What is discarnate life like?

JANU:   We are remembering when the discarnate life was the dominant consciousness, focus. Freedom to travel, so to speak, in simultaneous directions, so to speak. We had an entourage of like-minded, who began each journey with collective consciousness of experience and wisdom, to be opened to a more complete consciousness of the reality explored. Time and distance not realities to impede the duration of these journeys reaching into the duration of interest.

Personal identity was unlike the incarnate life. Not easy to describe in incarnate terms. Identity was based upon collective experience, understanding, perceptions. Identity with and is the depth and nature of life patterns matched and created. Vitality varied with involvement. Contributions to life were through connections. They still are. Shared consciousness, understanding, and life patterns formed relationships and still do. The veil has focused, and limited in some ways, involvements on a conscious level, but only temporarily, for the duration of the journey.

The sense of time and distance has limited patience and the drive to accomplish quickly. Productivity becomes imperative.  Timelessness  is seen as laziness but can be more productive, so to speak, in expansion of engagement and understanding. Sense of purpose has more depth and scope, but all of this is acceptable and in harmony with the Nature of Life. Namaste.
May 1, 2024                                                                                           Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Self-governing—collective social gov’t

JANU: Self-governing for a society entails a measure of awakening through conscious union. It can begin with a desire to find common ground with others. What do you have in common as a foundation for mutual benefit? Reaching into the vast possibilities, embrace a model that evolves, changes, grows, realizing a greater and greater potential. What relationships and structures can benefit everyone, appropriate to each one’s potential? Discovering the reality of mutual connection, perceiving with a perspective of understanding coexistence of individuality and common good or benefit.

The imposition of laws and regulations imposed by a few does not carry the insight of collective consciousness, integration, and the wisdom each one possesses from within. In a world of many creatures, “nature” if you will, the benefit in productive consciousness effects all nature, for it is all connected. Even the behaviors of creatures of the world will evolve. Humanity will come to realize these many levels of contribution to the rest of nature. The direction this takes is a choice. Humanity unawakened does not realize it is not alone in this. All of life is in motion, attempting to realize its potential and evolve into new possibilities, new achievements which set the foundation for even more.

Self-governing is much more than current politics and legalities. Everyone is involved, learning, growing, understanding, and awakening to a larger life. By any comparison, many are still in slumber. The veil is not fixed or permanent. It is temporary. Self-determination and awakening move beyond any limitation, based in a growing wisdom as to the nature of Life. Each one has a legacy of insightful wisdom, of experience, memories. This of course takes initiative, assumption of responsibility, standing in your truth, and exploring it. This is government by the people who have common ground in their True Natures. Namaste.
Oct. 12, 2023                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Make no judgments of worth as all enriches Life

JANU:     People do not realize, whether their identity is incarnate life or beyond, that life is enriched in any case. Being conscious as your True Nature during incarnation is an option in this area. Individually speaking, this is one point of view in a larger consciousness. Humanity is appreciated as a collective, a group with elements of influence and experience, but life is enriched by all of it, each in their own way and as a group. There are collectives other than humanity, some larger, some smaller, and they come and go. But life continues. Any part of collective consciousness can be elevated to a larger consciousness, expanding their perspective on enrichment.

The journey for each collective or individual is known. When one says ‘there are no secrets in the Larger Life,’ does not mean there are not unknowns from one level to another. Base not your observation of merit on differences between groups and individuals. They all enrich life. Be cautious about evaluating worth of one part of life from another. That is a limited point of view. The truth is much larger. Namaste.
Feb. 10, 2022                            Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Purpose and process

JANU:    Life systems have a collective consciousness of their own, with identities such as the elements, the collective elements. Interdimensionality is a system of life, and each one is part of that system. Interdimensional consciousness is a vast reality. Being conscious incarnate in such a reality is a goal for the True Nature. The incarnate consciousness can grasp and realize portions of this. Being conscious as this system of interdimensional reality is the cart before the horse, you see. Growing into measures of this or that reality can describe an incarnate sojourn.

There is wisdom in due process, therefore one must maintain balance to incarnate successfully. Listen always, open to natural realities. Allow due process to proceed. Employ wisdom, timing. Reach and allow. A model for exploration and achievement. Namaste.
Sept. 20, 2021 B                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Planting seeds

JANU:     Moments of service are to be left to flourish on their own, for this brings about stability in the elevation of collective consciousness. Planting seeds to grow on their own is nature’s way. The plantings continue, as do the opportunities, but the plantings have their own integrity, their own purity, their own life patterns and Life nurtures them. The joy is in the planting and the fruits that are borne see it in this way. Enrich life at every opportunity. Namaste.
Mar. 8, 2021                                                                                                  Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Conscious coexistence is life in motion

JANU:  Keeping a watchful eye on the evolution of awakening is part of service. Collective consciousness in the way of the larger Family of Life is mindful, is aware of the living reality of the unfolding of life’s potential. It is part of the DNA, so to speak, of an awakening being. So, let us be aware that the co-reality of being is no surprise to those living it. Awakening registers universally, instantly. Life is conscious, not just of its own creations but as them. Conscious coexistence is life in motion. Namaste.
July 14, 2020                                               Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Human unity

JANU:  Let us celebrate service supporting the unity of humanity in its embrace of life and each other. A unified humanity holds the promise of the future, for without it humans come at cross-purposes. Now, we did not suggest sameness here, but cooperation, connection, a growing vision that is shared, and a love for the journey that each shares in.

Human unity does not embrace wars, but rather chooses mutual concern for the fulfillment of each other’s journey, living without fear or deprivation.

Human unity has the potential to virtually eliminate disease, poverty, and starvation.

Human unity values each one’s potential for genius and contribution to each other.

Human unity will know such deep strength and wisdom that its light will welcome many from other worlds.

Human unity will reveal a life filled with personal achievement, self-improvement, and a peace that allows the joyous life.

Human unity will build a collective memory of the human journey and all of the wisdom gained, wasting nothing.

Human unity will build a consciousness that is awakened and will bring alternate realities into the Now and ultimately enjoy trans-dimensional understanding and involvement.

A vision of human unity is a worthy one. Consider it, as do we. Namaste.
Dec. 20, 2012 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Collective Service

JANU: Shifting identity includes moving from a sense of ego that is in some way superior to another to an ego that is at one with the larger collective of life, committed to service. Now, the service we speak of is the promotion of life, the promotion of opportunity for the expression of potential. This service congeals in the form of creation, bringing about spearheads, if you will, of unique pursuits that spawn many more. A collective in service to life brings about the transformation of mayhem into constructive purpose.

Now, collectives occur in groups of a few to groups that include everyone, for all of potential is synergistic, so the few and the many exist under the umbrella of Life and coexist in this way. Aspire to serving life in this way. You and your Nature are partners in this. And, yes, you are loved, as you love in return. Namaste.
Jan. 31, 2019                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Wisdom and leadership

JANU: We are surveying with you then that condition known as ignorance. A catalyst for confusion, lack of vision, isolation, aimlessness, conflict, and, yes, war. The hope for the future of humanity is realized in enlightenment as to the nature of any condition or circumstance. Common ground and individualism can coexist through enlightenment, meaning “to be in knowledge of.”

Wisdom is the result of knowledge applied to experience. So where is the wisdom in current human society? It exists especially when incarnate human embraces the Larger Life, for the repository of individual wisdom is owned by the True Nature and is in harmony with universal wisdom.

Humanity is gaining wisdom, but finds itself in a morass of confusion, longing for guidance but confused about the source of it. Trusting in elected leaders whose wisdom does not bear close examination, reflecting the collective consciousness of the electorate, you see? So leadership and wisdom are a team effort between the electorate and the so-called leaders. Unhappy circumstance is the creation of all involved, each in their own way, to their own degree. The same is true for positive and productive circumstance.

So choose, with the wisdom available, the collective consciousness you serve. Stand in your integrity. Be open to enlightenment. Awakening is a process, supported by commitment and courage. Namaste.
Jan. 30, 2019 B                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to revisitDiscernment in current challenges for more on this issue.


The nature of perpetual existence

JANU: We are enumerating once more the need for collective conditioning of the human psyche for larger explorations of life while involved with the Earth venue. What we promote here is the beginning of transition into something larger than human-centered consciousness, restoring, then, the embrace of larger realities.

So if not human-centered consciousness, our brother, then what? Your interest in exploring other cultures on other worlds is in this direction and we concur. Exploring life beyond current identity is revelatory and proceeds along the lines of an open and fluid identity, allowing for intimacy with more than a limited sense of self. What’s in store for these explorations is a growing confidence in the more eternal nature of life, the ongoingness of life beyond sojourns.

Human consciousness has been, in some ways, imprisoned and obsessed with a smaller world. How can self-esteem be based upon limitation and still evolve and grow? Explore the sense of life within you, unlimited life that reaches into the breadth of its own Nature, which is still growing. Perpetual existence is not in physical form, our brother, but in the collective consciousness of diverse life.

We beseech you then to explore the cultures of other worlds and other realities. We are one in this and will proceed as you wish. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2018                                                                                   Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross