JANU: Wonderment is a key ingredient in the awakening of humanity, for it opens the consciousness to possibilities. One such, called Dynamo, of your current interest, provides this during his encounters. Now, this is not just one person to another, but Life’s opportunity when pursuing possibilities. So, anticipate wonderment on our journeys. The possibilities are endless. Allow wonderment and life to be revealed. Namaste.
Apr. 11, 2022 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross
Tag: opportunities
Mastering the veil through awakening
JANU: Peace brings insights to deal with challenges as opportunities. Choosing to be free of worry, negative anticipation, is attainable. When choosing to enjoy life, the opportunities for adventure, discovery, creativity, healing, and upliftment are vast. Have a dream, a desire, fueled by imagination. The Larger Life is within you, around you, alive and in motion, full of vitality, unlimited layers coexisting as one. No secrets to the consciousness that has the wisdom to be one within. Do not identify with destructive challenges. Master them through the liberation of peace, insight, and the freedom of desire to enjoy living. You have never been alone in this. The veil is not permanent. Its existence is fluid. Master it through awakening. Be the creator you have always been. The Truth of Life is permanent and evolving. Namaste.
Feb. 23, 2022 B Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross
One of many ways to awaken
JANU: The miracles of life are within the potential of the individual. It is challenging to consider that which has not been considered before. Seemingly impossible to achieve.
The life process of incarnation and transition seems natural but not controllable. There is a reality of the manipulation of these, while in excellent health, to painless transition at birth without the process of gestation. There are many reasons or benefits to accomplish this. One being catastrophic injury or circumstance to be avoided or replaced with another vehicle of expression to continue or complete exploration of incarnate life.
Human society is conditioned to one method of birth and rebirth. In time, awakening brings one to the achievement of controlling these changes for reasons unexplored to this point. This is one example of open-minded contemplation of a larger reality of life, and there are many more. Consider the opportunities and complexities of this being added to the human experience and the changes to society and the adventure of incarnate life. Namaste.
Oct. 22, 2021 B Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross
Procreation in society
JANU: Supplemental understanding into the wisdom of participating in the procreation of the species. One would do well to understand the nature of birth and rebirth, physically and spiritually. It has to do with agreements, choices, experience, and wisdom gaining. One rule to cover all circumstance has no depth or breadth of wisdom. It is arbitrary, judgemental, and lacks compassion or adaptability to the flow of life.
One gains wisdom through experience and women have unique experience in society. Intuitional challenges on this subject are best left to that part of society. The male population serves best when attempting to understand what is not their intimate experience and facilitate well-being without judgement, condemnation, or imposition. The male role in this circumstance is ‘care-giver,’ not to the unborn fetus but to the mother-to-be. Life continues with challenges and opportunities. Male dominated society is unbalanced. Much evidence to support this. Namaste.
Sept. 8, 2021 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross
Life Patterns
JANU: Incarnating in this world at this time is an opportunity, actually a series of them. These opportunities evolve along with the consciousness and the life patterns generated. When one life pattern touches another, there’s communication, the kind that inspires, brings peace, clarity of understanding, and new direction. The results of these generate new patterns. Life multiplies these and evolves.
Direct understanding of Life’s nature touches on your own. This is part of the flow of life. One life pattern touching another. This is not limited to people or to one location. Sensing life patterns, no matter their source, being conscious of their nature, their character is exploration and awakening.
Our being has life patterns, very many. Knowing what and who you are helps to understand innate wisdom, potential. A worthy journey for this current series of Interdimensional Reality. Namaste.
Aug. 30, 2021 B Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross
Equilibrium between desire and wisdom
JANU: Equilibrium between desire and wisdom. Monitoring desire which can disturb balance is best accomplished by degree of peace. Uncontrolled desire is not peaceful and also is not listening. Our arrangement works when peace is not disturbed.
There is a difference between reaction and peaceful response. Being at peace in the presence of disturbances in society and the world is a challenge and an opportunity. Be not in despair when observing inequities. Focus on the alternatives and their possibilities.
Humanity would benefit from guidance and it is available from within. The self-created challenges put pressure upon the psyche to listen for an answer. Serve the awakening of humanity. Peace and balance, equilibrium, consistency, response and not reaction, monitor. Namaste.
Aug. 19, 2021 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross
Coexistence, conscious union, & service
JANU: Coexistence of the realities of life demonstrate one Life with great diversity. Life creates its own building blocks, the bricks that make up the structure. And the bricks coexist, nurtured by the Larger Life.
When one feels alone, no matter how grand their pursuit, conscious union is missing. How does one recognize a conscious union experience and attune to it? Perception of a larger Life includes relationship with its diversity. Behind the veil, when one observes the struggles of another, they can choose to understand and experience to a degree with the revelation of understanding the experience of another, which is part of their integrity. The understanding does not necessarily mean agreeing with the circumstance. Empathy does not mean agreeing with or repatterning one’s truth. It means caring enough to be of service, not to control but be inspired by their True Nature.
Everyone is surrounded by opportunities to care and experience the insight that supports service. Remain peaceful with clarity of perception. Namaste.
Aug. 27, 2021 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross
Appreciation of Life
JANU: Encouraging, then, the resounding tribute to the destinies of so many, as Life is enriched by everyone. What does it mean to appreciate Life and its creations? To increase in value is the destiny of each. ‘Value’ means enrichment, the realization of potential, and continuation. Appreciating each other is filled with challenges and opportunities. Perceiving essential life in each other triggers the integrity in one’s being. For, in the larger understanding, another connection with life is included with and as your own. ‘We are one’ is enriched and understood and experienced. So be it.
July 19, 2021 B Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross
The power of choice
JANU: The power of choice is a motivator that commands creative energies to pattern the choice into existence. Let there be, then, clearer and clearer choice as one evolves into conscious union with one’s True Nature. Bringing this about will yield opportunities, along with challenges, to explore potential and the flow of life. Let us become one in this. It honors destiny and service and legacy. Namaste.
July 16, 2021 B Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross
For more information on ‘conscious union’ see More on the nature of conscious union and Awakening to Conscious union.
Understanding prayer
JANU: Prayer in its infancy was called upon to resolve the issues of diplomacy, contentions between people and their struggles at a time when the mysteries of life were beyond the ken of the people, driven by an unconscious imprint of reality larger than incarnate understanding of existence. ‘Let there be peace’ became a mainstay, not realizing fully the implication of its larger meaning.
So what we say here at this time is putting one’s attention upon a source of solutions to not understanding life and its circumstances is part of everyone’s legacy of their True Nature. Let us continue, then, to place an emphasis upon the pursuit of understanding through the reality of our True Nature and its oneness with the Larger Life. Be at peace in the midst of challenge, to perceive its opportunity. Namaste.
June 16, 2021 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross
For earlier approaches to the concept of prayer, the reader may wish to read an earlier version of this same topic, as well as “Prayer and Blessing” and “Beauty of empathy“.