Systems within Systems of Life

JANU:    The theme, as requested: understanding and experiencing life as systems within systems. Most are experiencing physicality along with elements of its reality, a time and space identity, limitation, evolution, expansion, change. Much to explore and experience.

There are realms of Systems of Life that are quite different and they coexist, connected in their own way to each other. Basking in this reality, one becomes closer to the natural order. Identity changes. The range of thinking, creativity, methods of exploration evolve.

The concept of dimensions comes into play. Some profess more than thirty of these. There are more even subtler, expanding to the point of borderless reality. The system of life to be thought of differently. Consciousness expands, but embracing larger realities becomes limited by previous acceptance of reality as perceived at the time. Each dimension, so to speak, a reality of life with much to be revealed.

The physical universe includes many universes and more. One may ask the point of such pursuit of awareness. It has been said many times: the more you identify with, the more diverse and complete your perspective on reality and any part of it; therefore, the more diverse and complete the relationship.

Every reality has systems coexisting within it. Your physical body is such a reality. Many systems coexisting, interconnected, interdependent. When these are in harmony with each other, peaceful coexistence ensues. But then one asks, “What of the challenges of life. the reversals?” They are steppingstones to be mastered, bringing change and evolution. They are an imperative to inspire change, to let go of old patterns. Thus eliminate quite a few and open to new ones, more expansive, more inclusive, more revealing. The evolution of life, the realization of potential, and on and on. Even the thoughts of evolving consciousness are a system of life, with their challenges and opportunities.

Perceiving in a larger way the reality of life touches and changes everything. So how can one be identified in only one way, interminably? A reluctance to change and evolve life is like swimming upstream at times, against the flow of evolution. A balance among these elements of change, identity, limitation, perception, flow, and obstacles perceived is life in motion. Accept challenges. Find the truth at the heart of these. Master them. Be grateful for them. Stay in motion: the grand journey of being. Namaste.
Sept. 17, 2024                                                      Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Finding meaning in challenges|

Editor’s Note: This was done shortly after the devastation Hurricane Helene caused near my home.

JANU:    A tsunami brings change. A hurricane brings change. The elements of existence are modified to embrace life and new opportunities in a better way. Change is unsettling, brings confusion, wonder about outcome and how to deal with it, the expense of resources, the recovery of peace of mind, compassion for the neighbor.

Ongoingness, continuation has two faces, at least. One is everything the same, again and again. The other is the letting go of patterns to embrace new ones, to explore and discover their potential, to understand, to make the most of it to gain wisdom. For more challenges and changes are coming, the method of evolution. Find peace and confidence that Life is alive and well and evolving.  Namaste.
Sept. 27, 2024                                                     Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Appreciating life

JANU:  Peace comes to mind as gratitude builds for what has been given, what has been gained, and what will come. The patterns of life yield many things. Not only their existence, their relationships, but their potential as well. Each one is a life pattern. Each creature, each world, are patterns in motion comprised of countless elements of living qualities.

Appreciating life in this way helps one become aware of and sensitive to the vitality, the presence, and the essence of life. Find peace in all of this, as it flows and moves, changes and explores its own vitality. Acknowledge your own life reality. Allow your sense of identity to live as the universe of possibility, unknown potentials, and potentials achieved. Be grateful for the richness that you are and, in turn, the richness of others. The minutia of your opportunities to engage and let go of, for all of it is life.

Do not separate the significance of the elements of life into importance, worth, or beauty. Life is all of this. The gratitude and depth of understanding marches on. Namaste.
June 21, 2024                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The Essential Nature of Life

JANU:   The ‘known address,’ as you might put it, of quantum leaps in understanding is in the heart of the matter that resides in harmony with that which belongs to essential nature. And what is the Essential Nature of everything? That which is Life itself and its nature. We regress into this Essential Nature of Life to understand that any inquiry cannot be made without Essential Nature being influenced by it. This foundation of understanding allows for acceptance of an openness to Life’s response. So, does the dog wag the tail, or does the tail wag the dog? They both wag together as their patterns match and are in harmony.

You request understanding of more of life to explore its reality, its potential, its creation. Your science explores cycles of life, beginnings and endings, transitions, re-formations, restorations, coexistences. The physical universe and its parameters of existence are yet to be fully known or revealed, which is only the doorstep, the stepping stone to other realities. So let us pattern match to the universe. The physical universe is a body of Life, with time and space no longer a limiting point of view.

Is the universe alive? And what does that mean? It’s constantly changing, re-forming, cycles of expression. And what is its source of being, as science explores theoretical beginning and ending? And does this really matter when expressing life, realizing its potential, in whatever cycle it is in?

Exploring life can be a distraction to the moment when one is distracted from being conscious as The NOW.  Essential Nature is a relationship with consciousness and Life, which elongates the Truth of Life into the production, expression of past and future. When contemplating your own existence, what do you discover is its truth? What part of your being can you see as eternal, ever changing?

We explore, in this way, the Larger Life that is one with all of its realities. Being timeless, with no permanent borders, removes frustrations, impatience, attachment, biases, preferences, as your conscious relationship with Life is without struggle. Namaste.
June 18, 2024                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Elaborating on the destiny of humanity

JANU: Once more, it is time to elaborate upon the destiny of the evolution of humanity and the Earth. This would be understood more clearly with conscious awareness of other civilizations on other worlds, for there are patterns here of similarity. But humanity is not there yet, for this kind of exploration. Here and there, journeys of this nature are taking place, but not publicly. The paths are not identical, but the outcomes relate. But Life is Life, no matter the coloration or the moment. We all have life in common and it is our medium, our commonality of communication and destiny. But the goal in life is not sameness. It is fulfillment of potential, of diversity, with the commonality of life. One Life, countless faces.

Exploring the search of humanity for life elsewhere in this so-called universe is part of looking for fulfillment and destiny, for that is part of it. But there is so much more to become conscious of and as. A mixture of teamwork, cooperation, and individuality and diversity, mixed together as part of the symphony of Life.

Taking your cue from intuition. Being inspired and then processing opportunities to find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. Always evolving, always growing, always in motion. Fulfilling time into timelessness (LINK to what is discarnate life like? posted 28 June 24). Identity expansion into patience and commitment. Appreciating the limitations of identity into a single sojourn. Becoming ‘conscious as’  reality beyond this. Finding peace in the midst of exploration and new thresholds. Owning that identity is temporary, serving a limited purpose but ready to allow it to expand into something more. Entering thresholds of discovery, exploring them, mastering them, and moving on, all at the same time. Namaste.
May 14, 2024                                                                          Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 To fully explore the concepts here, check categories Other Worlds and Destiny. Also, Destiny of Humanity compiles many of the early journeys on the subject.


A life of change

JANU: The fountain of change is a subject, for change has momentum, multiple flow patterns. Life in motion describes this. There is nothing static about life. It may seem so, in some ways, to some unaware. But change can be outside the limits of perception to the incarnate consciousness. It is useful to observe one’s own life with this in mind. Being conscious of change makes one alert to changing scenarios in all parts of the sojourn—relationships, circumstances, environments, influences, reactions, creations, nature itself. Much to be understood, observed, embraced in a life of becoming one’s own potential.

People speak of feeling alive or bored with life and their own existence. Anticipating change stimulates awakening and an incentive to explore and discover, to find the truth of everything. No two days are identical. They can be as empty or full as you desire. At least, your perception of them. This applies to understanding, awareness, faculties of consciousness, and demonstrations of abilities to embrace life.

There are thresholds of change and awakening, for understanding and perception is a process of unfoldment, deduction, experience, and wisdom, contributing to the evolution of Life. Namaste.
July 18, 2023                                              Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Friends on other worlds

JANU:   Behaving normally, when considering the path of enlightenment that proceeds. There is wisdom gained, wisdom to be had, and wisdom to be expressed. Potential, in a way, is a construct based on what has been gained and evolving potential. Both evolving, both intertwined, as it is with so many. Life is richer than most are aware of.

We suggest at this time a review reaching into the corners of memory. Much of what you reach for is a revisit. This serves our purposes to more greatly fulfill potential. Visiting other worlds, observing their cultures, their achievements, their potentials is a pattern you have enjoyed before, before this sojourn. You have friends, if you will, on many worlds for your communications with them have established shared journeys.

One such exists in the temperate zone of its solar system. Their pace of living resembles your own current existence. Your visit to this planet, the Earth, was born of an idea shared with another that a visit would deepen your understanding and experience of that of your friend. You have communicated with this friend, at times, for review, shared insights. This has brought Light to both worlds, as each struggles to evolve.

Your journey here has not been wasted. It has been productive. Service is not always physicality, but more then nuances of consciousness, life patterns, manifest potential through shared understandings. Do not discount the merit of this. It is possible to share with the many you have known, and still know. The shared warmth of mutual understanding is the pathway to awakening. Honor your friendships, even at this time. Namaste.
June 4, 2023                                                           Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

Two Caveats when Exploring Other Worlds

  1. A change in purpose and perspective

JANU:   Suggesting equivalency between the Earth and the experience of other worlds, or that there is a basis for pursuing other world experience and culture to relate to some way of uplifting or reconfiguring Earth society, is a misnomer. There are different ways of thinking and living on other worlds that would make little sense to the average person on Earth. A viable purpose for such an adventure of discovery is to expand your identity and consciousness for another purpose.

At this time, let us let go of being on a mission to ‘fix,’ if you will, anything here. But be open to opportunities to serve. We agree on this and will adjust perspective to include it. Namaste.
May 4, 2023      

  1. Explore with an appreciation of present and potential

JANU:  Employing the attributes of consciousness realized through the manifestation of potential we come to these terms of exploration into the realities of other worlds, amenable to the patterns of life with deepening understanding. The configuration for this relies upon a growing identity that has an affinity for what is discovered. From the point of view of ever growing, a perception of the magic of life, with potential always anticipated. Be patient as we prepare. Namaste.
May 7, 2023                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

Living life a day at a time

JANU:  What you ask for already exists. No need to re-create it, only to reaffirm. Being at peace is also allowing life to be, to grow and evolve. Take it as it comes and make the best of it. See its beauty, its simplicity, and its diversity. Choose these things. Be in motion and connected.

Accept the gifts of life. There are many. They are with you always. Many are ignored, misinterpreted, and misused. Taking life a day at a time has wisdom. Past and future are only elements of the Now, patterns. Namaste.
Apr. 23, 2023                                                          Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A balanced approach to exploring other cultures

JANU:   This does open up the possibilities somewhat for exploration, for your world has experienced the cultures of those with understanding and demonstration in those areas yet realized by your current society, you see. There have been pockets of culture or civilization not large enough to be recognized as a nation or a country that have exhibited profound or transcendent relationship and understanding. These pockets are scattered around the world. Some exist today. many have long since disappeared, you see. And, yes, there have been those who have come and gone to your world, moving on to other adventures, multi-dimensionally speaking. There have been those called world shapers or world planners that introduce new possibilities of understanding or redirect or shape the direction of understanding in existing cultures, you see. There are many of those in your society today that if they possessed this ability to  move about and influence would spin, so to speak, and overwhelm the culture, to where it would lose its bearing, its identity, and ultimately its will to stand as co-creator with life. Much to be learned from this enlightened approach to assisting others when dealing with other cultures in your world at this time, one to another.

Let us examine, then, this range of possibilities, for the benefits of awareness of the realities of other cultures of other worlds have already been visited upon you, some in ways you may never realize their origins. Others, suspicions grow that this is so, among your researchers.

How, then, do you offer a new possibility to another? Examine this carefully. Do you do it honoring and understanding their nature and their path to their current experience? Or do you do it only from the conviction of your own? Do you monitor carefully that your method and your suggestion bears fruit in harmony with the soul desires and patterns of those you would assist, according to their timetable and not yours? Do you encourage in such a way that they will grow to eventually understand and embrace you and others with understanding, self-assuredness, and ownership of their being in truth as free beings? Examine your motivation to assist another and grow in sensitivity and awareness to the motivations you would welcome in those other cultures that might assist you.

One advantage of this other world/other culture examination is to assist in the long or larger view of possibilities and outcomes. For we speak here of the lifetime of worlds and many cultures and not the advantage of one over another, you see. The flow of life, has many tributaries and many directions and is in constant change. And these tributaries are all connected in some way. One stream leads to another and another and another. When you connect with the life of another world’s culture, do you not connect with their connections, as well? And, of course, they connect with you, too, and your understandings. As you would gain from another culture’s path and experience, with the same joy and enthusiasm, are you equally as eager to be a blessing for them as well? And as our dear brother Ramtha has said, “Each are givers and blessed in the giving.”

This approach this morning is for the purpose of laying the foundation for the exploration and embrace of these realities for successful outcome. When you reach for the life understanding of another, do you reach to receive only or to give? Let that be your conviction and your declaration at the onset, you see. And do this with your neighbor as well. To take only, spirals downward and withdraws in on itself. When mutual assistance takes place, it expands and grows, with endless possibilities. So connect with life in this way, dear one, when you reach for the stars, when you reach for the truth of your being, and when you connect with your neighbor.

Let us proceed in this manner in these future journeys and we will expand into limitless possibilities. This is a good beginning and foundation. Namaste.
January 28, 1997                                                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross