Awakening to and enriching life

JANU:   What some call enormous responsibilities are quite simple in their nature. “To be” is to allow, become one with, to identify with a profound, basic, and elemental relationship of oneness. Awakening to the Larger Life occurs in this direction. The enrichment of life in this process is the realization of potential, not just your own, but of Life itself. We of the Brotherhood of Light, which we are, live these truths with simplicity, clarity, insight, and a growing wisdom. The invitation and opportunity has always existed. The love of life is an unending evolution of awakening. When observing others, see them as Life itself evolving. Freedom from identifying with limitation expands the consciousness and experience.

These truths, and more, exist as potential throughout life and each other. Be persistent. Continue. Every day, every moment is an opportunity and a challenge. They are gifts. Namaste.
Sept. 22, 2024                                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

Solutions to desires

JANU:    Looking for answers to inquiries begins with a concern for solutions, paths to victory, procedures, formulas. Far too rigid for the flow of opportunity to speak simply. Let us forgo these and proceed with what is truly in the heart to be part of: a loving and caring exchange that inspires both. Each concerned with each other, as well as themselves. Look for basic desires, emotions, wonderings, solutions that lead to more. Step by step approaches, allowing for time for them to evolve.

The magic of service is the first step taken without requiring an observable conclusion or outcome. Potential has many faces or possibilities. What is important is what is in front of you. Be at peace in the quest, allowing the elements of life to combine in a natural way. Solutions have a harmonious nature. Pay attention and allow. Namaste.
Aug. 11, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Message for Humanity: The power within

JANU:   The term ‘inner power’ can easily be misinterpreted to resemble the unenlightened  pursuit of power. True power is not limited to some vague and mysterious and elusive inner reality. It is at the heart of everything and universally present. Your existence is testimony to this. Some call it the ‘flow of life.’ True power creates, resolves, brings clarity, continuation, evolution, peace, solutions, harmony. The source of true power is Life itself. And what isn’t Life?

The illusions of power can obscure this reality for they do not require awakening harmony with all life and they are short-lived and have a price. True power is always available, costs nothing but allowing. When conflict and confusion and frustration are present, opening to the power within, so to speak, and allowing it into your consciousness brings simplicity to complexity. And simplicity touches more of life, brings clarity to see through confusion and the illusions of external power. Obedience, servitude, cost, compromise are not the attributes of the results of true power. False power does not bring joy, peace of mind, happiness to all that it touches. Recognize the difference by the results.

At this time, many are looking for leadership. Use this to find wisdom in those who would lead. Call upon the wisdom in your own True Nature as an example. You are more than you know, but the knowing is there. Choose your life wisely. Namaste.
Aug. 14, 2024
Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The path of awakening

JANU: ‘The awakening of humanity.’ What is this, then, but the process of life realizing its potential: consciousness in a sublime sense; realization of the Truth of Life on all levels; the systems of life, the reality, the relationships, the potential; exploring opportunities with abandon; the model of life expressions that evolve.

Evolution and de-evolution are references that are the checks and balances of creation. Freedom to choose either and experience the results, the wisdom of the timing of these, and their counterbalancing maturities. When so-called destruction occurs, what is destroyed but the forms of expression? When creativity occurs, life expands. The expansion and contraction of life are its breathing, the transformations of vitality.

Awakening reveals the differences and their function. Both are life, you see, and the elements of its unfoldment and their relationship. We are here not to condemn either but to understand and employ the freedom to choose. One honors life by allowing its beingness.

This is the nature of an explorer. Awakening reveals everything without judgement, but with love and understanding and a lot of allowing. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2023                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

There are any number of journeys about this same topic. A conscious path of awakening and  Understanding the path of awakening offer earlier understandings of the concept.


Living life a day at a time

JANU:  What you ask for already exists. No need to re-create it, only to reaffirm. Being at peace is also allowing life to be, to grow and evolve. Take it as it comes and make the best of it. See its beauty, its simplicity, and its diversity. Choose these things. Be in motion and connected.

Accept the gifts of life. There are many. They are with you always. Many are ignored, misinterpreted, and misused. Taking life a day at a time has wisdom. Past and future are only elements of the Now, patterns. Namaste.
Apr. 23, 2023                                                          Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The evolution of cherished ideals

JANU: Evolving life patterns represent the best of life for they evolve with life. And life is evolving. Those ideals held dear will not stagnate, become fixed and therefore lose their advantages. With an open mind, an open heart, and open spirit, cherish them as they serve but do not limit them in their own beingness to a fixed point of understanding. Through application they evolve because they reveal their potential through their manifestation.

Life is in motion, as is everything about you. Awakening is in motion. Manifestations are in motion. Allow your ideals, your principles to grow and more fulfilling ones will appear. Nothing stands still. Allow the richness of the potential of life to be yours, as is ours. Namaste.
Nov. 7, 2022                                                Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Larger perspective on creation and choices

JANU:   Coming to terms with the nature, the true nature, of all of creation, one must assume a growing awareness of the diversity of life expression, so-called life patterns and surmise one’s own preference of the circumstances of their own existence, their relationship with life. Part of the foundation for this is experience with that diversity of which there are examples that are compatible with one’s Nature and ideals. What they would call successful living. Always open to opportunities to develop and mature with the growing wisdom, coordinated with others to mutual benefit and creating life patterns.

Being mindful, then, there are still opportunities not chosen or not aware of that can test and strengthen, enrich, ideals for living. A growing depth of understanding. A broad tolerance for diversity. A growing integrity of one’s Nature. Allowing discoveries due process for evaluation of merit and potential.  Processing without judgement, condemnation, or putting limits on the processing of others on their journeys. Timelessness plays its role in patience and wisdom. Namaste.
Aug. 1, 2022                                                        Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Personal symbiosis

JANU:     Symbiosis exists between incarnate consciousness and the rest of the being. How can this not be true when the Larger Life and the incarnate life are one, each a part of the other? Opening the consciousness to the nature of this reveals something more than ‘anatomy as opposed to spirit.’ For physicality, with perceived boundaries and limits, exists through the presence of a larger reality. Perception of presence of the entire Nature opens the consciousness to the larger possibilities and variety of creativity as always being present.

Now, life communicates throughout its nature, but the language, so to speak, is diverse. The perception of structure and form in human language is limited. Consider how individuals communicate without words through a look, a motion, or feeling of shared understanding, and subtler ways yet. Do you recognize sharing understanding without limited structure and form happens through awakening? Be open to, sensitive to subtle powers of perception whether understood or not. ‘Deciding to know and then listening,’ when developed, seems only natural and easy.

The realization that your True Nature is you is an identity shift that brings liberation, freedom, and peace. Get to know yourself. Rely on who you are, where you are, and what you already know. Allow all of this to discover more and enrich life. Namaste.
May 4, 2022                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Peace is a natural state—allow it

JANU:     Peace is a natural state of being. It is fundamental, a foundation of existence. Allow peace. It does not need to be ‘made.’ It is in harmony with the core of your being. And the experience of it is the understanding that you seek. Allow peace. It is your natural state.

Love peace. It has its own power pattern. Become peace. Freedom, happiness, joy, clarity change perspective about everything. Seize the True Nature of everything. It is without effort.
Apr. 6, 2022 B                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Ritualistic preparation

JANU: Configuration, a consideration of concern of the incarnate mind that deals with borders, limits, arrangements, connections, and order. The Larger Life is not limited to these elements in the same way. Creativity in the subtler densities has an element of automatic configuration with creative thought. Energetic relationships differ from physical ones from the incarnate point of view and experience.

So ritualistic preparations become the focus more than the reality of the moment. What your attention is on, you are connected to in that moment. Being at peace while attuning is more allowance and agreement than ritual. We are always one and together. Be conscious of this through the connection of attention. Choose to be and, in that moment, you are. This evening’s journey represents this. We are one and strong and involved and conscious.

Engaging these creative forces of life strengthens their relationships, anchors them. The rituals of preparation are there to convince the limited consciousness that the Larger Life is real. Once experienced, convincing is not needed. Place your attention on what you desire and allow it. Namaste.
Feb. 2, 2022 B                                                           Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross