Systems within Systems of Life

JANU:    The theme, as requested: understanding and experiencing life as systems within systems. Most are experiencing physicality along with elements of its reality, a time and space identity, limitation, evolution, expansion, change. Much to explore and experience.

There are realms of Systems of Life that are quite different and they coexist, connected in their own way to each other. Basking in this reality, one becomes closer to the natural order. Identity changes. The range of thinking, creativity, methods of exploration evolve.

The concept of dimensions comes into play. Some profess more than thirty of these. There are more even subtler, expanding to the point of borderless reality. The system of life to be thought of differently. Consciousness expands, but embracing larger realities becomes limited by previous acceptance of reality as perceived at the time. Each dimension, so to speak, a reality of life with much to be revealed.

The physical universe includes many universes and more. One may ask the point of such pursuit of awareness. It has been said many times: the more you identify with, the more diverse and complete your perspective on reality and any part of it; therefore, the more diverse and complete the relationship.

Every reality has systems coexisting within it. Your physical body is such a reality. Many systems coexisting, interconnected, interdependent. When these are in harmony with each other, peaceful coexistence ensues. But then one asks, “What of the challenges of life. the reversals?” They are steppingstones to be mastered, bringing change and evolution. They are an imperative to inspire change, to let go of old patterns. Thus eliminate quite a few and open to new ones, more expansive, more inclusive, more revealing. The evolution of life, the realization of potential, and on and on. Even the thoughts of evolving consciousness are a system of life, with their challenges and opportunities.

Perceiving in a larger way the reality of life touches and changes everything. So how can one be identified in only one way, interminably? A reluctance to change and evolve life is like swimming upstream at times, against the flow of evolution. A balance among these elements of change, identity, limitation, perception, flow, and obstacles perceived is life in motion. Accept challenges. Find the truth at the heart of these. Master them. Be grateful for them. Stay in motion: the grand journey of being. Namaste.
Sept. 17, 2024                                                      Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Desires and solutions

JANU:    Enormous challenges met simply produce enormous results. Exploring the merits of size or importance, one returns to simplicity to gain perspective on the equality of life. Considering degrees of importance can distract from the power of any truth and its progeny. We would say this about that: that considering approaches and possibilities without end produces confusion, not creation. Recognize the power of understanding by the depth and breadth of its simplicity. Then, leave the ruler behind and get in motion. Do not confuse complexity perception with the power of simplicity. The answer to desire is in the desire. Namaste.
Aug. 7, 2024                                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Bold decisions

JANU:    Happier, then, being at one with understanding and the freedom to choose balance in the pursuit of solutions to challenges. Reorganizing, from time to time, perspective brings about a change from fear of challenges to the love of solutions and the richness of life. Life is filled with answers, and challenges are part of evolution. Moving forward is the result of moving to gain understanding and clarity. Bold decisions and follow through are confidence builders. Life continues, on one level or another, no matter the result. Namaste.
Mar. 28, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Encumbered to one degree or another is a condition to be mastered. Feelings of regret, guilt, frustration, fault-finding whether with self or another, disappointment and fear best seen as results of living, engaging, exploring, discovering, overcoming challenges on the path of discoveries. Struggles in living are builders of strength and commitment. Follow through, proving to oneself, meeting them, committing to overcoming builds the framework for progression and discovering more of life and one’s own potential.

Take some time to explore a new element, a new framework for evaluation. Cherish victories of the path and each new one. Another’s approval is not as important as your own. Their approvals are based upon their own patterns of life and are their footsteps on their path of discovery. Allow them theirs. Allow you yours. Life knows the difference and cherishes them all.

Be grateful that challenges come. They tell you that you are part of Life and Life is part of you. Find peace in this, and strength. Let it build resolve that life is okay. This is how it grows, realizes potential, and moves on. Allow this perspective to deepen and broaden and reveal the True Nature of Life itself. Namaste.
Mar. 15, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Enormous responsibility?

JANU:    Enormous responsibility depends upon perspective. When considering the magnitude of Life, its depth and breadth, its potential, capabilities, its endurance and longevity, serving it, contributing to it in a meaningful way, one tends to compare the potential of responsibility individually with the magnitude of Life itself.

The wisdom of this perspective needs examination. For are we not the Life, in essence, that we hold in such high regard? Why not consider the merit and the value of all of life, no matter how large or small? Seeing your contribution and potential to contribute in the same way, relieving yourself of the perception of a burden of responsibility beyond reality.

Every moment of sharing the Light, the Truth of Life, no matter the perceived magnitude, is of equal importance, for without it Life is lessened in the manifestation of its potential. Find joy, comfort, and peace no matter the perceived magnitude of Light. Find merit in being grateful that it is so, confident in the Light magnifying, amplifying, evolving and supporting its existence. If there is more you can do, understand, and be, it will come to you. Be alert to opportunities. Understand your own potential and depth and watch it evolve as a natural occurrence, for this is what life does by becoming.

We are all never alone. How can one be, in reality, when you are that Light? So, continue, evolve, be grateful, love each moment. Namaste.
Mar. 26, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The range of wisdom

JANU:     Wisdom, for the future of this country, comes on the heels of experience. Advocating for this relies upon clarity of perspective. Regional wisdom is influenced by perspectives of other populations. Collective wisdom is influenced by awakening. Motivation for this requires a larger view of destiny. The inner sight forecasts the potential. Individual contribution is coupled with commitment. The form of commitment depends upon observation and The NOW  of reality and the freedom of choice. Patience is long-term in the allowing of change. Timelessness brings peace. Find joy in potential. Namaste.
Feb. 4, 2024                                                                                    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Conscious union and the Larger Life

JANU:    Exploring conscious union is not so much the fact of but the results of the door it opens to possibilities of universal consciousness , of the peace that guides and is guided by the Truth of Life. Let us focus upon not so much the path to conscious union but the path from conscious union, which is not so much vocalizing, publishing, lecturing, but contribution by way of fundamental principles of evolution and enrichment, that which liberates the seeker of the Light and their own union.

Understanding and evolution provide enrichment. “And what is that?” you ask. Enrichment is the fuller at-one-ment with the potential of Life and its creation. Complication diminishes, for the Truth is natural and ever present. Awakening experience is like becoming more alive. With each achievement, perspective is enhanced. Consciousness is more complete. Life in motion is full of fulfillment and love is lived more fully.

Observing the path of others is a good teacher of perspective and diversity on the path of evolving. So this is our focus and so be it.
Jan. 2, 2024                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Mutual enrichment

JANU:   Mutual enrichment is the theme here, the alternative to wars, violent conflict, partisan politics at the expense of the community, of the people. Mutual enrichment belongs to a path of life discovered on other worlds that benefits everyone and reinforces resilience to the challenges of life. Many do not feel resilient or see a path to this. What they see is chaos, disorder, conflicts of interest, and certainly not peace or harmony among the systems of life.

Mutual enrichment includes all of the systems of life, in one form or another. Enrichment is not limited to physicality but to consciousness on all levels. Mutual enrichment comes from a different perspective, a different attitude about the reason for living, the opportunity of living, the destiny of living. Overcoming challenges strengthens the reality of this. Resources for enrichment are depleted in the presence of conflict, violence, struggles for individual power.

Life is rich with opportunity. Inner wisdom is a profound resource not consciously embraced by most. Because of this fragility a few can take advantage of the many, not realizing how they diminish true enrichment. Life is sustainable when being in harmony with it, for nature has its own integrity of existence.

Israel and Palestine are an example to learn from. Surviving with others paying the price is not success, but wasteful of opportunity. Focusing on mutual enrichment brings revelation into these elements of success, when this takes place.

Being on the path of mutual enrichment enriches everyone’s harmony of their systems of life. Namaste.

Nov. 6, 2023                                           Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The Larger Life

JANU:    There are conditions in life that call for a perspective on a scale that seems absurd to most. These conditions prevail and become rewarding challenges, not only for those who accept them but for the expressions of life, all life. Serving the Earth for many would seem to be presumptuous, but the Earth is part of the larger opportunity for supporting the evolution of Life, not only for other worlds but much larger realities as well. Physical existence of the universe is one of many universes, and there are realities of life that are more subtle and diverse. Being conscious and more in touch with the Larger Life brings about changes in one’s perspective and relationship with everything.

This seemingly minute existence has potential beyond the imagination of most. Reflections of time, space, size, distance, and expansion have their reality but also limited. Identity becomes a challenge as well. The appreciation and embracing of an evolving identity, from the personal to the impersonal, is in the same order of the Larger Life which includes everything. So what makes one reality more important than another? It depends upon where you stand in your perception of life. Judging realities by importance is a limitation in perspective.

So, as we explore Life, and are inspired to serve it, we do so not as a separate observer but as one with Life itself and all of its realities. Once again, this would seem presumptuous to most but their perspectives and realities of consciousness have value and importance for all of these are part of Life. Understanding oneness, experiencing it, collective realities, relationships, their origins, their potential and their manifestation is an identity in consciousness and experience. The phrase “Larger Life” is ever present, as is what it represents. Namaste.
July 2, 2023                                                    Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The meek shall inherit the Earth

JANU:    Worlds go through cycles of existence. They decline as others rise. The Earth is in decline in some ways. The peace we speak of is undeniable. For it to dominate a world, it must have opportunity to blossom. No longer just a dream but roots in the culture. The creatures of Earth are ready to respond to the energy creations of civilization. “The meek shall inherit the Earth” refers to this. The levels of anger and frustration are born of decline in confidence of the power of peace. Interpretation of power is limited.

Humanity’s journey does not consciously include the Larger Life, or peace, creativity, oneness, mutual love and support, true freedom to be. These are the norm, but not common. The destruction of worlds is part of nature through the evolution of resources. The re-creation and expression of life in motion seem to contradict this, but life in motion is nature, whose nature is change.  

Express it in this way. A larger, more intimate appreciation of life changes perspective. With intuition and insight guiding the way, no longer the need to blindly stumble into the future, but to realize potential as a consciously larger system of life. Humanity’s potential, as with other species on other worlds, has its beauty. As each one sees this, their commitment to the beauty of life becomes a way of living.

So let us not become angry or frustrated at the destructive elements of civilization, but choose to see clearly and find the beauty of potential. Life is larger than destructive emotions and perspectives. Choose the Larger Life and all it can be. Namaste.
June 21, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross