Discernment in current challenges

JANU: We are saluting, then, the efforts to repopulate, so to speak, the workforce of the U.S. government. There is a message in all of this stalemate, so to speak, and that is: when decisions are useful and contribute to the destiny of the nation or a people, synchronicity appears and opportunities that contribute. When the door seems closed, again and again, one is encouraged to reconsider the wisdom of the decisions being made. All of the parties involved are part of this. Even those who support them play their role. Awakening brings discernment, insight, understanding and, more than this, wise decision-making, and the support of the harmony of life in its natural flow. There have been comments made, publicly, that point to solution, leaving conflict behind and bringing clarity of thought.

Reading the signs of Life is almost an artform compared to stubbornness, limited thinking, and selfish motivation. So, in the larger view, solutions to challenges are triggered by them, for those who can see. Namaste.
Jan. 23, 2019 B                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to refer to Compromise and Cooperation in Gov/t and to Leadership involves everyone for additional comments on the current political scene.


Towards a peaceful & harmonious life

JANU:      America seems to be adrift in the eyes of the world, bringing confusion and uncertainty. And to the Americans, as well. Xenophobia raising its ugly head, with walls and barrier, denials of freedom to those who wish a better life. Ancient struggles for power and influence by the major powers. Old ways of thinking. The weather seeming to have gone awry. The Earth in growing turmoil—volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, weather. All of this adding to uncertainty, bringing confusion to purpose, tradition, and common understanding.

What light can this shed upon the present and the future? It sheds light upon the frailty of tradition and perception, relationships, unawakened life. The alternative is the process of awakening into a larger reality of insight, direct knowing, True Nature; the larger realities of life throughout the universe and beyond; intrinsic value of life; unlimited potential, possibilities, alternatives to everything. Traditions serve their purpose but only until understood and the inner light beckons to embrace new paths, new perceptions, natural instincts to be helpful, to enrich yourself and others, to heal, to bring hope, to cooperate, collaborate, and recreate the experiences of life in a new way.

These seemingly chaotic realities of the moment draw attention to the frailties of ignorance. Encourage each other. There are always alternatives, new possibilities, an innate potential to be something more. Help each other point the way to a more peaceful and harmonious life. Namaste.
Dec. 28, 2018                                                                        Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Awakening: universal & ongoing process

JANU: Awakening is a natural process but it has its ties to the flow of life and to the mutual support of each other and other venues of life. What we call our attention to, at this time, is the stimulating nature of awakening that brings with it an assemblage of order and proprietary decision-making. In other words, timing relation to opportunities and mutual benefit. This describes our journeys as well.

So let us put our attention upon the network of awakening. Yes, even when not incarnate, the network continues, for awakening occurs on all levels of consciousness. Think not of your individual process of awakening as standing on its own, completely individual. This process quickens relationships, bringing together harmonious accord. So, you see, there are levels and degrees in the nature of this.

Awakening does not have a conclusion. It’s an ongoing process throughout the Larger Life. It has thresholds, shifts of focus, a changing basis and timing. In other words, synchronous opportunities created by developments, progress made, revelations and realizations. Seeing the awakening process in a larger way promotes respect and tolerance of the journeys of others and insight into the nature of this reality. Namaste.

Dec. 27, 2018 B                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Unlimited possibilities

JANU:    Reality is in some ways what you make of it, for the Orders of Life are fluid and adapt to prevailing consciousness for the purpose of exploring possibilities. You recently considered quantum theory to describe larger than life reality, direct experiences. It is true, but not the whole truth of it. There is much more. A good beginning, though.

As you have considered before, through presentation of another, there is life not controlled by theory or laws or structure of any kind. All of these creations are for the purpose of developing experiences and exploring the possibilities without end, of life reality, coexistence, and presence. Life is realizing its own potential through its own creations, from which these possibilities expand. Realization without limits is not easy to place one’s mind in harmony with, but it’s an enriching pursuit. What then is ‘unlimited mind’? Unlimited possibilities, eternity, larger and larger truth that is evolving.

Conscious union, the path of awakening, includes identity of expansion into the reality of the totality of your being. Certainly not limited to the human journey. Anything beyond physicality seems vague, elusive, and indefinite. But understand this: it is real. It coexists with all that you are aware of at any moment.

Let us continue, then, reaching into unlimited possibilities. A larger consciousness absorbs wisdom through experience and wiser choices ensue about any part of reality on any level, including one’s own Nature, destiny, ideals, wonderings, and certainly relationships. Live in peace. Find harmony, meaning, depth, and wisdom through all of life. Namaste.
Dec. 10, 2018 B                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Integrity in conscious union

JANU:    More than you realize, our brother, we are one. To begin with, your thoughts, desires, behaviors, relationships, and, yes, feelings or emotions are known instantly to the rest of your being. Effective embrace, conscious union  with more and more of your Nature is a recipe for the end of the dominance of human ego and social consciousness, giving way to grander existence.

Evolution in consciousness, our brother, changes everything. It is true, the rungs on the ladder of change need not resemble each other. So making these changes takes courage, integrity  and, yes, faith. Trust in the tapestry of life that is your own.

Integrity is the theme though these changes, the integrity of the being, of the True Nature. Your goal and your guide are the same, so let us bring into focus with greater clarity the true nature of awakening. Remembering more and more in the progression of understanding the intimacy with life as one identifies with it. Persistence will win out. Life itself is testimony to this. Namaste.
Dec 7, 2018                                               Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross



Precipitation and the law of attraction

JANU: Correct and proper is the premise that the law of attraction follows the attention. The one who reaches for their divine nature through the journey of awakening is beset with many blessings. Holding this ideal for self and others is on the one hand the path of enrichment, and on the other the path of service. A coalition of the two encourages enhancement of this direction.

The journey of life reveals potential through creating, not just physically, our brother, but in every way. Creating is a partnership with the flow of life and the creative forces involved with every manifestation, whether physical or not. Life and its creations are always beautiful. How can they not be, when appreciated for their intrinsic qualities and the presence of life they are imbued with?

One grand journey after another awaits the journeyer on this path. The courage and strength to embrace more of the Larger Life comes with the measure of Light that is embraced. If one falters, so to speak, or stumbles or becomes confused, reaffirm, reassert the law of attraction and the ideals desired. Be persistent as life always is. Witness the growing weed in the most barren of places, the harshest of conditions. Even the weed in the garden, our brother, has its beauty by what it represents. So it is with your cherished thoughts and desires, no matter how obscure or alone they may seem. Allow life to flourish in your experiences and embrace their progeny. Namaste.
Dec. 4, 2018                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Freedom from ignorance

JANU:    We are celebrating with you the demise of ignorance. The future of humanity, the future of human potential is a greater freedom from the current limitations and concepts of physical life. Each one will magnify individual discovery, adding to the tapestry of reality that others may peruse. Potential, peace, desire, willingness, freedom, confidence, wisdom gaining are on humanity’s doorstep. They need only walk through any opening that is presented. A love of life and their own True Natures paves the way to success.

Enriching life is the theme, for what isn’t life? So personal enrichment is an element of unlimited enrichment. It is one thing to demonstrate phenomena. It is quite another for each one to experience their own revelation. Ownership comes from experience and understanding, undeniably so. Stepping out of the abyss of ignorance into a greater life, which is the Truth of Life, is everyone’s prerogative.

Be no longer a prisoner of obsessions, misperceptions, and limitation. Be the free spirit you have always been. Rediscover your own nature. This is a journey that you are never alone on, for you coexist with everything and everyone. Namaste.
Dec. 3, 2018 B                                                                                  Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Choosing to remember all that you are

JANU: We are remembering, then, that which promotes and prolongs hesitation upon the consciousness of elements of the Larger Life, including your own. These changes you see in others awakening are yours as well. Remembering is significant in that it is a catalyst for revisiting, or visitation of, the scenarios of living that recall a much larger reality of experience, that reaffirms and refreshes identity beyond the human experience.

What we reach into here, our brother, are the Records of Life of which you are a part. As they say, nothing is lost, but everything is gained. The genius within belongs to everyone, for each has achieved wisdom through experience in the process of evolving.

Choose to remember. Choose to relive. Choose to employ that you are. Choose to know. Choose to connect. Choose to be your potential. The future, our brother, is now. Your potential is now. This they have in common. Life is now. Your true identity is now. Remember all that you are. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Reality beyond the five senses

JANU: One probes the questions: “Is what is imagined real? Is the unseen, from the human perspective, real?”

How does one explore reality beyond the physical senses? You attune to it with an open mind and heart, centered in integrity and peace, with a desire to know. Yes, we are real, our brother, ‘we’ meaning the larger you. Testimony to this is your experience within a human form by a consciousness growing in its awareness of more.

Inner sight, direct knowing of that beyond the five senses, the experiences and abilities of so many awakening, the evidence is growing. Whatever you manage to observe changes with each visit as more is revealed. Not contradicting each other, these visits, but adding to each other. Memories of past existences; spontaneous awarenesses; insights into the well-being of the body and its needs; the healing of the pain or suffering of others, including their choice and concerns; reaching out to the creatures of the Earth and understanding them and their response to your contact. And the list goes on, our brother.

Dwell on your own reality and experience its evolution. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


A Christmas Message

JANU:    What more fitting time than Christmas Eve to celebrate the Family of Life? Every family has birth and rebirth. Why not precipitate a rebirth in consciousness, in awakening, for all of humanity? Each according to their own destiny. It is the Christmas spirit, peace among peoples, unity of purpose through the collective consciousness, Life’s diversity. Even the Earth is part of this. Not limited to one moment in time, but as a continuous process, as it is with each one. The tradition of giving gifts includes the giving of goodwill, love, support, patience, confidence, for one’s being and their inclusion in the Family of Life. Christmas in this way is a way of living. A journey of forgiveness and understanding. What better way to begin a new year? Namaste.
Dec. 24, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross