The process of awakening

JANU: We are acknowledging being conscious as all that you are. This is a blanket description, if you will, of awakening. The faculties of the elements of your being becoming one, contributing to a collective consciousness with the perception that transcends many levels of reality, individually or simultaneously. Understanding life, those who live it, and, by way of this, more of who you are. This is not a transition of consciousness, but an expansion of it, a merging of it.

The ‘who you are’ identity requires no approval from another. It is your identity, regardless, and its beauty is inspiring, even to itself. Wherever you are in your human identity, this is yours to experience. What grander teacher to others than to be and live in the truth of your being! There are many others, our brother, with the same or similar understanding, living their truth, not needing to prove anything to anyone, but at peace with this and moving on. One does not become static to admire oneself, but moves on into the rest of life, expanding in every way, realizing that all expansion is described in your potential. Even life itself, our brother, is alive in this way.

Humanity has accomplished many things under the veil, but awakening enhances all of that. A horse wears blinders so as not to be frightened or distracted. Awakening gradually removes those blinders, as one matures into a larger reality of life and the vision broadens, as does the understanding. And you understand that, and see that, life is richer than you knew.

We seem to dwell upon these elements of awakening, but as we have said, awakening is a process to be absorbed and understood and be acclimated to. These steps are intended to be helpful. As you take part in this process, many others are as well, and slowly you become aware of each other and learn from each other and serve each other. It seems at first they are few and far between that share your journey, but in time you perceive, you realize life is rich with this. And more and more, any desire to return to the veil experience fades away. We journey together in this way and all are welcome. Namaste.
Aug. 9, 2016                                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Awakening 55: Be all you can be

JANU: The purpose of this series is to alert and inspire awakening for humanity. Now, understand this, our brother: awakening occurs whether focused upon it or not, aware of it or not, but it is a process that can be accelerated to varying degrees.

Understand this: the human consciousness journey is not a linear one. Life is not linear. It is greatly varied, simultaneously, and movement through it and with it is as well. One can be left to the seemingly random or sporadic occurrences of moments of awakening, triggered by events or insights, observations. Or, as with any focused endeavor, move more fully into awakening. There is no point of demarcation from ‘unaware’ to ‘aware.’ It is a process to be determined solely by the True Nature or in combination with the human identity and consciousness in a more deliberate relationship.

There are those individuals who seem to move way beyond normal conditions, so-called ‘great ones’ who serve humanity in pivotal ways.

Choice is always part of the mix, you see. What is your desire? Your choices are part of life and its flow and are known. At times, enthusiasm can overtake wisdom and patience, but these bear their own fruit and are teachable. Special moments of beauty in the life experience, whether in your own or another’s, are revelations of what can be. They touch the soul, if you will, enriching the connection with the True Nature.

Be all you can be and open to what that means for you. Allow insight to reveal the truth of your potential. This is part of awakening, our brother. Learn the meaning and the language of your insights. Put them into practice. More will come, for there are many perspectives, you see, to any truth. No need to compare your insights and desires with others’. They have their truths as well.

Gain wisdom through your insights. Learn of your True Nature. Be all you can be. Awaken as you may. Life is miraculous, from the smallest to the largest, from the most obscure to the obvious. Welcome and namaste.
June 24, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 52:   Exploring the future

JANU: We are forecasting or foretelling the movement of humanity through the history yet to come some call the future. This movement resembles, to a degree, the path of other worlds, civilization, yet still unique in its own way.

As humanity awakens, society changes. Consciousness changes, as do relationships, and what is important, goals and ideals, and embracing life. Humanity will settle down, so to speak, in its conflicts one with another, seeing greater profit in collaboration with its many differences. Those differences become one in the new consciousness. The wastefulness of competition, to the degree humanity engages in it, will no longer seem profitable, and a distraction from a happier life.

Breakthroughs in understanding, not just in technology, our brother, but in understanding life and many realities, leads to relationships with other worlds. Humanity will realize that its counterparts exist on many other worlds. There will be a bonding of heritages and mutual support in the goals set forth for each. And understanding will be shared, materially and in consciousness, for life is connected one with another on many levels, you see. As one becomes more conscious through awakening these patterns of change are markers, if you will, on this path.

The maladies of ill health will virtually disappear as commonplace.

The lives of those discarnate will become more a conscious mix with incarnate life, for consciousness is consciousness no matter the reality, you see, or form of expression. Becoming more conscious will be a theme for shaping one’s existence.

Life will be understood less as the length of a sojourn but the endurance of consciousness, whether incarnate or not. So many endeavors, whether initiated incarnate or not, will take on larger scope, transcending greatly one sojourn. Endeavors of this nature will be shared on a larger scale with others of different realities, overlapping each other for the benefit of all. One asks, “Why awaken? Why be concerned with this? Why the effort to make such changes in one’s consciousness?” Need we say more?

The future of humanity has always looked bright, our brother, its potential yet to be fully discovered. Find comfort and peace in what is to come, but even more so who you are now.
June 22, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Why do beings incarnate?

JANU: Many are motivated simply to explore more of life, the wisdom of understanding, the power to engage, the discovery of potential. And, yes, many pursue specific goals. But do not encourage others to do so, for there are many challenges and not all journeys are straightforward, and can run in circles. The lowering of the veil can be problematic; the lifting of said veil requires much for some. The contract made with the self holds fast, but many in what you call the Larger Family of Life assist with the recovery of consciousness. All involved grow from the experience and this is understood before incarnating.

Your particular reason for this journey, our brother, has to do with a so-called ‘fight for life’ in a distant reality, for incarnating can be a far journey. Living is a larger issue than just existing in the physical. The incarnate journey is far larger than physical survival. It is the survival and expansion of consciousness, bringing larger life, more of life, to the realities of the existence. What you struggle for and achieve here and there, seeming to stumble from time to time, is to enrich life incarnate. And make no mistake, our brother. What is gained will serve well on other journeys into life’s potential.

Probe the depths of the mysteries of life. Seek their revelations. And embrace your own nature as you do. The current incarnate experience does not define you, for its full potential is far from realized. And your potential is larger still, whether incarnate or not. Your question is valid, but what answer can contain it all? For it is still being realized. Probe the mysteries of life, whether apparent or not. Ask the questions and listen to life’s answer. Enjoy the journey. Share it as you may. Namaste.
Apr. 6, 2016 B                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Human Destiny

JANU: For today’s forecast, let us look beyond and through the difficulties of the moment in human civilization. There is momentum building for more successful relationship with human destiny and realization of potential. One theme of this will be mutual respect and cooperation among humans, their organizations, their nations, their social activities, and their dreams of the future. The thrust will be realizing those dreams in the present, no longer seeing the future as distant. What humanity has yet to realize is the movement in consciousness in this direction, and the manifesting of energy patterns for success is a springboard for ultimate cooperation with the larger life.

Humanity has a grand destiny but many times cannot see this. Witness the performance of a couple working together benevolently, not only for each other but raising a family, building a neighborhood, forming social organizations of assistance, researching better ways of living. Extend this past the capability of two into many thousands. Not all groupings with the same purpose and mission and creativity, but with a diversity that commands respect and admiration with the larger view. Bringing about such a reality can begin with a couple, whether married or not, whether in a family way or not. Two united with open hearts and minds and good will makes the difference.

The same is true in spirit, our brother, among those of us who choose such a path; humanity has benefited greatly over the eons of time by such collaborative efforts, and still does. The models for success in human society have their counterpart in the larger life. We stand in evidence of this and relate to the best efforts of humanity to free themselves from limitation, entering true abundance and the power of peace.

Learn and develop the ability to honor the skills of another, whether they realize them or not. Continue this path, our brother, and we all benefit. Namaste.
Apr. 5, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


A new group coming in the Fall

JANU: We are pleased to announce that, coming this Fall, there will be an organization that requires persistence in a demarcation to ascend from darkness into the Light. No longer the affairs of humanity left to the wind.

Now, this organization is made up of humans who have come to realize that there are opportunities coming to humanity that will call upon human potential to take a stand. These thresholds on the human journey arrive from time to time and play a role in making choices. Wisdom indicates that humanity has a destiny and peace is the theme. Not defined by the absence of wars and conflict but by cooperation, mutual support, realization of ideals, and benefit of one kind or another for everyone. It is going to take the combined consciousness of a more enlightened humanity to embrace these opportunities that will enrich their lives.

This does not mean the loss of free will to choose, but a greater clarity of the choices. Be alert to movement in this direction. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 23, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Human durability

JANU: For this evening’s journey, let us examine the durability of human consciousness and its existence. We would say at this point that the evidence of this durability exists in more places than the Earth. And, in due course, the varied and broad understanding of all of humanity will develop a synergism as mutual heritage and oneness take hold, for the other worlds of human existence have developed a broad range of understanding through experience and understand the benefit of mutual support. No longer competing with each other for power and possession, but supporting each other and sacrificing for each other.

What have you gained if you’ve lost these and struggle on your own? Eventually insanity ensues and even more is lost. As we have said before, there is genius in everyone in some way. Help each other discover this in each other. Everyone benefits. That is a durable humanity.

How can you say you love life and not love each other, or yourselves? The power of love includes everyone and every creature and more. Continue in this way of peace, our brother, and we continue with you. Namaste.

Feb. 2, 2016 B                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Humanity as a living system

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us explore the raging that exists in society against inequities. What is common in the social experience demonstrates that the society leaves many behind without the benefit of better ways of understanding and looking at life, their own nature and their own power and their interface with incarnate life, not to mention their True Natures. Anger, frustration, deprivation, futility–they breed change but in a violent way. People who are comfortable in life are not looking for that kind of change. The status quo becomes a very subtle friend.

Thinking more globally, humanity could evolve as a unit, full of diversity but mutually beneficial. Your physical body strives to be healthy and evolve, taking everything into consideration in the system. Humanity being thought of, seen, and dealt with as a living system, and not just individuals, is coming. A system of life as a field for successful exploration of more of life. Seeing collective humanity as a system, as a unit of life, marshalling all of its strengths and adaptability. No one individual possessing a strength and understanding, a faculty, for their own purpose only. A healthy body serves itself and all of its elements, one way or another, as a living system. So serve those who have little. Namaste.

Dec. 21, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Human potential

JANU: We are encouraged to see the ‘shake-down cruise,’ so to speak, of the human journey. Much is being shaken out, allowing more energy and attention to be placed upon the true strength and foundation of human potential. We see parallels of this course in the societies of other worlds, some to come, some already there. Make no mistake: the opportunities for further advancement will still be there.

Much might be gained by those in humanity that are so inclined to discover the truth of the potential of humanity. Some might say, “How can this be? It is yet to manifest.” That may be, but it is still reality. And the consciousness of the Now can perceive this, supported by the patterns of achievement so far. Some dismiss what seems to be fanciful imagination, not seeing its creativity and power to create. Ask the question to yourself and to others: “What is the human potential unfolding?”

You ask about overpopulation in the presence of human potential and ask, “Why does this exist?” It is based upon the desire in humanity to continue to exist in the face of losses due to disease and wars and neglect. This pressure to produce will soften when human potential manifests a more peaceful life. Those who hunger for power and manipulate life to selfish ends, by whatever banner they fly, will find little opportunity as human potential manifests in a peaceful direction, respecting life, cherishing it, and understanding its genius.

Reach into the vast repository of what can be. Shine the light on it as it blossoms into being and enriches life. Some speak of ‘saving the world.’ The best way to accomplish this is to awaken to the truth within you, the potential of humanity to enrich life. Namaste, our brother.

Dec. 16, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross



JANU: This evening we speak of archetypes in all venues of life. An archetype, then, being the perfect example of a form of life, a type of consciousness, a spiritual being. Now, by ‘perfection’ we mean harmonious, balanced, simplicity in function.

Now, within each one, even in the fundamental elements of life, there is symmetry and evolution. The collective human is an archetype. It regenerates, adapts to changing conditions, improves itself and creates, protects its progeny. Now, can our archetype have within it patterns to master? Of course. This is evolution.

What we are saying here is that life itself is an archetype. These challenges in being are not faults, mistakes. They are patterns of evolution. The archetype here is the potential of life to be realized. So compare not one with another as to their status of evolution. Life is not in competition with itself. Its potential lives all through it and everyone contributes one way or another so the archetype of life is your nature, lives within you.

Help everyone see the potential within them. They are one of life’s miracles. Namaste.

Dec. 15, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross