The nature of wisdom

JANU:   Enormous strides are achieved through application of wisdom. That wisdom evolves with the rest of life. Experimentation through experience brings understanding that supports wisdom. What is wisdom, then, when considered as a guide for embracing life and its potential?

Wisdom supports outcome, the nature of which is the result of choices. Wisdom is knowing a measure of how creation works, how change works, how evolution works, how life moves. Wisdom brings decision to be made. It can be challenging, depending upon preferences. And wisdom can examine these as well. Clarity of thought and perception can be an illusion with a lack of wisdom. The nature of what is being considered pattern-matches with the applicable wisdom to be employed. Wisdom has narrative, not just prior to decision-making but during the engagement of life as potential unfolds. So, employ wisdom as a continuous reality.

Discernment is a byproduct of wisdom. They go hand in hand. So, how does one observe wisely? By opening to possibilities without preference. Perceiving life not only as it is but as it can be, in any direction, simultaneously. Wisdom gains clarity, as does observation, when listening and observing more than speaking. Profound listening on many levels is a worthy achievement, not just with the ears but with all that you are.

One can touch life directly with faculties beyond a current awareness. Allow these to reveal themselves as your life touches other life. Be conscious as more than you’re aware of. Be conscious as the Truth of Life, carefully and with guidance from within. Condemn nothing. Embrace the beauty of life and its eternal nature. The life that you are is in harmony with more of life than you know. Namaste.
Sept. 26, 2024                                                                    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Listen while in motion

JANU: Wrestling with the challenges of the day brings about the spirit of introspection, openness, and listening for revelation. We shall begin by summarizing the events recently that pertain to consciousness raising, wisdom as you request, and success. In the interest of clarity, let us begin by saying that life is an unlimited mixture of simultaneous opportunities and challenges, intertwined in such a way as to influence the collective reality of Life itself. So, where each challenge seems unique, that is a narrow view where everything is connected one way or another. Reaching into the closet, so to speak, to pull out a suit of clothing that best fits a circumstance is left to the consciousness that understands that closet.

Listening is the key, commitment is the solution, caring is the fuel, love is the continuation. Listening is one thing. Initiating is another. As we speak at this time, be mindful of how we started. Taking the first step reveals much. Life is not just palm trees in a gentle sun and a warm breeze. Life is motion, challenges and outcomes, revelations, so-called failures and successes, the foundations of learning skill development and wisdom. Listen and be in motion at the same time.
Feb. 8, 2024                                                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


New beginning in the inner life

JANU:    We are exploring the Larger Life. How does one, then, conceptualize reality larger than one’s current perception? By choosing it to reveal itself in a natural way, in a loving way that is unrestricted. Loving life, one with the True Nature. Pure Being is revelatory, self-perpetuating, and in harmony with an evolving reality. Non-judgmental and a peace unlimited. Life is. Consciousness expands naturally, with a nurturing of desire and allowing, patience and understanding.

Focusing on limited parts of life is a choice, which is identification on only a small portion of life. When allowed to be flexible and exploring and expanding, awakening is enhanced. Perspective evolves with awakening. Love of Life takes on deeper meaning and appreciation. Listening to Life becomes more revealing, it would seem, than commenting. The incarnate experience in consciousness becomes much more. Namaste.
Jan. 24, 2024                                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

Understanding listening

JANU: Listening takes focus, as does pursuing one for exploration. So let us explore focused listening. A nebulous focus is like opening a door without meaningful desire. Choose a desire to explore and then listen. It gives direction, purpose, and meaning. Such is interdimensional reality, our recent choice. Choose the well-being of someone in the midst of challenge and listen. Listening is like a tool, providing a path for exploration. Namaste.
Sept. 8, 2021 B                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Purpose and process

JANU:    Life systems have a collective consciousness of their own, with identities such as the elements, the collective elements. Interdimensionality is a system of life, and each one is part of that system. Interdimensional consciousness is a vast reality. Being conscious incarnate in such a reality is a goal for the True Nature. The incarnate consciousness can grasp and realize portions of this. Being conscious as this system of interdimensional reality is the cart before the horse, you see. Growing into measures of this or that reality can describe an incarnate sojourn.

There is wisdom in due process, therefore one must maintain balance to incarnate successfully. Listen always, open to natural realities. Allow due process to proceed. Employ wisdom, timing. Reach and allow. A model for exploration and achievement. Namaste.
Sept. 20, 2021 B                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing the power of listening

JANU:    The power of listening extends to the power of communication, which extends to the sharing and evolution of the Truth of Life. We must begin with these things as foundational on the quest for awakening.

Life expression can dominate this side of the coin. Reacting to challenges, life expression is not listening. The challenge is to get your attention, to inspire listening to gain understanding and wisdom. For, understand this, that Life is listening to you, which inspires the challenges, you see, providing opportunity to grow. One doesn’t gain information by demanding it. Demanding is not listening; it is projecting agenda, preferences, limitations. It is not listening. How can one learn and evolve when only expressing your own agenda? All they hear is themselves.

Developing, refining the power to listen—the experience of listening—strengthens one’s relationship with Life, to a degree not achievable without it. Being at peace, as previously stated, eliminates the filters for clearer listening—filters of preference, bias, closed-mindedness. For clarity, peace is the harmonious relationship of all the systems of your being and their relationship with the flow of life. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2021                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Understanding relative existence

JANU:  Relative existence means there is a correspondence throughout life on every level: thoughts, feelings, inspirations, insights. It begs the question: Is there such a thing as completely independent new thought, unique, or is the new thought a composite of influences from relative existence, on one or more levels? The next question: Does it matter, as long as new thought is part of the one Life? It plays its role. The nature of relative existence can be useful in understanding the appearance and evolution of life expression.

It also begs the question: How effectively do we listen to each other? Do we listen to influences, life patterns, progressions, creativity, change? How often do we become inspired and, in a moment of inspiration, stop listening and start processing? Can we listen and process simultaneously? While listening remains unbiased, open-minded, unfiltered, do we listen to the processing of others to understand them better and be of service more effectively?

When observing the recording of others, printed or otherwise, can an evolving consciousness still benefit from a recording that is not changing? Can past and present relate to each other in the midst of a changing present?

The answer to all of these questions is ‘Yes.’ Life is not one thing or another. It is one thing and another. The past and the present are one and are the source of progression into the future. Through the future, the past and the present are connected. Relative existence is everywhere, in all of life. Namaste.
Aug. 11, 2021                                                                     Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The nature of communication

JANU:   Listening is the beginning of communication. Experiencing part of life directly, with the entire being, presents something to respond to, even with silence. Understanding part of life, including your own being, allows for wisdom to guide any response, as well as further understanding. Being at peace removes filters, brings clarity to perception. Agendas can compromise clarity of what is. Life is communicating at all times. Not everyone is listening at all times.

At times, conscious listening, responsive listening leads to manifestation and direct experience, which continues the communication. This is part of evolution, progression, creativity.

You ask, “When listening, what is listening?” It is Life listening to itself. Your responses are Life responding to itself and continuing expression, which is feedback to the creative reality. Wisdom results, which leads to wiser choices and the continuation of the expression of potential. Namaste.
July 21, 2021                                                                  Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


A larger reality than individualism

JANU:    Begin, then, to assimilate peace and listening more deeply into these journeys. The depth and texture of love has many faces. Loving oneself into awakening establishes a foothold into the larger reality of life.

‘We are one’ has a larger reality than individualism. Loving oneself is preparation for enlightened expression, embracing the reality of connection. ‘We are one’ includes others as well, whether incarnate or not. Allow the many forms of love to flourish throughout your being—our being. Serve others by example. Namaste.
June 1, 2021 B                                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The magic and power of kindness

JANU: Kindness is the key when opening the door to communication. Empathy, understanding, lowers the human defense shields from each other. Trust ensues. Openness to follow. Honesty, for there is an innate desire in others to judge another’s understanding with their own, partly for validation, also for clarity and new insights. Patience, listening. Everything you value from others, they value from you.

When one feeds an animal, it is seen as kindness, safety, looking forward to the next encounter. Fear diminishes, replaced by trust. An innate desire to return the kindness.

Kindness speaks volumes. Do so without agenda, freely. Cherish it, for it is life speaking to life. It is magical in its power to communicate. There are always opportunities for this. It brings great peace to one’s own life. Everyone benefits. Namaste.
Mar. 18, 2019 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross