Awakening 52:   Exploring the future

JANU: We are forecasting or foretelling the movement of humanity through the history yet to come some call the future. This movement resembles, to a degree, the path of other worlds, civilization, yet still unique in its own way.

As humanity awakens, society changes. Consciousness changes, as do relationships, and what is important, goals and ideals, and embracing life. Humanity will settle down, so to speak, in its conflicts one with another, seeing greater profit in collaboration with its many differences. Those differences become one in the new consciousness. The wastefulness of competition, to the degree humanity engages in it, will no longer seem profitable, and a distraction from a happier life.

Breakthroughs in understanding, not just in technology, our brother, but in understanding life and many realities, leads to relationships with other worlds. Humanity will realize that its counterparts exist on many other worlds. There will be a bonding of heritages and mutual support in the goals set forth for each. And understanding will be shared, materially and in consciousness, for life is connected one with another on many levels, you see. As one becomes more conscious through awakening these patterns of change are markers, if you will, on this path.

The maladies of ill health will virtually disappear as commonplace.

The lives of those discarnate will become more a conscious mix with incarnate life, for consciousness is consciousness no matter the reality, you see, or form of expression. Becoming more conscious will be a theme for shaping one’s existence.

Life will be understood less as the length of a sojourn but the endurance of consciousness, whether incarnate or not. So many endeavors, whether initiated incarnate or not, will take on larger scope, transcending greatly one sojourn. Endeavors of this nature will be shared on a larger scale with others of different realities, overlapping each other for the benefit of all. One asks, “Why awaken? Why be concerned with this? Why the effort to make such changes in one’s consciousness?” Need we say more?

The future of humanity has always looked bright, our brother, its potential yet to be fully discovered. Find comfort and peace in what is to come, but even more so who you are now.
June 22, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 51: The laws of life

JANU: We are presenting at this time that which belongs to the service of the anomalies of life, the so-called apparent realities, as they begin their trek through the life of an individual. Now, by ‘anomalies’ we mean those features of life experience that pertain to so-called nature, laws of physics, and other sciences. These are referred to as ‘surface realities’ for they seldom reach the truth behind them. They are as masks to the purity of being. And this is why miracles are called miracles, for on the surface nature of things miracles are unexplainable.

This is why analysis of these so-called surface structures of life, attempting to explain and understand what lies behind them as primary source cannot be explained. They are structured ways of understanding to maintain their integrity for the human journey of experience into relationships, the more mechanical nature of the human journey in the physical life. They serve a purpose, our brother. They are revelatory on the one hand, and conceal much more on the other, until the consciousness has evolved to the point where it is no longer owned by these perceptions, these fixed realities so to speak, and the True Nature reality can finally emerge even while incarnate.

What takes place here is a change in perception, an understanding that transcends limited points of view, the so-called surface structures of physicality and its laws, its order, its inflexibility. Time and space, our brother, are misunderstood. They are more fluid than you realize. The fixed appearance of their nature is a surface reality, superficial. Wise is the consciousness that opens to the so-called laws of life and nature as mutable, with layers of reality, serving a temporary purpose for limited points of view but in truth they are free to be expressed in so many different ways.

This is part of the path of awakening, our brother, the many different realities of the so-called laws of life, of natural law, structure and form, a time/space perspective, seemingly rock solid, from a limited point of view. Life is so much more than this, adaptable, changing.

You ask, “Where is the sanity in all of this?” The sanity, our brother, is who you are and life itself, the life that can be anything. Manifesting, creating, is not the source of life but the journey of it. We speak of ‘freedom of being,’ not pigeon-holing life so to speak into one reality or another. The journey of awakening is not easy for one who requires structure, ironclad order, but is for one who is willing to explore and experience their True Nature. The ultimate journeyer in harmony with life. Namaste, our brother.
June 20, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 50: Filling a growing emptiness

JANU:    What looms most in the minds of people is the nature of life, of existing at all, and, for many, when the body dies, what’s left? What is next, if anything? The journey behind the veil has been a long one. It has repatterned human consciousness into considering the reality of oblivion, for their world only includes what they can see with the senses, touch and smell, etc. Awakening, for these, is a distant and a vague possibility, not to be taken seriously. For tomorrow and the next day and the next day do come one after another, as the life they know, the reality, the world that fills their thoughts and experiences. Making this reality work for them, being so-called successful, is an all-consuming challenge, but its successes have an emptiness that require a return to the need to be successful, whatever that means, in the incarnate life. There is nothing wrong with this scenario. It is a common one, and has lasted for a long time. But the growing sense of emptiness and temporary satisfaction in so-called ‘success’ eventually leads to something more.

Now, the larger life, our brother, is more ongoing or eternal in nature. But the experience of it does not stand still. Life is evolving, whether incarnate or not. But the successes in awakening and journeying in a larger reality, more diverse, has a richness to it not found in most incarnate successes—or should we say, unenlightened ones. For how do they connect to anything more than an individual experience, when unaware of something more?

People continue with what they have again and again until something within them says, “I’m not as happy and at peace as I desire. These victories, so-called, have a growing emptiness, and I do not know how to change that. Manifest life does not seem to have these answers, and neither do those I associate with. Where do I begin, to change this?” Happiness is more than comfort, a ‘full belly’ so to speak, or material wealth. The journey into happiness is awakening to who you are beyond these things and the rest of life, associations with those who do know and are growing, finally understanding more and more the nature of incarnate life, why you chose it, why it exists, and its role in a larger truth. No longer a prisoner of any of it but being sovereign in all of your journeys, discoveries, achievements, and, yes, successes.

So fill the growing emptiness and awaken to a richer happiness and peace and success with your desires. You are already much more than you realize. Allow it to fill your consciousness, your heart, your mind, and any emptiness that physical life seems not to fill. Namaste, our brother.
June 20, 2016                                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 49: The reality of awakening

JANU: Some have considered awakening as entering into a state of bliss, free of concern, quiet peace, trouble-free existence. Awakening reveals many realities, whether physical or not, filled with relationships, endeavors to understand and develop. What some call ‘magic’ is more commonplace and a way of life to varying degrees. The challenges of the physical life in some ways have their counterpart in other realities. We would have you know the so-called limitations of physical life are challenges that are understood in so many different ways when awakening, and give way to a myriad of other concerns that can be common to many worlds and species of consciousness.

Life is full, our brother. There is bliss and there is peacefulness. There is love. There is service and understanding. But these are applied in so many different ways that boredom is not an issue. Being conscious through awakening while incarnate brings into question the wisdom of applying new knowledge and understanding in ways that are harmonious with the normal flow of life, which must be considered.

What we are saying here, our brother, is that awakening exceeds projections of reality by those unaware. Some might say the demands of life are too great to take on more challenges. And for those, our brother, may they find peace in their current circumstance. But for someone who is bedridden, meeting their needs fundamentally, has a world view of their life based on their circumstance. But moving into mobility, as the nature of life beyond their confines, is life changing. Their life is fuller, with different challenges and opportunities and associations and countless discoveries.

Awakening has rewards, responsibilities, capabilities. The decision is to be made, whether to continue as you have or become something more and see everything you have known in a new way. Light-heartedness, commitment, and engagement, confidence, courage, and changes. It is not a journey you take alone. Your True Nature is your anchor, your center, and who you are. Awakening is a larger life, our brother, and includes all you have known and more.

The focus this evening is to grow into the reality of awakening. What this includes is your choice, the choice of all that you are. Namaste, our brother.
June 17, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 48: Momentums

JANU: We are pointing out that momentum plays a key role in awakening. The momentum of repetition in allowing an awakening experience. Momentum in the assimilation, application of insights. Momentum in the thrust of life being less impeded. Momentum in the nature of change. Momentum in the deepening and developing of faculties. Momentum in confidence and the revelation of truth in all you do. Momentum in the expansion of consciousness and engagements in what you become aware of. Momentum in the maintenance of health that the physical part of your experience remains adaptable and at peace. Momentum in your caring for others, their well being and their understanding. Momentum in the successes of your own life.

It is true, our brother, movement from the consciousness of competition to one of collaboration, mutual support, and sharing what you have with others, and accepting the gifts of their existence is a building experience. When you attune, go within, see the truth around you with regularity, and new experiences, your systems of life, of living, anticipate each encounter, each rejuvenation, each new experience. You become what you would call ‘pregnant with life,’ giving birth to creativity, changes, and opportunities for yourself and for others, giving new meaning to ‘being wealthy.’

So, build your momentums with patience, commitment, and a joy, as life gives birth again and again in your day. Namaste, our brother.
June 17, 2016                                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 47: Angels assisting awakening

JANU: We are assembling then that needed to provoke, if you will, a certain response in the consciousness, triggering the beginnings of awakening. By this we mean, a sensation or signal from within, an angel-like figure, if you will, that touches the mind and the heart and the spirit at the same time. It brings conviction there is life beyond what you have known. This experience is not to startle you but to welcome you.

We are not speaking of full awakening here, but the beginnings of it, to the degree that you are conscious of it. As we have said, this is a process. For some, the process has begun but still unaware, unconscious of it. This experience makes it more real. Your heart and your mind and your spirit consciously become one, nurtured by your True Nature, who you truly are. This call is unbeckoned but given when open to it. This is more real than any distractions of the day. Recognize it when it comes.

Similar experiences occur when thresholds of awakening ensue. When the heart and the spirit and the mind are aligned in this way, a moment of joy, peace, and acceptance of your life as OK occurs. In time, the fruits of this include seeing others in the same way.

Angels have served in this way, always. The relationship between them and your True Nature has always existed. Angels assist you because it is their nature to do so. Not for reward, but for fulfillment of their own being. They know your desire to be free, to love life, and to enrich it. Life takes care of you, our brother, and you are part of that life. Why wouldn’t it? Anticipate those moments of joy, happiness, and freedom. They will surely come. When they do, understand why they’re there. Namaste.
June 16, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 46: Transitions

JANU:    Having once said that the decline of a civilization is a transition, one opportunity to another, such it is from one incarnation to another, one idea to another, from one philosophy to another, from the veil to awakening. See changes in life as ‘transitions.’ More understanding and acceptable than ‘endings and beginnings,’ for in transition, you see, reality is transformed not eliminated.

So embrace awakening, should you choose this path, as a transition into a larger life that retains everything useful. Some speak of leaving the body as a transition from one life to another. This is true but it is not the end of what you know, what you own. Life is full of transitions, movement, change. This keeps life fresh and new. Awakening is this kind of movement. Your sense of being makes the transition from limitation into freedom. Awakening is not the end of the journey, our brother, but a transition into a larger one.

When you evolve in consciousness to a clearer understanding of anything, that is a transition. Now, transitions, our brother, are processes and need to unfold in due order. Making the adjustment, or allowing it, we should say, is due process for what has been your foundation for understanding and engagement of life is changing. Be at peace with the process. Praise the gentleness of the natural flow of life. Learn from the process. Life is revealed through this. Much to experience, much to learn, much to enjoy, much to love. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
June 15, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 45: What is your role model for living?

JANU: We are peacefully responding to what emerges as a defining moment in the affairs of humanity. When considering the events of the last two days which have gained worldwide attention, meaning the so-called massacre in Orlando, Florida, pivotal in the sense of a composite of human consciousness, one can see there is a complex range of response and reaction playing out collectively. His anger, frustration and hate; fear of dying; pain and suffering; heroism; gratitude for survival; attempts to contain the enormity and depth of emotions and events. The point of view here that serves best is to see this as a collective human experience and what it says about the current state of human consciousness.

The elements of this situation are not unlike the reasons for conduct of war. What will it take, then, for humanity to engage with clarity and understand the reality of what has taken place? Life goes on, whether incarnate or not, but is it evolving? When there are those who see nothing but war for generations, where is their model for alternatives? They know nothing else, much less what they are capable of.

The reason for awakening, our brother, is to achieve a personal model for living and moving beyond these patterns of conflict and mayhem. And what is the source for this model of living but the truth within you. Learn of this. Explore this. Understand this. Make it your own. Awakening to the truth that you are, that lives within you, is the key to move beyond these cycles of violence.

Wars speak of victory, yet if there were victory, our brother, there would be no more wars. For what do they really resolve, other than temporary stays of execution and pain and suffering. The illusion of power traps many into these cycles. The incarnate life is but a moment. The life as the truth within you reveals cannot be taken away. Survival must take on new meaning. Apply this new meaning to your circumstance and your associations and your performance, as you walk through this life with a new champion that lives within you. This is powerful, our brother. Violence is not.

The theme here is “What is your role model for living?” Namaste, our brother.
June 14, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 44: What happens to me?

JANU: Peace again, our brother, is part of the path to victory in awakening. One might ask, “When awakening, what becomes of me? Do I still exist?” Yes, our brother, but in a larger way.

Within the human experience, the consciousness can have several identifications: human being, philanthropist, engineer, designer, musician. Many identities but you are still you. When you awaken more fully, the identity expands to include much more. The identity has the capacity to interface with the human journey, but many other realities as well. What happens is that you become something more, our brother, more than you were aware of before, more possibilities. Nothing of the human identity is lost, you see, but understood more clearly. No longer limited to reacting to life experiences, but responding in a more complete way. You are still you, our brother, but you are more.

The me in ‘what happens to me?’ becomes a larger reality. The only thing that diminishes is ignorance. Your love for life and your own being expands, deepens, through understanding. In ignorance, these are only words. In awakening, they speak of a life that is more alive. It is stepping into the sunlight for the first time. Whatever your interests, you become more aware. More is revealed, not just of the life around you but the life within you. A growing freedom and presence. Being ‘born again,’ returning to all you have known. Physical experience is only one of many.

Allow your consciousness to adjust and settle into the experience. Patience is a challenge for many, but it serves you well and allows peacefulness. Functioning in this way while incarnate is a process. Balance is a good monitor of your progress, your pace of awakening. Namaste, our brother.
June 14, 2016                                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 43: True Peace

JANU: We are looking forward again to surmounting the challenge of awakening. But what a challenge it is, our brother, worthy of the effort to regain the freedom it brings. This journey employs more of the faculties of understanding and the power that brings. Being at peace helps restore the connection some might call ‘memory,’ but we call ‘presence of mind’ and ‘being.’

The frustrations humanity has set upon itself through their perceptions of time/space are not conducive to being at peace. The world of “it’s OK or it’s not OK” divides perception away from oneness. The reason so-called terrorism in Orlando, Florida, two days ago is viewed only as OK & not OK, a dichotomy, where in true peace the factors involved are understood that contribute to such events and the results of them. The rigid rules of right and wrong, with few gray areas of understanding, in the presence of awakening are no longer disturbing but understood, part of the life humanity has chosen for itself unawakened.

Very few involved see this event for what it truly is. The differences between people and their philosophies, social identities, hopes, angers, frustrations, passions, all play out and, in a sense, bounce off of each other. Everyone is part of life. Once again, awakening reveals so much and allows for resolution of so-called differences into the flow of life and the evolution of consciousness.

Awakening softens the intensity of different points of view, different understandings and preferences. The more you understand life, the less you rail against it. This is a measure of our suggestion to ‘be at peace.’ In peace, you understand more of all of life, all the elements, so-called differences, and how they combine into the flow of life, a life that is ever changing, evolving, restructuring, exploring, and creating.

Life is continually re-inventing itself, learning, growing, and evolving. Everyone, our brother, is part of this, in their own way, and even those ways are changing. Find peace in awakening and understand more of the life that you are and are part of and each other. Namaste, our brother.
June 13, 2016 B                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening   in a direct and organized   manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.