Solar One speaks 

JANU: As you well know and imagine, there are limitless opportunities for this kind of journey, the nature of which is so rich with life experience that one can gain universal perspective through its diversity. We would conclude from this that the life you experience at this time must, by this understanding, be included. So, networking with other worlds means that not only are you journeying in understanding into their reality, but they are journeying into yours as well. For networking means mutual communication and benefit.

Now, with that understanding, let us proceed this morning into a realm not understood or aware of by those in your reality, meaning the Earth experience, that finds its domain of influence in and around your sun, your solar body. Now then, the immediate rejections of this are that this reality cannot support life. It is too hot, too volatile, too much radiation, nuclear and otherwise. All these objections are true from a limited perspective. When we suggest that life is everywhere, it is not an ambiguous statement. Your solar body is life and life that has consciousness, meaning, purpose, service, connectedness, ongoingness, and evolution. Your solar body indeed does possess liaison opportunity and we are arranging such as we speak.

Leave behind, for the moment, that the physical solar body is its only reality. Allow your consciousness to engage the solar body harmoniously. That is correct. You are now beginning to appreciate, become aware of, its reality in consciousness and you can  observe that the physical intensity of its existence is a byproduct of its consciousness. Now then, at this point, we have established a communication opportunity with liaison representative aspect of this solar consciousness, to begin at this time.

JR:   Greetings, Solar Representative. May we initiate that which has been arranged into understanding.

SOLAR ONE:  Greetings, brother in the Light. And we speak of the light from our understanding of it, which is more inclusive of a larger reality than your use of the term. We are light more than your relationship and experience to our existence as your solar body. We are light as focus of coalescence of an intensity of single thought generated by life and brought to bear, so to speak, giving us beingness. Be aware that a solar body extends far past your dimensional experience of it and we maintain the structure continuously. When a solar body mutates, if you will, from what you are currently aware of, these are transitional experiences born of that creative genius of our original design. So, in a truer way, a sun does not die. The creative genius continues through a variety of experiences. We exist vibrant continuously. We are aware of and experience our energetic nature continuously. We never experience inert reality. What you call peace and stillness in your experience, we call symmetry, harmoniousness, balance, movement, expression, and fulfillment.

The worlds that exist, called planets in your tongue, are elements within the solar reality. They are nurtured by the nature of the relationship and are part of the solar body function. What they provide is opportunities for various functional continuations, monitoring or feedback of outcome caused by the solar body ongoingness and movement through changes in expression. We are aware of and in contact with all life on all planet realties in the solar body reality. There is a sphere-like aspect to the solar body that is somewhat larger than the furthest path of any world within it. It does have boundary and presence.

I am identified for you as Solar One. My reality of beingness is not any form you would recognize. But you can experience my beingness and we allow this through the courtesy of those who arrange such accommodation. Let us merge now, briefly and slightly for a beginning. You are now moving away from your human identity and position and we have engaged your true nature with mine. And you understand more than before. You are a solar body as well. Many orbs within your being of life, each with their destiny and purpose, yet one with that you are. I am that nature and move and have my being throughout the entire body of this system of life. I am you and you are me, as we are at this moment. And you understand that the physical sun is but a part, and that its light intensity is but a focused element of the solar body that includes the entire system of worlds.

Let us now drift to our former arrangement to return again at another time. Slowly now, and with deliberation.

I am Solar One once more, in previous or original configuration, announcing that we have successfully merged and shared a moment of truth. We welcome further opportunity to bring understanding of such things into your world.
December 14, 1998 A                                             Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the life of other worlds

JANU:   When one considers that other worlds are at great distance, we must realize that, in other realities, they are not. The differences have more to say than distances.

Understanding other worlds is served by understanding your own. For most of humanity, the Earth is an unknown world, when observing its many realities, for the Earth is more than a physical world, a physical planet. It is a world of energies moving on many realities, many levels with many characteristics and functions. Not to mention lifeforms. If a world were only physical, could such lifeforms exist and flourish? A parallel question is: Can one dimension exist without the rest? There is a hierarchy of life co-existing, interdependent, and mutual supporting.

Other worlds have co-dependencies as well, co-existences, the realities of life. The planets are a manifestation of these many realities and life exists as a complete system of life; therefore, a better understanding of these questions is based upon exploring this system of life: how it functions, re-creates itself, and its systemic  condition. So then, exploring other worlds is exploring this system of life, and, when doing so, you begin to understand your own system of life and the scope of its reality.

Now, there are balances of relationships in motion, changing, flowing, resulting in, among other things, worlds, lifeforms, the destinies of life. Building a foundation of understanding on this nature, when networking with another world, brings understanding to its diversity and the roots of its existence.  

So, how does one network with the Earth, when most of its reality is not understood? By observing it as a lifeform, complex, vibrant, vulnerable, changing its own self-perception, yet more aware of its enduring existence, and all that that includes, than its inhabitants. The Earth has memories that are accessible and are active and part of its presence in life. When have you considered the memories of another world that are vibrant as it processes its own existence in the life that it is?

So, you see, networking with other worlds is to network with the memories and the presence and the life that those worlds are, including your own. The Wheeyah Code helps prepare for this by learning the language of worlds, no longer isolated to your personal perceptions of life. Namaste.
Dec. 13, 2013                                            Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Building a network with other worlds  

JANU:   Let us, this afternoon, examine the realm of possibilities for your world. These possibilities come on the heels of recent changes in the structure or design for the parameters of existence. These possibilities include or range from, communication between worlds bringing direct exchange of philosophies, technologies, science, traditions, and history to transplantation of species.

Consider the possibilities, living in a world that operates on a interplanetary, intersystemic, and intergalactic basis. Networks of cooperation and transfer of energies and understanding, even commerce, will change the base perceptions and consciousness of your entire world. You marvel at global markets. Consider these implications. The need for philosophical and technological and sociological development evolving exclusive with one world for its ongoingness no longer will be the case. The community of the network will grow in orders of magnitude, drawing upon the talents of many worlds.

This scenario already exists in other systems of life but this scenario is in the offing for your future. The discussions to date prepare you for this. Yes, even in your researches through these attunements, consider this perspective of networking for your research and your preparation. Become known on other worlds, and they of you. Establish rapports and bases of understanding. Each world has much to offer and much to gain. The understanding exchange alone would revolutionize your world. And this is possible even at this time, through this attunement process.

Begin constructing, diagrammatically, a grid network of your neighbors. Identify, by location, contact and nature. Let this be another of your current pursuits for investigation and development. The multi-dimensional hierarchy or networking is still valid to pursue. But do not overlook the networking of worlds and, of course, each with their hierarchies and multi-dimensional attributes. Much to consider here on this scale of expansion in understanding and relationships. Let this be part of your consideration at this time of embarking upon these many opportunities. Namaste.
February 12, 1998  B                                            Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Awakening: universal & ongoing process

JANU: Awakening is a natural process but it has its ties to the flow of life and to the mutual support of each other and other venues of life. What we call our attention to, at this time, is the stimulating nature of awakening that brings with it an assemblage of order and proprietary decision-making. In other words, timing relation to opportunities and mutual benefit. This describes our journeys as well.

So let us put our attention upon the network of awakening. Yes, even when not incarnate, the network continues, for awakening occurs on all levels of consciousness. Think not of your individual process of awakening as standing on its own, completely individual. This process quickens relationships, bringing together harmonious accord. So, you see, there are levels and degrees in the nature of this.

Awakening does not have a conclusion. It’s an ongoing process throughout the Larger Life. It has thresholds, shifts of focus, a changing basis and timing. In other words, synchronous opportunities created by developments, progress made, revelations and realizations. Seeing the awakening process in a larger way promotes respect and tolerance of the journeys of others and insight into the nature of this reality. Namaste.

Dec. 27, 2018 B                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Enhancing the evolution of life

JANU: This tradition of serving the awakening of humanity incorporates many modalities, these journeys being but one. Many are contributing in a private way, unannounced. All forms of service are part of the larger picture and are considered in this network of understanding.

There are those who compose literature with themes in this direction. There are those who create artworks of many kinds to inspire awakening. There are those who serve the poor and the ill to inspire individual insight into their true nature, the nature of their existence. Many discarnate inspire those who serve that are incarnate. Awakening is a vast network of like-minded.

Yes, there are aspects of human society and behavior that try dearly these commitments. But life presses on, for human potential is known. Enhancing life in its evolution gives reason to persist in awakening. There are many who pray for peace and goodwill and their voices are heard. And the results of these are substantial. Many can see, in the young children, the hope of the future, the peace, love, and forgiveness, and open-mindedness, simple joy that they radiate.

The evidence of better life is everywhere. Never lose sight of this. Namaste.
Apr. 17, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 14 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Life waves

JANU: We are summoning that which is needed to discuss revelations pertaining to contact, in one form or another, with other civilizations, past, present, or future. The goal here, our brother, is the keeping of significant attunement to life waves of consciousness that transcend time/space, therefore do not dissipate unless intended to.

Life waves aptly describe moments of consciousness, the energies, patterns of thought and, for some, supported by emotions. Feeling a disturbance in another is a form of life wave. This form of communication bypasses deception, misrepresentation, misinterpretation. Life waves are everywhere, our brother. Pattern matching allows for serendipity. Focusing your interest contributes to this. Being at true peace bypasses all the blockages by way of preference or bias and makes for accurate and intimate perception.

Attuning to life waves is a simple matter, but requires focus for clarity and selectivity. We know of your interest in cultures of other worlds, other systems of life, other understandings. But this can be extended, our brother, to past civilizations of the Earth and others you have associated with, and there have been many. Attuning to life in this way restores conscious connection with the larger Family of Life.

So understand the nature of life waves. Recognize them and experience them. Some of these you have created during other existences. Recognizing content and origin is part of discernment. Enjoy the journeys, our brother. Namaste.
Aug. 29, 2017                                                                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 30 contains all prior attunements in this series.



JANU: We are speaking, at this time, to social pressures as they play against inner integrity and peace of mind. Being aware of these pressures, and experiencing them to a degree, is a learning experience for the purpose of wise decision making. However, being submerged in these without a dominant sense of integrity can consume you.

Many want to be part of a network of communication and information sharing, yet their inner network, so to speak, is woefully lacking. So what is the source, our brother, of good judgement and a growing understanding of life? The journey of awakening is also one of networking with life, but with integrity, foresight, and growing grasp of reality.

Social networking is a relatively new phenomenon on the human journey. Think of it as a ‘shakedown cruise,’ so to speak, working out the bugs. Such networking has positive consequences, but networking in consciousness is a more proven and established reality. Both can be profited from, for the inner provides perspective on the outer. Once again, the importance of awakening. Choose wisely your relationship with networking. Namaste.
July 19, 2017                                                   Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 27 contains all prior attunements in this series.


A time of quickening

JANU: We are breathing life, so to speak, into the freedom of communication. What we see here this morning in the density of material life is a systemic change in the Earth, in the flow of the colors of the spectrum of life moving more rapidly as they change. There is a stirring in the consciousness of the planet, a quickening, if you will, between the Earth consciousness and the human consciousness, as well as other creatures. There is a tightening, so to speak, a focusing of coordination and the evolution of humanity in consciousness is more actively linked with each other. On the larger scale, this change, this quickening, is in harmony with the solar centered system of worlds.

These quickenings come and go, and are part of the pulse of life everywhere. There are the quieter times, the slumbering so to speak, for reflection and assimilation, for rejuvenation. And the quickening times for the creativity, interaction, and coordination of the flows of life. This is such a time. A growing interest in many things, sorting out those that draw you into deeper involvement and contribution.

Communications such as these is one such focus, or can be. Involvements can be larger than one individual. But networking, cooperation, and coordination of interests are rewarding and build creatively grander opportunities that will persist. Awaken then to deeper interests, imagination, and the creative flow that expresses your True Nature. Develop a growing harmonious relationship with the life around you and what is to come. Anticipate the flow of life revealing so much more. Namaste.
Mar. 31, 2016                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


More on a network of service

JANU: Networking with other so-called Light workers, those involved in serving life and raising the consciousness of humanity, is an old tradition, our brother. Becoming aware of this, you have chosen to experience this, and we extend our journeys to include this network. It is vaster than you know and includes deep commitment and joy and serving. There is an understanding that everyone benefits, even those who have no awareness of such things. Becoming part of this, consciously, broadens perspective and the foundation for understanding and an evolving consciousness. There is all manner of service to life, our brother. Each one is significant, for life is so diverse as are the opportunities for growth. Let us attune to this, then, and begin the journey.

Yes, and this includes other worlds as well, and realities. There have been those in the past who have incarnated without the veil. They are part of the network as well, our brother. There are those who serve life not conscious of this network, but their innate nature tends in this direction. There is much to be aware of to understand this part of life.

To understand this network, incarnate grouping of social consciousness is a limited model. ‘Grouping’ suggests those who belong and those who do not. This network is far more diverse than that. This network is a spectrum of life and, therefore, is one with all service to life, no matter the degree or the form. What we are exploring here is conscious awareness and connection with this reality. It is not a matter of ‘belonging’ and ‘not belonging.’ Service to life is not a membership reality; it is a way of life. Life serving life is what continues life and evolves it, rejuvenates its creations, and brings balance. There is nothing haphazard in the truth of this and its nature is in harmony with Life itself.

These explanations provide a path of understanding to relate to what already is. Networking is a subtle reality. You ask what can you compare this to, for the purpose of understanding its reality? It is a system of life, not unlike your own being, conscious of the life it serves, benefiting from the service, intimately aware of individuals, the collective, and the complex reality of each being. And this is only a beginning. Namaste.

Oct. 26, 2015                                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also Network of Service


A broader understanding of networking

JANU: We are looking into, so to speak, the reality of networking as a strong part of life. Networking takes many forms, the most important of which is collaboration, group enlightenment, individual and widespread service. And working in consciousness by way of the Internet and other means maps the human consciousness for everyone to explore and promotes global thinking and behavior. Couples, fond of each other, loving each other, network their lives. One starts a thought and the other completes it and carries it further. Communities benefit from networking. Artists, musicians, physicians, and many other disciplines benefit from this. But many are still consumed with individuality, more than collaboration, cooperation, and mutual interests. Yet, individuality is still a primary ingredient in effective networking.

There are those in your world whose consciousness includes other worlds, other species, other humans as well. This networking is the beginning of contact with other worlds, not endless years from now, but right now. Misinterpretation is far rarer than verbal communication and does not interfere with the free will of choice. Integrities are maintained and bonding develops on many levels. The competition and power struggles between people of the Earth gives way to cooperation and the theme becomes ‘all involved benefit.’

This kind of networking, our brother, can occur more frequently on the Earth, as people become more altruistic and globally concerned. Awakening benefits everyone in ways not seen in advance. Catching up with the reality of oneness that has always existed, networking has always existed. Grabbing so-called power and land by national leaders are methods of the past and will be left behind. Thinking in terms of and behaving to lift humanity in brotherhood is the way of the future. Why not join with so many other worlds, growing in this? So much to learn from each other. Namaste, our brother.

Nov. 1, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross