Larger understanding of the Rapture

JANU: Rapture is a term used by many while describing being risen into what some call heaven. Some forms of this exist but mainly due to preconception and limited understanding. As we journey during these attunements, they are journeys of experiencing the beauty and the peace and the wisdom and the power, the liberation. A completely natural experience, a tradition of varying nuances and experiences best guided by the larger reality of who you are, the Divine Self, so to speak, which includes the consciousness experiencing incarnate life.

This is not a one time event. It is a process of unfoldment into the Larger Life that is always changing, evolving, realizing potential, gaining wisdom and capability to help enrich life. This experience occurs whether incarnate or not, for even in the discarnate existence life is evolving, a reality in motion. While incarnate, these journeys in consciousness bring perspective and wisdom to awareness, dispelling ignorance and limitation. This you have called ‘awakening’ and it is.

All we have spoken of coexists. All one need do is put their attention upon their True Nature and the Larger Life and the connection grows. Love this into being. It is your heritage. It is your destiny. It is who you are. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2019 B                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The gift of peace

JANU:    We are working again with what we have to surmount: some challenges to life having to do with a peace that does not include violence, as some proclaim their peace as a result of it. What does peace look like, then, in a society whose roots are not violent? This society has grand ambitions to improve everything by virtue of the exploration and manifestation of potential.

This society of violence sees only conquering their ‘enemy,’ as they perceive, not the realization of another’s potential and the benefit that comes from that. How can there be true peace when one group claims victory over another? How then can the defeated truly enrich anyone? For the victors see the defeated as those less than themselves, inferior and weak and misguided. Even claiming to be benefactors, you wouldn’t trade places. Quiet times, relatively speaking, between wars and conflicts, is a very limited understanding and reality of peace.

Truly at-peace societies don’t even think of wars but of challenges to overcome for the benefit of all, like mastering excellent health, reasonable prosperity, and creative genius. These are the marks of peaceful civilization and this is the civilization that will raise the bar of peace when making first contact with another world. How many times in human history has it been the cycle of war, relative calm, to return to war and to the calm and then to the war? What other model of life has been known to draw upon? A true and deep love of life finds these cycles of no value and a form of insanity.

Humanity needs a new model for understanding peace and its true gift. This is our service this evening: the gift of peace. Let it be so. Namaste.
March 18, 2013 B                                                                                       Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The beauty of the Larger Life

JANU: Realize the tradition of so many in and out of incarnation enriching life with unending diversity, layers of beauty beyond imagination, and always creating. A beautiful existence that is unlimited, ever-changing, always new, full of wonder and possibilities. A co-creative life limited only by imagination and desire. True freedom to be, to become, and to share, to be inspired by so many. Bringing this freedom to the incarnate experience on Earth is a grand service. Not an easy one, but one that requires patience, wisdom, and love.

The essential nature of any being is part of the Larger Life. The purpose of these journeys is to inspire each one to awaken more fully, getting to know who they are and the richness of their nature. This process is universal, not limited to humanity. As one awakens more fully, associations are renewed and developed and the incarnate journey is seen more clearly, along with its richness and creativity. Namaste.
Jan. 25, 2019                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Coexisting with everything

JANU:    We are singling out then the reason for incarnating in this sojourn. Let us presume that the narrative to follow is of the True Nature.

We are one in life, which includes physical life. Therefore, the lowering of consciousness, so to speak, into this octave of life is a natural and necessary occurrence befitting the inquiring nature of the existence of being. No part of life left alone or ignored, for everything coexists. The intent of the True Nature is to coexist with everything. The shift here, the paradigm, is coexistence. Not just individuality or uniqueness, but the coexistence of all uniqueness.

The Tapestry of Life is built upon the threads of these realities. It is vital. It is alive. It is ongoing. It is ever changing, and is one with everything. The reason for being is the oneness that we are. Therefore, all of life, all realities coexist in peace and in harmony, a symphony, if you will, of peaceful coexistence with a growing sense of the collective reality of life. The realization of potential, the endless discovery of countless possibilities. Each one, each part of life, journeying as they choose, establishing their own relationship with opportunities.

There is nothing wrong. Live in peace. Have trust and faith in life, confidence in its wisdom and its beauty. Namaste.
Jan. 3, 2019                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Awakening: universal & ongoing process

JANU: Awakening is a natural process but it has its ties to the flow of life and to the mutual support of each other and other venues of life. What we call our attention to, at this time, is the stimulating nature of awakening that brings with it an assemblage of order and proprietary decision-making. In other words, timing relation to opportunities and mutual benefit. This describes our journeys as well.

So let us put our attention upon the network of awakening. Yes, even when not incarnate, the network continues, for awakening occurs on all levels of consciousness. Think not of your individual process of awakening as standing on its own, completely individual. This process quickens relationships, bringing together harmonious accord. So, you see, there are levels and degrees in the nature of this.

Awakening does not have a conclusion. It’s an ongoing process throughout the Larger Life. It has thresholds, shifts of focus, a changing basis and timing. In other words, synchronous opportunities created by developments, progress made, revelations and realizations. Seeing the awakening process in a larger way promotes respect and tolerance of the journeys of others and insight into the nature of this reality. Namaste.

Dec. 27, 2018 B                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Choosing to remember all that you are

JANU: We are remembering, then, that which promotes and prolongs hesitation upon the consciousness of elements of the Larger Life, including your own. These changes you see in others awakening are yours as well. Remembering is significant in that it is a catalyst for revisiting, or visitation of, the scenarios of living that recall a much larger reality of experience, that reaffirms and refreshes identity beyond the human experience.

What we reach into here, our brother, are the Records of Life of which you are a part. As they say, nothing is lost, but everything is gained. The genius within belongs to everyone, for each has achieved wisdom through experience in the process of evolving.

Choose to remember. Choose to relive. Choose to employ that you are. Choose to know. Choose to connect. Choose to be your potential. The future, our brother, is now. Your potential is now. This they have in common. Life is now. Your true identity is now. Remember all that you are. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Pioneers and protocols

JANU:      We are summoning that needed to proceed with the undeniable reality of the progression of consciousness. ‘Sailing into the sunset of life’ speaks of transition from one reality to another. What we propose here, our brother, is the transition into the Larger Life. The sun is setting on old ways of thinking, of life perception, but it is a joint activity. Taking human pride in singular accomplishment, with perception of individual decision-making, will not fly in the face of the traditions and protocols of Life, which are a symphony of cooperation, coordination, mutual benefit. We seek, then, and search the Archives or records of Life that are the nature of understanding and achievement.

Life is a brotherhood of pioneers working together, each contributing and each benefiting. Not always easy for the pioneer to understand, for initially they perceive themselves as on their own. It is wise, and natural, to embrace those who have gone on before and are still evolving. Acknowledgement of this, employment of this is a pre-ordained reality, part of the wisdom of the larger you. Namaste.
July 17, 2018 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 17 contains prior attunements in this series.


The challenge of new thresholds

JANU:   Appraisal of the flow of life reality at best describes the emergence of human consciousness into the Larger Life, deliberately, as one of unity, of purpose. The quest for awareness of something more than is known is a hallmark of sentient life. Rich are the footsteps of consciousness ennobled by the divine nature of life.

Shall we say this, our brother: Belonging to the archives and traditions of awakening, there always comes a time when new thresholds challenge. These thresholds vary according to maturity. Encountering other worlds, there will be many differences and the challenges met by each one. Physical distances serve a purpose of non-interference but maturing consciousness makes embrace with another world possible.

Not only are there human archives but many others as well. Each can be visited when mature enough to do so. Humanity considers its world isolated. That is only a perception. The awakening consciousness reveals the reality. Let there be, then, an upwelling in the consciousness of the Archives of Life, which are part of your nature and everyone else’s. Drawing upon what has been gained, while adding to, speaks to the co-existence reality. Choose to listen and understand. Peace, our brother. Namaste.
July 10, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.