Include adventure and discovery in your life

JANU: It can be amazing how much of life there is to explore, not only on the Earth but everywhere and every when, including all that you are.   Society has a tendency to honor and elevate explorers, for they have the courage of adventure and to bring new understanding and enrichment to humanity. The same is true, our brother, for everyone because everyone is an explorer. Discovering how parts of life function. Discovering unknown parts of life. Discovering unexplored capabilities in their own nature. Discovering new perspectives that shed light upon old mysteries. From the smallest part of life to the largest, humanity is explorers. The experience of this keeps wonder alive in the consciousness, invigorates the imagination, and propels the body into greater health to meet the challenge.

Now, part of exploration is the sharing of that gained to enrich everyone’s life who has an interest. Now, as you have said, many unkowns are ‘yet to be revealed.’ But when you discover them, is sharing part of your destiny? And the manner of sharing is as diverse as the people. The point of all of this, our brother, is to be an adventurer, a discoverer, a revealer of the Truth of Life.

The sense of adventure keeps the creative spirit alive in your life. There are no limits to this, for discoveries exist in potential in every reality and there will always be more for the reason that life is still evolving and changing, as do the inhabitants of life. Your explorations are never separate from life, in which we are all one and connected. The nature of oneness compels this. The many and the one are the same.

Listen to your heart. Allow your imagination. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to discover something new to your experience? Find peace in living life as fully as you may. Namaste.

Oct. 30, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Normal elements of an awakening consciousness

JANU: Let us begin by saying that the many groups of mystics such as the Druids, and many others, were skirting on the edges of clarity but possessed to a degree with ritual, symbolism, with an agenda for manifesting power, holding their groups in high esteem rather than the Truth of Life that bore them. A worthy question to those who pursue the Truth of Life in some degree of mastery is ‘Why?’ To know more of life increases one’s ability to serve life. It is not for us to say that life wasn’t served in some way by these mystics, but there lingered the human identity.

Now, your true identity includes the human experience, and many other experiences. So seeking an understanding of the Truth of Life is the source of the question: “Only the human identity or something more?”   One asks, “Where is this True Nature you speak of? What is the truth of its relationship with my human identity?”   It is in the background, subtly present, allowing the human journey to be the focus of experience. But it can be known and be a source of inspiration and guidance as the resource of wisdom and a loving presence of your true integrity and capacity to awaken to more of the truth of who you are.

The Janu spoken of here was created as a vehicle for communication, and more, with the human consciousness. The words are Janu’s selection from your own vocabulary, but the inspiration and the wisdom is from the resources of your True Nature, which are vast. This is not a special dispensation, our brother, but a normal relationship of desire and cooperation in awakening. Nothing transpiring here is abnormal. It may be uncommon, but it is normal.

It is in the destiny of everyone to become more conscious, to live more freely, and find a growing joy in living, and serve life. Being in a state of peace, balanced, conscious, desiring to understand more, not just for curiosity but for an enhanced and loving life. To lift others in one way or another, as needed. Namaste, our brother.

Oct. 29, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding Deity

I had voiced the idea that those living on other worlds have developed their own concept of deity and would not begin to understand ours. This caused some consternation among my listeners and led to this journey.

JANU: We are reviewing your current thoughts on deity. It is a wonderful, a beautiful process of life continuation, the creation of consciousness, desire, and love that grows and changes by the consciousnesses that created it. The collective consciousness of humanity brought to bear upon a deep desire for love and forgiveness, courage, insight, strength, all of the virtues that allow humanity to continue and to prosper.

You are correct. Deity is not unique to the Earth. It has been created many times, according to the desires of those consciousnesses. It is a natural mechanism to master life and, ultimately, open the experience to larger truths. So, you see, our brother, ‘deity’ is a means not an end, not a completion but movement into greater freedom.

People struggle with their relationship to deity by way of confusion, misinterpretation, experimentation, outright rejection. But the deity they have created embraces them, forgives them, and has the patience of eternity. It is very real, created by co-creators, not understanding how the creation can be but benefiting from it, nonetheless. In time, human consciousness will realize it is the source of deities, allowed by Life, grateful for the benefit, and then move on to an even larger life. Another piece of the puzzle of life, understood as it is placed within the larger puzzle, to be explored.

Oct. 12, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Integrity on the path of awakening

JANU: Today’s journey speaks of the relationship between human consciousness and super-consciousness. “What is meant by this?” you ask. Super-consciousness being that of the complete True Nature of each one, which is at one with the Truth of Life. Awakening to this means the integrity of the True Nature of the being merges into one consciously.

The integrity of who you are, which is so important to you, is developed naturally in the human oriented mind. The human mind builds a foundation of essential integrity, the elements of which transcend confusion, disillusion, and doubts. Integrity means you stand in your own truth, which is changing, evolving, maturing, but it is your truth and is a foundation for confidence to continue. So a valid question at times is: What is your truth? How familiar are you with it? How much do you own it?

The power to create is enhanced and its integrity maintained by the foundation we speak of here, for creation occurs after the order of natural integrity, the purity and focus of your own thought. The principle of creating is not based upon scope or magnitude, if you will, for the principles of life apply regardless. Understand thoroughly your principles of integrity, your desires to evolve and awaken and to serve life. Become ever more clear on these.

Key ingredients to awakening, our brother. Always reach for truth, even as your understanding evolves. Namaste.

Aug. 19, 2015                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The function of the True Nature

JANU: We are opening to the possibility of a networked reorganization of human social consciousness. We respect the authority for anyone’s choices in lifestyle, consciousness, as their own True Nature. True Natures aren’t as independent or disconnected from each other as one might think based on incarnate human experience of individuality. There are networks of patterns of involvement, of influence, in the destiny of humanity, individually and collectively. In the field of True Natures, on the one hand wisdom gained from experience, all kinds of experience, is desired. But to be continually in motion of discovery, understanding, and wisdom is desired as well. The oneness reality exists among True Natures as well, and much is shared. It is the prerogative of the True Nature individually.

The True Nature does manage the individual incarnate life, but mostly in the background. The movement of awakening on the human journey slowly changes this. The True Nature is entirely aware of the human journey. Conscious collaboration between the True Nature and the human consciousness evolves to the point where it is difficult to tell one from the other as separate realities. This allows for what we call the ‘networking of consciousnesses’ that collectively can achieve wondrous things.

Many opportunities exist for awakening humanity, but the identification with unawakened reality on the human journey controls, to a degree, this process. And this has a divine timing to it as well, you see. But there are those who want to accelerate this process individually. Their resolve and their patience are tested.

It is true that life does not evolve linearly. The flow and evolution of life is a timeless reality. Time/space consciousness has a strong influence on thinking, exploring, and absorbing the Truth of Life. But it has its own reality as well. A oneness consciousness appreciates all realities in a fluid, dynamic, and changing flow of life. The networking we speak of is part of this. The network is not exclusive, but inclusive to all the realities of living.

It is no small journey to awaken to your True Nature and all that that brings. Just as an infant takes its first step with so much potential beyond it, so it is with awakening to your own True Nature, our brother. The beginning of a much larger journey, and there are many steps beyond that one. Namaste.

Aug. 12, 2015                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Which eyes of perception do you see through?

JANU: We are assembling at this time a bright focus upon the meanderings of human endeavors. Any of which are laudable for their achievements, primarily limited to the incarnate existence. What we explore this morning is humanity’s potential to create in a larger way, utilizing all of its understanding in the physical sciences, but also embracing the science of life in a larger way.

Scientific pursuit keeps bumping into, so to speak, the limits of its approach, not realizing that the larger science of life is where the answers are found. Not only in creation, but in the consciousness of the individual. How does one determine that the wall, the obstacle in their pursuit does not lie somewhere in the physical life, yet undetected, but in the larger life beyond physicality? So that pursuit in this area of life seems less fuzzy, imprecise, vague, but through the desire of awakening, becomes repeatable, trustworthy, and a doorway into larger truths.

The language and understanding achieved in one reality is not as revealing as in another. The structures of understanding must be allowed to grow and change, to pattern match, if you will, with the reality of larger venues of life. So it is internally with your own psyche, thought processes, range of sensitivity to subtler existence. Not so subtle, if you will, when achieved. Direct observation of concrete structures of physicality does not reveal their whole truth to the concrete mind. The larger truth of life includes physicality, but physicality on a much deeper perception of reality.

Life is everywhere, and in everything. No matter what reality you’re focused upon, the deeper truth and understanding has always been present. And the true part of your nature has always been there. So, in a sense, the question is asked: Which eyes of perception do you see through?

Aug. 23, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding destiny

JANU: We are agreeing once more to embrace more of the Truth of Life. For this morning’s journey, let us pursue the interest in that which belongs to so-called destiny.

What is destiny, then, but the capacity to live and create and to be? So destiny is not the destination in the limited sense, but the whole path of living, experiencing, creating, manifesting, and serving life. Loving is part of destiny, but love with vast understanding in meaning. Even when coupling in incarnate life, the passion for each other evolves and deepens into a larger reality than just the partner, you see.

Destiny is potential fulfilled and the creation of new potential. So destiny is better understood when seen as a moment to moment reality. Grow in your awareness of your growing potential as a being of consciousness and intimacy with your becoming. There is no stopping point, for life moves on, as does your destiny. Your destiny, our brother, is not separate from the rest of life. They are one, with mutual benefit every moment.

Understanding the nature of your destiny and its evolution reveals purpose and meaning and even that is changing. Observing another in their life is limited by recognizing a trait or pattern and defining them by it, for even that is changing. Understand, your life is a path of destiny that cannot be defined by one moment of it. Everything is flowing and in motion, changing and growing, evolving, embracing a new expression of oneness and of being. The more you understand your own life, the more you appreciate the uniqueness of another and their destiny.

Endeavor to be at peace as a foundation for accepting and embracing all your destiny can be and the changes that occur in others, whether they understand them or not. You are the Truth of Life. Live it as well as you may. Allow happiness and joy to find you, live within you, and encourage you to continue. Namaste.

Aug. 6, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

For previous journeys on this subject, see Destiny of Humanity


Loving humanity unconditionally

JANU: You have asked to understand and experience the nature of the love that exists for humanity, no matter how outrageous or brutal some can be. It is the kind of consciousness that can forgive and love oneself deeply. As a shared experience with others, the love that forgives without condemnation or recrimination. The love that sees potential and nurtures it. The love that understands and touches the deepest part of a person’s true nature. The love that understands oneness profoundly. The love that does not perceive right or wrong and is always at peace with the journey of life.

There is plenty of brutality in the world, meanness, manipulation of others, cruelty. Practice manifesting this love, exploring its potential, not to agree with or disagree with behavior, but to see beyond that and all that is involved. Practice these things, our brother, not in theory but in life. Namaste.

July 28, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The presence of life

JANU: We are settling in then for a period of adjustment to engage a finer reality of life, enhancing the sense of scope to the reality of presence. Life does have presence, and it takes many forms, each one a unique experience.

Perceiving experiences as forms and expressions of life helps one appreciate its magic, its Truth, its unlimited presence and unlimited True Power. In a very real way, you loved yourself into being as an expression of life and its all-pervasive reality. You are the evidence of this reality, as is everyone else. As is your sense of being separate from, disconnected from other expressions of life. Life’s nature allows this limited perception and the experiences it brings. But, understand this, all of these are known in the presence of life. You never love alone, or think alone, or speak alone, or discover alone. You are never alone. Never have been, or will be.

You created your being to experience life as life. Life is not limited to spirit, but includes all manifestation and all unmanifest. In time, consciousness will embrace individuality as part of everything. So, you see, in this sense you are the physical, the non-physical, and everything else, all at the same moment. Life cannot be separated from itself, whether you are aware if its connection or not. By example, many of a religious nature accept the point of view that the Christ left the physical body and is gone. But that consciousness is not gone. It is present as part of the True Nature of everyone and was before it was incarnate. The essential nature of that reality is part of everyone. It is life, manifest and unmanifest.

Much to be understood about the truth of oneness. And we are all one. Namaste.

July 31, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The nature of true service

JANU: We are welcoming once again an understanding about life. What passions do people have about loving life and each other? Not based on reward of any kind, or fear, or compensation, even without witness to the results of the giving. Where does that come from? What is its source? Why is it not a common way of life?

Giving to another without requirement, even as one is given life without special requirement, has to do with the nature of being. To be loving, true to your being, is effortless. The incarnate life has challenges, even to its survival. The love we refer to includes this, but is much larger.

So what is service, then, that does not interfere with an individual’s destiny? The knowledge of this comes from the part of you that carries the wisdom and the experience and the connection to understand each opportunity on its merit. Let there be, then, within your consciousness, a willingness to adopt and understand the Truth of Life, as you are able. But the desire is always there to serve. That is the commitment and the passion between all elements of life. Without this, life can seem empty and without the natural purpose that continues the flow. Listen to the Truth within you. It is your wisdom and your love of life. It is who you are. Namaste.

July 3, 2015 B                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross