Finding beauty

JANU:    Beauty, then, is the theme of your interest at this time. Beauty is all around you, not always perceived. You live with beauty, with the angel of your choosing. She is not the only one in the world, our brother. There are many, brilliant with simple pure hearts and motivations. There is some of this in everyone yet unrealized. This is the vision of so many who support humanity, male and female. Even the creatures of the world respond to this in humans as they demonstrate kindness to each other and the creatures of the world. Your own experiments bear witness to this.

This is beauty born from within, the heritage and legacy of the True Nature. It plays a role in all the creative art forms, people giving of themselves as honestly as they know how. Choose to see and respond to beauty everywhere, including your own being. It is unmistakable and nurtures your channel of life and its flow. Namaste.
May 16, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Understanding and serving angels

JANU: Our area of interest at this time belongs to a region of consciousness reality that is burdened with, so to speak, angels. Now, to explore this phenomenon of life, one must give tally to the nature of their consciousness: A proud tradition of love and service and wisdom. Not human although can function that way. Peace and mercy are hallmarks. Great diversity in the hierarchy. Ancient tradition. Much like companions to those who journey under the veil, but not limited to this, you see.

“What is an angel?” you ask. It is a consciousness so molded, so shaped, as to linger from one realm to another. Consciousness is little understood. Its range of reality seems beyond description. Even a stone has consciousness, our brother, but quite different. Angels have consciousness but more flexible, can be modified, adjusted to need and circumstance. Angels appear in many forms, or not at all to those unattuned. They understand love and live it. They bring peace and comfort to those who would receive it. They are humanity’s companions and champions. And they evolve as they serve. Humanity has given them names but, as with so much of life, these are not needed to relate. The quality and patterns of love shape and identify their existence. They will gladly reveal to you their understanding of loving nature.

It is possible and agreeable to serve those who serve. “How does one serve angels?” you ask. By emulating their service that their manifestation might expand. They find no judgement in their service. Namaste.
Jan. 16, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

Angels have been discussed in other journeys, notably More on Angels and Angels assist in awakening.  A personal attunement also questioned the relationship of Angels and Masters, and may be of interest to the reader.

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Awakening 47: Angels assisting awakening

JANU: We are assembling then that needed to provoke, if you will, a certain response in the consciousness, triggering the beginnings of awakening. By this we mean, a sensation or signal from within, an angel-like figure, if you will, that touches the mind and the heart and the spirit at the same time. It brings conviction there is life beyond what you have known. This experience is not to startle you but to welcome you.

We are not speaking of full awakening here, but the beginnings of it, to the degree that you are conscious of it. As we have said, this is a process. For some, the process has begun but still unaware, unconscious of it. This experience makes it more real. Your heart and your mind and your spirit consciously become one, nurtured by your True Nature, who you truly are. This call is unbeckoned but given when open to it. This is more real than any distractions of the day. Recognize it when it comes.

Similar experiences occur when thresholds of awakening ensue. When the heart and the spirit and the mind are aligned in this way, a moment of joy, peace, and acceptance of your life as OK occurs. In time, the fruits of this include seeing others in the same way.

Angels have served in this way, always. The relationship between them and your True Nature has always existed. Angels assist you because it is their nature to do so. Not for reward, but for fulfillment of their own being. They know your desire to be free, to love life, and to enrich it. Life takes care of you, our brother, and you are part of that life. Why wouldn’t it? Anticipate those moments of joy, happiness, and freedom. They will surely come. When they do, understand why they’re there. Namaste.
June 16, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Angels & Masters

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        Please explain the difference between Angels and Masters. Have Angels been human and then Angels again? Have Masters been Angels and then Masters again?

JANU: Masters and Angels, then. What a divine subject to pursue. And in the light of truth may we understand in this way. From your point of view differences, yes. From the larger life the differences come together in one Light and one Love, in harmony with the essential nature of life. The differences exist for different perspectives of service depending upon the plane of expression, you see. These journeys into the lower realities in frequency call for, allow for, the fulfilling of a range of options in service. Each path of service an opportunity of unique character for growth, for expansion of consciousness for fuller realization. For both are life, dear one, and both loved equally of the Father of Life.

One assists the other in the missions for there is synergism, linking, bonding, oneness, common purpose and one knows the other. The mission statements or focuses call for a continuity of involvement that supersedes a random or arbitrary shifting of nature, you see. The perspective of each, in truth, of true reality, true identity, true beingness does not see these differences as distinct as you do, dear one. There are aspects of each that can exhibit and express in Angelic or Master-like manner. The differences you see are the paths of service, not the differences in true nature, for an Angel or a Master is more than their path of service. As a carpenter or an engineer are seen in your world as two distinct realities, in truth they are more alike than they are dissimilar.

You would benefit greatly to love both equally, honor both equally and be grateful to life for both equally. See neither path as one above the other, greater than the other. They are life loving life, serving the expansion of realization and loved equally, for in the perception of commonality, the connectedness, the oneness of life, they are one. Categorize not, judge not one profession of individual fulfilling that profession from another in your world. Think you not the carpenter cannot absorb and learn from the experience and skill of an engineer and vice versa, enhancing as they will their own chosen path of service, in an engineering or a craftsman way? It is the symphony of life. Can a drummer be a flutist and vice versa?   To a degree they can. But their commitment to the honoring of their path of service does not accommodate the abandoning of one for the others. And it is not their will to do so for their joy and their happiness is in their chosen service.

The question you pose embraces, is based to some degree on a perception of this or that, of separation, of confining limits of identity and reality. And from those limits the answer to your question is no, dear one. From the larger life all things are possible. The angels you love and hold dear in your heart and are with you always are masters in their own right. Honor them in this way, as do the so-called Masters of your reference. All paths of service and all beings of Light, so fulfilling, are the family of life and are equal in that family and in that knowingness. Honor each with equality as they honor you. See them as one in the Light and in the truth of your understanding. As they see all peoples in the same way.

Namaste our sister. The peace that allows the embrace of the truth and the freedom to be one, be yours. Good day. We are the Brotherhood of Light, all the Light. One with the Family of Life.
June 18, 1996                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

More Personal Attunements)


Soul Purpose and Blue Angel

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

  1.   What is my relationship with Blue Angel? What is his/her name? How can we work more closely together?
  2.   What is my soul purpose at this time? What is my real name? What is my next step?

JANU: We have this one you speak of this morning. Her name comes to us as **. This name, dear one, is a symbolic gesture harmonizing influences within the being, within the soul, for use within the sojourn, you see.

As to soul purpose, then, many look for explanation in this area in the form of some mission or assignment. This one comes with such, but understand that these explanations are aspects of larger reality. The soul’s purpose is to be, is to explore life, is to expand, is to grow in relationship with more and more of life. Your mission, if you will, at this time, one of many, is the bearer of greetings or good tidings from one who resembles the Oversoul or Overlord for this epoch of Earth unfoldment, you see.

Blue Angel, then, comes into this picture as messenger of this mission and this message of Overseer or Overlord entrance into the dynamic thrusts of Earth progression at this time, dear one. Your current name speaks of one who commands the clarion call, the alerting of those who will listen. This Blue Angel intercedes for this Overlord connection at this time. Blue Angel an acronym for one attuned to that frequency, that quality of light and understanding of the blue domain, the blue vibration if you will, and of course ‘angel’ as messenger. Working more closely together, as you put it, comes through your acknowledgement and embrace of this Angel’s message for you. The Overlord or Oversoul will convey the understanding of his message when connection is established sufficiently.

‘Oversoul’ understood in this way as one who watches over an individual or group for the purpose of contributing to that individual or group’s life path, you see. This one is making such contribution and this influence will kick in, if you will, around the time of the spring and summer equinoxes. A staged activity, you see. First in the spring this year. To further amplify this communication or message at this time would be to speak for him and your Blue Angel. They are quite capable of this themselves, dear one, and we would not interfere in any way. Our concern and communication at this time is to bring them to your attention, for your consideration and communication.

Your next step is up to you and always will be. These are possibilities for you. The Blue Angel recognition for you will be in the form of a charge in the heart area, reminiscent of a time during youth when contact was established for this lifetime, you see. There will be a joy unexplained, a familiarity welcomed and enjoyed. There will be a sense of connection and knowingness and communication and this will accelerate rapidly, once begun, and the work will begin. The timing of this is up to you, dear one. Although from your point of view opportunities may seem sequential, in the larger life and reality, they are in fluid flux and can be rearranged in a moment. We do encourage you, though, at this time to give serious consideration to this opportunity at this time. It will help fill in some missing pieces in the continuity of your consciousness unfoldment and question asking. Pulling you together, so to speak, into solid purpose which brings confidence and peace of mind and joy, as well, in the heart.

The name offered earlier is a signal for you on the inner realms, leading to a larger identity and knowingness. Your name of more complete power and authority awaits at the end of that chain or string of awareness unfoldment. As we examine the records here we find that you will come into this knowingness by design, propelled into reality by you at an earlier time. The return to your name of more complete authority and identity is the answering of the call of that design laid in by you, dear one. The player’s pieces are in place, awaiting your move that they might respond according to the design of what you have established. Begin in this way and the creation that unfolds for you is one that has your mark on it, dear one.

We leave you with this, at this time, encouraging you into your ongoingness.

January 13, 1997                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

More Personal Attunements

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


More on Angels

JANU: It is true, our brother. The bright spot of light you saw above the head of one of the group was angelic. Many times angels appear this way to those who can see them. The more you see them, the more you realize they are everywhere, and not always in proximity to a person.

They are a hierarchy of life and Archangel Michael is real. They respond to many types of calls, to thoughts and emotions, moments in consciousness, and not just people. They bring guidance on acute conditions, as well as blessings, encouragement, and healing energy. Servants of life earning gratitude from humanity every day, never requiring it. They can appear in human form when it serves a purpose, as you have seen.

The study of these is a worthy pursuit in raising consciousness and awakening. And yes, communication is possible. They are part of the Hierarchy of Life, having their protocols, orders, traditions, and history.

It is possible to refine the relationship and pattern-match with these. Serving life in harmony with these is an enriching experience. One can add angelic qualities to their own consciousness, becoming partners in life. Much to learn here, and gain. Much to achieve.

Nov. 23, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See “Angels” on page Awakening Nov. 2014