The Now: The Source of Life

JANU:     We are exploring the Now, its nature. We are speaking here of life patterns of the past, life patterns to be, and the source of them. Enriching life comes through living it and its many realities. The past, to some measure, is known. The future is anticipated, based upon these and intuition of potential. The NOW reality is the eternal presence of life as a creator. Identifying with the past or the future is a limitation, with purpose. The Now reality in consciousness is freer than this. It is flowing with life in its motion of expression.

There is life more basic than past and future. It is more causal than even present. Source is a better word than Now. The physical universe has a source reality that transcends past and future, more causal. The past and future are expressions of it. Thinking of exploring the reality of the coexistence of the past and the future liberates one from identity with either. They are creations continuing to create.

What is their nature? What continues their reality? What is the source of their vitality? Including your own True Nature. Lingering in this perspective of inquiry awakens consciousness to Source of Life, yet it is omnipresent in all life patterns in motion. It is pure being and it is not well described as “it” for ‘its success’ suggests boundaries and limitations. What is there, we ask, that is not the Source of Life or part of it?

A life expression being conscious as the Source of Life is challenged by identity with any one expression from it. The purpose of the veil, you see, among others. Being conscious as Now liberates. Namaste.
Sept. 4, 2024                                                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Helping humanity evolve

JANU: A rich gamble, moving in this direction of helping humanity evolve into the Light. Life expressions are a gamble, in a sense. Realigning potential is not written in stone, so to speak. Fortunes of opportunity taken are part of the fluid or movement in an ocean. Revolutions are not permanent, as such. They are stepping stones on the path of potential realized. Life in the moment is the power behind past and future. Focusing the attention in The NOW is more universally revelatory of reality. The freedom illusion of the past and the future are mere shadows compared to the freedom of the Now, of the moment.

So let us explore the moment of reality when observing the past and the future. Namaste.
July 26, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Living life a day at a time

JANU:  What you ask for already exists. No need to re-create it, only to reaffirm. Being at peace is also allowing life to be, to grow and evolve. Take it as it comes and make the best of it. See its beauty, its simplicity, and its diversity. Choose these things. Be in motion and connected.

Accept the gifts of life. There are many. They are with you always. Many are ignored, misinterpreted, and misused. Taking life a day at a time has wisdom. Past and future are only elements of the Now, patterns. Namaste.
Apr. 23, 2023                                                          Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Finding joy in living

JANU: When one experiences the diversity of life, what is there to enjoy, to find joy in, considering the seeming dichotomies? The joy is that life exists and allows the freedom to experience its diversity. The choices to be made are fueled by the desires to discover meaning, solutions: to understand, discover; to gain wisdom; to endure an enriched life; to find peace in the midst of challenge; to awaken to more of life; to find symmetry coexisting with diversity; to live in the moment, the source of everything; to find peace in the Now; to awaken to your Nature; to inspire others by example; to love all of life, including yourself.

Do not identify with challenges, or so-called failures. Let them come and go, and learn from them. Do not get stuck with one footstep on the path. Anticipate the next with wisdom that has been gained. Be the richness of life. Exist to inspire the lifting of consciousness, an opportunity for everyone.  Namaste.
Dec.19, 2022                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

More information on the concept of dichotomies is available, albeit from early in my explorations.


Understanding & experiencing beingness

JANU:    We are shedding more light on the diversity of life as pertains to awakening into the Light of one’s own truth of being, individual and collective light. Let us begin in this way.

What is being? Being is an isness, a reality amongst realities. Its nature is to develop and enrich life through the engagement. Life’s potential of diversity provides opportunity for countless possibilities of development. The natural path of these speaks to what to some might be enormous richness but, as one awakens, one realizes that the micro and the macro are one. Each coexists in the Now. The illusion of separateness, borders, if you will, of expressions of life are a matter of limited perception for the purpose of understanding and exploration. Consciousness and the Truth of Life are partners on the journey of being.

Life itself has potential through expression, engagement, interplay, and evolution. Life in motion is evolving, all of life. No two paths are the same. Diversity is its richness. Every expression makes contribution.

Isness is the key to understanding essential nature of being. So allow your beingness to be, which means to express, to engage, to become one with, to become more conscious. Consciousness of leads to consciousness as, which is a springboard to more. Be life in motion, ever changing. Namaste.
Dec. 7, 2022                                                                 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Living in the Now with freedom 

JANU: The Light is descending upon the reality of the moment, perception of which begins with the freedom of being. To many, this is a fearsome possibility, for the unknown in the veiled existence has much uncertainty. Confidence in the freedom of being is found in the conviction, the hope and desire that freedom brings the truth, the diversity of life, the ongoingness of life, with strength and beauty, clarity and joy, understanding, peace and love. The incarnate life has all of these but the challenges are not seen for what they are, only as confusion, frustration, and life being against you.

Freedom is powerful, indestructible, full of conviction, confidence, and determination. It is in harmony with the Truth of Life. Living in the Now, perceiving in the Now, expressing in the Now shines light upon all of life. Choose to see into the truth of everything. No one is ever alone in this. All of life is connected. Embrace the Family of Life. Namaste.
Dec. 9, 2022                                                                                   Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Living in the Now – 3

JANU:   Being in the Now consciously is powerful, for it combines the illusions of separateness into one all-inclusive reality revealing the connection of everything, the presence of everything, of all perceptions, all desires, and all potential. Opening the consciousness to The NOW  is a reality larger than individual identity, of any sense of separation, isolation.

Creativity is thwarted by isolation. Individual identity continues this. An alternative to individualization is the freedom of oneness. Nothing to prove, justify, regret, or make claim to. ‘Isness’ is peaceful and has its own pattern. Engage life more fully in the Now. Namaste.
Nov. 25, 2022                                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Living in the Now – 2

JANU: The concept of time is worthy of exploration. The social understanding, and scientific as well, has integrated the perception into so much of life experience.

So what is time, then, but that which proceeds? Time is used to measure the speed of progression, the history and the future of progression, but it is imprecise, subject to interpretation and shifting points of reference. Even time, understood in this way, is fluid.

Without a reference, what is time? And if there is a reference, it is also in motion and fluid in its foundation of existence. How does one perceive progression without reference? Life in motion is the reality, but time is part of life as well and is in motion. So it is a temporary frame of perception, to give the illusion of stability, regularity, repeatability, so-called measurement.

Being in the Now resolves the issue of time, for past, present, and future, so to speak, are one. The perceptions exist but simultaneously in the Now. The division of the Now into these three terms of reference, one loses the coexistence of these three and their relationship in the Now. There is a tendency to dwell in one of the three to the point of frustration, lack of control, and futility. The nature in each one to explore and discover feeds progression. So, you see, there is the Now of the future, the Now of the present, and the Now of the past. And each of these three find common ground in the Now.

What is peace, then, but the harmonious relationship between all of the elements of life, of consciousness. These three find peace as their nature is included in the all-encompassing Now. So be at peace in the moment. Namaste.
Nov. 22, 2022                                             Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


More on the Orders of Life

JANU:    Absorbing culture as pertains to the Family of Life presupposes affinity to the Orders of Life that they become entrenched, so to speak, into the patterns of True Peace within the being. Let us assume, then, that these Orders of Life are present, viable, and natural to the flow of life. What we become, here, is an element of something larger than individuality, a contribution to a reality that is life-giving and life-serving. Being in the Now, in the present, is timeless and is synonymous with the flow of life. All is one. Namaste.
June 8, 2021 B                                             Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


A sense of presence

JANU:    Reminiscing is one thing. Progressing potential, manifesting the future, living in the Now broadens consciousness and perception and understanding. The past, of course, is part of this. The Now reveals them as one. The point being, in all of this, is to have a sense of presence no matter the reality, for even time/space is only part of the Larger Life. So focus on experiencing presence when considering the realities and your relationship with them and with each other. Be at peace in this and so much more is revealed.

All elements of being are unique to each other, yet they are still one, each with integrity in a coordination of realities. Such is life. A sense of presence removes barriers to perception. Throughout the being, focus on presence. This is reality. Namaste.
Mar. 9, 2021                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross