themes that coincide with the flow of life, change, evolution, awakening. Transcendence is transcending limitation, close-mindedness, any particular cycle of life. Transition is the movement into beingness that does not escape any reality, but expands to include more reality, becoming conscious as an inclusive being no matter what is discovered.

You ask the question, “Does everything exist to be discovered?” No, our brother, life continues to evolve and create, expanding its potential and self-mastery. So being an explorer to the nature of life has no end goal. Transcend limitation and transit into unlimited being. Allow everything to exist in its own reality, included in the one Life. Explore, if you will, these realities, whether physical or not. They extend greatly throughout the flow of life.

Exploration, our brother, but transcendence and transition are the way to the fuller life and in harmony with its flow of change, movement, expansion, realization, and potential. True freedom, you see, rich in peace and love of life. Namaste.
Nov. 22, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


The purpose of life

JANU: Reaching then into the depths of the rigors of searching to discover the meaning of life, we discover that life exists as a perpetual opportunity. It makes more sense the larger your consciousness becomes, the more of life that is included. What was once a mystery and unknown becomes, through the process of awakening, the reality that is the meaning of life. This means, our brother, that through awakening one realizes they are the meaning, they are the answer to the question.

Life realizes and discovers its purpose not as a reason for being but more in the direction of pure being without reason as a requirement. The purpose of life is everything that life is, whether physicality or not, whether energetic or not. Even the singularity experience is just a beginning. Life is larger than reasoning, our brother. All expressions of life fall into the area of reason and purpose. But life is larger than that.

Allow your consciousness to expand and experience a bit of its purity, the purity of being. No limits, no borders, no definitions, nothing to analyze or name, nothing to create. Even ‘isness’ is a limitation. Leave all words behind, just be. Namaste.
Nov. 21, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

For further understanding of the concept of Singularity, you may also wish to explore “More on Singularity“.


Peace is the great communicator

JANU:    Intriguing, then, is the element of consciousness that prolongs the inevitable, slowing down, so to speak, progress in the evolution of consciousness. That element is persuasive and traditional but becomes problematic in due course, for the True Nature, the inner quest for awakening, brings insights of possibilities yet realized, inspiring another step forward in the quest to understand and realize potential. It is a form of denial to change, for change brings anticipations of uncertainty in letting go of traditional perspective and realizations of uncommon awareness to be challenged by others.

This is where courage is called for, commitment, patience, tolerance, understanding, and love for all life. Every cherished perspective is subject to change, to evolving, to discovering new synergisms with other realities. Nothing stays the same, except change and growth, and maturity. Everyone faces this, our brother, and everyone finds their own way.

No matter how you grow, how deep your understanding becomes, review what you have in common with others so the connection with these is not broken. What do you have in common with others as you increase your experience, always alert to opportunities to share effectively? Give up, so to speak, on no one as your explorations expand. Learn from each other, as you follow your own truth, destiny, and potential. Find peace in all of these. It is a great communicator, and it keeps the mind and the heart open. Namaste.
Nov. 20, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


The tail wagging the dog

JANU: We are reckoning, once more, that which pertains to enormous opportunity to progress the lines and forces of prehensile movement, namely the ‘tail wagging the dog’ scenario in the affairs of state. World government and leadership is the tail wagging the dog, as it is in the individual lives of many.

Let us begin by understanding that the source of motivations in people and in governments is not the leadership of enlightened consciousness but of emotional self-interest, struggle for power, self-aggrandizement, and comfort. Where does enlightenment enter into this scenario, but through the dialogue of insight founded in the understanding of True Nature? So the human journey becomes the ‘tail wagging the dog’ of the larger life of the individual.

Awakening is the path to priority. Seeking enlightened leadership in one’s own existence, one’s own consciousness, is the key. Examples of this can be observed, from time to time, of the beauty of the moment, in the lives of others and oneself, that enrich the spirit, bring joy and peace to the heart, and are naturally rich in pure joy. Consider this carefully, our brother, when ascending to serving humanity. Include the wisdom of those who understand. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Enthusiasm, hope, and potential

“Enthusiasm and hope occur when a vision for the future emerges from potential”

JANU: We are rectifying this evening the doubtful patterns as to personal potential. Let us agree on one thing, our brother: potential is not manifested all at once, but it is a foundation for future planning when understood to any degree, keeping hope alive in the consciousness and in the emotions, as when one has a vision to work towards. Decide to know your potential. This is a blessing for anyone and brings enthusiasm to the moment.

Life in motion is the process of the realization of potential, and not just for human beings. Decide to know and it shall be. Namaste.
Nov. 14, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Is life exact?

JANU: Exactitude is an interesting concept, for it denotes on the one hand absolute precision but obscures on the other hand the diversity of life, experimentation, the diversions and corrections and re-directions.             There are those who have this tendency to require precision in everything. Even when you observe their lives, the only thing precise about them is the flow of life, which includes everything.

So, how does one, then, wrap their mind around the diversity of life and its constancy, its inclusiveness, no matter what? Life, through all if its creations, is an experimenter, a researcher, and benefits from everything one way or another. So what does one identify with in the world of precision when it includes so much diversity? What is success, then, but that life continues no matter what?

Peace in the midst of unpredictable diversity goes a long way towards mastering life and achievement. Gain wisdom from all experiences, all experimentation, all of your differences, for they are the one life and they all co-exist and synergism abounds. Be at peace in the midst of this, our brother, and you will understand. Namaste.
Nov. 13, 2018 B                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Always take the larger view

JANU:    Slogans are useful in some situations for perpetuating an understanding, even though indirectly. What pertains to human potential, in this sense, is the slogan “Nothing is lost, everything to be gained.”

Taking the larger view of life brings into focus the overall pattern of life, the trending, the progressions, and the fields of creation. The human heart is abundant with these. The consciousness potential exceeds even these. So, as we examine and deal with these moments in life, we agree with what can be accomplished.

The word ‘sacred’ gets used a lot in religious understanding. What is sacred, our brother, is life itself. Everything else are moments of realization, seemingly scattered and disassociated, but the larger view shows the pattern, and the pattern is life in motion, one form giving way to another. Expressions come and go but the flow of life continues as it will always be.

Reach into seeming darkness with the power of truth, the power of understanding, and the power of the love of life. We are one in this. Always take the larger view when observing each moment of life, each challenge, and each victory. Namaste.
Nov. 13, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross