Awakening 15: Experiencing awakening

JANU: This session on awakening speaks of, has to do with the fundamental experience of letting go of the darkness, the ignorance, and the confusion of living. Slowly sensing an increase in alertness, a sense of presence of a larger reality. In time, the sense of the presence of others. A kind of warmth throughout the body. A growing peacefulness and wakefulness.

A growing freedom to choose what your life includes, and what you choose is just right for the moment. Social standards no longer being the authority for your choices, but the truth and the love from the wisdom within you, much older than society, is becoming more and more your reason for your choices. For this rediscovered freedom responds to a greater clarity in your choices.

Physical space/time limitations no longer limit your interests and your explorations of this universe, or any other. You can touch, embrace the whole of it or any part. And that’s just the beginning. The smallest element is as real and present as the largest reality.

Embrace new experiences and realities, new existences, without being compared to current perceptions. New understandings without resemblance to any other. And that all of the laws of science and of life are mutable. That all cycles of life and creation have beginning and end, and the potential for change. And that your True Nature, the life that you truly are, has been and will be ongoing. And that you truly are more than a human being. Allow yourself to experience awakening that is continuous and life fulfilling. Namaste.

Apr. 28, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening 13: Changes

JANU:    The awakening of humanity serves life in a significant way. It brings about, or triggers, is a catalyst for changes. Patterns of consciousness, living, and behavior of humanity are soon to run their course. Awakening opens the door of opportunities to many changes. The patterns of existence are in motion. The ones subject to time and space are in play. The ones that are not will be discovered, for awakening opens the human consciousness to the subtler and larger life.

As we have said before, awakening is a diverse reality determined by many nuances in the human psyche and motivations. Embracing change is a scary adventure for some who hang on to the seeming security of the status quo. That security is an illusion, our brother. Awakening sensitizes the consciousness to the changes that always continue, whether noticed or not. So embracing change, being open to it and more, is another key to awakening.

The ladder of life has many rungs; each rung representing conditions. Letting go of one to embrace the next calls for changes in consciousness, founded in commitment, desire, and faith in the miracles of life. Changing your identity from being human to being something more, much more, is a natural change that brings greater freedom, peace of mind, happiness, and a larger capacity and understanding of love. The more you are aware of who you truly are, the easier it is to love yourself and be in awe.

So what in your life are you ready to allow to change? Values? Relationships with other people, with materiality, with lifestyle, and the world you live on? Philosophies, points of view, perceptions, belief systems? And truth itself, or at least your perception of it? Awakening, our brother, changes everything. Change becomes your new security, your new constant. Even truth is evolving, expanding. Adapting to and embracing change is part of this.

Enjoy the journey. Marvel at the seeming miracles that life has in store. Be at peace with life in motion. Namaste.

Apr. 25, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening 10: Serving life and being served by it


JANU: Awakening occurs gradually, intermittently, seemingly scattered moments of insight and awareness, triggered many times by circumstance and stimulated areas of interest. The consciousness of the True Nature is always present and sensitive to the desires of the human consciousness. The wisdom of the True Nature is vast indeed; therefore the response is measured and appropriate to the openness, the maturity, the nature of the desire.

The human experience allowed by the True Nature is part of its evolution; therefore, the results of it, even moment to moment, are valued. Allowing collaboration, partnership with your larger consciousness, the True Nature, is a partnership with the larger reality of who you are and your best interest is always attuned to. Awakening, then, you see, is a very natural reality and always in your best interest as the human aspect of your larger being. Understanding, wisdom, clarity, and engagement are qualities that can only serve your human experience. The perceptions of separateness, individuality, and borders of reality and association give way to understanding more of life and engaging it intimately.

It is your nature to serve life and be served by it. What human contrivance and perception is superior to this? Awakening reveals this to you. To serve each other and be served by each other is a natural bonding of a reality that already exists, but not well understood. That is the theme here, our brother, for this look at awakening and reveals so much of who you truly are and the nature of those you serve as well. Namaste.

Apr. 20, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening 9: Connection

JANU: There are many forms of this process of awakening throughout the universe for the cultures and configurations of many vary greatly, as does their consciousness. So awakening can seem quite different on another world, in another reality. But the reality of oneness, love, collaboration, mutual service become more a composite of the larger life as a result. The message for this session is connection, conscious connection in a larger and deeper way. When one human begins to know intimately the reality of another, bonding can begin, intimacy, meaningful relationship, and identity sharing. So it is in the larger life. Becoming more conscious enhances connection with more of life and more of life connecting with you. For that’s what connection is: mutual contact, the revealing of each other’s consciousness, the qualities of being, and life involvements.

Of course, these experiences will challenge your human identity experience. When one is so anchored in a world of forms, boundaries, differences, connections are limited by differences. In the larger life, diversity is strength. As oneness with each other’s unique qualities brings understanding to be embraced and incorporated. This brings clarity to so much more of life.

When one asks the questions “Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Where do I belong?” the answers to these involve connections. For being alone on a unique path is an illusion. Contributing to being connected with the larger life gives meaning to everything. These questions come from a human existence, conscious only of separation, being or feeling disconnected. Result of the veil, you see, chosen for a reason but eventually growing beyond the need for it as one begins to perceive the truth of the incarnate life and its origins.

The creation of a deity called ‘God’ by humanity is a limited approach to discovering the deity of their own being, their True Nature, and the larger Family of Life. The deity understanding has merit and serves in its way, but it is self-created and limited from a larger point of view. Nevertheless, it is part of life and one of life’s many miracles. Awakening does not negate the miracle of deity; it understands it and places it in perspective to something larger. It is humanity’s quest for something divine, larger than it knows. A valid quest, but awakening, our brother, is the path to this discovery and the realization of humanity’s dreams and desires for the Truth of Life.

Connection, consciously, is the beginning of mastership and true freedom. Namaste.

Apr. 19, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening: Embracing your True Nature

This is a new series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening.

JANU: We are honoring this request to build an understanding of the path of awakening. This path begins with a growing desire to be more conscious, not only of life but the reality of your own being. “And what does this mean?” you ask. There are so many realities within the True Nature of each one.

  • The natural ability to realize oneness with any part of life.
  • To understand creation, nature.
  • What motivates people on any level.
  • Collaboration.
  • Symbiosis.
  • And even more so, the true nature of love.
  • With increasing insight and vision, perception, the many purposes of life, recognizing opportunities to understand and manifest potential.
  • To embrace the life of everything, whether animate or not.
  • To learn patience, commitment, endurance, and service.
  • The reality of connection with everything and everyone. All of this by way of the presence of your True Nature, who you are and always have been.
  • The memory of countless past associations and the accomplishments of many sojourns, whether on the Earth or not.
  • Maintaining good health, not just physically but emotionally, mentally, spiritually.
  • The challenges and victories of evolving a more cosmic consciousness.
  • Loving yourself and understanding why.
  • Enriching the flow of life by giving away what you have received.
  • The true power of peace and intimacy.
  • Engaging the many realities of life, physical and beyond, and the beings who reside in them, and the elements of your being that reside there as well.
  • The discovery of more and more of life.
  • Answers to unending questions and inquiries.
  • Past, present, and future reside in the Now as one truth.
  • Other worlds, other galaxies, other universes and beyond.
  • True freedom to be.

But the beginning of this is the desire to know who you truly are and the nature of Life. Does your identity include more than the human experience? Do you respect and love who you are? Who is the true ‘you’ asking these questions, and answering them? What is the Family of Life that you are included in?

Let us proceed then from this basic foundation and premise to build an understanding and a growing experience into the grandest journey of all. Namaste.
Apr. 11, 2016                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a new series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. These will be posted one at a time and then gathered together into a ‘book’ as the weeks progress, so that the reader can partake of the series as a whole. Or, the category “Awakening: a series” will lead to all of the topics posted so far.


Soul Purpose and Blue Angel

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

  1.   What is my relationship with Blue Angel? What is his/her name? How can we work more closely together?
  2.   What is my soul purpose at this time? What is my real name? What is my next step?

JANU: We have this one you speak of this morning. Her name comes to us as **. This name, dear one, is a symbolic gesture harmonizing influences within the being, within the soul, for use within the sojourn, you see.

As to soul purpose, then, many look for explanation in this area in the form of some mission or assignment. This one comes with such, but understand that these explanations are aspects of larger reality. The soul’s purpose is to be, is to explore life, is to expand, is to grow in relationship with more and more of life. Your mission, if you will, at this time, one of many, is the bearer of greetings or good tidings from one who resembles the Oversoul or Overlord for this epoch of Earth unfoldment, you see.

Blue Angel, then, comes into this picture as messenger of this mission and this message of Overseer or Overlord entrance into the dynamic thrusts of Earth progression at this time, dear one. Your current name speaks of one who commands the clarion call, the alerting of those who will listen. This Blue Angel intercedes for this Overlord connection at this time. Blue Angel an acronym for one attuned to that frequency, that quality of light and understanding of the blue domain, the blue vibration if you will, and of course ‘angel’ as messenger. Working more closely together, as you put it, comes through your acknowledgement and embrace of this Angel’s message for you. The Overlord or Oversoul will convey the understanding of his message when connection is established sufficiently.

‘Oversoul’ understood in this way as one who watches over an individual or group for the purpose of contributing to that individual or group’s life path, you see. This one is making such contribution and this influence will kick in, if you will, around the time of the spring and summer equinoxes. A staged activity, you see. First in the spring this year. To further amplify this communication or message at this time would be to speak for him and your Blue Angel. They are quite capable of this themselves, dear one, and we would not interfere in any way. Our concern and communication at this time is to bring them to your attention, for your consideration and communication.

Your next step is up to you and always will be. These are possibilities for you. The Blue Angel recognition for you will be in the form of a charge in the heart area, reminiscent of a time during youth when contact was established for this lifetime, you see. There will be a joy unexplained, a familiarity welcomed and enjoyed. There will be a sense of connection and knowingness and communication and this will accelerate rapidly, once begun, and the work will begin. The timing of this is up to you, dear one. Although from your point of view opportunities may seem sequential, in the larger life and reality, they are in fluid flux and can be rearranged in a moment. We do encourage you, though, at this time to give serious consideration to this opportunity at this time. It will help fill in some missing pieces in the continuity of your consciousness unfoldment and question asking. Pulling you together, so to speak, into solid purpose which brings confidence and peace of mind and joy, as well, in the heart.

The name offered earlier is a signal for you on the inner realms, leading to a larger identity and knowingness. Your name of more complete power and authority awaits at the end of that chain or string of awareness unfoldment. As we examine the records here we find that you will come into this knowingness by design, propelled into reality by you at an earlier time. The return to your name of more complete authority and identity is the answering of the call of that design laid in by you, dear one. The player’s pieces are in place, awaiting your move that they might respond according to the design of what you have established. Begin in this way and the creation that unfolds for you is one that has your mark on it, dear one.

We leave you with this, at this time, encouraging you into your ongoingness.

January 13, 1997                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

More Personal Attunements

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Remote viewing of UFO

Note: This seems similar to other experiences with UFOs but for me was more direct, as my connection and relationship with Janu has changed to a more continuous contact. This is shared as an example of the changing evolution in journeying.

JANU: What is occurring here is revolutionary to what you’re used to in the reality of attunement configurations, you see. Adjustment is being made to receptors for the purpose of seeing, for much of communication is based on this element of awareness.

Features on the Earth can be viewed in this way and in real time, time not being a limitation. Questions like: Are there any spacecraft on the Earth at this time, whether physically visible or not?

There is one in southern California. More rectangular in shape than one might imagine. Rounded edges and corners. Metallic blue in color. Approximately thirty feet long by sixteen wide. Three feet in height. These are approximations. It gives off a soft pink glow and hovers just above the ground. Its function is to monitor certain energies emanating from the Earth, indicating stability and geological movement. It has been there approximately one week, between six and seven days. No, it is not manned. It is a probe and it controls visibility by bending light rays. It travels around the Earth, pinpointing anomalies and disturbances as well as normal flows. There is no ‘Mother ship,’ so to speak, in the vicinity at this time. It continually records and transmits information on demand.

This is only the beginning, our brother, a brief example. Much more to come. Much more to be developed and mastered. Namaste.
Mar. 7, 2016 B                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

See also UFO Examinations for prior experiences I’ve had.


The many elements of awakening

JANU: Rambunctious does not describe this current approach to journeying, but methodical and careful consideration do. So, as we nibble away, so to speak, at accomplishments, let us be even-minded and lighthearted, organized yet flexible, and spontaneous. Always ‘at peace’ and open. Each faculty supports the others, as does each journey. As in composing music and in a symphony, so many elements involved. Not only the consciousnesses, the physical dexterities, the development of instruments, the decisions on composition, the many coordinations, relationships of notes and sounds, the music, but the inspirations brought to those who listen and participate, the lifting of consciousness, the many layers of energy imparted and impressed. This is awakening, our brother, fine-tuning.

Everything is for a reason, whether understood yet or not, and draws on the experience of so many. Puzzle pieces are unique yet they fit together with others and are part of a larger picture. Each one is needed, as are the experiences of the journeyer. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
Mar. 8, 2016                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

See March 21 posting for more on individuality and uniqueness.


The miracles of life

JANU: We are reaching, symbolically, into ‘our bag of tricks,’ seeming magical and illusive to most. But they are not, our brother.

Opening the bag and reaching in, one finds a peaceful consciousness that seems unlimited. A growing understanding of the nature and elements of many planes of existence. The power of the understanding of truth that is in motion. The power of perfect understanding, the perfect moment or juncture in someone’s life. A so-called ‘sweet spot’ in consciousness that triggers the revelation of so much. The magic of inspiration, illumination, and a balance in the presence of everything. And open-mindedness, with discernment and growing depth of perception. And vitality.

The goal here is not to bypass life and its challenges or opportunities, but to own them, the master of the journey. So you see, our brother, not tricks at all but the miracles of life. Namaste.
Mar. 15, 2016 B                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Best career path for healing service

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        How can I best help folks who are on their path to healing? Is my best work to do counseling, biofeedback, energy work or something completely different?

JANU:     What best serves, dear one, when serving another in the area of healing, as you have specified, is the truth. The truth at the heart of any modality is the best service. When seen in this way, when motivated in this way, one engages any modality with effectiveness. We could examine this from your point of view as specializing in one modality. But this would be a limited presentation if we did. Our interest is to support and encourage in you the widest of possible “best service” for another.

The modality is not the magic and it is not the power that heals. It is not the power that inspires another into their freedom and understanding. The truth does this, dear one. And what is this truth we speak of? It is the reality of the circumstance of the one in need and the one who serves. The truth is the wisdom behind the modality. It is the consciousness. It is that which connects all life to all life. It is the common thread that can be found in any service or modality.

This presence we speak of is best realized when one holds another in pure love. This reality makes possible harmonious connection with all aspects of each one’s realities. When you observe or consider a modality that might best support the needs of another, or series of modalities, it is best not to see the modality as the source of that needed for that one, but as a vehicle for focusing your truth for another. Counseling is always advisable, for understanding is a powerful tool in the release of limitation and the embrace of freedom.

Be that server who has no preference for any one modality, but who is familiar with and capable in any that may seem appropriate. What you specialize in, dear one, is your conscious and intimate relationship with your truth and, through this, the truth in another. The support you would gain from the rest of life, including others in spirit, is through your truth, through your beingness, through your vital bodies, through your consciousness, not through technologies. For they are not sentient, dear one; they are tools, much as a hammer or some other device.

The greatest response and receptivity in another you would serve is their sense, their connection with this vital truth that lives within you, with your vitality, your compassion and your ability to touch where they live, to understand as they understand and then to bring to them an expanded understanding. In this way, dear one, both grow at the same time.

Learn these modalities very well indeed. But your wisdom of the moment does not lie in these. The spirit moves through you, dear one. You are surrounded by those who may see modalities as the real power in healing. Do not let this confuse you in your clarity of perception. Understand this, dear one, that in time, through the intimacy of awareness of a modality or of a technology, the results and position of these can be duplicated at will in your consciousness and in that of another. These modalities serve your growth in this way.

Do you see the picture here? Not the specializing in one thing or another, but the embracing of it all, centered, rooted, in the truth within you, the truth of your beingness. Where do you think these modalities came from in the first place? They are born of the truth of individuals to carry out in their limited way and understanding a process. So, when you study and become proficient in any modality, what is happening as well is the expansion of your consciousness in this area, shaping it to be capable of that modality independent, if desired, of the outer forms or devices. So these externals serve a purpose.

Move from focusing on one aspect or modality of service or healing into the direction of completeness of understanding, completeness of ability, and completeness of whole service. For the being you would assist is a whole being and is complete. Follow your joy in your choices, for there will you find your genius to comprehend and implement the fullest support of life and the fullest response in another. And if you find joy in one or more modalities, that does not mean you cannot find joy in others, as your interest finds its way there, as well. Be unlimited in your embrace of the truth of your being and the unlimited possibilities for expression. Do not take on one understanding to the exclusion of all others. Your worth, your identity, your acceptance of yourself, your fullest potential is not limited to one understanding.

We encourage you in this way, for this is the way of life, dear one, and the way of mastership, and the way of freedom. Namaste.

Oct. 11, 1996                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

More Personal Attunements (link)

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.