Sharing wisdom with other worlds/realities

JANU:   The request for focus is sharing wisdom between other worlds and realities. There are two models for that. One is direct, one incarnate being to another. And the other is indirectly, by way of the wisdom of the subtler realities of Life or, we might say, wiser beings, spiritually.

Direct sharing does occur but not everywhere. In this dimension of physicality, the distance between those less mature helps ensure the maturity of sharing. The Family of Life, you see, has many levels, including many levels of maturity even in physicality. So, when pursuing sharing of wisdom (LINK to 26sep24), allow for it to take different forms depending upon conditions. We have enjoyed, in our journeys, several of these that have occurred when appropriate,* but there is much to be considered. We acknowledge the interest and the wisdom of such but must respect the wisdom of its implementation. The essence of the inquiry may or may not have a recognizable response. Similarly, when each person contemplates communication with another, evaluation takes place on the merit.

Develop maturity through sharing with your own True Nature that understands protocols. Explore one’s own motivations or inquiries. Namaste.
Oct. 17, 2024                                                                 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

*Some examples are First Contact, Lanto, and  Life on Other Worlds & Beyond


The role of patience in awakening

JANU:   We are exploring life and its wisdom. The evolution of humanity seldom takes into consideration the evolution of everyone’s True Nature. This is a so-called team effort, with one part more conscious than the other, temporarily. The wisdom of life is continuation in a realization of its potential in so many ways. The journey of the True Nature in the human consciousness is evolving.

The True Nature has the patience the human personality seldom does. It has to learn that, and its merit. The sense of urgency comes from the result of the veil isolating identity to one sojourn. When one compacts attention into limited time, many opportunities go by unnoticed. Life is richer than most realize and coexistence of its elements requires much patience to engage.

Consider carefully impatience and limited identity. Allow awakening of the consciousness, in every direction. So much is omnipresent to be awakened to. No need to create what already exists. Be an explorer of life, as well as an enricher. Namaste.
Sept. 1, 2024                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Systems of life 

JANU:  The tree is an example of your request to explore life and serve as well. The tree explores its environment, takes from the earth and gives to it, is nourished by it, the Earth. And serves the Earth with vegetation, organic material. A system of life that endures. Humanity and the like do this as well. The efforts at refinement have eddies in the current of life that seem like reversals, contradictions, and destructive. The physical universe is the same.

A system of life includes change, evolution, modification, energy expenditure, all of these things and more. But life goes on. Realizing potential is not a path without these things, but the potential is Life in motion as it is realized. So where is the fault in life’s processes? What ideal might you profess that is superior?

Your True Nature evolves as well, realizes potential, changes, creates, enriches, and is nourished by the processes of life. Timelessness and time/space coexist. Enlightenment reveals this, and its benefits, the processes, the evolution and the enrichment of each other. Viewing life in new ways from time to time is challenging and calls for the patience for insight to reveal its nature. Namaste.
Aug. 30, 2024                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The purpose of this sojourn

JANU:   We are engaging the inquiry: Sojourns and their mission, their purpose, mainly this one.

The scope of possibilities reign supreme. Any one sojourn has a mission of realizing potential, not always a particular outcome but to evolve as a co-creator, to become more conscious, to embrace life. Now, embracing life is not limited to incarnation, but it is part of it and it coexists with the larger Life. Your True Nature has more than one evolutionary journey evolving.

So, when exploring a so-called mission for a sojourn, understand that it’s more than the benefit of humanity, but includes that. Allow the consciousness to expand; identify with more of Life. As your True Nature, own it, so to speak. The frustration will dissipate. Think not in terms of time, only, to evolve. Think more in terms of opportunities, both potentially and present.

The package of life, so to speak, contains more than you know. Be more conscious, in an inclusive way. Find peace in achievement. It is powerful. Harmonious existence clears confusion and apparent contradiction. See all of it as the evolution of Life. Namaste.
Aug. 27, 2024                                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Message for Humanity: Self-worth

JANU:    The human perception of self-worth is the request for focus of exploration of understanding and remedy. This is a dark area for many and societal circumstance paints a dark picture. Hard to shine a light in and illuminate.

What we speak to here is intrinsic worth that one may or may not be aware of. Eternal worth, perpetual worth just by being. Difficult to shake off the life patterns of other’s perception of personal interpretation of relationships. Part of the worth of being is potential. Potential of Life itself and all it can be. One does not own life. One is life. And what would creation be without it?

Now we speak here not just of human beings but all of life. How does one find freedom from misinterpretation but by expanding the ability and the experience of self-love. “And what is meant by ‘love’?” you ask. The intimacy of connection into a purpose, the joy that we discover in ourselves and each other. Your True Nature loves you without question. How could it not? You are it. How can you not love another? For you are One.

The circumstances of life are just the steppingstones on the path of discovery, creativity, rebuilding, modification, experimentation. Experiment freely with an evolving purpose and love of life, but grow in knowing your Nature. Conscious union with the larger You is the journey worth taking. And that journey is filled with adventure and discovery. The freedom of understanding that comes is more powerful than any fear, confusion, frustration, disappointment. They fade in the light of the Truth of Life.

Choose to live in freedom and be all you can be. Love each other and allow them their freedom as well, in your own perception of life. Namaste.
Aug. 13, 2024                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Share & inspire the inner glow of life

JANU:    There is a glow that is experienced within an individual when Truth is realized, True Nature is realized, true potential is realized, and that realization in others is observed. The glow is a response that harmonizes individual’s elements of life through consciousness, their hopes and dreams. Inspiring others and yourself in these ways enriches life. Enrichment can be many things, but it walks hand in hand with evolution, continuation, consciousness raising, oneness and its infinite diversity. So when we choose to inspire others and ourselves this is a beginning. Experience the glow and share it. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2024                                                                 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The journey of awakening

JANU:    The potential of Life is enormous. Being conscious as more and more of Life is part of the process of awakening. In the current incarnate condition of consciousness, for most, the direct experience of life is perceived as physical life. Lip service is paid to the unknowns of being. Many religions try to describe this, but there’s a vagueness about it.

On our journeys, the word ‘our’ refers to the human consciousness and identity as well as the True Nature, the True Nature being the so-called soul or larger being that survives incarnations and is conscious of more of life than the human personality. Conscious union, individually, has its unique life patterns as part of the process of desire by the incarnate consciousness to reunite or become one with the larger identity. The process is described as that which affords continuity and non-interference with a wise and loving pattern of awakening. Integrating a larger consciousness with the incarnate life patterns unfolds in a way that brings enlightenment to both incarnate and spiritual elements of being. Both evolving together in the direction of oneness, fulfilling opportunities of potential; therefore evolving in harmony with life.

Patience means moving in harmony with the natural order which takes all the patterns of life, of all of life, into consideration, so that Life benefits on its path of realization of potential. So, movement takes place from individual identity towards unlimited identity, or universal consciousness. Not to be rushed by unwise desires, uncontrolled desires, but allowed to unfold with patience, confidence, faith in reality, and a love of Life. So, walk the journey of being conscious as more and more of life. Namaste.
May 29, 2024                                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 As this is the basic premise of all I have presented on this website, there are lots of background sources to investigate, if you choose, in whatever fashion suits you. An identically named journey from 2019 offers a slightly different take on the idea, as does Progress on the human journey of awakening  from 2015. For further background, the reader may also wish to check out the page entitled Awakening to the Larger Life, which consists of various links to collections of journeys having to do with awakening.


More on the purpose of life

JANU:   Hearing the call, no matter where it seems to come from, to return to, to know, to understand, to remember your own True Nature is not always understood for what it is, what it means, and who you are. A confusing journey of what to let go of and what to embrace. Identity is in one instance an obstacle, and another an open door. The weight of verification is based upon experimentation, trust, the integrity of experience, and wisdom.

Life seems to have so many faces, each calling in different directions. Determining each one’s source is a challenge. How do you recognize what you are and what you are not, in the midst of all this clamor? It comes to choices, commitments, and discernment. The phrase “love into your life”  is Truth, which your True Nature will reveal. A process of discernment and awakening, verified through application and direct knowing.

We have explored the purpose of life, which is to be. And that is evolving as well, always in motion. Life is not an end point but a journey of being. One miracle of Light among many. Philosophy is one thing. Realization, understanding and wisdom, and creativity is another. Everyone has a friend they can trust: their own True Nature, which is Life in motion. Allow your beingness. Awaken to the truth. Create in harmony with Life. Fulfill its reason for being. Namaste.
May 12, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   Consciousness and self-government. There seems to be trepidation to admitting to the reality of conscience. What do you do with it? How do you apply it? How do you recognize it? How do you understand it? What do you compare it to, if anything? What is its source? Is it reliable? The answers to these, and others, is that it is a journey of exploration, experimentation, application, and focusing attention.

There lives within each one memory and True Nature. Not just of this lifetime, but many. And life not incarnate. Associations with countless others. The experience that challenges time. Discovery of the results of many situations, opportunities, shortcomings and those of others. Much to be learned and used wisely to move along the path of life and example.

There is merit in deciding to know the truth, cause and results, potentials, capabilities. All are in motion. Focusing one’s attention upon the Truth of Life is a great revealer. Decisions based upon these realities have outcomes that are rewarding, as all are when understood. The journey, the walk of life, has unlimited potential. Taking chances based upon best knowledge, best experience, is life in motion. Your True Nature performs well with a living partner, a conscious partner, a continuous partner.

Wonder about opportunities. Contemplate them. Make best decisions and walk those paths to see what happens. Be inspired. Learn from everything. Pause when wise to do so, move with the same wisdom.

These journeys benefit all of life, in one way or another, because all of life is connected. Allow these benefits to blossom where they may, as they may, for as long as they may but do not require them to do so. Be what you can be. Listen more than you speak. Choose your moments as they are offered. Be at peace. Namaste.
Mar. 1, 2024                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The power of choice

JANU: It is part of the goal of all of us to find peace in everything throughout the systems of Life, including the physical, bringing clarity of observation and understanding. This is part of the True Nature of Being; therefore achievable for it already exists. One of the many challenges and opportunities of incarnate life.

See pain, discomfort, challenges as opportunities to find direction, purpose, and fulfillment. They are all temporary, for as long as you need them. They are fulfilling their purpose. Pay attention. Do not disregard. They are Life speaking to you. Own them. Understand them. Resolve them. And move on. No one is ever alone in this. The True Nature is always intimately involved.

There are many in the Brotherhood who serve awakening, enlightenment, creativity, understanding. Allow this to be your experience. It is within you, around you, and has always been there. Become the Larger Life. There are no limits except those self-imposed. The choice has always been yours to make. So choose. Namaste.
July 30, 2023                                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross