Awakening is a tapestry of many colors

JANU: We are Janu speaking. Cadence, then, plays a role in awakening. Cycles of life, repeating patterns, evolution of the rhythms of life. When seen from a larger view, experiences, opportunities, wisdom gaining have a cadence in the experience. Not just in incarnate life, our brother. Without a sense of this, the perception is waiting for opportunity, a complete unknown and chance reality. This is part of awakening, you see: sensitivity and perception to the cadence of your own life, which is part of and one with the Larger Life. Even the seemingly smallest opportunities are part of this rhythm.

Life expression is not a steady state. By its nature of diversity, of realities that are connected, rhythms are set in motion, one thing affecting another and being affected by each other. The conscious mind perceives this and recognizes potential interactions. Anticipating this prepares for taking fuller advantage of what transpires. This is but one element of awakening, our brother.

Everything is connected, in so many ways, experiencing ebbs and flows of change, of influence, and opportunities. As awakening continues, perception of potential can be observed occurring in any part of life, including the lives of each other. The life that you are is connected to the life of another. Seeing parts of yourself in another, and parts of them in your own life, is a reality. And not just people, but in everything. We of the Brotherhood of Light live this way as well. Awakening is a tapestry of many colors. Namaste.
Apr. 9, 2018                                                                                    Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 13 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The children will show the way

JANU: Now listen to this, our brother, a new seed thought for the awakening of humanity. The union in consciousness of the human being with their True Nature will be a new dawn in the evolution of humanity. The day is coming when more and more will finally see a new adventure. No longer just isolated here and there but openly communicated to each other with mutual support. A revolution in human behavior and understanding.

And there are thresholds beyond this, our brother, many. For Life has not completed all of its potential, is still evolving. You speak of changes, life in motion. More than you can imagine, for what is Life without this? Becoming aware of so many other realities yields a perspective not found in just one.

The children will guide the way, for they are coming into your world with clarity beyond the veil. These journeys are to help guide their parents, the adults so to speak, to understanding them and providing an environment for them to blossom. They will be a trigger, a catalyst, for the new future of humanity. The challenges will be great. Change always challenges the status quo. Namaste.
Mar. 29, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Being willful

JANU: Enormous is the will, not just to survive the incarnate life but to be your potential. Will takes many forms, our brother, many expressions. The Earth has will. All of matter has will. The will to be. Add any descriptor you like, the will is behind it. Life itself has will, or it wouldn’t be. Allow your will to be. Whatever blessing you choose, whatever service you render, whatever understanding you pursue, whatever healing you require, whatever peace you embrace, whatever love is one with life.

Will is the arbiter of co-creating. The wisdom of its application nurtures it. Will comes from life’s intrinsic vitality. See no manifestation more powerful than the will to be. Being happy is willful. Expressing love and kindness is willful. Allowing life to express its beauty through you is willful. You are the will of Life to be, as we all are. Namaste.
Mar. 21, 2018 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


What is the nature of Life?

JANU: The nature of Life is vaster than the human mind can grasp the totality of. Humans speak of existence but in a limited way, and of non-existence without understanding. What is Life, then, but everything and every no-thing?

Life is. Knowing a portion of it that applies to you is sufficient to nurture every interest, every endeavor, every evolving moment. So the question is less, “What is its nature?” and more to the point, “What expression of it are you part of and do you serve?” The life that you are understands this. Its nature is ‘to be,’ everything and beyond. Not in distance, our brother, but in potential. The collective of every reality is Life itself. Being grateful that there is life reveals more of it to you. The journey is the gift and that is the realization of the potential, the fulfillment of being.

Be at peace. Evolve. Be the life you are, and all that goes with that, you see, challenges, overcomings, revelations, and love in its infinite variety. Grow in understanding, in participation in the Family of Life, the Larger Life, in every singularity. Namaste.
Mar.15, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

Editor’s note: This is a good example of the spiral nature of life. This seemed a good “new” series, only to get this response, and realize we’d done a goodly number earlier. The reader may wish to check out the category “Nature of Life.” 


Being transformed by your True Nature

JANU:    The truth of anyone’s existence belongs to the integrity of their Nature, their True Nature. When observing another, council with the truth of your own existence as you observe. Always honor and respect the truth of their own Nature and be at peace with each other. Even-mindedness and emotional-mindedness are the beginnings of true communication. Such it is with these journeys, our brother.

No matter the challenge that comes your way, choose to approach it in this manner and your love and wisdom will bring success. Having a hunch or an insight is the beginning of exploration into new understanding. The tendency to place degrees of importance or significance on any discovery can limit the depth of understanding of all the others. Opening to the love and wisdom of your True Nature transforms the human consciousness as it realizes its potential. Be steadfast on this journey of awakening. Namaste.
Feb. 7, 2018 B                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Earth and human physical longevity

JANU: We are holding this focus, to explore the realities of longevity and any connection that may occur between that of the Earth and that of humanity.

You ask, “What is longevity a function of?” It is a function of quadrants of existence and the balance maintained between them. These quadrants are an overview of longevity for any physical life form and are designed by, programmed by, the consciousness that will partake of these physical expressions. These quadrants are part of the sphere-like relationship that globally manages the balance, you see. The amount of energies involved varies. It is as a commission in the flow of life to make contribution through experience to the life patterns that describe other life expressions. Now, the nature of these, you see, is unique to physicality and finds different form, so to speak, in non-physical life patterns. Longevity cycles make possible re-patterning, re-programming these expressions, for enhancement of potential.

The Earth and humanity, physically, have a common bond, so to speak, and serve each other. This commitment is a relationship that bows to the impetus to procreate and re-create. For one to enhance the other, to fulfill its potential, there must be a level of empathy. Humanity has yet to learn this. And Earth consciousness is aware of this. Give some thought to this, our brother, and the Earth will respond. Namaste.
Feb. 5, 2018 B                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Successful living

JANU: We recognize the need for prolonged understanding of the true nature of life. Now, beginning life successfully is a function of consciousness. And what do we mean by successfully, you ask. We mean embracing and realizing potential, and potential is fluid, not fixed in any way. The middle way we referred to previously is a beginning. This is a tradition of the evolution of consciousness well-established. Embracing the middle way includes creativity, which includes recycling, which includes evolving any realization of potential or creation and adding more to what has been, and still is. We of the Brotherhood of Light have long agreed with this and embrace even more.

These are steppingstones which lead to that which is more akin to Life. The human journey has much more potential than most realize. Unlimited, unrestricted perception, awareness and experience are part of successful living. Merging the human consciousness with that of the True Nature is an ongoing journey of self-realization. All that you see around you outwardly has reality as its source. The middle way, you see, includes everything in the spectrum of life. The duality existence of dichotomies is a beginning. Namaste.
Dec. 20, 2017 B                                                                      Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Moment by moment freedom 

JANU:    Sealing relations condemns one to the limitations of the sealing, you see. Being incarnate is not what some would call a ‘done deal.’ It is a moment by moment agreement with life, cooperation, association, engagement. All creations are this way, our brother, fluid, adjustable, changing through content at any time. Life is a flexible reality. Nothing is written in stone, even commitments, plans if you will, destinies.

Being in relationships with elements of life is a moment by moment reality, never owned by circumstance. Being at peace leaves one free to understand each moment and its potential, to make choices that reflect desires and enrich the experience. Be not locked into any model of life as an inflexible reality. Continuous renewal, regeneration, and awakening is a life of freedom. Moment by moment, our brother. Even these journeys are engaged in this way. Namaste.
Dec. 8, 2017                                                                                   Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This journey follows closely the personal concerns addressed in Commitment and Beyond.

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.



JANU: Enamored as you are of realized potential while incarnate, one must realize that life is not a ‘level playing field’ so to speak. Each one has different life patterns to work with. Some demonstrative lives, seeming to perform miracles, are only one life pattern of many, those being phenomenon-based. Manifestations of this nature serve to amaze, bring wonderment, but little understanding and ownership of one’s own potential. This is useful to a degree, but there is so much more to be realized.

The goal in these journeys, our brother, is individual freedom, awakening, ownership, personal sovereignty and integrity, and an understanding and engagement of the larger life. Not everyone’s miraculous life is the same. Realizing what you deeply care about is a miracle. Discovering your contribution to life that inspires you, and may inspire another, is a worthy goal.

Life is rich indeed, with many paths, destinies, and accomplishments. Be not envious of the miracles of another, but grateful for those of your own, for it all enriches life. Be true to what lives within you. Breathe life into it, and do your best to fulfill that potential. Namaste.
Dec. 1, 2017                                                                                   Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Life beyond time/space

JANU: Important is the significance of the human journey as it pertains to the expansion of consciousness. Scattered through the universe, incarnate beings exist beyond number. Yes, there are clusters of them in some areas, but most are widely spread, some distance from each other. Humanity is such a one. As consciousness evolves, distance becomes more irrelevant where connection is made, understanding and experience shared, and diversity of life more and more revealed.

Humanity’s contribution to this, in its potential, is the quest for brotherhood. Grouping for mutual benefit and strength through diversity are human hallmarks. The seeming isolation between worlds presents a challenge. A challenge embraced by humanity. Distance as a function of time/space is overcome by awakening to the journeys of the larger life. Humanity has these abilities, when awakened to them, taking exploration and wisdom gaining to higher levels.

Humanity’s achievements in this direction will be a catalyst for many worlds moving in this direction. Everything will change. As the nations of the Earth fight each other for dominance, physically, economically, grouping will dominate these petty differences as a model for joining other worlds. In the journeys of consciousness, the technology, so-called, of consciousness will contribute to discoveries more rapidly than physical technology.

The distances and their challenges between worlds finding common ground and experience has its purpose. There are alternatives to these physical distances and the challenges they present when employing more of the True Nature. Once again, the need for the awakening of humanity to take a larger view of resources yet to be discovered. Not created so much as discovered and employed. Many possibilities exist beyond a time/space perspective. Only one among many that coexist. And the human consciousness and its larger reality has access.

The human journey and experience is not the beginning of everything, but a step along the way. The True Nature is a wider, larger reality of who you are. Expand your time/space perspective of life to include this and enjoy the discoveries. Namaste.
Sept. 20, 2017                                                                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a new series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.