Regulating distractions on the path of destiny

JANU:    We are regulating, then, that which belongs to destiny, meaning commitment, focus, clarity of understanding, insight, delivery of service. What we reach for in these exercises is strengthening of bonds, conscious bonds between elements of being and the Nature of Life. These bonds are in motion, interacting, pulsing if you will with the flows of life within the destiny unfolding, a very dynamic reality. These regulations are designed to redirect what have been distractions of memory, daily activities, thought processes, dealing with the pressures of incarnate life. Reaching for something more that includes the distractions but orders their appearance in such a way as to bring synchronicity to experiences.

Let us continue with these regulations of focus and commitment. The rewards are the feedback that you long for that reveal effectiveness and progress. These markers on journeys in consciousness are natural and recognized when attuned to. Life is a dynamic presence, filled with everything needed to explore itself, to manifest its potential, to realize everything. Continue the adventure. Be at peace with the presence of Life and your own Nature. Namaste.
Jan. 7, 2019 B                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Benevolent existence

JANU:  We are revealing, at this time, that which is needed to progress along the lines of shared enlightenment. The contribution of each one to each other as to their knowledge and understanding of the deeper and the larger realities of life goes a long way towards ‘benevolent existence.’ A valid inquiry into one’s Nature as to the benevolence of their participation in the social construct of society.

Now, this is a matter that bears insight in deepening layers of perception and understanding where the source of these is experience, and the wisdom that generates, and the True Nature. No one individual being has all of the insights and wisdom to benefit everyone. That resource is each one’s True Nature, but we can be of helpfulness to each other.

You speak of feedback to determine effectiveness. Everything about you provides this, when allowed to express freely and honestly. Being overly cautious to be expressive is a limitation. Being expressive without guidance and wisdom creates confusion. So the balance here is created by sensitivity, wisdom, and feedback, direct insight into the moment.

Why not, then, embrace life more fully? Reach for the stars, so to speak, in enlightenment, in awakening, in understanding. Everyone deserves this from you, as do you. Be as benevolent as the moment allows. Love each other. Be patient with each other. Care about each other. Understand each other. And serve each other. Namaste.
Jan. 7, 2019                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Recognizing opportunities for growth

JANU: We are searching that which belongs to the progression of human development and consciousness and society. What we see here is the endurance of prolonged desire for a better life. Even though concepts may prove limited, they are the catalyst to move humanity forward or, should we say, in a more conscious direction. The reason, partially, for continued mayhem, warring, and mistreatment of each other is ignorance of the tools, if you will, needed to re-create circumstance that is more rewarding. So, humans live in fear of dire consequences, lacking confidence in their own power to create change.

We of the Brotherhood have long been proponents of individual insights into the presence of the Larger Life where the creative forces reside. These forces coexist with the incarnate life, so the creation of new life patterns is always available. These opportunities are seldom recognized for what they are: brief moments of insight; or the unexplained synchronicity of events; the appearance of opportunities unpredicted and unexplained; a piece of literature, an overheard phrase or comment triggering query into possibilities not thought of. The opportunities abound and are catalysts for inquiry, if the interest is there.

For many, the Larger Life seems unreal, if not impossible, based on current veiled experience. Inner promptings to explore and discover touch the consciousness. Seed thoughts, if you will. Recognizing these as having value is part of the process. Humanity is evolving, as is all of life. Benefit from the rewards of journeying together. Namaste.
Jan. 3, 2019 B                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Coexisting with everything

JANU:    We are singling out then the reason for incarnating in this sojourn. Let us presume that the narrative to follow is of the True Nature.

We are one in life, which includes physical life. Therefore, the lowering of consciousness, so to speak, into this octave of life is a natural and necessary occurrence befitting the inquiring nature of the existence of being. No part of life left alone or ignored, for everything coexists. The intent of the True Nature is to coexist with everything. The shift here, the paradigm, is coexistence. Not just individuality or uniqueness, but the coexistence of all uniqueness.

The Tapestry of Life is built upon the threads of these realities. It is vital. It is alive. It is ongoing. It is ever changing, and is one with everything. The reason for being is the oneness that we are. Therefore, all of life, all realities coexist in peace and in harmony, a symphony, if you will, of peaceful coexistence with a growing sense of the collective reality of life. The realization of potential, the endless discovery of countless possibilities. Each one, each part of life, journeying as they choose, establishing their own relationship with opportunities.

There is nothing wrong. Live in peace. Have trust and faith in life, confidence in its wisdom and its beauty. Namaste.
Jan. 3, 2019                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


A journey of peace

JANU: We are orchestrating, if you will, the movement of peace throughout the being that plays like a symphony, bringing harmony on all levels. The ripples of which are scattered to mingle with others in the Larger Life.

The significance of peaceful consciousness is its intimate relationship with that of others, fruitful communication, the sharing of understanding. See your being, your consciousness, as a member of a hierarchy, a family that patterns with each other to bring about the evolution of life, with countless destinies creating beauty. So, you see, peace is, in a larger sense, a powerful relationship with the rest of life, which includes the True Nature that you are.

Return to this often and remain as you may. The Larger Life takes getting used to, from the veiled incarnate existence and its limited perceptions. Namaste.
Jan. 1, 2019 B                                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Towards a peaceful & harmonious life

JANU:      America seems to be adrift in the eyes of the world, bringing confusion and uncertainty. And to the Americans, as well. Xenophobia raising its ugly head, with walls and barrier, denials of freedom to those who wish a better life. Ancient struggles for power and influence by the major powers. Old ways of thinking. The weather seeming to have gone awry. The Earth in growing turmoil—volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, weather. All of this adding to uncertainty, bringing confusion to purpose, tradition, and common understanding.

What light can this shed upon the present and the future? It sheds light upon the frailty of tradition and perception, relationships, unawakened life. The alternative is the process of awakening into a larger reality of insight, direct knowing, True Nature; the larger realities of life throughout the universe and beyond; intrinsic value of life; unlimited potential, possibilities, alternatives to everything. Traditions serve their purpose but only until understood and the inner light beckons to embrace new paths, new perceptions, natural instincts to be helpful, to enrich yourself and others, to heal, to bring hope, to cooperate, collaborate, and recreate the experiences of life in a new way.

These seemingly chaotic realities of the moment draw attention to the frailties of ignorance. Encourage each other. There are always alternatives, new possibilities, an innate potential to be something more. Help each other point the way to a more peaceful and harmonious life. Namaste.
Dec. 28, 2018                                                                        Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Awakening: universal & ongoing process

JANU: Awakening is a natural process but it has its ties to the flow of life and to the mutual support of each other and other venues of life. What we call our attention to, at this time, is the stimulating nature of awakening that brings with it an assemblage of order and proprietary decision-making. In other words, timing relation to opportunities and mutual benefit. This describes our journeys as well.

So let us put our attention upon the network of awakening. Yes, even when not incarnate, the network continues, for awakening occurs on all levels of consciousness. Think not of your individual process of awakening as standing on its own, completely individual. This process quickens relationships, bringing together harmonious accord. So, you see, there are levels and degrees in the nature of this.

Awakening does not have a conclusion. It’s an ongoing process throughout the Larger Life. It has thresholds, shifts of focus, a changing basis and timing. In other words, synchronous opportunities created by developments, progress made, revelations and realizations. Seeing the awakening process in a larger way promotes respect and tolerance of the journeys of others and insight into the nature of this reality. Namaste.

Dec. 27, 2018 B                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Absolute truth

JANU:    We encourage the denial of distraction when focusing upon the Larger Life. Choosing, then, clarity, presence, revelation, and understanding. The path of peace and this choice coexist. What is there to discover but the truth behind everything, including one’s own Nature? Let us spend our journeys in the pursuit of clarity, of revelation, gaining familiarity already achieved beyond this incarnation. And during others, we might add.

Absolute truth is not absolute. It evolves with the realization of potential and the reality of creativity. Layers, degrees, perspectives of truth are part of the flow of life. So what does one reach for, then, when exploring the nature of life? One explores life in motion, constantly changing, evolving, the coexistence of countless realities. Absolutes do not apply. The only limit is perception and understanding. But being in harmony and at peace with the flow of life reveals the truth of this.

So, when communicating with others, emphasize this. Every consciousness perceives differently, yet together they help reveal the larger truth of the mystery of life. Honor each other’s perception as you explore this changing tapestry. Namaste.
Dec. 26, 2018                                       Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Freedom beyond the veil

JANU: Your True Nature is the authority for being and is who you are, human perceptions notwithstanding. The expanding individual identity into the larger reality of your being is a return to freedom. The True Nature creates the veil to incarnate a portion of its identity, of its nature. A thing created can be uncreated or modified. The creation always returns to its creator.

Individual human identity expands in the direction of universal consciousness. Peaceful harmony with the creative forces and the Family of Life rests with the intuitive nature of your true being. Struggle is replaced with unlimited and natural achievement, unending discovery. The service element of this grows as well, a natural part of your True Nature and the Larger Life. We are on this journey as one, meaning all that we are. Namaste.
Dec. 28, 2018 B                                                     Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


What is freedom?

JANU:    What is freedom? To what degree is this understood? What is peace and its true power? What is choice? What is wisdom? What is sanity? What is life? What is love? What is consciousness? What is sovereignty? The answers to these questions, and more questions which are beyond number, are present and coexist in the Larger Life. The human existence and consciousness are a portion of this.

The veil brings the sense and experience of individuality, disconnectedness, isolation, aloneness, leaving the rest of life a vague and faint memory of wonderings. There is nothing wrong with this but it has its limitations. The answers to a growing number of questions about life and existence are not contained in the veil experience, but they coexist with the incarnate life, seemingly out of reach. Questions without answers is an illusion, for inherent in every question is the answer, is the solution, or, should we say, many answers and solutions.

What does it take to begin the journey of awakening consciously to this larger reality of life? It takes desire, patience, commitment, focus, and confidence that all can be known. Your heritage as a being is the rest of life. What is unlimited mind? What are limitations? Do you recognize them and understand them and own them? Or do they own you, temporarily? The larger your consciousness, the freer you become to explore, to create, to redirect, to experience, to gain wisdom, to choose.

Your power to master all of this, and more, is through accepting responsibility for all of your circumstance and experience, blaming nothing else, which opens the window or the doorway to understanding responsibility. To owning it, and through the ownership, the power to move on to shape and create your life, to enrich it, and to magnify everything. Sharing your life with others is an art and beautiful experience. Not just for you but for them as well. Mastering this is a growth experience for everyone. And through this, the reality of oneness reveals itself.

Be patient with yourself and with others. Respect the choices. Understand the results and create anew. Namaste.
Dec. 24, 2018                                                                                     Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross