
JANU:    Surveyance or observation can have different tones to it, and styles. One can be observation without engagement. Another can be engagement, with more experience, intimacy. We have known for some time that the form of observation can change appropriate to the moment of that being observed. The consciousness of the moment, of the observer and that observed, have a potential for a disciplined approach that includes mutual benefit and even service to Life. This is true when observing others, whether human or not, any living creature, even worlds. Patience is the key here, as well as motivation, desires.

Researching Life can be dominantly intellectual. Intimacy in observation allows for empathy. A structure to service ensues with natural qualities. Team effort with a multiple of servers. The objects of observation bring unity and harmony that progresses with the flow of life. Becoming integrated consciously with the composite of Life brings depth to the experience. But change is Life in motion, evolving. So what does one hang on to then, if the illusion of stability is entertained?

Being comfortable with change and those patterns in motion gives confidence in outcomes, opportunities, and potential. Exploring Life in motion reveals much. Consider this when opening to a growing understanding and intimacy with Life, including your own. Namaste.
June 23, 2024                                                      Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The Essential Nature of Life

JANU:   The ‘known address,’ as you might put it, of quantum leaps in understanding is in the heart of the matter that resides in harmony with that which belongs to essential nature. And what is the Essential Nature of everything? That which is Life itself and its nature. We regress into this Essential Nature of Life to understand that any inquiry cannot be made without Essential Nature being influenced by it. This foundation of understanding allows for acceptance of an openness to Life’s response. So, does the dog wag the tail, or does the tail wag the dog? They both wag together as their patterns match and are in harmony.

You request understanding of more of life to explore its reality, its potential, its creation. Your science explores cycles of life, beginnings and endings, transitions, re-formations, restorations, coexistences. The physical universe and its parameters of existence are yet to be fully known or revealed, which is only the doorstep, the stepping stone to other realities. So let us pattern match to the universe. The physical universe is a body of Life, with time and space no longer a limiting point of view.

Is the universe alive? And what does that mean? It’s constantly changing, re-forming, cycles of expression. And what is its source of being, as science explores theoretical beginning and ending? And does this really matter when expressing life, realizing its potential, in whatever cycle it is in?

Exploring life can be a distraction to the moment when one is distracted from being conscious as The NOW.  Essential Nature is a relationship with consciousness and Life, which elongates the Truth of Life into the production, expression of past and future. When contemplating your own existence, what do you discover is its truth? What part of your being can you see as eternal, ever changing?

We explore, in this way, the Larger Life that is one with all of its realities. Being timeless, with no permanent borders, removes frustrations, impatience, attachment, biases, preferences, as your conscious relationship with Life is without struggle. Namaste.
June 18, 2024                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Elaborating on the destiny of humanity

JANU: Once more, it is time to elaborate upon the destiny of the evolution of humanity and the Earth. This would be understood more clearly with conscious awareness of other civilizations on other worlds, for there are patterns here of similarity. But humanity is not there yet, for this kind of exploration. Here and there, journeys of this nature are taking place, but not publicly. The paths are not identical, but the outcomes relate. But Life is Life, no matter the coloration or the moment. We all have life in common and it is our medium, our commonality of communication and destiny. But the goal in life is not sameness. It is fulfillment of potential, of diversity, with the commonality of life. One Life, countless faces.

Exploring the search of humanity for life elsewhere in this so-called universe is part of looking for fulfillment and destiny, for that is part of it. But there is so much more to become conscious of and as. A mixture of teamwork, cooperation, and individuality and diversity, mixed together as part of the symphony of Life.

Taking your cue from intuition. Being inspired and then processing opportunities to find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. Always evolving, always growing, always in motion. Fulfilling time into timelessness (LINK to what is discarnate life like? posted 28 June 24). Identity expansion into patience and commitment. Appreciating the limitations of identity into a single sojourn. Becoming ‘conscious as’  reality beyond this. Finding peace in the midst of exploration and new thresholds. Owning that identity is temporary, serving a limited purpose but ready to allow it to expand into something more. Entering thresholds of discovery, exploring them, mastering them, and moving on, all at the same time. Namaste.
May 14, 2024                                                                          Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 To fully explore the concepts here, check categories Other Worlds and Destiny. Also, Destiny of Humanity compiles many of the early journeys on the subject.


A commitment to Life

JANU:   Encompassing possibilities in awakening, in engagement, in outcomes at many times feels like wondering about not only potential but today. Let us assume, then, that as potentials they are real and Life is the source of them all. So, how does one then engage any one of these and bring about a clear understanding as to their nature, availability, and status?

It is done so by a commitment to Life and to its fulfillment. The chips will fall and be fertilized by these commitments. And, of course, opportunities engaged in sprout new ones and life goes on. But its portrait evolves as Life renews and the opportunities flow. Committing to Life dissipates fears, distrust, anxieties, doubts. The focus is commitment to Life’s unfoldment and enrichment. It fills the empty spaces.

So, make a commitment to knowing, to discovering, to overcoming, to growing, to expanding, to succeeding, and to wisdom. Love it all into your life, now.  Namaste.
May 15, 2024                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Recovery begins our journey. Life recovers its momentum with each surge of change. Individual life journeys can be seen the same way, recovering momentum from change. One might see change as recovering newness, freshness, beginnings, inspiration, and insight into outcome and possibilities. Change is an exciting time. One is recovered as more of Life.

Staleness is replaced with new purpose, deepening enlightenment, with echoes of the past succumbing to movement of the future. What changes is The NOW . The Now is alive with potential, the vehicle of Life is the chariot. The directions that are possible are without limit, shaped by the echoes of the past, refined by the potential in the Now manifesting in the future.

Allow recovery by letting identity expand, change, evolve. Evolution and refinement are partners in the Dance of Life. Old acquaintances begin anew. New acquaintances evolve with a history. Discovering each other is the journey of miracles. Discover how rich life can be. Allow the time and patience to enjoy the flavors. Live confident that Life continues and its nature is indestructible, due to recovery. Allow your life as an individual to recover. Others can do the same thing. Namaste.
Apr. 24, 2024                                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU:  We are looking for a fuller and larger understanding of life. Penitence is the word we begin with, due penitence. Embracing life and its potential includes its own reality. What does it mean then to give due to all you have been and are? To acknowledge it, to own it, to love it, to give it to enrich life. The magic of expansion, of ongoingness is to embrace, to engage, to desire that life fulfills itself and we are part of that.

How does one fulfill the potential of everything, whether manifest or not? Being conscious of Life is part of being conscious as Life. Identity separate from universality. Let us focus that revelation and generate life patterns. But there is more. Allow your identity to evolve, which means conscious connection as a Larger Life. This is foreign and frightening to those who are solidly identified as only a part of Life.

One senses unfinished business. The more conscious you are, the more complete the business and its nature. The Larger Life is not just other individuals but other realities and being conscious as them. Engaging, contributing, becoming, fulfilling. Identity shifting does not mean just becoming something else, but adding another part of reality to your being and being that reality. Letting go of limitation does not mean letting go of your Nature but embracing it, becoming conscious of and as more of what you already are.

Some already exhibit remarkable ability as amazing parts of Life. Discover your own and refine them. Love them into your life. Let them become enriching factors to serve how they may. Namaste.
Apr. 19, 2024                                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Life exploring and evolving itself

JANU: “Manifesting Light” is an appropriate focus for individual and group work. Building an understanding of this concept of manifesting the Truth of Life: discovering it, understanding it, being it. And in such a way that another can achieve this in their own way and find inspiration in your journey as well. Manifesting Light has the diversity to be a product of everyone’s existence, for it is as diverse as the potential for Life itself. And the beauty of this endeavor is every aspect of it is connected, mutually supported, and evolutionary.

“Life” a word used by many with limited understanding, unconscious of true meaning of depth and breadth and potential. Good question: What is the history of Life? What has it accomplished? What can it be?

Exploration is an important aspect of evolution.  The desire to know, discover, and become is magical. Life exploring life is a reality, an understanding that opens doors unimagined yet.  Both an individual and collective pursuit.

Every journey begins with initiative and a first step. So, allow your desire to begin and Life will guide you. Namaste.
Mar. 30, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Encumbered to one degree or another is a condition to be mastered. Feelings of regret, guilt, frustration, fault-finding whether with self or another, disappointment and fear best seen as results of living, engaging, exploring, discovering, overcoming challenges on the path of discoveries. Struggles in living are builders of strength and commitment. Follow through, proving to oneself, meeting them, committing to overcoming builds the framework for progression and discovering more of life and one’s own potential.

Take some time to explore a new element, a new framework for evaluation. Cherish victories of the path and each new one. Another’s approval is not as important as your own. Their approvals are based upon their own patterns of life and are their footsteps on their path of discovery. Allow them theirs. Allow you yours. Life knows the difference and cherishes them all.

Be grateful that challenges come. They tell you that you are part of Life and Life is part of you. Find peace in this, and strength. Let it build resolve that life is okay. This is how it grows, realizes potential, and moves on. Allow this perspective to deepen and broaden and reveal the True Nature of Life itself. Namaste.
Mar. 15, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Enormous responsibility?

JANU:    Enormous responsibility depends upon perspective. When considering the magnitude of Life, its depth and breadth, its potential, capabilities, its endurance and longevity, serving it, contributing to it in a meaningful way, one tends to compare the potential of responsibility individually with the magnitude of Life itself.

The wisdom of this perspective needs examination. For are we not the Life, in essence, that we hold in such high regard? Why not consider the merit and the value of all of life, no matter how large or small? Seeing your contribution and potential to contribute in the same way, relieving yourself of the perception of a burden of responsibility beyond reality.

Every moment of sharing the Light, the Truth of Life, no matter the perceived magnitude, is of equal importance, for without it Life is lessened in the manifestation of its potential. Find joy, comfort, and peace no matter the perceived magnitude of Light. Find merit in being grateful that it is so, confident in the Light magnifying, amplifying, evolving and supporting its existence. If there is more you can do, understand, and be, it will come to you. Be alert to opportunities. Understand your own potential and depth and watch it evolve as a natural occurrence, for this is what life does by becoming.

We are all never alone. How can one be, in reality, when you are that Light? So, continue, evolve, be grateful, love each moment. Namaste.
Mar. 26, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The fullness of the moment

JANU:    Many speak of equations, the mathematics of life, the laws of relationships, the progressions and procedures of life. We speak to these as well but in a context of cause and effect, probabilities, interplay of opportunities, and the progression of outcomes. Looking at life in this way leaves the door open for any coexistence of opportunities, progressions, challenges, victories, probabilities and randomness of progression.

 Life involvement is a constant change of potential outcomes because life coexists with itself and all of its potentials. There is balance of progression, outcomes existing simultaneously that can move in any direction at any time. Life is fluid and predictable. Life is potential and, for physical life, there is timing and progressions. Attempting to embrace a concept of life that is simultaneous and based on such alternatives can be a distraction from the moment and the opportunities that exist there.

We encourage a fluid approach to possibilities. Being in the moment, which is where the power is, many look for control of their experience and their progressions. In some ways this is a limitation. Life allows this, but is not limited by it. Flow can move in any direction simultaneously. Living in the moment allows for alertness to possibilities and potentials and communication with Life itself, its creations. It’s more fluid, encompassing and alive than linear progression alone.

Freedom to ‘be’ in the moment, in any moment, allows your systems of life to exist in balanced flow, from moment to moment. Consider this carefully when planning, when responding to insight and conditions of the moment. Being at peace yet well-connected to the realities of one’s existence is Life. Namaste.
Mar. 14, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross